Monday, February 27, 2017

Unified? Not Yet

Image result for images american left losesDivided we fall.  A familiar truism going back to Aesop. But divided seems to be what the poor losers in the Democrat party and their propaganda arm, the MSM, want us to be.  They certainly must want that, as they have spent untold energies in the constant hammering of Donald Trump's administration and policies.  Lost on them is the fact that this is precisely what the American people wanted, and for which they voted.

When the Kenyan was elected - both times - the gloating class advised conservatives to simply acquiesce to the will of the people.  The vote is in, they said, and you lost.  In other words, shut up and sit down.  All in the name of unity, you understand.  This time, as political pendulums swing as pendulums will do, they are curiously silent on acquiescence.  The enraged left, completely unhinged and manic, scream for rebellion, session, and even assassination to make right their perceived wrongs.  Not my president, they say.  All in the name of unity, you understand.  The leaders of the far left, the Democrat Party, have vowed to nullify a legal and valid election and destroy Trump's presidency.  Just because they lost.  Ironically, it just proves what so many Americans already knew, and that is that the democrats care nothing about a democratic, constitutional republic.  They care only about their power in controlling the people.  As as long as they have influence, divided we will stay. 

And that's why the left in this country - who have been essentially running things for the last fifty years -  is so completely freaked out.  Not only did Americans reject the far left policies imposed upon them over the last eight years, but they voted to actually reverse them.  And that fact is not lost on the leftists.  So they will obfuscate, disrupt, lie and deceive in any way necessary to maintain their grasp on power. As it moves farther and farther left - note the DNC's new faces of Perez and Ellison, for just one example - it leaves middle America behind.

Whence comes unity?  Easy.  The socialist/Marxist/progressive left must be defeated as a viable ideology for America's constitutional republic form of self governance. The chaos from the left's applying Alinsky tactics has no place in a civilized nation.  It's sole purpose is to disrupt and destroy, and that must be defeated.  And defeated it was with Hillary's loss.

So the vote is in, and the left lost.  Conservatives get to run things for the next four and probably eight years.  So shut up and sit down.  And get unified behind the president.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: The Deep State's Revenge

Lt. Gen. Flynn:  First KIA?
True to his word, the vicious community organizer and past president, the Kenyan himself, has made good on his threats made while still in office.  The first political assassination - and scalp taken by the Kenyan's OFA organization - is the distinguished patriot, Lieutenant General (Ret.) Michael Flynn.  Flynn allegedly failed to disclose to VP Pence certain parts of a conversation he had had with a Russian ambassador back in January.  How this inconsequential lapse became known, however, is of a much larger issue that what Flynn may have said, or not said, to the Russian.  And at the heart of Flynn's political assassination is the source and manner of leaks within the intelligence community first and foremost.  Detailed revelation of surveillance of that type is not for public consumption, yet here it is.  So someone in the intelligence community - many are still holdover appointees from the Kenyan's reign of tyranny - breached national security rules and oaths and leaked the details of Flynn's phone conversations to the press.  That's sedition and treason right there. But even worse is that there was, and is, no reason for Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador or anyone else to be monitored and recorded in the first place.  Shall we now assume that all government employees are under constant and deep surveillance?  Are all American citizens so monitored?  Presumably, yes.  By whom and for what reason?  I think we know the answer to both.  We're told by the Alinskyite left that Kellyanne Conway, Reinse Priebus and Sean Spicer are next on the hit list.  That in of itself should be not only frightening to any American, but a wake up call as to what are the near term plans for the radical progressive left.

The Kenyan has said repeatedly that he would not follow protocol of other past presidents and maintain silence and a lower profile regarding any new administration. In fact quite the opposite.  His 2008 campaign organization simply morphed into Organizing For America, a well funded, well staffed and well organized "progressive" subversive group dedicated to the sabotaging of President Trump's administration, as well continuing its campaign of destroying the American culture and way of life.  

