Thursday, July 18, 2019
Friday, June 28, 2019
Deep State Strikes Back
Once again we have the intrepid investigative journalists at Project Veritas to thank for exposing the biggest election scandal of 2020 thus far that has nothing at all to do with Russia.
According to details published by PV and accompanying video taken by its undercover journalists, Google has managed to hire a gaggle of brainwashed Left-wing sycophants who religiously believe they are ‘saving the country’ by altering AI algorithms to filter out any and all pro-Trump content from independent and conservative media on the world’s biggest search platform.
In fact, according to one of them, the AI algorithms are designed to filter (censor) content in such a way so that Google can single-handedly prevent the “next Trump situation” — that is, his reelection next year.
“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again,” said longtime Google employee and head of “Responsible Innovation,” Jen Gennai.
How? “We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?” she added.
Busting up Google is “very misguided,” she claims, because “all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”
So, there you have it: Google’s singular reason for existence today is to prevent a second Trump term.
Jen Gennai and Google: Enemy of the people |
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 12:05 0 comments
Friday, June 07, 2019
Arkancide Reactivated?
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 09:24 0 comments
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
War Like No Other
These "isms" are an idea. And how do you fight an idea? Invade its shores? Bomb its cities? No, you can't. We must fight - and kill - the very purveyors of this hideous cancer that eats away at human liberty and dignity. If we don't, they will kill or enslave us. They have told us they will. To me, that's an easy choice.
But collectively and individually practitioners of these ideologies have declared war on Western culture and values in general, and on the United States in particular. Islam is a global menace that infests nearly every country on the planet, except perhaps Hungary and Myanmar, where Islam and its adherents are simply banned. And rightly so. Other countries, like Poland and Japan, have measures that ensure that their citizens are protected from the ravages of the insane seventh century death cult.
So we free citizens of the US face a threat - a war - on three fronts: the existential threat of Islam usurping American culture and sovereignty from within; the threat of communism and socialism attacking the US from such nations as Russia, China and even Cuba; and the internal threat of political subversion from corrupt and venal un-elected statists attempting to overturn a duly elected presidents.
So by any measure this conflict will become this generation's war. The enemy, while known, is vague and elusive. This war will need to be fought with an iron will and a steely resolve. It's a war of ideas, and the first battle will be cerebral: identify the enemy, assess his weakness, apply it and destroy him. It will be different than the wars of the past, and we had better be up to the task.
Truly, it will be war like no other.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 09:13 0 comments
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Summer Schadenfreude
Who elected these rats? |
Imagine my joy - my schadenfreude - observing this. But as we all know, and as history has shown us, those at the tippy top of this treasonous mutiny will likely go unpunished, and it'll be the underlings and middle management left to take the fall.
But then again perhaps not. Many folks are placing bets as to which of these rat-bastards will be the first to flip and rat out the others. The panic is high in the swamp, because it appears our gal Hil will not escape this one. Her support is gone and she's now politically toxic. And when - not if - Hil goes down, her puppet master, the despicable Kenyan, will fall as well.
Best and brightest? Not hardly! |
So in the next weeks and months, revelation after revelation is expected to come from the investigation into this coup d'etat. And many guilty heads will roll, or at least be publicly and forever shamed. But maybe this time justice will defeat the heads of this treasonous hydra, and decapitate them one by one.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 10:42 0 comments
Friday, April 19, 2019
Axis of Tyranny's Epic Fail
The enemy |
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 13:33 0 comments
Saturday, April 13, 2019
What Did You Expect?
"CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."
". . . [I urge] Muslim Americans to make people uncomfortable with their activism . . ."
So there you have it. That's who CAIR is. Yet she begs for money from this known terrorist group, one that was founded as a sworn enemy of the United States. And while there she's saying some very subversive things like inciting violence against Americans. Further, she's not even accurate about CAIR's founding. It was actually begun in 1994 in response to the movie True Lies, which the perpetually offended Muslims considered to be negatively stereotyping jihadists. It's a comedy staring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, and the story line was pretty much spot on, but no matter. But our dear Ilhan is not merely a misinformed loose cannon. Oh, no. She's promoting the jihad operation of the cultural conquest of the US as outlined by the Brotherhood. She's a foot soldier, but not for the Americans of the Minnesota district that elected her. Nope. She's on the front line for Islam. She's a hijab flaunting, in-your-face subversive. And the democrats will circle the wagons and see to it that nothing is done to her; no recrimination, no loss of committee memberships, and no loss of her job representing Minnesotans.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 00:43 0 comments
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Havana Port, Cuba |
Typical rococo architecture |
And then Cuba would be a viable, self sufficient world class player in the 21st century.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 10:06 0 comments
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Stick A Fork In It
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 12:25 0 comments
Sunday, March 17, 2019
About Goddamn Time
Well now. Speaking of speaking truth to power. He's right and we can't have that. Watch now as the "woke" Islam apologists, fascists that they are, begin their inevitable destruction this man's career, life and family.
