Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Cultural Jihad

It seems to me that there exist two clear and present threats to our Western culture and the American way of life.  One is recognizable, and has manifested itself in numerous ways.  It's right before our eyes.  The second is more innocuous.  It has seeped into the American psyche and now lives there comfortably. The danger posed is that the second prevents us from recognizing the first.  I'm referring to, of course, Islamic cultural jihad and political correctness respectively.

Now before you roll your eyes and start calling me all the over-used, inappropriate and mindless slurs like racist, Islamophobic, white nationalist, fascist, Nazi, bigot - did I miss any? - I submit to you that that reaction just serves to prove my point.

1,400 years of crazy
Consider this.  In 1991, a document, written by and for the internal use of the Muslim Brotherhood, and never intended to be made public, titled Explanatory Memorandum of the General Strategic Goal for the Brothers in North America, and was discovered during a 2004 terrorism trial in Falls Church, Virginia.  It was translated from Arabic, and outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals for North America.  It clearly defines their war, and their war is Cultural Jihad.   Read it in its entirety here.  If you aren't fluent in Arabic, here are the main points:

Page 4:
“Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is.”
Page 5:
“…the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out this grand mission as a Clivilization Jihadist responsibility."
Page 7:
“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers. . .  [W]e must possess a mastery of the art of 'coalitions' , the art of 'absorption', and the principals of 'cooperation.'"
Page 18:
“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends”
Page 18 is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR (Council American-Islamic Relations), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) and others are named here as Brotherhood organizations..  Far from benign, these  front groups are in effect the Muslim Brotherhood itself, which has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Nations, and even by the FBI while it was under the Kenyan's control, who actually supported the Brotherhood and its activities. 

But to further drive the point home, the Brotherhood's motto is this: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

So there it is.  Straight up.  No spin.  In their own words, they have stated their belief that it is their religious duty to subjugate all peoples of the world under the tyranny of Islam and its sharia law.  And they have said that continuously for fourteen hundred years.  They've been very clear about their intentions.  So why don't we believe them and take it at face value?

As I have pointed previously out in these pages, Islam as an ethos, and sharia law in particular, are inherently incompatible with the Western idea of self governance, especially so with the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights that form the foundation of our nation.  Look no further than the two events in Europe, and one stateside over the weekend.

In London, a Muslim jihadist rams his car into dozens of bicyclists before crashing it into the Parliament building.  London's Muslim mayor Khan responds by suggesting a ban on cars in the area.

In Sweden, Muslim jihadis attack three separate Swedish cities simultaneously, setting fires and destroying property.  The Swedish government continues to bury its head in the sand, and refuses to admit that the 600,000 Muslim invaders it has welcomed has anything to do with their skyrocketing crime.

In New Mexico, a female liberal judge let a Muslim terrorist along with four of his illegal alien conspirators walk free after they were arrested for creating and maintaining a terror training compound there, where children were taught to shoot up schools, and where at least one child died.

See the pattern?  And there are hundreds more events like this all over the world, where people die as Muslims enact their murderous manifesto.  And Western law looks the other way, censored by some insane notion of moral equivalency.  And, my friends, it's only a matter of time - weeks or months perhaps - before this kind of chaos, death and destruction will be occurring in your cities and towns.

This begs the question of why are we even considering allowing any Muslims into the country, when - in their own words - they openly vow to destroy us and implement their own failed 7th century theocracy here in the US? 

The answer to that is the second threat I noted above: political correctness.  The term "politically correct" was coined in the 1920s by the Soviets and their ideological fellow travelers to describe why the views held by some folks needed "correction" in order to be in sync with the party line.  The American left, founded in large part upon the ideology of the Soviets, has adopted that term as well as its application.  As a result, we've been bullied into group think and self censorship, leading to the idea that certain groups of people, or ideas themselves, cannot be questioned.  Critical thinking is not allowed.  Institutes of higher learning indoctrinate, they do not educate.  This Orwellian thought control has seeped into our national psyche.  And the media propagandizes this nonsense day in and day out.  Unrelentingly.  We are told by the enlightened elites that we cannot speak about the invasion that is openly and clearly happening right before our eyes.  It's not politically correct to speak of the danger that Islam poses, not only to us, but to everyone in the world.