Image result for obama deep state
Shadow Government roots run deep
But what is even more terrifying than the Kenyan's dogged dedication to the destruction of America is the permanent status of the "deep state," that anonymous, unelected, politically homogeneous bureaucratic shadow government that seems to be always at the helm.  Behind the scenes, in the shadows, as it were. Americans have long known of - or more accurately intuitively suspected - the existence of this shadow government and are keenly aware of its impact on their lives.  And in November, they voted resoundingly for a change to a president not beholden to political donors and lobbyists, and who would "drain the swamp" of this evil, lurking and unaccountable influence.

Nonetheless, in less than five weeks into President Trump's administration, the left already has taken its first scalp.  It has promised to take more, many more.  Are we to meekly accept their threats to bring down this duly elected administration by using dirty deeds and seditious and traitorous acts?  Or are we, at long last, going to stand and demand an end to the deep state and its treacherous and dangerous manipulations?

The civil war is on again.  It will take patience, resolve and fortitude to win in the political arena, in bringing American government back into the harsh yet purifying light of day.  Should the progressive left and their globalist allies win, however, we may very well find ourselves in yet another shooting war.  Americans have had enough of the Machiavellian nonsense, they want their country back, and they elected Donald Trump to do just that.  It seems to have come down to us versus them; and the left isn't aware of exactly who they're dealing with.  They just might find out.  it's as simple as that.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Judge, Drop The Robe And Step Away From The Bench

Image result for judicial malfeasance
I don't need no stinkin' Constitution
If anyone thinks that the judiciary in this country hasn't become completely politicized, look no further than the insanity surrounding the President's Executive Order regarding the temporary immigration ban.  The insanity begins with the circuit court in Washington state that the leftist activists found in their judge shopping.  That was the court that ruled in favor of a TRO - that's a temporary restraining order - effectively stopping the imposition of the ban.  That ruling was challenged and the notorious Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unsurprisingly upheld the TRO ruling of the lower court.  Trump has vowed to take the matter to the Supreme Court.  Meanwhile, the traitorous Bush and Obama appointees left over at the State Department - in direct contravention to the president's directives - are sneaking in even more Syrian savages, some of whom even Assad admits are Islamic terrorists.

Here's the rub:  Trump's executive order stopping the immigration of any person from the cited seven Middle Eastern countries is completely legal and constitutional.  In fact, the president has sole authority and discretion in limiting immigration in whatever way he sees fit, including by race, religion, or country of origin.  This authority has vast legal precedent, and has been used by most presidents, including Bush and Obama.  So why the court cases?

The answer is the left has gone completely round the bend after the election of Donald Trump as president.  They lost.  The American people be damned.  The left's will be done.  They will do anything to subvert, harass, or delegitimize the Trump Presidency.  They are now engaging in "lawfare" because they have no power legislatively.  But they still own the radical judiciary, and they've moved the fight to the courts.   Judicial malfeasance is defined as a judge who deliberately or knowingly and arbitrarily disregards the legal standards, causing delay and expense to litigants.  That's an impeachable offense.  The judges who have propagated this legal travesty - especially those sitting on the 9th Court of Appeals - are political hacks, and disregard the constitution in favor of some idealistic social justice.    Which ultimately is neither social or justice.

So perhaps it's time to reign in an uncontrolled, unelected, and counter-constitutional judiciary.  It's within Congress's power to do so.  And perhaps this congress will have the testicular fortitude to do so.  And perhaps it's time for judges to actually rule on the law as passed by the legislative branch, rather than write law from the bench.

There's new sheriff in town, so Judge, drop your robe, and step away from the bench.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Let The Free Market Have A Go

Image result for education
US Education:  What's it worth?
There are some things governments do well. Conversely, there are things governments don't do well at all.  Two examples leap to mind:  health care and education.  Big government lovers will take exception to that, as they believe government should provide a cradle to grave security blanket for its subjects - er, citizens.  I disagree.  The recent unhinged response from the left-wing, big government types regarding the confirmation of several cabinet positions illustrates this disconnect perfectly.  Consider just education for a moment.

Yesterday Betsy DeVos, the 59-year-old businesswoman who survived a concerted effort to stop her nomination, was confirmed as Secretary of Education.  Vice President Mike Pence cast a historic deciding vote, breaking the tie along party lines and secured her confirmation.  The fight is all about Democrats' fear of losing their hold on power, especially in education, and that's something they can't abide.  Educated voters are a threat to liberalism for the most part.  But let's take this argument further, away from partisan politics and into the question of what the government is even doing in the education business.  Let's find out.  The United States Department of Education (the Department refers to itself as ED, a pun so glaring that it needs no further highlighting) was established in 1980.  Its mission statement, quoting directly from its website is:

ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. 