Terrorize the terrorists. Random. Unexpected. Brutal.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 11:49 0 comments
Friday, March 08, 2019
Hate That Speech
White and Black anti-Jew. So what? |
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 10:33 0 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Further Apart
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 13:43 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2019
Dancing Lying Masters
Click here for pronunciation |
Three of the last four definitions can readily be descriptive of the policies of the New Far Left Democrat Party. The prevailing ideology of the left is liberalism, and as such their world view is strictly emotional rather than intellectual. So for them, it's "my way," and "I clutch my ideas," which for most normal people, translate as "nonsense," and a far cry from "enlightened."
Even though adherents of the left consider themselves enlightened, or as they describe it, "woke," folks of normal mental ability consider that to be nonsense, and anything but enlightened. After all, the Buddha himself opined that if you think you're enlightened, you're not.
Some recent events exemplify this notion. Take the case of the hoax perpetrated by Jussie Smollett, who is kind of black, and who fabricated a racially motivated attack upon his person. He claimed that two MAGA hat-wearing white racists threw bleach on him, beat him up, and put a rope around his neck, presumably in an attempt to lynch him. But now Chicago police have investigated the matter thoroughly and have determined that the whole thing was a fabricated hoax. That means it never happened. But the subterfuge did have a purpose, and that was to continue the lying false narrative that white people routinely hate, harass, kill and/or lynch black people. And further, that Negro-phobia is organic in white people, and President Trump is somehow exacerbating all that hate goin' on. In this case, bearing false witness is in itself a hate crime. And the homo Smollett should be prosecuted for his dancing lie.
Or how about Nancy Pelosi's intransigence regarding the building of a wall our our southern border? Only a few years ago, she was all for a physical barrier on the Mexican border, but now won't hear of it. Why the change of policy? Solely because Trump wants it, and the New Far Left Democrat Party absolutely, emphatically will not allow Trump any success, especially when it will serve to fulfill his primary campaign promise to build a wall. Childish and immature of Pelosi? Absolutely. But even though unfettered immigration, by definition, is a invasion, if Trump wants it she's not going to allow it. Period. Clutching her ideas of Resist-Trump, Pelosi demonstrates the concept of "my way." Again to rest of the country, and who voted for Trump to specifically build that wall, her nonsense is not only counter productive, it's aiding and abetting an enemy. Another dancing lyin' master.
Speaking of the anti-Trump narrative, the soft coup d'etat perpetrated by the cadre of un-elected bureaucrats that run the country, also known as the deep state or swamp, is finally becoming undone. Mueller's two-year witch hunt hasn't turned up anything regarding Trump's collusion with Russia to steal the election from our gal Hillary, primarily because it never happened. It has now come to light that the entire Russia collusion narrative was invented by the Hillary campaign, and the upper echelon of the FBI and Department of Justice were more than willing to take it and run with it. Two false narratives were presented to the state-run media. The first was to frame Trump and drive him from a duly elected office, and the second was to provide cover for Hillary's long list of crimes, treason and felonies. The Kenyan, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and others have been exposed as the dancing lying masters they are. Only time will tell if there's a single tier of justice in the US, or if the elite, once again, will walk away Scot free.
The Dancing Lying Masters have been successful, however. They've managed to further polarize the electorate, to use identity politics to define and divide us, and to perpetuate the hoaxes and outright lies that the water carriers in the state run media are more than eager and thrilled to feed us.
More and more Americans have become more and more fed up with all this wu li "nonsense," and at some point, that sleeping American giant will awaken. And when he does, the wu li "pattern of organic energy" will overcome the lies being perpetrated by Dancing Lying Masters.
And then we'll dig them up and kill them again. Just to be sure.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 14:03 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Free of Free Speech
But modern political hacks have bastardized the term to apply only to Jews. Here's how Urban Dictionary propagandizes the definition:
I call BS. Clearly we see that the Urban Dictionary not only has it all wrong, it's the modern version that has been propagandized. But UD even goes a step further to politicize it, going out of its way to smear Germans. But unfortunately that re-definition is now in the vernacular, and as such has to be reckoned with. But like most of the bastardization of the English language, it's utter crap.