In fact, if one does speak the truth, one is first bullied into submission, then summarily censored, mocked, ostracized, maligned and destroyed.  And that process is called "politics of personal destruction." The term was used extensively by Hillary to refer to the destruction of Bill Clinton's accusers in the numerous and infamous rape-abuse scandals that dogged his presidency.  And who is it that uses these diabolical methods today to intimidate and silence their opponents?  It is the American left and their apparatchiks in the Deep State, whose stated goal is the subjugation of the American Way.  And Islam is the Deep State's useful idiot - a term coined by Stalin, by the way - to bring to fruition the end of America as we know it, and its replacement by a tyrannical theocracy under the left's control.

Image result for muslim invasion
They're telling us their plans
And so the enlightened elites and the entrenched Deep State tell us that we must bring invaders into our country in vast numbers, to demonstrate how tolerant we are.  They won't hurt us; they are the representatives of peace. Immigration is our strength.  Dhimmitude is our salvation.  This is what eight years of the Muslim Kenyan got us. And, by the way, if you clicked on that last link, the word dhimmi means several things in Arabic. "Enslaved" is probably a better definition than "protected," because a dhimmi is "protected" only by virtue of his enslavement.

In the face of this, as well as full-on censorship of conservative voices in social media, news media, college campuses and elsewhere, one can sense the impending onslaught.  And the source of this repression of ideas is the Soviet Socialist ideology, dusted off and re-instituted, and rapidly being forced upon us.

Just to be clear, let me repeat.  Islam is here to conquer, not to assimilate.  They tell us that themselves.  We are under siege by a cultural invasion - a jihad - and the American left and the Deep State are aiding and abetting it.  It's one enemy on two fronts.

Wake up.  Make an effort.  Pay attention.  Tell the truth.  Think critically about what you're being told.  Open your eyes and see the world for what it really is.  Don't just buy into the elite's and the media's propaganda.

And sooner or later, be prepared to fight it like hell.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Applied Zen In Law Enforcement

A manageable definition of Zen is that Zen emphasizes rigorous self-control, meditation-practice, insight into Buddha nature, and the personal expression of this insight in daily life, especially for the benefit of others.

禪 Zen
Zen Buddhism
So consider this:  What would happen if law enforcement, while pursuing their job of ensuring public safety, practiced an Americanized version of this Buddhist philosophy?  Would serious crime drop?  Would police-civilian confrontations be lessened?  And would the unfortunate perception of some police as bullies with badges change for the better? I wonder that too, and I think it would.

My readers know that I'm firmly pro law enforcement, and that I'm also very metaphysical in my personal philosophy.  But an interesting conversation with an off duty sheriff's deputy today made me think that there may be a viable marriage between Oriental thinking and Occidental law enforcement.

In this conversation today - two guys just having a philosophical chat as guys will do - it was revealed that we both shared some background.  We're both from the same county, same schools, studied Oriental martial arts, and understand some basic metaphysical dynamics.  His discipline is Jujitsu, mine is Tae Kwon Do.  So it was natural that we discussed the application of these disciplines as applied in the execution of our individual duties in our jobs.  I've done that for years in my career, and he has in his career as well.

One of the main tenants of Oriental martial arts is that once you learn to fight, once you become the warrior, you no longer have the need - or the urge- to fight.  The agitated ego is replaced by a deeper, calmer awareness.  The knowledge that a student of these disciplines will understand is - that along with the power to deprive another of his power and his life - there comes a sacred responsibility.  A better solution to a given situation therefore,  rather than ending in injury or death, could be a thoughtful de-escalation though self control, and as an extension, control of the situation. 

Well now.  Could that really work?  In the mean streets?  Where the boys in blue are targeted?  In the face of anti-police vicious gangs and thugs?  He and I think it could, of course.  It has been tried in the past, and successfully so, on a local scale.   And on a one-on-one situation especially.  Let it trickle up.  From street to training to doctrine.  But police don't really get that kind of training.  They get "you enforce the law" training that may or may not be the best way to get people to obey and respect the law.  

This is not an indictment in any way of the current policies and procedures that law enforcement use to do their jobs.   That said, even if something works pretty well, could there not be even more and better improvement?  I think so too.  But we'll refrain from asking that of the FBI.

As the wise man has said, sometimes a deep revelation can slap you upside the head when you least expect it.  That's the universe trying to get your attention.  It has a message for you.

Better listen up.