Thursday, July 18, 2019

Four Little Drama Queens Dancing On Air

After a weeks-long sabbatical, wherein your erstwhile and humble blogger toured the Maya ruins of Mexico - well, some of them, anyway, and sampled some presumed traditional Maya food - and after returning home to witness the antics and hysteria of the notorious Four Mean Girls (FMGs), it's now crystal clear to me how cultures can implode, self destruct, and just disappear from the planet.

No one really knows how or why the Maya people and their culture - or the Olmec before them -  mysteriously disappeared, but my good friend and professional anthropologist Guillermo and I think they just "left the world."  The Maya had a strong belief in practical metaphysics, and their shaman were expert in manifesting and altering reality.  So it's safe to say that they simply left this world for another.  Our modern western culture doesn't lend much credence to that kind of reality manipulation unfortunately, so many eyes will roll when reading that sentence.  But what is, is, whether one believes it or not.

But back to the FMGs.  These drama queens are set upon destroying the greatest cultural achievement in history - the idea of self governance for and by the people.  They each have a different agenda, but have unified in one distinct goal:  Kill the American idea.  

One of them wants to turn the United States into a Islamic theocracy and instill sharia law.  Another wants to eradicate Israel and all the Jews and make Palestine a world player.  Yet another wants to eradicate the Caucasian race, and make the world a Negro paradise.  And the last, perhaps most vocal and vapid of them all, doesn't really know what the hell she wants.  Maybe like a communist or socialist state kind of, where like, rich people pay for college and stuff.

The combined intelligence quotient of these FMGs is approximately one-quarter that of the president's.  So there's that.  But as we have learned in recent decades, truth and logic often fall victim to loud and shrill.  And these harpies, dumb as they are, are both loud and shrill.  Annoying, yes, but also fun to watch.

But it matters not.  Because unlike the Maya, whose shaman could actually alter reality and who deliberately left little trace of their culture, these idiot FMGs are ideologues who seek the destruction of a successful and fuctioning culture that brought freedom to all, only to replace it with old, failed and dismal freedom sapping tyranny.

But not having any spiritual or metaphysical capabilities, all these FMGs can truly do is dance on the air of their insidious nonsense. 

Friday, June 28, 2019

Deep State Strikes Back

Image: Google whistleblower bombshell: Search engine used social justice warriors to train its AI systems to suppress all conservative views (and block “another Trump” from happening)The snake that we describe as the Deep State, far from being slain, has again reared its ugly head, and demonstrated how far toward Marxist Totalitarianism we've gone as a country.  Without question, it is now an undeniable fact that the keeper of information - the behemoth Google - is firmly a fascist, anti-American seditious organization working in concert with the DNC, the national media and the Deep State to undermine a sitting president, preventing him a second term, and attempting to reverse the fair and final 2016 presidential election.

Project Veritas, the last of the investigative journalism organizations, released a bombshell report and video that reveals that GOOGLE has done more to ‘meddle’ in U.S. elections than anything claimed in the Russian hoax ever did.  But will there be charges?  Here's how the National Sentinel put it:

Once again we have the intrepid investigative journalists at Project Veritas to thank for exposing the biggest election scandal of 2020 thus far that has nothing at all to do with Russia. 

According to details published by PV and accompanying video taken by its undercover journalists, Google has managed to hire a gaggle of brainwashed Left-wing sycophants who religiously believe they are ‘saving the country’ by altering AI algorithms to filter out any and all pro-Trump content from independent and conservative media on the world’s biggest search platform.

In fact, according to one of them, the AI algorithms are designed to filter (censor) content in such a way so that Google can single-handedly prevent the “next Trump situation” — that is, his reelection next year.

“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again,” said longtime Google employee and head of “Responsible Innovation,” Jen Gennai.

How? “We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?” she added.

Busting up Google is “very misguided,” she claims, because “all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

So, there you have it: Google’s singular reason for existence today is to prevent a second Trump term.

Jen Gennai Google
Jen Gennai and Google:  Enemy of the people
So here we have the ubiquitous Google, in their own words, transforming itself from simple and helpful search engine to uncontrolled kingmaker.   

But it gets worse.  The PV video itself, close to getting one million views on YouTube, was suddenly taken down.  YouTube is owned by Google, and has recently arbitrarily censored a number of  conservative voices recently, either by outright taking their videos down or by demonetizing those channels.  But you can watch the entire video on the Project Veritas website of Google's Jen Gennai happily describing how Google will attempt - by manipulating algorithms - to reject any search results favoring or supporting of Donald Trump.

So there can be no doubt.  It's not a tinfoil hat conspiracy fantasy anymore. Against the wishes of the majority of Americans, Google is voluntarily in league with the Deep State to transform America into a totalitarian state.  

Our forefathers are rolling in their graves.

Friday, June 07, 2019

Arkancide Reactivated?

It's probably just a coincidence.  Just some random occurrences.  But two former Republican state senators have been found dead in their homes.  As in deceased.  According to police investigators, both cases are being treated as homicides.  That means they were murdered, and within two days of each other.  One in Arkansas, one in Oklahoma.  But this is eerily similar to the rash of deaths in the Midwest and elsewhere during the Clinton years, when folks who knew the Clintons, and knew of their various nefarious criminal dealings, suddenly and inexplicably were found in a state bereft of life.  That means not breathing.  Dead.

First, former Arkansas Sen. Linda Collins-Smith was found in her Pocahontas residence, some 145 miles northeast of Little Rock.  That's in Clinton's backyard.  Her body must have been there for a while, because the condition of the body prevented an immediate positive identification. It has since been sent for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.  But it's being treated as a homicide.

Then former Oklahoma state senator Jonathan Nichols has been found dead of a gunshot wound at his home in Norman, Oklahoma.  Norman is about 350 miles from Little Rock, straight along I-40.  It's a half day drive.  A gun was found on a table across the room from his body.  The case is being investigated as a homicide.

Interesting.  As Attorney General Barr's investigations into the dirty, treasonous activities of the Deep State widens, it becomes ever more obvious that our gal Hil had everything to do with the attempted silent coup d'Ă©tat against a duly elected sitting president.  She initiated it, she paid for it, and she ran it through cutouts in the legal profession and in the upper echelons of the intelligence community.

So is the blood of these Republican state senators on her hands?  If so, what did they know?  Is desperation closing in on the Hillary Crime Syndicate, and because of that,  is she enforcing the silence of those in the know in the tried-and-true method of simply snuffing them out?  If that's the case, the Clinton body count continues to grow.  We'll soon see.

Leave no witnesses.  That's how Arkancide is played.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

War Like No Other

Tomorrow, June 6, is the 75th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy, the largest amphibious assault in history, and the bloodiest.  It was the beginning of the end of World War II, at least in the European Theater, as over the next eleven months Operation Overlord liberated Europe from Nazi occupation.  Most of the veterans of that war are no longer with us, but the enormity of that single day can been revisited through excellent - and accurate - movies such as Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day, as well as the portrayal of the ongoing war in Europe through Patton.