ED was created in 1980 by combining offices from several federal agencies. ED's 4,400 employees and $68 billion budget are dedicated to: Establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, and distributing as well as monitoring those funds; Collecting data on America's schools and disseminating research; Focusing national attention on key educational issues; Prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education.

Interesting.  That's how our government views education.   All of those items are strictly bureaucratic and political in nature.  Nowhere do you find a sentence that clearly states that this department of the government, with its $68 billion budget, seeks to empower American children with the highest possible level of academic achievement.  Nope, it's all about a system to equalize some nebulous perceived inequality.

Since ED took over American education just 37 years ago, the United States has scored lower and lower against other nations in academic achievement.  Currently the US is ranked only 14th out of forty countries scored in cognitive skill and educational attainment.  That means the US isn't in the top ten.  It's closer to the top of the Bell curve.  That means it's not excellent.  It's not even good.  It's mediocre.  But, hey, we're ranked 2nd in ignorance.

Chart from Ipsos[m]/1/
Perception isn't reality
But that's what we get when we put 4,400 unelected bureaucrats in charge of our children's education.  Mediocrity. That, and political indoctrination, as is clearly evidenced by the forced imposition of the Common Core curriculum.  Our children are not taught basic civics so they may operate in a constitutional republic as informed citizens.  Nope, they're subject to such drivel as Danny Has Two Daddies.  We get snowflakes instead of critical thinkers.  And we get Asian nations as the top three countries whose children are actually well educated.  So the question arises.  Why have a department of education that has failed the nation so dismally for nearly four decades?  Close it up, shut it down, and put $68,000,000,000 back in the bank.  Thankfully, there is a bill being introduced that will do exactly that. 

Why not let the free market have a go?  It certainly can do better than 14th out of 40.  $68 billion for just mediocre?  Unacceptable.  Imagine if parents had a whole list of private schools from which to choose.  Imagine if private firms could compete with each other to offer better education for a lower price.  Imagine if parents and children alike didn't have to be subjected the disgusting agenda the left pushes down their throats every day.  And imagine - as a direct result of that quest for excellence at an ever diminishing cost - the educational and intellectual level of American graduates would be literally world class.  In fact, The US would once again establish the measure by which scholastic achievement is measured.  But primary education in that scenario wouldn't free, you say.  I say there's 68 billion dollars waiting to be applied to every single student in the United States.  There's existing infrastructure, and existing talent.  There exists a formula that can be found that will work, as it always does in a free and capitalistic society.

Maybe privatization is truly the answer.  I hope so.  Or at least give education back to the states.  But definitely not to the federal government.   Go back up and read the DOE's mission statement.  You'll know why the US is 14th.  Mediocre.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

They Really Must Hate That Man!

Image result for brady and trumpIt's Super Bowl Sunday, and instead of an all American football championship game, we get a super helping of liberalism, propaganda, and in your face anti-Trumpism.  Thanks, NFL.  Tom Brady, arguably the greatest quarterback to ever play the game, should be the odds on favorite to win this game over Atalanta Falcon's Matt Ryan.  But - wait a minute - Ol' Tom is friends with The Donald.  Oops.  And so is New England Patriots coach Belichick.  And team owner Robert Kraft.  On, no!  So the chattering sports talking heads are in a tizzy.  Their favorite team is oh, so Trump sided. We can't have that!  Cheer for Atlanta?  Never happen.  They are going to have to laud Brady and the Pats - if they win, of course - in loving terms as they award the trophy.  And Brady gets another ring.  And no doubt Trump will tweet something like, "Are we tired of winning, yet?  No way!"  The humiliation to the far far left sports networks and their dupes in media will be deep and wide.  

