Monday, June 30, 2014

Close Encounters Expected

As the nation spirals downward in its death throes, thanks to the evil Kenyan at the helm, we look toward the heavens for a change of mental pace, and to take a breather from the caliphate-to-be or the invasion of disease-ridden aliens pouring across our southern border.  But speaking of aliens . . .

Black Hole Sun
No, not Soundgarden.  NASA.  It seems every summer for the last few years, the sun has developed a "hole" on its surface.  Known as a coronal hole, it is an area of the sun's surface that's slightly cooler than the norm.  NASA first noticed these events in the 1970s, and they tend to coincide with the sun's normal 11-year cycle.  What it means to Earth is highly accelerated solar winds, at twice the speed of normal solar wind, which can cause an intense and vivid aurora borealis, and minor disruption of electrical signals.  The Earth's magnetic field protects us from excessive solar radiation.  Usually.  A huge, well directed coronal mass ejection (CME) could literally fry us and our civilization in a instant, bathing the Earth in a flood of gamma radiation.

Is Anyone Out There?
As many people know, we on Earth have been monitoring the skies for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life.  The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program has been in existence for years, but now has stepped up its cosmic eavedropping by announcing two new methods to search for signals that could come from life on other planets. In the Panchromatic SETI project, multiple telescopes will scan a variety of wavelengths from 30 stars near the sun.  If you'd like to be part of the search, University of California at Berkeley has an app that allows your personal computer to analyze raw data signals returned to SETI's radio telescopes.  It's free; download it here.

Yep.  Life In The Neighborhood
Ask any teenager, "what is life," and you may get one of only several answers.  Ask an astrophysicist, however, and you may be surprised at the answer.  Life as we know it, or life as we may imagine it?  Interesting, because the definition of life as we know it typically means a carbon-based, photosynthesizing life form.  But we know of life forms in the deepest darkest oceans that survive on methane and sulfuric gases.  They've never seen the sun, and are silicon based.  So we know of at least several types of life.  Recently the probe Cassini flew past Saturn's moon Enceladus and recorded something startling:  the surface was emitting huge plumes of something far out into space.  It turns out that it's most likely liquid vapor, coming from a massive subterranean ocean on Enceladus.  So based on a revived definition of "life," have we indeed found it?

Evidence of Type II Civilizations?
Several astronauts who have walked on the moon contend, and have been validated by recently declassified and released Apollo Missison recordings, that we found artifacts there that defy conventional wisdom about the moon.  And several tests by the Martian rover Curiosity has gotten positive results for radiation-emitting microbial life on Mars.  That's pretty close to home.  For whatever reason, NASA is disinclined to declassify any of this information, and we are left to draw our own conclusions.  Is all this just someone's hyper imagination?  Raw meat for conspiracy theories?  I'm not so sure.  But know this:  both the US and the UN have contingency plans for our inevitable contact with extraterrestrial biological beings.

Is this knowlefdge in contradiction with established religion?  Yes and no.  Some would look at this as a validation of their faith, others would not.  With so many people embracing a religion based on 6th century civilzation constructs, maybe the reluctance in releasing evidence that cultures and civilizations have preceeded us, and we are merely the new kid on the block, is valid.  I can handle it, as I've long thought that this is the case, anyway.  But there's 3 billion screaming zealots who may take umbrage at learning this, and well, they have a jihad going on now, and this information would most probably push them right over the edge. I hope however, that science and exploration both in space and on Earth will continue, and that those brave souls who strive to interrpret whatever anthopologcal findings are uncovered will continue to do so.  I want to know.  I want to believe.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What's The Best Way To Vanquish An Enemy?

With only some thirty months left in his "presidency," the Kenyan is now pulling out all the stops to fulfill his campaign promise to "fundamentally transform America,"  e.g. destroy her.  This policy is no longer subject to conjecture, it's clearly out in the open; and right in your face.

In both foreign policy and domestic, the Kenyan continues his scorched Earth policies.  His refusal to enforce immigration laws is now manifested in a policy of indiscriminate open border policy.  To date, a third military base has been opened to house the flood of minors and miscreants pouring into the country.  Valerie Jarrett, the unelected Machiavelli of this administration, has declared the aliens to be "the best we have."  Really?  Unwashed, uneducated, undocumented, anti-American illegals are the best we have?  How about that!  These are not doctors, scientists or philosophers coming across, they're the lowest possible denominator of humanity - and that's being kind.  The ramifications of the complete breakdown and dilution of American culture - that of individual liberty and responsibility, of adherence to a nation of laws, of entrepreneurial ambition, of seeking things greater than ourselves, all of these concepts will be merely quaint notions after the Kenyan does his despicable work.

¿Qué es la mejor manera de vencer a un enemigo? 

ما هي أفضل طريقة لهزيمة عدو

Better get used to it, folks.  What's the best way to vanquish an enemy?  Attack him at once from all sides, overwhelming him.  I can't say if the Kenyan has ever read Sun Tsu, George Patton or Robert E. Lee, but his current battle plan is formidable.  While he floods the country with these illegal undesirables, he releases five hard core, sworn enemies of western culture, especially America, all amid the administration's deep denial of their lethality. After all, they'll be monitored by the government of Qatar.  These now freed Taliban leaders have already emboldened the insane and radical Islamist terrorists to continue to bomb, capture, torture and kill all over the world.