By any measure World War II was a war like no other.  It was prosecuted on a global scale, as fighting occurred on every continent.  In the United States alone, there were over seven million men under arms.  In contrast, major military conflicts arising since that time involving the United States - such as Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan - have been limited to relatively confined geographical areas.  Even the Global War of Terror, which is still underway but essentially sporadic in scope, is geographically confined.

Which brings us to an interesting situation in the twenty-first century: how we define "war."  In the twentieth century, two world wars were fought, and they were clearly wars between identifiable nation states.  The enemy was easily definable:  mainly Germany, Italy, Japan in the second world war.   But today we fight - not nation states per se  - but the ideology of totalitarianism in all its evil manifestations.  Specifically, I'm referring to Islamism, Marxism, and Statism.  These ideologies are belief systems, and by their own declarations, are our enemies.  But they aren't necessarily an embodiment of a  particular race or national culture, although they do take residence in certain identifiable nations.

These "isms" are an idea.  And how do you fight an idea?  Invade its shores?  Bomb its cities?  No, you can't.  We must fight - and kill - the very purveyors of this hideous cancer that eats away at human liberty and dignity.  If we don't, they will kill or enslave us.  They have told us they will. To me, that's an easy choice.

But collectively and individually practitioners of these ideologies have declared war on Western culture and values in general, and on the United States in particular.  Islam is a global menace that infests nearly every country on the planet, except perhaps Hungary and Myanmar, where Islam and its adherents are simply banned. And rightly so.  Other countries, like Poland and Japan, have measures that ensure that their citizens are protected from the ravages of the insane seventh century death cult.

But contrast that to the US, where our politicians worship at the alter of political correctness.  These folks hold the view that all ideas - except conservatism and Christianity - get equal time and equal weight.  Yet the countries that have banned or limited Islam have escaped the violence and death brought on by Muslim ideology.  The US hasn't.  In fact, we elect them to the halls of congress.  The cause and effect seem pretty clear.

The un-elected bureaucrat statists here in the US, known as the Deep State, have employed Marxist doctrines for years, and they seem to find a kindred spirit in Mohammedanism; any concept that threatens the idea of individual freedom and liberty is viewed as an ally to them.

So we free citizens of the US face a threat - a war - on three fronts:  the existential threat of Islam usurping American culture and sovereignty from within; the threat of communism and socialism attacking the US from such nations as Russia, China and even Cuba; and the internal threat of political subversion from corrupt and venal un-elected statists attempting to overturn a duly elected presidents.

So by any measure this conflict will become this generation's war.  The enemy, while known, is vague and elusive.  This war will need to be fought with an iron will and a steely resolve.  It's a war of ideas, and the first battle will be cerebral: identify the enemy, assess his weakness, apply it and destroy him.  It will be different than the wars of the past, and we had better be up to the task.

Truly, it will be war like no other.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Summer Schadenfreude

Sometimes it's just necessary to engage in a little schadenfreude.  That's a German word that means taking delight in the suffering of others.  And while this writer tries - real hard - to maintain a Christ-consciousness regarding his fellow Homo Sapiens, at times taking delight in others' misfortunes just can't be helped.  Especially so when the recipients of that glee are so well deserving.  

And there are several recipients that really deserve it.  Here's why.

It's my contention that the American form of self government is one of the greatest social systems ever devised by man. (Of course, if you read the founders' thinking as they developed this system of government, you'll note that there was more than a little divine intervention goin' on.)  But that aside, the American Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights leave no doubt as to who was the ultimate source of this self governance.  The founders were clear in describing how it would be self sustaining, and thus ensure freedom and liberty to and for the people it served. 

And now there comes a cabal - the deep state - that seeks to render that magnificent system null and void. That by definition makes them my country's enemy.

Which One Of The Spygate Rats Will Flip First?
Who elected these rats?
It is now crystal clear that the entrenched, un-elected bureaucracy that runs things in this country has been exposed as having attempted a coup d'etat against a duly elected and sitting president.  So it's fitting that we're watching these denizens of the swamp, having been now exposed for the rats they are, running for the tall grass as they try to escape arrest and conviction.

Imagine my joy - my schadenfreude - observing this.  But as we all know, and as history has shown us, those at the tippy top of this treasonous mutiny will likely go unpunished, and it'll be the underlings and middle management left to take the fall.

But then again perhaps not.  Many folks are placing bets as to which of these rat-bastards will be the first to flip and rat out the others.  The panic is high in the swamp, because it appears our gal Hil will not escape this one.  Her support is gone and she's now politically toxic.  And when - not if -  Hil goes down, her puppet master, the despicable Kenyan, will fall as well.

Image result for hillary and obama
Best and brightest?  Not hardly!
Hillary Rodham Clinton and the despicable Kenyan - I use this moniker because I'm never sure which of his many fake aliases to use  - will try to slither away.  Their public relations firm - and by that I mean the mainstream media - will continue to provide cover for them both, allowing them to continue to throw their fellow conspirators to the lions. 

So for the Dems, what now?  Amazingly, the DNC is grooming First Lady Michael Robinson for a run at the White House in 2020, but that hasn't been officially announced.   They will wait until all of the two dozen or so democrats now running either self destruct or are indicted.  And it will take more than the fawning media to get Moochell elected, because, well, for one thing, it didn't work for Bill Clinton to be First Husband, and it sure as hell won't work for the Kenyan's wife, or husband, or whatever.  And besides, even Joe Biden is smarter, more articulate and more popular than Moochell.

So in the next weeks and months, revelation after revelation is expected to come from the investigation into this coup d'etat.  And many guilty heads will roll, or at least  be publicly and forever shamed.  But maybe this time justice will defeat the heads of this treasonous hydra, and decapitate them one by one. 

And if that happens, joy will flood the land!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Axis of Tyranny's Epic Fail

Democrats, RINOs, mainstream media, deep staters and other un-elected bureaucrats hate President Donald Trump. The reason why is obvious.  He's not one of them.  By their reasoning, no outsider - no matter how rich, how white, or how connected - can ever ascend to high office but through them.  And Trump didn't.  He, like Ronald Reagan before him, took his message directly to the electorate, bypassing the need for approval and benediction of the biased anti-conservative media and their puppet masters.  How dare he?  

Granted, his personality traits could be said to be, well, brusque and uncivilized. Like any typical New Yorker, he's brash, arrogant, undiplomatic at times, and sadly lacking in thoughtful articulation.  And that made it so much easier for them - all erudite and cultured in their minds - to hate the guy. 

But the people love him.  The reason why is obvious.  He's perceived as one of them. He has balls.  He talks straight.  He gets things done.  He keeps his promises - to the extent congress lets him.  And, like the people he represents, he hates big government, tyrannical un-elected power cabals, and especially threats to the nation, however they may manifest themselves.  And because Trump is more popular with the people than the faceless beings that have taken over the federal government, those in the deep state fear for their continued existence.  And we just can't have that.  So the axis of tyranny attempted to take him down and continue its coupe d'etat against a duly elected sitting president.

