Monday, January 31, 2022

Have We Reached Critical Mass?

Last week I posted an essay titled What To Do that begs a response to the extreme Marxist-led governmental overreaching tyranny that has become a daily occurrence here in the United States and elsewhere around the world.  And unsurprisingly, other authors, writers and bloggers have come forward with an answer. Some call for boycotting woke companies; some want enforced electoral reforms;  others demand the GOP grow a spine - and testicles - and politically counter destructive anti-American edicts; some think we should bring God back into the culture and live more piously to offset the surge of Godless Marxism as did Poland some years ago.  Poland, you may recall, was faced with the Marxist destruction of their heritage and society.  In response, Poles engaged in a renewal movement, which led to Solidarity and ultimately the end of communist rule in Poland.  That movement - between 1979 and 1991 - subsequently carried over to other nations in Central and Eastern Europe. And Poland to this day refuses to take in Islamic "immigrants" due to sharia's innate tyrannical ethos and its anti-West and anti-Christian culture destroying practices.  These options are all viable.

Most of these responders call for peaceful, non-violent actions.  I'm not sure I'm completely on  board with that line of reasoning.  Here's why.  Look around and you'll notice that for the last hundred years, American voters have changed the political landscape with leaders ranging from progressives like Woodrow Wilson and FDR to constitutionalists like Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.  And yet, Marxism creeps along unabated, corrupting our public schools, colleges and universities, our culture, and our even our so-called fourth estate - the media.  From this observation we can conclude that our elected leaders - even those as vile as the Kenyan and our gal Hil - aren't necessarily the issue.  More the case, it's those bureaucrats who no one elected and who can't be removed that are abiding and facilitating this long march into communism. So how, then, do the solutions offered above apply to eradicating the source of the problem?  Well, the answer is they don't.  A new solution must be found, and it's a toughie. 

If elections change nothing, how then do we proceed?  Perhaps we should publicly identify those faceless, nameless bureaucrats who have charge over our lives.  Ridicule and shame them into resignation.  Or in the case of murderers like Fauci and Walensky, indict them and prosecute them fully.  For others less visible, simply apply other means necessary.

Perhaps we are now at a cultural critical mass. In the context of nuclear physics, the definition of critical mass refers to the minimum amount of a given fissile material necessary to achieve a self-sustaining fission chain reaction.  In a societal context it refers to the point when a significant and often unstoppable effect or change takes place.  Have we actually reached that critical mass, that tipping point?  Probably yes.

As the authoritarians double down and increase their iron grip, regular folks by the tens of thousands still attend Trump rallies; they applaud fifty thousand protesting Canadian truckers; they vote with their wallets and counter-cancel social justice nonsense; and even in Denmark they've canceled all the made-up and senseless covid over reaction.

That's all good news to freedom loving folks, but unless and until we rid ourselves of the festering cancerous evil behind the scenes like the unelected Swamp dwellers, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Fauci, John Kerry and especially the Kenyan, ain't nothin' gonna change. 

That evil can't be reasoned with; it can't be compromised. It must be eradicated.  In the short term that means a shot in the arm, if you'll allow the pun.  In the long term it must be eradicated by the return of civics, civility and an appreciation of Western culture and history.  And these solutions must be sustained for several generations.  

And that will require dedication:  something more than a midterm election.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Ah, Whatta You Know From Funny?!

One of my favorite jokes goes like this: A Muslim, a Jew and a Negro walk into a bar.  The bartender looks up and says, "Get the fuck outta here!"  Now that right there is funny, I don't care who you are.  But why is it funny? It's funny because it makes several assumptions in which the listener is keenly, if not unconsciously aware, one of which is its inherent projected bigotry. (An aside, I first heard that joke in the insightful Clint Eastwood movie Grand Torino, in which Clint's character tells it. Think about that for a second.)  Further, this joke embodies discrimination, racism, anti-wokism and independence, all of which can be funny when our culture takes them to extremes.  We counter extremism by mocking it; by laughing in its face, by ridiculing those who push it upon us.  And at this point in our history, very little of our culture is not being taken to extremes.

Let's put things in context.  One of the most serious problems facing our culture - and I might add, our constitutional republic - is Islamist extremism. I have written about the inferiority complex displayed by radical Islam many times, here and again here for example.  While CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), itself a terrorist organization,  screams about so called Islamophobia, it is merely a case study in projection—the psychological process of attributing one's own defects to others. In this case, the defect is hate of anything other than Islam.  Islamophobia is certainly about hate all right, but it's about their hate.  Meanwhile, Muslims murder women, rape children and slaughter Jews and Christians throughout the world.  Here in the Sates, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) describes itself as the nation’s “largest mainstream Muslim community-based organization."  However, ISNA’s roots trace to the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Egyptian movement that seeks to spread sharia (Islamic law) globally. The Brotherhood was founded in the 1920s and doctrinally opposes Christianity, Judaism, modernity, and secularism. The Brotherhood’s credo is “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”.  Well, that's pretty clear.  There exists in Islam no option for "co-existence" as the ubiquitous bumper sticker demands.  It's their way or die, yet it is we who are branded as "Islamophobic."  Mock them and they lose their power over us. Fear them and their power increases. 