But aside from the etymology of the term "anti-Semite," let's ask why speaking about Jews - or Arabs, or redneck crackers or anyone else - is such a big deal. Consider:
I'm not anti-Jew any more than I'm anti-homo, or anti-Negro, or anti-French or whatever. But if I were, why should anyone go to any trouble to stifle whatever opinions or utterances I may have about a race, or a peoples, or a choice, or a cult or whatever? They may have similar dim attitudes about me as I have about them. So what? Because they may be offended at my assessment of them? Because in the ancient past someone of this description may have been a slave? Go back far enough and every race was at one time a slaver or slave or both. That argument is nullified.
But we don't have intellectual analysis anymore. We worship at the alter of emotionism, of victimism, of offendedism. If one is offended, another must be silenced. It's the intellectual equivalent of putting blinders on a horse; what we can't hear can't hurt us.
So while I don't advocate calling people names, I can't see the reasoning behind criminalizing them if people do. Grow a thicker skin. Don't waste precious energy being offended. And let the better part of valor be your guide. Be discreet and circumspect. Be kind and polite. Shakespeare, through Hamlet, said, "Assume a virtue if you have it not." Sage advice. These traits are all admirable, but must be acquired and exercised voluntarily.
A wise man once observed that one cannot legislate a moral code of behavior. Neither can one legislate ethics nor gentility. But perhaps we can, by choice of our individual actions, endeavor to be more genteel and noble in our behavior. As an alternative to passing more resolutions, amendments, laws, and edicts, perhaps it's time to return to a code of behavior once known as chivalry.
And doing so doesn't infringe upon our God-given right to speak freely.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 11:39 0 comments
Monday, February 11, 2019
America's Barmaid . . . and the 10mm
Right. Make mine a double. |
" . . behind the bar of Flats Fix, a Mexican watering hole in downtown Manhattan, stands a trophy awarded to the restaurant’s best “margarita enabler and tequila explainer." . . ."
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 14:59 0 comments
Friday, February 08, 2019
Cat Fight!
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 12:43 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2019
The American Gestapo
Your government's Deep State at work |
And what about the corruption at the FBI and the DoJ? Where are the arrests of Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein, Mueller and the others complicit in the soft coup being perpetrated on a duly elected president? Well, there was one, but that arrest was of an FBI ex-contractor whistle blower Dennis Cain, who was about to spill the beans on the treasonous corruption at the very top of those agencies. Hadn't heard about that, you say? That's because it's contrary to the state run media's established narrative and therefore spiked. Read about it here.
But there is a solution. And it's one that should be applied today, right this minute, to stop this slide into tyrannical statism where we find that there are two sets of laws. One for the Deep State elite, and one for the rest if us. And that solution resides, and has done so for over two hundred and forty-two years, in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. I know it's been a long time since we all sat through Civics 101, so let me help clarify that to which I refer.
. . . We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . .
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 14:26 0 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Toxic Masculine White Boy Blues
There's so much more. Not content with attacking America herself along with her Constitution and libertarian freedom-loving culture, the left - now in the form of the nauseating social justice warriors and their allies in the so called feminist movement - has now declared war on men. Especially white men. We're too masculine, we're told. Too apt to rape some disgusting fat, ugly and perpetually-offended shrill harpy, we're told. Too predisposed to apply violence to any given situation and escalate toxic conflict, we're told. Too eager to hide behind the "boys will be boys" excuse, we're told. Oh, yeah, and Gillette wants us to shave our beards, or legs or something to show "solidarity" with the pussification of the culture. But only white men. The real men in the rest of the world are laughing at American men - we're pussy-boys to radical feminist dictates.
Let's take a moment to be clear here. I don't care what anyone believes or says. That's what freedom is all about. But to my Muslim and Marxist readers I say this: You can believe the Earth is flat, that Allah is the only true god, that Marx had it all figured out, or that the Kenyan was a great president. I don't care. That's all you. But I won't be forced to "accept" or "tolerate" your delusions or any other nonsense being forced down my throat, especially if it contradicts my established values and morality. Want to be a jihadist? Want to force socialism or some other tyranny on us? Want to rail against Christianity? Fine. Knock yourself out. But when you raise your hand against me or mine, I will do you grave bodily harm. Then I'll dig you up and kill you again. Is that masculinity toxic enough for you? Good. I just wanted y'all to be clear on that.
Hopefully this nonsense will putter out, and that pendulum will swing back the other way. Back to normal. If it doesn't, well, we may have to just go ahead and kill them all.
Meanwhile, there's not a lot to do but to bear those toxic masculine white boy blues.
Posted by Lightfoot Cruise at 22:40 0 comments