Is it any wonder that the greatest scandal in American history would occur now, when the far left has so much momentum?  After eight years of hostility to certain identity groups, pitting Americans against each other, what other result could be expected, when every single American tradition is turned on its head?

Of course not.  In the prosecution of their anti-Constitution goals, the radical left - by that I mean the Democrat Party and its adherents - can be seen pulling out all the stops to get rid of Trump.  Their attempt to overturn an election failed, notwithstanding the phony, made-up accusations that every thinking person in the world laughed at.  It was a demonstration of their immature tantrums wielding a big stick. 

Now at last the Mueller Report has come out, and everything the left accused Trump of doing has been shown to be a lie. But no matter, the left will continue with their false narrative, spinning the truth to support their fallacious agenda.

SPYGATE: With the Release of Mueller’s Report, The Greatest Political Scandal and Media Hoax in U.S. History has Unraveled
The enemy
But this time the Republicans and the American people aren't going to take this outrage lying down.  There will be investigations into the "investigators," and those who engaged in treason and sedition will be brought to justice.  I'm referring to the American idea of justice; one justice for all.  

So of course the Marxists are beside themselves.  They are bullies, and they just got their collective asses kicked. It's yet another example of an epic axis of tyranny fail.

As another failure drives them further round the bend, Trump beats them and continues to beat them.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

What Did You Expect?

The entire online media is abuzz with indignation resulting from freshman Muslim Democratic MN Representative Ilhan Omar's comments downplaying the Muslim attacks of 9/11.  To refresh our memories, here's what she said in a speech last month at a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations:

"CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."
"Did something?"  Three thousand innocent American civilians lost their lives in those terrible few hours.  The world was shocked at the audacity of that attack, while Muslims danced in the streets.  And exactly what civil liberties did she and her fellow cultists lose?  Muslims in this country have become a protected class, and as such are virtually untouchable.  And suppressing any criticism of Islam or its activities is CAIR's expressed mission statement.  But to add insult to injury, and to further prove her insensitivity for the innocent lives lost, she continued:

". . . [I urge] Muslim Americans to make people uncomfortable with their activism . . ."
Unbelievable.  Can you image if a conservative said something like this about, say, black on black crime in Chicago? Of course her fellow Muslims, along with the intellectually challenged AOC, wasted no time in defending her. After all, making people uncomfortable has been the Muslim Brotherhood's standard operating procedure for decades.  It even has a written plan for the cultural jihad of North America.  That is a plan to eradicate our democratic republic of self governance, and replace it with sharia law.  I wrote about this in depth in these pages last August.  Read that post again here.  

Image result for muslim invasion And our gal Ilhan is working that plan.  On page 18 is a list of the Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the United States. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR (Council American-Islamic Relations), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) and others are named here as Brotherhood organizations.  Far from being benign, these  front groups are in effect the Muslim Brotherhood itself, which has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Nations, and even by the FBI while it was under the Kenyan's control, who actually supported the Brotherhood and its activities. But to further drive the point home, the Brotherhood's motto is: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

So there you have it.  That's who CAIR is.  Yet she begs for money from this known terrorist group, one that was founded as a sworn enemy of the United States.  And while there she's saying some very subversive things like inciting violence against Americans.  Further, she's not even accurate about CAIR's founding.  It was actually begun in 1994 in response to the movie True Lies, which the perpetually offended Muslims considered to be negatively stereotyping jihadists.  It's a comedy staring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, and the story line was pretty much spot on, but no matter.  But our dear Ilhan is not merely a misinformed loose cannon.  Oh, no.  She's promoting the jihad operation of the cultural conquest of the US as outlined by the Brotherhood.  She's a foot soldier, but not for the Americans of the Minnesota district that elected her.  Nope.  She's on the front line for Islam. She's a hijab flaunting, in-your-face subversive.  And the democrats will circle the wagons and see to it that nothing is done to her; no recrimination, no loss of committee memberships, and no loss of her job representing Minnesotans.
The hijrah clock image above is a great visual graphic that describes the timeline about which we should be concerned.  The Arabic word hijrah basically means the Muslim Era.  But in this context it also means emigration, referring to the Islamic emigration - invasion - into Western countries.  Spreading out.  Taking over.  There really is a plan.  They've told us about it in their own words. And they are actively implementing it, as noted in the image, by placing Muslim operatives in congress.  Yet a lot of folks still don't fully realize the threat that Islam as a ethos, and Muslims as its practitioners, pose to the American culture.  

So perhaps in a misguided attempt to be politically correct, or tolerant, or worse, "woke," these poor souls in Michigan and Minnesota are committing cultural suicide by electing these enemies to the halls of power.

A great parable that demonstrates this folly is the story of the scorpion and the frog.  The scorpion convinces the frog to take him across the river, promising not to sting him when they reach the other shore.  The frog relents and takes the scorpion across, and the scorpion stings the frog to death.  Dying, the frog asks, "I did what you asked, why did you sting me?"  The scorpion answers, "You knew I was a scorpion.  What did you expect?"

Muslims in congress.  What did you expect?

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Havana Port, Cuba
I just got back from Cuba.  The irony in that is what should have been a relaxing mini-vacation found me instead in an oppressive, hostile country.  The end result is that I lived through it - I avoided both arrest and detainment.  

Cuba is a paradox.  It's a country stuck in the 1950s trying desperately to find its way into the 21st century.  But with blood-soaked Raul Castro at the helm, that journey is unlikely.  Thank God time waits for no man, and the tyranny of the Castro brothers and their vicious attack dog Ernesto "Che" Guevara  will - as all tyrants do - fade into the fog of history.  

While I found the Cuban people themselves to be largely self reliant and for the most part complacent, it's the oppressive dictatorship that prevents the entrepreneurial creation of wealth that would benefit all Cubanos.  This underlying oppression is blatantly evidenced by the saturation of pro-Fidel and Che propaganda in the form of murals, posters, art, and other visual media.  Incidentally, the elder Castro brother is referred to as simply "Fidel", an attempt to instill forced admiration, no doubt.  

Typical rococo architecture
The old American '50s cars are cool, but they're just for show.  They are mostly taxis for tourists in Havana, running along the Avenue del Puerto and in front of the Plaza de San Francisco.  Most Cubans can't afford cars, and those who can, usually drive either Russian or Chinese made vehicles.  The Cuban cigars are still excelente, and the local rum is rich, smooth and exquisito.   

But unless and until Cuba can become a self governing nation, the culture, like those marvelous architecturally remarkable buildings in Havana, will continue to decay.  

And that's a damn shame, because the island itself is a geographical paradise.  Tropical Caribbean  beaches.  Lush jungles.   Mountain plantations.  Unfortunately, currently it's kind of a mess.  It suffers the ravages of non-existent stewardship: there are no clean water, clean air, or anti-pollution laws readily visible here.  Were it to be cleaned up even as it was in Hemingway's time there, it would quickly become a viable world economy.  

