Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Mark of the Beast

Sample DLA little known, but insidious infringement of the Fourth Amendment, is the REAL ID scam.  The REAL ID Act became effective nationwide on May 11, 2008, and the State of Florida began issuing REAL ID compliant credentials after January 1, 2010. It requires anyone renewing or obtaining a drivers license to provide US issued identification - passports, birth certificates and the like -  as well as to submit to facial recognition photographs.  For this, you get a star in the upper right hand corner of your license, which is evidence of your compliance with Department of Homeland Security and your name forever stored in the DHS national database, I suppose.

Ostensibly REAL ID is a nationwide effort to improve the integrity and security of State-issued driver licenses and identification cards, which in turn will help fight terrorism and reduce identity fraud.  But in fact, Adrian Wyllie, Libertarian candidate for Florida Governor, said your photograph is no longer just a photograph. “It is a digital facial image capture that maps the bio-metric markers of your face through facial recognition software,” he said.  And this photo and and all your personal information will be contained in a national database.  Now we know why we need those red light cameras, and those cameras mounted on buildings everywhere.  To stop terrorism.  Right.

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

And Article 1, Section 12 of the Florida Constitution states:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, and against the unreasonable interception of private communications by any means, shall not be violated. No warrant shall be issued except upon probable cause, supported by affidavit, particularly describing the place or places to be searched, the person or persons, thing or things to be seized, the communication to be intercepted, and the nature of evidence to be obtained. This right shall be construed in conformity with the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution, as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court. Articles or information obtained in violation of this right shall not be admissible in evidence if such articles or information would be inadmissible under decisions of the United States Supreme Court construing the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It seems clear that REAL ID, red light cameras, arbitrary arrests, surveillance of digital communications or censorship for utterance of free speech, and so many other encroachments of our personal liberties are all blatant and unlawful violations of this amendment.  There is no legal basis for this tyranny that permeates our lives today.  The Patriot Act under George W. Bush opened the door for this abomination of liberty, and the Kenyan's administration has certainly taken it to draconian levels.

When the idea of a federal standardized identification for Americans was first contemplated in 1991, then President Ronald W. Reagan’s reaction was, “By God, that is the mark of the beast.” 

He was right, of course, as always.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Communist to the Core

When one diligently researches the origins of Common Core, as to who were the early prime movers, and what actually were the outcome of its implementation  - in Chicago, I might add - one simply cannot support a system that was begotten in terrorists' minds.  It's an attempt to fundamental transform - as the Kenyan so adroitly promised us during his numerous campaign speeches - what our children will be taught as they rotate through the public education system.  Communist inspired indoctrination from kindergarten through higher education is not something clear thinking Americans will tolerate.

The origins, the founders and the ultimate intent of Common Core are scary.  However, there is resistance to it, even if all but a few states have already implemented it.  One such group, the Education Action Group Foundation exposes the leftist agenda and activists and their mission to “fundamentally transform” US education through implementation of Common Core.  As many folks on both sides of the political spectrum understand, this ill-conceived indoctrination erases the separation of church and state.  Here is how it impacts the Catholic Church and their parochial schools.

Aside from the leftist politically slanted context of this educational program, a more insidious issue is to be considered, and that is the collection of students' personal and private information.  The instances of intrusive questionnaires have been well documented all across the US.  Own a gun?  It'll be noted on little Johnny's file.  Ever been in a mental hospital?  Form 4473 denied.  Vote with the Tea Party, buy a gun or post a blog critical of the Kenyan's administration?  You're forwarded to the IRS

Taking into consideration of all the many massive failures of this administration, from the unworkable Affordable Health Care web site, to the deaths of 40 veterans from lack of VA care, to the unanswered slaughter of four Americans in Benghazi, to the release of 36,000 violent illegal felons, to the decline of the US's foreign policy at the hands of Russia's Putin, to the collapse of the US economy, can anyone really believe that the government can actually provide our children with a decent and factual education?  Yeah, I don't think so, either.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Free Speech, RIP

As the Kenyan's administration continues its heavy handed and not-so-subtle campaign to implement total government control over us, free speech, our first cherished right, has become a casualty.  Killed in action as it were.  I refer, of course, to free political speech as a protected right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.  We have two examples of this government sponsored mind controlling political correctness in the news today.  