Speaking of mocking, the petty and infantile behavior of the Marxists in charge continues.  To keep the panic alive, the deep state must continue with the bat flu narrative.  To wit: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) closed Florida's monoclonal antibody treatment sites on Monday after the federal government abruptly removed the treatments from Emergency Use Authorizations.  This comes weeks after the White House tried to limited quantities of Regeneron available to Florida, which has been proven to be very, very effective in treating Covid.  As Florida exerts its freedom and sovereignty, the Feds under the Kenyan's third term continue to punish any defiance of the narrative. The Florida Department of Health released a statement on Monday evening condemning the "abrupt" decision to take away treatments that can prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death in high-risk patients who have contracted or been exposed to COVID-19. Obviously deaths mean less to the evil in Washington than does the obedience they demand as other states' governors defy the Supreme Court's ruling against vaxx mandates, and double down on their tyranny.  After all, laws are only for the little people, not for us.  That's extreme, and it's funny.

What about the war drums we're beginning to hear?  Two smaller nations are being threatened by much larger neighbors, but we're only hearing about one.  China is threatening to invade and assimilate Taiwan, and we're told that Russia is about to do the same to the Ukraine.  But we don't hear much from Formosa; it's all about Ukraine.  The Big Guy's in the proverbial pocket of Xi Ping, so we won't be defending Taiwan should that come to a fighting war.  And because Obiden shut down the United States' domestic oil production, we now buy much of our oil from Russia.  So there's no chance Sleepy Joe will be fighting Moscow over Ukraine.  Sure, Putin would love to reacquire some warm water ports, but the fractionalization within Ukraine is intense.  Who needs that headache?  He's not going to start a war over that.  But the Neocons and Rinos and democrats here in the States need another war to boost their wealth and intensify their tyrannical grip over the good folks living their lives in the good ol' US of A.

So here we are in the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century, neck deep in chaos, turmoil and yes, malaise. We have dictatorial Federal governance, insane 7th century theologians, modern Marxists, Russian and Chinese saber rattling, billionaire depopulationsts, mad scientists spreading made-to-order viral bio weapons, insane masked Karens melting down in stores and planes and elevators, murder and crime and mayhem everywhere, government sanctioned looting, a two tiered legal system, an election system broken beyond repair, empty shelves in grocery stores, disrupted supply chains, high gas and energy prices, looming inflation, dwindling wages, women-boys, and decreased sperm count globally. 

What could be funnier than that?

Another aside.  The title of this essay is a reply from one of Eddie Murphy's characters in Coming To America wherein he tells this joke. Guy goes to a restaurant and orders soup. "Taste the soup" he tells the waiter.  Waiter says, "What?  It's too hot?  Too cold?"  "Just taste the soup."  Finally waiter says, Okay, fine.  I'll taste the soup.  Gimme the spoon." Guy says, "Ah ha!"   

Ah, whatta you know from funny!

Friday, January 21, 2022

What To Do

So what do we do when we learn - learn, not just suspect - that every established value we know and cherish is corrupt and rotten?  When we find out in no uncertain terms that we have been used, abused and marginalized? When we find out our leaders care little if anything about our lives, liberties and happiness, but are concerned only with attaining personal wealth and power for only themselves?  When we learn that our federal and state governments themselves are the source of all this malfeasance?  And what do we do when the erosion of trust in government is so complete, and no spin or propaganda can revive it?

What do we do when the Pretender in Chief himself goes on national television and declares that the upcoming midterm elects will most likely be stolen?

"I’m not going to say it’s going to be legit,” Biden said Wednesday about the election. “It’s — the increase and the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these — these reforms passed.”

So.  It's pass our election theft bill, or else we'll steal every election! His comments are also a tacit admission that the 2020 presidential election was in fact stolen from Trump's historic landslide.  But what message - apart from the obvious - can we take from this?  That is wise to doubt the integrity of our electoral system?  Is that what he's actually telling us? Perhaps. Maybe there's a revelation coming that confirms the fraud of last November, and Sleepy Joe just wants to get ahead of it. Right. That must be it.

Or how about the nonsense concerning that virus?  Attorneys general in 27 states sent a letter to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on Wednesday, asking the agency to withdraw its coronavirus vaccine mandate for large employers.  How did the journey from "14 days to flatten the curve" to - two years later - "14 days to get the killer jabs or you're out of a job" become an official governmental edict?  Congress drafts laws, the president enacts them.  Government agencies don't.  Yet mandatory mask use and killer injections remain in force, and people willingly abide by these unlawful impositions even as the CDC backpedals. Natural immunity is now better than "vaxx" alone, CDC now tells us.  Wow, who would have thunk it?

But my favorite is the behind-the-scenes work of the Spooky Dude to undermine the rule of law.  If you've got billions, well, you get to play God.  This yesterday from Breitbart:

Left-wing billionaire and Democrat donor George Soros has turned his attention in recent years to local races for prosecutor, using his money to elect “progressives” who push “criminal justice reform” and support the Black Lives Matter movement.

The rise of these Soros-backed prosecutors has coincided with a massive surge in murder and crime in many Democrat-run cities, including many where these prosecutors have implemented radical policies toward policing and incarceration.

Soros, directly or indirectly, funds campaigns for the most anti-law, open border, progressive candidates for state level Attorney General positions.  He's been very successful at it, too.  The results have been significant: felonious crime increased in these areas has skyrocketed.  Yet there is a traceable cause and effect. And Spooky Dude has no downside for his evil.

There's an ancient Chinese saying, "May you live in interesting times."  It's actually a backhanded insult.  But for the citizens of Planet Earth, it's a daily reality.  We live in interesting times, indeed. 

What to do, what to do?