Perhaps Cuba's return to a somewhat democratic, laissez-faire government, as it was in the recent past, would enable a rising cultural and economic tide that lifts all Cuban boats, thus ending its dependence on other communist nation states.

And then Cuba would be a viable, self sufficient world class player in the 21st century.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Stick A Fork In It

Outrage.  Where's the outrage?  Recent developments this last week has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the demise of justice is complete.  Et mortuus est; it is dead.  There should be armed citizens in the streets, not only demanding, but seeing to it that those perpetrators of injustice are hanged by the neck in the public square.

The first travesty of justice is the political theater surrounding the ongoing coup de e'tat against a duly elected and sitting American president.  With the Mueller report out, clearly revealing what every critical thinking American already knew, is that there is no Russian collusion by the Trump campaign.  But what has come to light is that, first, the real collusion with Russia was conducted by the Hillary Clinton campaign designed solely to torpedo Trump's presidential campaign.  (We'll set aside for the moment details of the infamous deal Hillary cut with Russia by selling off a significant amount of the United States' uranium assets).  And second, that the Democrat Party, enabled and emboldened by their conspirators the MSM, invented the entire matter, and perpetrated this scam with fake news for two-and-a-half years.  In case you missed Civics 101, those kinds of actions are defined as treason and sedition.  And those are hangin' offenses.

The major players in this coup, those at the tippy top of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, continue to walk free as we speak.  The public trust in those organizations will continue to erode proportionately with the length of time that goes by before they are formally arrested and charged.  But I won't hold my breath.

To add insult to judicial malfeasance, the Jusse Smollett case is a perfect example.  Here's a black homosexual B-list actor who fakes a racial and sexual "hate" hoax, and basks in the victimization that the race baiters and MSM heap upon him.  But after the Chicago Police Department investigates his complaint, it becomes painfully obvious that he faked the whole thing, including hiring a couple of Nigerian immigrants to act as the perps.  He's charged with filing a false police report and felony disorderly conduct, arrested and  jailed.  Now comes a Kenyan-regime lawyer, and viola!  Overnight, the despicable Smollett is not only released, but all charges against him are dropped.  Even the far left Chicago mayor, Rahm Emmanuel, is rightly outraged.  Now that's what I call black privilege.

But wait.  These are just unfortunate and unrelated instances, one may point out.  Hardly an indictment of American justice and rule of law, one may posit.  Nope, I'm not buying it.  In both cases, that other despicable Chicago organizer has his Marxist, homosexual fingerprints all over it.  He has to perpetrate his "legacy," after all.

It's apparent that now have a two tiered justice system: one for the privileged and well-connected, and one for the rest of us.  Worse, these law-breakers are actually rewarded for their deceit and criminality.  This country's founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

So unless and until there is an overwhelming public reaction against this blatant corruption at DoJ and FBI, there is no way that American jurisprudence can survive.  Republicans in congress are screaming for investigations, but we can be forgiven for having a degree of skepticism.  We'll see.

So you can stick a fork in fair and blind American justice, because it's done!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

About Goddamn Time

The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.  Even the established leftist global thought police is struggling to figure out how to spin this one.  But the fact remains that 89 Muslims were shot or killed in assaults on a couple of mosques in New Zealand.  And it's about Goddamn time.

Before you accuse me of being insensitive or a monster, let me refresh your memory.  It is Islam that has been conducting terror on civilization in general and Christianity in particular for over one thousand four hundred years.  After Mohammed's - the self appointed prophet - death in 632 AD, Abu Bakr, the new Muslim caliph, launched the newly established cult of  Islam into fourteen centuries of continual bloody conquest and subjugation through invasion, terror and war.  And it's a role Islam continues to this very day.  When their vicious, savage and primitive onslaught becomes too much, civilization reacts; it defeats them and knocks them back into their seventh century desert hives.  Or Afghan caves.

This is one of those times.

It happened before on September 11, 1683 (that's a familiar date, isn't it?) at the siege of Vienna, when the Islamic Ottoman Empire was crushed by Christian Europe.  Saxon, Pole and Austrian allies turned back the Muslim attack on Vienna, then seen as the gateway to Europe.  They ultimately defeated the the vicious Turk "Black" Mustafa, whose goal was to conquer all of Christian Europe and fold it into the caliphate.  

And perhaps it happened again Friday in Christchurch, New Zealand with attacks on two mosques, perpetrated by as many as four people - facts are changing on an hourly basis at this time - resulting in forty-nine Muslims killed and some thirty-nine wounded.  For those individuals harmed, my sympathies.  For their ideology, my condemnation. 

What if, in the face of the abject failure of national leaders to effectively rid civilization of this insane cult, individuals took matters into their own hands, and applied vigilante justice to the problem?  Would that action "raise awareness" of Islam's vicious methods?  Of its incessant aggression?  Of its stated cultural jihad?  Not in this case, because New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's initial response to this reaction is to further tighten New Zealand's already extremely strict gun laws.  Further, the globalized media has already condemned the shooter(s) as being white supremacists, whatever that is, ignoring completely one shooter's manifesto praising communist China - which is neither white nor Christian - as his preferred master.  But no fault whatsoever may be lain at the feet of Islam.  No questions ever arise as to the inherent incompatibility of Western and Islamic cultures.  Nope, it's always bad white guys with guns.

However, one brave voice, Sen. Fraser Anning of Queensland, has uttered the dismal truth. "Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?"  Of course not.  Ask that of Sweden.  Or of London.  Or of Minneapolis.   He also noted, " . . . the real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place." 

Well now.  Speaking of speaking truth to power.  He's right and we can't have that. Watch now as the "woke" Islam apologists, fascists that they are, begin their inevitable destruction this man's career, life and family. 

But what if there's a new view, a new tactic, in dealing with Muslim atrocities? One that brings the battle to ground level, fought by individuals?  One on one.  Mano a mano.  What do you call a citizen-non-soldier?  The lone wolf?  The patriot?  The minuteman?  We may now have a new paradigm that is willing to fight fire with fire.

Terrorize the terrorists.  Random.  Unexpected.  Brutal. 

Even John Miller, New York Police Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counter-terrorism, sees it in this way, too.  He recently said the New Zealand attack was further evidence that, "in terms of tactics, the neo-fascist groups, the white supremacists, are borrowing from the ISIS playbook."  By using those labels I'm sure he's referring to civilized, informed and responsible citizens.

But if he's right, and it would appear that he is, it's about Goddamn time.

Friday, March 08, 2019

Hate That Speech

I rise in favor of hate speech, whatever that is.  Before you roll your eyes, let's look at the topic dispassionately.

Speech is speech.  I've addressed this recently in these pages.  There's no such thing as hate speech. What is referred to as hate speech is merely a pejorative label that some people in power have assigned to ideas and opinions with which they find objectionable.  What may be hate speech to one is simply an opinion to another. And the concept of hate speech, not surprisingly, is a construct of the Marxist left.  If we must be tolerant of others' worldviews and opinions, as they so often and loudly proclaim, why do we have a concept of hate speech at all?  Aren't those on the left advocating for a free and open dialogue and tolerance on all things?