So what does Goodell and the NFL do?  Load up on socialist, progressive, Marxist and far left propaganda before, during and after the game.  Lady Gaga's halftime performance is guaranteed to be a "statement" of some kind.  Budweiser and Lumber 84 will show ads that are decidedly left wing.  Pure socialist.  Even the Pope will have a pre-taped "message" for us to ponder between bites of BBQ and sips of beer.  I can't wait for the post game talking heads to analyze - in strictly political terms, of course - the deeper meaning in the win, whether it's Atlanta or New England.

Image result for pats and falconsBoth of these teams have worked hard to get to Houston tonight, and it's a shame - and a stinging rebuke to our media culture - that a simple championship football game has to be so clouded and cluttered with political hate.  America loves an underdog, and that's why most folks want the Falcons to win, according to polls.  The Patriots have had several Superbowl wins; the Falcons haven't any.  But if Atlanta does win tonight, the sports media and MSM will try to spin that as being a popular rejection of Trump and his policies.  But of course it won't be.  America elected Donald Trump, and America is rooting for Atlanta.   Simple as that.

Let the media and the NFL publicly embarrass themselves further, as they must really hate that man.  Damn shame.  Because America doesn't.

Let's just enjoy the game.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Return of Testosterone

There has been a noticeable trend lately that men are not as, well, masculine, as they have been in the past.  Several books have come out about this dismal state of affairs over the recent years.  Examples of the discussion of dying manhood are The End of Men, Angry White Men: American Masculinity At the End of An Era, and The End of Men: A Novel.  Worldwide, recent studies have indicated that sperm count has been notably lower.  The cause of lower male fertility has not - as of yet - been determined.

What the world needs more of
Might I offer a possible cause of this untenable situation?  Consider the affects on male behavior as dictated by the radical, shrill, misandrist feminists.  They hate men.  What man hasn't known a shrew at one time in his life?  A high maintenance girlfriend?  A psychopathic wife?  Or a vicious and relationship destroying mother in law?  How do encounters with personalities such as these make a man feel?  Masculine?  Or emasculated to the point of cuckold?  Undeniably the latter. 

For decades, we men - especially if we happen to be Caucasian - have been told by these feminists that we are the sole cause of all that's horrible and wrong with the world.  Baby boomers have let that accusation impact their own lives, and in many cases that false guilt has trickled down to our sons.  Further, the constant harpy drumbeat that men are bad has infected subsequent generations of men as well.  It's been relentless, and has been so for decades.  Now, however, the vicious finger pointing is falling upon men and boys who have fewer and fewer manly influences on their lives.

But look what happened with a the occurrence of a just single event.  The unlikely election of a real man to the presidency of the United States has been - and will continue to be - a game changer.  Compare a manly man with his drop dead gorgeous wife to the outgoing homosexual wimp with his transsexual man for a wife.  The sigh of relief was clearly audible throughout the land.  But the feminists, who hate anything with testicles, have shown their true colors in the recent profanity-laced protest of this heralded event.

We have but to look at the state of the nation under the limp-wristed hand of the Kenyan.  In eight years, he all but destroyed and vilified the American way.  But the limp wrist and leading from behind is what one would expect form a man who is not quite a man.  His policies were deified by the chattering class, but was abhorrent to most real Americans.  And the backlash came last November.  In spades.

So we have the feminists and their cuckold boy toys all in utter shock at the realization that there's a man at the helm again.  A man who says what he means, and means what he says.  Horrors!  The snowflake generations and their enablers are about to get their first lesson in adulthood:  Suck it up, buttercup.  You lost.  Grin and bear it.

Image result for women march against trump
What the world needs less of
So let those unattractive, over weight, vicious and negative misandrists march with their pussy hats, and their vagina themed costumes.  Let them rant and rave and spew their vulgar nonsense.  They have nothing positive to say; it's all just a tirade against men.  They hate the same men who find them physically and spiritually unattractive - hell, repulsive - and who don't want anything to do with them.  Hence their attitudes, no doubt.  That's not the way to a man's heart, I can assure you.  There's nothing attractive in androgyny, either.

So to the boys in the world, it's a new day.  A day for men and men doing manly things.  Ignore these ugly vicious harpies, me boy-o, they've brought us to pussified and cuckold status, all the while destroying chivalry.  And for God's sake, and for the sake of your sons, stand up and grow a pair.

You'll find your sperm count will go up.  Way up.