The ISIS, a terror group once aligned with al Qaeda, has already taken Mosul, and by looting banks across the province, have become the richest terrorist organization in the world.  They have now all the money they'll ever need to conduct their jihad against civilization. Worse, their presence and influence grows in Iraq, and by capturing windfall of arms, munitions and equipment abandoned by the fleeing Iraqi army, they now can arm splinter groups all over the world.  It is naive to believe that this terror organization will contain itself to Northen Iraq, as their goal is to unite Syria and Iraq under their version of an 8th century theocracy.

Rather than direct military and diplomatic efforts to contain this Islamist insurgency in the Middle East, or to put the National Guard on the southern US border with Mexico to reinforce the overwhelmed Border Patrol, the Kenyan prefers to revisit the safe, non confrontational cold war with Russia, by sending two (two!) B-2 Spirit stealth bombers  to England.  Oh, lest I forget, the Kenyan also wants to "administratively and unilaterally" disarm law abiding Americans.  That means he intends to bypass Congress through another executive order, as this tyrant is wont to do.  All to keep us safe, you understand.

So, his battle plan in effect - America being attacked from all sides - the Kenyan is far from defending her;  he aids and abets America's enemies, foreign and domestic.  And seeks to disarm Americans in the process.

"SOS" is an international distress signal that means "Save Our Ship."  But not anymore.  Today it means "Shoot On Sight."  Thanks, Barry. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Take a Stand: One State at a Time

As we read the news, day in and day out, we see the never ending lawlessness perpetrated by this administration and its puppets in Congress and the media. It has become so pervasive we're almost actually accepting it as normal.  But fight that urge; don't let this depravity numb you.

The US attorney General, Eric Holder, has publicly and steadfastly refused to enforce immigration laws as he reassigns border police to off-border tasks, all the while illegal and often criminal immigrants pour - literally - over the border.  In fact, he has even set up legal teams to defend the illegals.  The ploy now is to force illegal immigrant children across the border in order to elicit sympathy from the populace.   Great job, Eric!  That's the way to defend the Constitution.  The Speaker of the House, along with other Republicans, have abandoned their role of loyal opposition, and have embraced the free for all border crashing by unskilled, criminal, diseased and possibly enemy immigrants.  The end result will be another 30 million Spanish speaking folks here in the US on the government dole.  The disaster of this insane policy is yet to hit us culturally and economically.  But rest assured it will.

The Kenyan is doing his part, as well.  He just released five hard core, blood thirsty Taliban terrorists back into the fight against the US in a prisoner swap for a single US soldier, one who allegedly deserted his combat post and defected to the enemy.  The impact of the swap on the battlefield will make no difference, the administration assures us.  The Taliban see it differently, however. Now the Kenyan is one step closer to his goal of closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay and releasing those terrorists held there.  It's no longer a surprise that if he isn't actually a closet Muslim, he's certainly unabashedly deeply sympathetic to their cause.  Overshadowing, I might add, his oath of office to protect and defend the US Constitution.

So where is the light at the end of this dismal dark tunnel?  One point of light is a candidate running for governor for the State of Florida, Libertarian Adrian Wyllie.  Of all the candidates, he's the only one I've seen who says exactly what he means, and does so in an informative, intelligent way.  Not through moronic soundbites spewing platitudes, but with intelligent, well thought out discourse.  The voters are starved for some meaning from their candidates, and are tired of electing the same attitude to government positions, regardless of the "R" or "D" after the candidates' names.  Wyllie has defended the Constitution through his service in the US Army, as well as on the campaign trail.  His 7-point plan to reduce government, lower taxation, and enhance both liberty and economic freedom resonates with the voters, as his poll numbers are beginning to show.  How does his election help the US?  Because Wyllie understands the Constitution, he will enforce the prohibitions on the federal government in favor of the people or the states as cited in both the 5th and 10th amendments.  Even if he doesn't get elected, his campaign is a template for other candidates as well as the people to stand up, refuse to be tread upon, and stop the usurpation of freedom under the boot of the Kenyan's imposed tyranny.

His message is resonating, and he's fearless in his fight to regain the America that once was.  One state at a time.

UPDATE, 11 June 2014:
Yesterday, the Virginia electorate made its preference clearly known by electing an unknown Tea Party Candidate over the 7-term Minority Leader, Republican Eric Cantor.  Cantor had abandoned the core principals of the Republican Party by embracing not only amnesty, but embracing the Kenyan as well, essentially signing on with this administration's policy of Destruction of America.  The defeat of status quo RINO candidates shocked the Washington DC group-think, and sent a panic through the established Republican leadership. The proof of this is the story is Cantor's defeat, rather the win by an economics professor, David Brat, who ran on conservative values, and who spent less than $200,000 to do it.

Does this mean that the tide has turned, and people are no longer buying into the liberal/progressive rhetoric coming out of Washington?  It's too early to tell, but if this primary is any indication, there's hope that the era of tyranny is on the wane.  Compare Brat's winning platform to Adrian Wyllie's, Libertarian candidate in the Florida Gubernatorial race.  Can common sense - economic and individual liberty, rule of law, and much smaller and less intrusive government - win again in America?  I hope so.  We, the people, still have a voice in our government, but if we fail to use it, we'll certainly lose it.