Tuesday, April 14, 2020

We Have Met The Enemy, And He Is Us

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5480/10857583075_7f67c97b07_o.jpgWell, as Pogo, the main character in Walt Kelly's famous comic strip, is noted for saying, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."  And indeed we have met the enemy, and he is us in the form of the United States shadow government.  He is the countless faceless, un-elected bureaucrats that actually run things, many of whom at the federal level were placed in their permanent positions by the Kenyan and his far left tyrannical regime.  Worse, many of these petty tyrants who are messing up your life are at the state and local level.  But many Americans are still glibly unaware of the threat and danger that exists from this kind of hidden tyranny.  They, like sheep, allow themselves to be herded, and prodded into a Borg-like mentality.  It's all for their own safety, you understand.

Is it any wonder these heavy-handed, in-your-face authoritarians are drunk with their own perceived power?  They have told us where we can go and where we cannot go.  They have told us when we may leave our selected "shelter in place," and when we may not.  They've closed our businesses.  They've limited our travel.  They've denied us the right to freely assemble, to worship, and to conduct "non-essential" activities.  And we, being the obedient, law-abiding citizens that we are, comply without question.  You know why?  Because they have frightened the clear thinking logic out of us with this global pandemic nonsense.

But now they know how to completely control us.  And this is not a drill.  Next month Bill Gates and others will come riding in on a white horse to save the world with a vaccine guaranteed to cure all ills.  And that injection will contain a microchip to monitor our "health".  And it will be mandatory.  See Adrian Wyllie's book, The Cassandra Trigger, to know how this will be accomplished.  And Gates surely knows how to create a virus and then ultimately how to prevent it, right Windows?

What if this whole viral outbreak is a manufactured crisis?  What if SARS-CoV-2 is just a tweaked version of the flu brought to you by the global Boys at Bug?  So far it has turned out to be considerably less threatening - and by that I mean less deadly - than the alarmists have promised.  It can't live up to the hype.  When we ask exactly how many people have actually died from this bug, so that we may compare and contrast it with the statistics of the yearly seasonal flu, we get vague or inflated numbers.  For comparison, the WHO estimates that 250,000 to 500,000 people die of seasonal flu annually.  And as a nation, we accept that number of deaths, because, well, you know, people do get sick and die.

Even Dr. Deborah Birx has admitted that the death count relating to SARS-CoV-2 includes anything and everything in the official "cause of death" reports.  So someone could die of anything - age, medical conditions unrelated to SARS, or even a traffic accident - but if the deceased tested positive, it is counted as a SARS-CoV-2 caused death.  Even if it wasn't.  Even by inflating the death count, SARS-CoV-2 can't match normal seasonal flu death cases.

But we gave away our civil liberties and sacrificed our economy anyway. Will we ever get it back?

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Artillery? Or Infantry?

trumpthemanOkay, I'll call it for what it is.  Aside from the hysteria, the panic and the insane impulse to self isolate, it's an attack.  That's right:  an attack on the United States, its way of life and its standing in the world.  We're the big dog, we're the world's only super power, and we must be defeated.  Taken down.  Rendered impotent.  I've read some who have claimed this is actually World War III.  They may not be far wrong.  The factions against us - I'll call them the Axis - are both foreign and domestic.  And we, the American people, took it lying down.  Not only without a fight, but without even a whimper as we obediently did our masters' bidding.  We genuflected, and kissed the ring of authoritarianism.

Our fathers and grandfathers are rolling over in their graves.

What are we really dealing with here?  Does anyone know?  A virus?  A simple bug?  That's the obvious focus at this point, of course.  But arguing about where it came from, or who may have developed it, or if it was released accidentally or deliberately is like debating who to fear most from an invading army:  the artillery or the infantry.  Pointless.

Let's say that China did in fact develop and release this bug.  They did.

And let's say that a good number of members of the entire Congress - Feinstein, Pelosi, Biden and even McConnell to name just a few - have personal and/or business interests in China.  They do.

And let's say that there exists a proven, effective, readily available and inexpensive drug that not only prevents, but cures this contagion.  There is.

And let's say it's true that rather than calmly administer this drug to folks who may have contacted this virus, the Axis - the powers that be - deny this simple and effective solution and instead create a nationwide panic.  It is.

And let's say that another agenda exists, one that ignores the cure and prevention of this pitifully weak virus, and instead uses the fear and hysteria artificially created to further two goals: the total destruction of one of the most vibrant economies ever seen; and the total and complete control of the entire world's population, including ours.  One does.

And why would all of this occur?  Here's why: because Trump's policy of implementing economic nationalism over Marxist globalism has been undeniably successful. It's happening all over the world.  Think of UK's Brexit, Hungary and Poland, and the US throwing off the tyranny imposed by the Islamist Kenyan's disastrous policies as success stories.  And the entrenched global Marxists around the world - and in the US congress, too - cannot let that happen.  

So in this election year, the inevitable "October Surprise" came early.  The left's goal is to destroy Trump and all his successes.  The despicable Pelosi and her pet attack dog Schiff are already threatening yet another impeachment over Trump's "handling" of their made-to-order pandemic.  The evidence is clear, and the arrogance of these evil people allows them to flaunt it openly right in our faces. Hey, never let a crisis go to waste, right?

But to those who can keep calm and carry on, we recognize this for what it is.  It's just stage two of the deep state's coup d'etat and continued assault on America.  And God willing, we will grow some backbone and resolve to save the country and ourselves, and we won't take it lying down anymore.

Artillery or infantry indeed.