No, they are not.  The left realizes that the right to not be offended supersedes any right to utter a contrary opinion.  And being offended is a natural right, according to the left.  Let's take just one recent real world example regarding antisemitism.

David Duke, ilhan-omar AP
White and Black anti-Jew.  So what?
Dr. David Duke has, throughout his career, maintained that he believes the Jews are the cause of most of the world's troubles.  And it would seem that freshman congressman Ilhan Omar agrees with him.  Duke is, according to those knowledgeable in the matter, a "radical racist, white supremacist, and anti-Semite," and Omar is a black Somali Muslim, but apparently not a radical racist, black supremacist, and anti-Semite.  Both have served in Congress, and both have a negative opinion of Israel in particular and Jews in general. But Duke's opinion about Jews is condemned as hate speech, but so far Omar's is merely a misstated tweet.  The media and pundits on both political sides decry Duke's endorsement of Omar, because anything or anyone Duke supports or endorses is the kiss of death to the recipient. Most folks would condemn their positions on Jews as being hateful, anti-Semitic and bigoted.  Those folks say you can't say anything derogatory about Jews.  That's bad.  And they may well be right. Others may passionately and vigorously disagree.  They may say you can't say anything derogatory about Muslims.  That's bad.   And they may be right.  But the left is out of its mind being offended by an opinion on Jews.

So why should I care if Duke and Omar hate Jews?  Why should I care that Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton hate white people?  Why should I care if Jews hate Muslims, or Muslims hate Jews?  And why should I tolerate the left's demand that I condemn anyone simply because of the left's condemnation?  What if I share some of those offensive-to-the-left's opinions?  Is that hate thought?

I'm free to form my own opinions, my own biases, my own ideas, and my own likes and dislikes.  I'm free to express those positions and ideas vocally.  If that offends someone, they have the right to simply not listen to me, or certainly disagree with me.  But they do not have a right to not be offended.

So as a society, let's grow up, and be mature about all this so called hate speech goin' on, and identify it for what it really is and for what purpose it serves. The purpose of the whole hate speech boondoggle is to make folks afraid to say anything that runs counter to the Marxist left's ideology.  It's a mechanism for the left to further control the national discourse about what a perfect society should be.  To politicize - and by that I mean to weaponize - constraints on thought and opinion expressed vocally is just taking one step closer to totalitarianism.  George Orwell warned us about that.  It's a form of censorship.

Take back your liberty, your God-given right to express yourself freely, and say what's on your mind.  Defy political correctness; speak the truth.  By that I don't mean to imply that one should be discourteous, as decorum and common sense still prevail.   But don't fall into the trap of self censorship, either:  there are plenty of voices out there that will gladly do that for you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Further Apart

It would seem that in the last two years, the disloyal opposition in this country has lost its collective mind.  Our structure of republican government is deliberately designed to work perfectly and harmoniously with disagreement and discord.   But the caveat is that, at the end of the day, both parties - despite their political differences - will be united in their loyalty to the United States.

Not so anymore.

The Democrat Party, now unrecognizable to democrats of only twenty years ago, has moved so far left that it's no longer the party of John Kennedy or even Bill Clinton.  It more resembles something one might find in Stalin's regime.  It has become a full-on communist revolution, and its tyranny is out in the open for all to see.

And the trigger for all this insanity is the popular election of Donald J. Trump as president.  Imagine the audacity of the American people to elect a man like Trump, who promised to make America once again that "shining city on the hill" that Ronald Reagan envisioned.  Worse, the several states agreed, and the electoral college sent Trump to Washington DC in a landslide.

The American form of self government is the single best and greatest system of government ever devised by man.  But that in of itself is reason enough for the insane left to seek its destruction.  And add to that the contagion of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), and these maladies have fueled the left's hate and ideological vapidity to uncontrollable levels.

The MSM, no longer an unbiased news apparatus, is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. And their goal is to destroy the swamp-usurper DJT, his successes, his popularity, and his legacy.  How dare the rubes in flyover country choose DJT and his populist MAGA message in favor of the swamp's designated successor to the Kenyan, the corrupt and criminal Hillary Clinton.

But Americans did. And the left never got over it.

So the prevailing attitude in Washington is "Trump gets nuthin!' So there!"  How very mature of them.  When hundreds of thousands of foreigners amass on a country's border, that by definition is an invasion.  But the entrenched democrat disloyal opposition obstructs any attempt to enforce American law or construct a barrier, instead they welcome the invaders, and reward them in the process.  When Trump turns the economy around and adds millions of new, high wage jobs, we get crickets from the swamp and its pet dog media.  When Trump backs down America's existential  enemies - namely Iran, North Korea and Islam - the left goes insane and does everything in its power to sabotage his efforts. 

But he prevails in spite of all their subterfuge, and that drives the left even further left, and further apart from real Americans.  

The real reason for the left becoming so emboldened, so radical, and so anti-American is the carnage wrought by the disastrous eight-year reign of the  despicable Kenyan and his apparatchik. He promised to "transform America," and in blindsiding an unsuspecting electorate, was wildly successful in doing just that.  He expanded and amplified the notion of identity politics to include all kinds of sexually confused people, social justice warriors, perpetually offended snowflakes, illegal alien invaders, anyone non-white and non-Christian, and of course the criminally insane.  These poor folks were elevated to the status of valid voting blocks, joining the ranks of traditional democrat voters such as non-citizens, multiple-voters and dead people.

But as the left and its media lapdog drive Americans further apart, not only politically but ideologically, an opportunity for positive change arises.  Despite the constant negative barrage of anti-Trumpism in the media and in Hollywood, more and more real Americans are beginning to recognize what the left really is. And that is pure evil.  True Americans will never tolerate embracing evil.

We can expect the left to up its game, especially because they know they're losing the ideological battle with conservative Americans.  So in the near future we'll see more impeachment attempts, legal challenges, gun confiscation, censorship of conservative voices, hate hoaxes, and more unsubstantiated allegations against Trump.

But the irony is that all that divisiveness will eventually re-unite us.  The political winds are changing.  Reunification may only occur after a full throated American resistance to the swamp - perhaps under force of arms - further decides the matter.  And then the left will be driven back underground - back into Hell - where it always has resided.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Dancing Lying Masters
Click here for pronunciation
With apologies to Gary Zukav for my paraphrasing the title of his book on quantum physics, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, I can't help but notice that his tongue-in-cheek metaphor applies so well to today's leftist political culture.  In his book, Kukav uses interesting Chinese metaphors to describe the nature of quantum physics and how physics itself is inextricably mated to philosophy. He uses the Chinese phrase Wu Li to describe the science and study of physics. It is usually used to  mean "patterns of organic energy," but it also means "nonsense," "my way," "I clutch my ideas," and "enlightenment."