The first is Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team.  Now admittedly, he's made some statements that high profile folks shouldn't make, but being boorish doesn't warrant waiver of the right of free speech.  His comments about Magic Johnson, for example, were clearly in bad form.  And his request to his gold digging girlfriend as to whom he didn't want her to bring to the games is a matter of opinion and well within protected speech.  Magic Johnson is a professional athlete, a famous celebrity, and as such is subject to folks stating opinions about him. The statements Sterling were made, as they are true, are not libelous.  Dumb comments?  Of course . . . some thoughts are better left unsaid, as discretion is the better part of valor.  But the media, the sports community, the NBA brass, and all sorts of folks are all up in arms about free speech.  Note that it's his free speech they are trying to stifle, but not their own.  Since then he's made some apologies, but that's not enough for the PC crowd; they smell blood in the water.  He's lawyered up now, and intends to fight the $2.5 million fine levied against him by the NBA as well as their demand he relinquish ownership of the team.

The second example of political correctness gone completely out of control is the story of a small town New Hampshire police chief, who was heard referring to the Kenyan as a N-word.  See?  I even hesitate to use a perfectly good word out of fear of being turned in to Big Brother.  But the First Amendment specifically protects political speech, and if you wish to label a sitting president whatever, you're free to do so.  His comments were overheard by a third party Yankee do-gooder who turned him in.  Now the hue and cry is for his apology as well as his resignation.  He adamantly refuses to do so with this statement: "For this, I do not apologize - he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."  He's right.  The media is in cardiac arrest over this, and as they always do, seek to stifle his free speech, but not their own.  Remember back a few years?  This same media had nothing nice to say about George W. Bush, and they leveled all sorts of ad hominem attacks at him for anything and everything.  Back then the media respected and exercised their own political free speech, but not W's.

I'm reminded of a story by the comedian Ron White, as he's being arrested for disorderly conduct after a bar brawl.  He famously referred to free speech when he said. "I had the right to remain silent.  I did not have the ability."  So here are two eighty-something gentlemen stating the obvious.  The left wing media can't handle truth, so they first shout you down, then comes personal destruction.  In both of these cases, it should have been funny.  It is funny - but not to the wound-too-tight media.  What happened to free speech?  Why is it dead?  Why is everyone so thin skinned?  Why do we no longer adhere to the notion  that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me?"

Perhaps as freedoms erode, civil discourse erodes with them.  And that has lead to a lowering of the culture to a teenager's perspective.  As a culture, it's past time to grow up - again.

Friday, May 09, 2014

Crazy? Or Just Evil?

In the Tampa Bay area, there's a trial going on about a mother who shot her two kids.  This is an educated, sophisticated woman, living in an upscale suburban part of town, who is pleading insanity (yeah, that's a given) as her defense.   But while we look into her troubled mental facilities, and analyze the effect of the anti-psychotic meds she was taking - or not taking - one thing is adamantly clear.  She planned, executed, confessed and recorded the deed.  That's not crazy, that's premeditated murder.  Her husband at the time was overseas on a US government posting, and she kept a detailed diary, mostly bemoaning how difficult was her life.  We learn from that diary that hubby's gone, kids are a burden to her with soccer and homework and parenting such.  And, oh yeah, they're getting "mouthy."

Welcome to motherhood.  So one day, while the kids are in school, she drives 20 miles from her home to purchase a gun, is surprised to learn that there is a 3-day waiting period, but comes back to take possession of the revolver.  Then, she picks up her son from soccer practice, shots him in the head while driving home, then shoots him again in the mouth, and leaves him in the van in the garage.  She then creeps upstairs where the daughter is doing her homework, and shoots her in the back of the head.  As she did with the boy, she shoots her daughter in the mouth as well.  Two head shots each, and a practice shot through the van's windshield.  She leaves a suicide note, but somehow doesn't find time to shoot herself, favoring instead overdosing on non-lethal meds.  In excruciating detail does she record all these events in her diary ex post facto, and they have been substantiated by forensic investigation.  The suicide didn't occur, she lived, and now she's on trial for murdering her kids.

Excuse me if my sympathy wanes.  Raising kids is a hard job, I know, and pretty much a thankless one until the kids get grown and have kids of their own.  I've been there, as I'm sure have you.   However, I can imagine motherhood would be a Herculean task for a self absorbed, self important narcissist.  And that mindset  could very well invite evil to nest, nurture and manifest itself into a living, breathing demonic woman.  The psychology aside, this execution of her children was clearly planned and executed to perfection.  The fact that she admits to it all is the only pitifully lacking saving grace.  If found guilty, she'll get three hots and a cot, plus free mental and health care for the rest of her miserable evil life, all at our expense . . . the ultimate free ride.  Who knows, maybe she's proud of herself.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