Three of the last four definitions can readily be descriptive of the policies of the New Far Left Democrat Party.  The prevailing ideology of the left is liberalism, and as such their world view is strictly emotional rather than intellectual.  So for them, it's "my way," and "I clutch my ideas," which for most normal people, translate as "nonsense," and a far cry from "enlightened."

Even though adherents of the left consider themselves enlightened, or as they describe it, "woke," folks of normal mental ability consider that to be nonsense, and anything but enlightened.  After all, the Buddha himself opined that if you think you're enlightened, you're not.

Some recent events exemplify this notion.  Take the case of the hoax perpetrated by Jussie Smollett, who is kind of black, and who fabricated a racially motivated attack upon his person.  He claimed that two MAGA hat-wearing white racists threw bleach on him, beat him up, and put a rope around his neck, presumably in an attempt to lynch him.  But now Chicago police have investigated the matter thoroughly and have determined that the whole thing was a fabricated hoax.  That means it never happened.  But the subterfuge did have a purpose, and that was to continue the lying false narrative that white people routinely hate, harass, kill and/or lynch black people. And further, that Negro-phobia is organic in white people, and President Trump is somehow exacerbating all that hate goin' on. In this case, bearing false witness is in itself a hate crime.  And the homo Smollett should be prosecuted for his dancing lie.

Or how about Nancy Pelosi's intransigence regarding the building of a wall our our southern border? Only a few years ago, she was all for a physical barrier on the Mexican border, but now won't hear of it.  Why the change of policy?  Solely because Trump wants it, and the New Far Left Democrat Party absolutely, emphatically will not allow Trump any success, especially when it will serve to fulfill his primary campaign promise to build a wall.  Childish and immature of Pelosi?  Absolutely.  But even though unfettered immigration, by definition, is a invasion, if Trump wants it she's not going to allow it.  Period.  Clutching her ideas of Resist-Trump, Pelosi demonstrates the concept of  "my way."  Again to rest of the country, and who voted for Trump to specifically build that wall, her nonsense is not only counter productive, it's aiding and abetting an enemy.  Another dancing lyin' master.

Speaking of the anti-Trump narrative, the soft coup d'etat perpetrated by the cadre of un-elected bureaucrats that run the country, also known as the deep state or swamp, is finally becoming undone.  Mueller's two-year witch hunt hasn't turned up anything regarding Trump's collusion with Russia to steal the election from our gal Hillary, primarily because it never happened.  It has now come to light that the entire Russia collusion narrative was invented by the Hillary campaign, and the upper echelon of the FBI and Department of Justice were more than willing to take it and run with it.  Two false narratives were presented to the state-run media.  The first was to frame Trump and drive him from a duly elected office, and the second was to provide cover for Hillary's long list of crimes, treason and felonies.  The Kenyan, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and others have been exposed as the dancing lying masters they are.  Only time will tell if there's a single tier of justice in the US, or if the elite, once again, will walk away Scot free.

The Dancing Lying Masters have been successful, however.  They've managed to further polarize the electorate, to use identity politics to define and divide us, and to perpetuate the hoaxes and outright lies that the water carriers in the state run media are more than eager and thrilled to feed us.

More and more Americans have become more and more fed up with all this wu li "nonsense,"  and at some point, that sleeping American giant will awaken.  And when he does, the wu li "pattern of organic energy" will overcome the lies being perpetrated by Dancing Lying Masters.

And then we'll dig them up and kill them again.  Just to be sure.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Free of Free Speech

Okay, I've had enough of this so-called debate about free speech, especially as it applies to so-called hate speech.  A prime example of that is that yesterday Republicans moved an amendment through the United States House of Representatives that opposes antisemitism.  It passed 424 to 0.  At first blush, one may think that this is a wonderful thing, this attempt to quell people bad-mouthing or openly hating Jews.  And I'm sure that's what each of those representatives had in mind when they voted on this self censorship.  But let's look at this intellectually, without the nonsensical emotional political baggage.

First, what exactly is a Semite?  Ask anyone and they will probably answer, "a Jew".  Nope, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, dating back several hundred years, a Semite is anyone who speaks a derivative of the Semitic language which evolved around 2500 BC, and is named for Shem, the eldest son of Noah.  These peoples include Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain speakers of ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.  

But modern political hacks have bastardized the term to apply only to Jews.  Here's how Urban Dictionary propagandizes the definition:

"Anti-Semite" is the English version of a Victorian era German phrase used in polite company in place of "Juden haas" or "Jew hatred. "Anti-Semite" does not mean "one who is opposed to all speakers of Semitic languages. That is a recent construct, crafted for propaganda purposes.

I call BS.  Clearly we see that the Urban Dictionary not only has it all wrong, it's the modern version that has been propagandized.  But UD even goes a step further to politicize it, going out of its way to smear Germans.    But unfortunately that re-definition is now in the vernacular, and as such has to be reckoned with.  But like most of the bastardization of the English language, it's utter crap.

But aside from the etymology of the term "anti-Semite," let's ask why speaking about Jews - or Arabs, or redneck crackers or anyone else - is such a big deal.  Consider:

I'm not anti-Jew any more than I'm anti-homo, or anti-Negro, or anti-French or whatever.  But if I were, why should anyone go to any trouble to stifle whatever opinions or utterances I may have about a race, or a peoples, or a choice, or a cult or whatever?  They may have similar dim attitudes about me as I have about them.  So what?  Because they may be offended at my assessment of them?  Because in the ancient past someone of this description may have been a slave?  Go back far enough and every race was at one time a slaver or slave or both.  That argument is nullified.

But we don't have intellectual analysis anymore.  We worship at the alter of emotionism, of victimism, of offendedism.   If one is offended, another must be silenced.  It's the intellectual equivalent of putting blinders on a horse; what we can't hear can't hurt us.


So while I don't advocate calling people names, I can't see the reasoning behind criminalizing them if people  do.  Grow a thicker skin.  Don't waste precious energy being offended.  And let the better part of valor be your guide.  Be discreet and circumspect.  Be kind and polite.  Shakespeare, through Hamlet, said, "Assume a virtue if you have it not."  Sage advice.  These traits are all admirable, but must be acquired and exercised voluntarily.

A wise man once observed that one cannot legislate a moral code of behavior.  Neither can one legislate ethics nor gentility.  But perhaps we can, by choice of our individual actions, endeavor to be more genteel and noble in our behavior.   As an alternative to passing more resolutions, amendments, laws, and edicts, perhaps it's time to return to a code of behavior once known as chivalry.
And doing so doesn't infringe upon our God-given right to speak freely.

Monday, February 11, 2019

America's Barmaid . . . and the 10mm

Image result for alexandria ocasio-cortez
Right.  Make mine a double.
Well.  At last our gal Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks of that of which she knows.  Here's a clue, though, her pronouncements are not about politics or economics.  Nope, it's mixology, as in the alcoholic kind.  Recently she posted on Twitter several recipes for “cocktails for revolution.”  How droll.  At least she has some experience in this topic.  As the UK Times explains,

" . . behind the bar of Flats Fix, a Mexican watering hole in downtown Manhattan, stands a trophy awarded to the restaurant’s best “margarita enabler and tequila explainer."  . . ." 
Alrighty then.  Tequila and the ubiquitous margarita are AOC's prior claims to fame.  A young, idealistic leftist Marxist barmaid, now elected to congress, who tweets recipes for cocktails for revolution, embodies exactly the kind of deep thought and observation Americans want to hear from their elected representatives.  And it's about time we had a young, vibrant bar maid to tell us about the "Green Way" while recommending margaritas and other tequila mixed drinks.  But AOC is not only rewriting tongue-in-cheek cocktail recipes, but pretty much everything else in the Democrat Party.  Her brand of firebrand is giving the party elders a headache, and it ain't from tequila.

To move quickly onto another subject without any sense of segue, let's discuss the merits of the formidable 10mm cartridge as compared to other popular handgun loads.  Because of the policies of Marxists like AOC, who have no concept of the meaning and importance of the Bill of Rights, more and more Americans are arming themselves as never before.  Okay, that was a segue.  But what do folks who pack heat, pack?  In automatic pistols, the most popular cartridges are the .380, the 9mm, and the .45.  And at the end of the day, what you carry is what you can comfortably carry, comfortably shoot, and what you have a comfortable level of confidence in stopping a threat.

The .40 Smith and Wesson made a brief entrance into popular usage, as did the 10mm some years ago, but the ten is trying for a comeback.  The problem is that very few gun manufacturers make a concealable, lightweight handgun chambered in 10mm, which is essentially a redo of the 40 caliber Smith & Wesson.

Image result for handgun cartridgesSo what's the difference between .45 and 10mm?  Simply put, the .45 is a heavy and relatively slow bullet, whereas the 10mm is smaller but much faster.  And the pressures needed to make it go faster create more recoil than what's felt in the .45.  The .45 has been around for over a century, and is tried and true as a threat stopper.  The 10mm debuted in the 1980s, and it's a threat stopper as well, but for many  folks who carry daily, it's a bit too much gun.  Big frame, big bang, and big recoil.  That in addition to there are few guns to choose from, as well.  Not so with the .45.  Every major manufacturer makes a version of the vaunted Model 1911, or a DA/SA version like the Heckler&Koch USP series.  For a far more detailed analysis of .45 versus 10mm, read the article here.

The 9mm round has its adherents, as well.  The .45 and 10mm are the big kids on the block, and for that reason many people choose the wildly popular 9mm in their carry choice.  With modern technology in bullet design, 9mm hollow points can be a reliable self defense round.  Recoil is controllable, and the cost of 9mm ammo is far less than either .45 or 10mm.  And as to selection, there are literally hundreds of models of 9mm pieces available.

So while the Democrats fantasize about revolutionary cocktails, and pass bills in the house to criminalize private gun sales, and pressure legitimate gun manufacturers to be "socially aware" and demonize their own products, it may be time for you, too, to exercise your Second Amendment rights, and buy and carry a firearm daily.  Be responsible and be armed.

Friday, February 08, 2019

Cat Fight!!/quality/90/?, boy, this is going  to be fun!  I'm ordering more popcorn as we speak! If you thought that Trump hit the ground running after his election, then you may see how the new fresh face of the Democrat Party, freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has done pretty much the same thing.  And not surprisingly, with the same predictable results from the party's entrenched old guard.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (for brevity's sake hereinafter referred to as simply AOC, or more accurately Occasional Cortex), must think that her district, New York's 14th Congressional, includes the entirety of the continental US as she presumes her political positions - make that delusions - are universal.  As President Trump so aptly put it in his SOTU speech, sorry, kid, the US will never be a socialist country.  No matter, AOC is undaunted and immediately outlines her Green New Deal, prompting Our Dear Miss Nancy to condescendingly dismiss it as " . . the Green Dream, or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they're for it, right?"  Ouch.  As if.  Diss, bitch!

AOC continues to get air time to push her insane program - more on that later - while fuming Nancy snubs her for a seat on the Climate Change Committee.  You've only been here two weeks sweetie; I've been here fifty years!  The old guard under Nancy will continue to "study" climate change - at taxpayers' expense, while the messianic AOC shows how her Green New Deal will solve all the problems in the known universe, eliminate racism, and bring back the unicorn.  All in a matter of ten years.  Mere mortals like myself are stunned at the wisdom his twenty-something self absorbed narcissist has acquired in so short a time.

What's in the Green New Deal, you may well ask.  It's a Marxist's masturbatory fantasy.  Eliminate jet air travel in favor of a network of high speed rail.  Eliminate the internal combustion engine in favor of electric motors, and have charging stations "everywhere."  Upgrade or replace every single building in the US to green standards, including residential and infrastructure.   Replace fossil fuel and nuclear power generated energy with  . .  I dunno, something.  Oh, and end poverty by providing "millions of high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all." It would also provide "economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work."  Unwilling?  Cool.  Where do I sign up?

Normal people and highly educated economists are only now recovering from the sidesplitting lunacy promoted here.  AOC stipulates that well, yes, it will be expensive, but costs can be covered from billionaires and their companies, and like, by public money and like, bonds, and stuff like that.  I kid you not.

So Nancy is fuming at the audacity of this little twerp coming in and in just two weeks getting all the air time and attention in the room to show off a little.  I look, like, really good in white, huh?  So the smart money is on Nancy bitch slapping this little ingĂ©nue around some, and putting her in her place as it were.  For AOC's view of world, however, she can't even see Nancy through her narcissistic lens, but considers that it's the nature of things for the old to die off and go away, and let us younger, smarter and woke folks take over. So this will be a cat fight of the first order: a struggle to determine who gets to dictate the direction of the Democrat party in the next few years.  The old guard headed by Nancy, or the extreme radical left headed by AOC.

But let's not get complacent with AOC's immature and unsophisticated policies and her lack of depth.  Think back.  The Never Trumpers and the RINOs of the Republican Party thought along the same lines two years ago about Trump.  They thought they could bounce the Bad Orange Man right out of Washington.  They haven't yet, and they won't.  But AOC is no Donald Trump.

So the danger in this cat fight is that AOC very well may win.  If she does, it'll show that everything we know about politics is wrong.  But worse, this so-called green agenda is a Trojan Horse. It's full blown communism and tyranny, and we better take these people at face value.  They are deadly serious about it, and we better be, as well.

Friday, January 25, 2019

The American Gestapo

Waco, Texas.  Ruby Ridge, Idaho.  Elian Gonzalez, Florida.  Michael Cohen raid, Washington DC.  Roger Stone raid, Florida.  

In the first two distances above, the US government under Janet Reno's Department of Justice under  the Clinton administration stalked, attacked and murdered dozens American citizens - men, women and children.  Their crime? - Simply exercising their rights of freedom of worship and of association.