The Left Unleashed

With only 3 years or so left in the Kenyan's administration, the dogs of the far left have been unleashed on Americans.  Repeal of the 22nd Amendment may not come in time, so he has fast-tracked the offensive to be accomplished by end of his second term. His goal is simply this:  the complete destruction of American culture, economy, influence and freedom.   Just look at some of the heavy handedness being dealt out:

Common Core
It's not bad enough that colleges are completely corrupted from being institutes of learning, instead becoming progressive policy indoctrination centers.  No, we must get to the kids long before college in order to get their minds right.  Common Core is the insidious slant to all things progressive, hidden in plain sight within story based math questions and narrative essays full of social justice reforms.  State run education is a government program that will fare no better than any other failed government program.  History and civics will be glazed over in favor of social justice sensitivity "issues."  Jeb Bush, one of my former heros, is now endorsed by none other than the New York Times.  NYT?  Are you kidding me?  Bye, Bye, Jeb.   Social Justice Awareness is what colleges are teaching today.  Just magine this exchange:

  • Interviewer:           "Why do you want to work at our company?"
  • Job Applicant:       "I need a job."
  • Interviewer:           "What's your highest level of education?"
  • Job Applicant:       "I graduated from college."
  • Interviewer:           "Oh.  I'm sorry to hear that."
  • Job Applicant:        "Yeah, I couldn't afford an actual comprehensive education, so I had to settle for state sponsored indoctrination."
  • Interviewer:            "OK, thanks.  Next."

Attacks against the American People
The constant bombardment of the political right and center is increasing. The IRS denies or delays tax exempt status to Tea Party, Conservative or Christian Groups.  Even donors are targeted for audits.  Sports teams are seized simply because owners may utter "insensitive" remarks.  There goes the First and Fourth Amendments as a casualty of enforced political correctness.  The FEC's newest attempt to "regulate" conservative media surfaces again, this time with no mention of the so-called Fairness Doctrine.  The Drudge Report is merely a news portal.  How is that a threat to free elections?  And what about the administration's refusal to come to the aid of the four dead Americans in Benghazi?  Evidence shows they were asleep at the wheel, and had to concoct a ruse - an absurd video, whose creator is still in jail - to shift blame.  As the Kenyan preens about, stylishly clad in mom-jeans, the county's enemies are emboldened.  After Air Force officials deny it was a U-2, suspicion is now that Russian aircraft disrupted computers at Los Angeles Airport.  Further to Muslim attacks on the US in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton denies Boko Harem international terror status, even as they kidnap and sell teenaged girls, and also denies they are responsible for the violence in Nigeria.  Why does the Kenyan and his administration bend over backward to protect and defend radial Islamic fascists at the expense of Western democracies?   I wonder.  And Putin tests Russia's nuclear forces for readiness, rattling that saber in the Kenyan's face.  And the Kenyan will quake and pontificate, but nothing more.  In matters foreign and domestic, our congressional leaders do nothing to stop the Kenyan and his administration from dismantling the greatest nation in civilization, and his directed destruction continues.

Global Warming
This is the biggest hoax since the Piltdown Man.  The constant scare tactics about the effects of so-called global warming are baseless.  They are computer models, and as anyone knows, models are only as good as data going into them: garbage in, garbage out.  For over six decades I've lived directly on Clearwater Bay, which opens to the Gulf of Mexico, and I can categorically assure you that sea levels are not rising in any appreciable way.  But for the sake of argument, let's say it's true and the climate is changing for the worst, and it's man's fault.  What can the government do about that?  Eliminate fossil fuels throughout the world?  I can see India and China agreeing to that, let alone Russia.  But how would that stop any change in climate?  It wouldn't, of course.  This is a scam to convert energy control to government concerns who want it, and to destroy those who currently have it.  But the reality of climate is twofold:  it cannot be controlled, and it changes over time naturally.  There is incontrovertible evidence that the Earth was far warmer than it is now only 15,000 years ago.  In fact, there exists a map that accurately depicts the geographical features and complex shoreline of Antarctica before it was covered with a mile thick ice sheet, which has been there for at least 4,000 years. So what if that's the baseline for "normal" climate?  Given the Little Ice Age that covered most of northern Europe only 500 years ago, it would seem that from empirical evidence that we're currently in an ice age, and the climate is merely "correcting."  Today there is still ice in the Great Lakes, and the Ross Ice Sheet continues to thicken.  So if the Earth's been warming sporadically for 15,000 years, how is it that it's man's fault?  The bottom line is we DO NOT have a definitive baseline to determine what is normal weather, if there even is such a thing.  But if there is, then it must be measured in millennia, not in decades or centuries.    This latest fantasy is just that - a fantasy to con you and separate you from your money and your civilization.  Don't buy it.