Your government's Deep State at work
In the third, the same Reno-Clinton gestapo - under force of arms - snatched a 6 year old Cuban boy and deported him back to Castro's communist Cuba.  His crime was he was the subject of a custody dispute.

In the Cohen raids, FBI SWAT elements raided Cohen's office, his home, and the hotel room where he was staying, seizing hundreds of boxes of private client documents and client bank statements, and later kicked in his residence in the early morning hours to terrorize his family, handcuff him and take him away.  His crime was that at one time he was President Trump's lawyer.

And last night, again in the dark of night and with with dozens of heavily armed FBI SWAT elements, the Deep State gestapo under the command of Robert Mueller, kicked in an American citizen's door, terrorized those within, handcuffed Roger Stone, and took him away.  His crime was that he once worked on Trump's presidential campaign. And oddly enough, CNN was there an hour before the raid, clearly indicating a tip-off to the state-run media.

Contrast these political atrocities to the evil criminal enterprise run by the vicious Hillary Clinton. Her  crimes are real and treasonous. She allowed sensitive congressional classified email to be intercepted off her network server by two Muslim tech operators under her direct employ.  She arranged for a Russian conglomerate to acquire a significant portion of Untied States uranium production.  She, using her campain's funds, bought and paid for a false dossier to be created, the sole purpose of which was to sabotage the Trump presidential campaign.  And she arranged for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to rig the democratic primary nomination in her favor against Bernie Sanders.  And much more. But there have been no FBI SWAT raids on her compound.  No handcuffs and abduction in the dark of night for her.  Why?  Because our gal Hil personifies the corrupt and out of control Deep State.  She literally is it.

And what about the corruption at the FBI and the DoJ?  Where are the arrests of Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein, Mueller and the others complicit in the soft coup being perpetrated on a duly elected president?  Well, there was one, but that arrest was of an FBI ex-contractor whistle blower Dennis Cain, who was about to spill the beans on the treasonous corruption at the very top of those agencies.  Hadn't heard about that, you say?  That's because it's contrary to the state run media's established narrative and therefore spiked.  Read about it here.

But there is a solution.  And it's one that should be applied today, right this minute, to stop this slide into tyrannical statism where we find that there are two sets of laws.  One for the Deep State elite, and one for the rest if us.  And that solution resides, and has done so for over two hundred and forty-two years, in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.  I know it's been a long time since we all sat through Civics 101, so let me help clarify that to which I refer.

 . . . We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . .
So current events over the last few decades would indicate that the country has strayed far from the intent of its founding, through both Republican and  administrations.  What's the common denominator?  The Deep State, which is the un-elected bureaucrats who can't be fired, and who continue their statist policies regardless of promises made by those we elect.  The enemy of the people.

The tyranny of the Deep State needs to be stopped, and its willing participants charged with treason, arrested, tried, and if found guilty, executed as proscribed by law.  Harsh?  Not at all.  Then and only then can we return the government to operate with the consent of the governed.  By force of arms, and in the dead of night if necessary.  It's not only our right, but it's our solemn duty.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Toxic Masculine White Boy Blues

If I were a conspiracy theorist, or if I were to read too much into the cause and effects of current events, I might just dig a hole, climb into it, and cover it up, such are the distressing trends in culture today. I mean, here we have an onslaught on American values, culture and the Constitution itself, unprecedented in American history, by self described enemies of the state. These enemies are a Borg collective of malcontents and include under-informed leftists, full-on Marxists, radical Salafists and other insane vicious Islamists, Never Trumpers, and the ever present radical shrill misandrist feminazis.  Whew!  What's a normal Christian Southern fully toxic masculine white boy to make of all this?  

I can tell you with some degree of certitude that it's getting tiresome.

Islam has not only permeated the American culture, invaded school curriculum and dictated to us Christians that there can be no offense made to its false religion, but now some brainless, mind controlled sheeple have actually elected a couple of female Salafists to the vaunted halls of the United States congress. Who, I might add, refused to take the oath of office on the Bible, instead placing their left hands - reserved for poop wiping - on the  Koran.  Ironically, no major power in recent history has gone out of its way as has the United States to help, respect, please and appease Islam. An yet, no other nation has been a victim of vilification, demonization, and violence on the part of the Islamists as has the U.S.  Worse, we pay for them to kill us.  Many Muslim nations have been annually receiving large checks from the U.S. for decades, among them Egypt, which gets $2 billion, and Pakistan, the homeland of San Bernardino killer Syed Farook, which gets $1 billion.  Further, it is well known by border patrol that among the invading horde on the southern border are many radical jihadists, whose only goal in coming to - er, invading- the US is to kill us, the Great Satan. And in response, the Democratic party shuts down the very government that seeks to build a physical barrier to keep our enemies out.  And Americans inside safe.
There's so much more.  Not content with attacking America herself along with her Constitution and libertarian freedom-loving culture, the left - now in the form of the nauseating social justice warriors and their allies in the so called feminist movement - has now declared war on men.  Especially white men.  We're too masculine, we're told.  Too apt to rape some disgusting fat, ugly and perpetually-offended shrill harpy, we're told.  Too predisposed to apply violence to any given situation and escalate toxic conflict, we're told.  Too eager to hide behind the "boys will be boys" excuse, we're told.  Oh, yeah, and Gillette wants us to shave our beards, or legs or something to show "solidarity" with the pussification of the culture. But only white men.  The real men in the rest of the world are laughing at American men - we're pussy-boys to radical feminist dictates.

Let's take a moment to be clear here.  I don't care what anyone believes or says.  That's what freedom is all about.  But to my Muslim and Marxist readers I say this:  You can believe the Earth is flat, that Allah is the only true god, that Marx had it all figured out, or that the Kenyan was a great president.  I don't care.  That's all you. But I won't be forced to "accept" or "tolerate" your delusions or any other nonsense being forced down my throat, especially if it contradicts my established values and  morality.  Want to be a jihadist?  Want to force socialism or some other tyranny on us? Want to rail against Christianity?  Fine.  Knock yourself out.  But when you raise your hand against me or mine, I will do you grave bodily harm.  Then I'll dig you up and kill you again.  Is that  masculinity toxic enough for you?  Good.  I just wanted y'all to be clear on that.

That said, I try to stay optimistic as I'm sure most folks do, too.  I've lived long enough to see the pendulum of political winds swing from side to side. As it will, and as it always does.  So within the last decade or so - consistent with the despicable Kenyan's reign, I hasten to add - we've seen the advent of extreme Islam, extreme Marxism, and extreme social upheaval.  But these movements are pushing too hard, with too many shrill voices trying to take too much ground too quickly.  Their reach exceeds their grasp, and it will all backfire on them, and they will wither and die in the cleansing light of truth.

Hopefully this nonsense will putter out, and that pendulum will swing back the other way.  Back to normal.  If it doesn't, well, we may have to just go ahead and kill them all.

Meanwhile, there's not a lot to do but to bear those toxic masculine white boy blues.