Friday, October 25, 2013

What's in a Name? Political Correctness and Tyranny!

So now it's politically incorrect to refer to a professional football team's name as the Redskins.  After a century of existence, somehow now that is a racist and offensive name.  Let us just call them the Skins, says Charles Krauthammer, a usually thoughtfully commentator.  Yikes, that's pretty macabre.  I know some native Americans -Indians, as it were - who are not in any way offended by that team's name.  In fact they're proud of it.  Here in Florida a few years back, the same tightly wound, perpetually offended pantywaists decided that the University of Florida's mascot Seminoles was offensive to Native Americans.  Demeaning somehow.  BS, the FSU alumnae said!  BS, the Seminole tribe said.  We're not offended, far from it.  We take pride in our heritage.  

So why bother trying to recast longstanding brands?  In any application of the notion, it's simply tyranny by way of  thought control.  Native Americans - Indians - are victims of the vile aggressive white man, and in no way can a white man utter that redskin slur.   The "N" word is another example.  It's merely a contraction of the word Negro, which is the proper name of the race, just as Caucasian is the proper name for the white race. But they, too, are victims of the white man in the progressive mind. The white man's culture must be changed, rewritten, for the better, and for the common good.

 Don't buy that?  Well, George Orwell had it identified over a half century ago - define the language and you define the culture.  And it's the culture the liberals/progressives/Marxists seek to fundamentally change.  Remember that slogan Hope and Change?  This is a manifestation of that change; the erasure of the Western, Caucasian culture.  And that attempt to rewrite history is racist.    

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

The Demise of American Culture

America is a relatively young country compared to Europe and Asia, that's true, but we do indeed have a national culture. This culture can be found in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and reiterated again in the Bill of Rights.  This American culture is one of individual liberty, of being a citizen of a nation that respects individual rights and responsibilities, and a very, very limited government.  It's a culture of strength borne of prosperity, of personal responsibility, of faith in something greater than oneself.  But in the last six decades, something has happened, something that has turned our established culture on its head.  That something is liberalism as defined by the progressive movement.

Instead of elevating all to a sustainable socioeconomic level, as conservatives seek to do, liberals want all to "share" the misery of those who cannot, or will not, take responsibility for themselves.   It's based on emotion:  who doesn't feel sorry for the homeless in the streets, or for the dirt poor trying to eek out a living in an urban jungle?  Of course we do.  That's why Americans contribute more money to charities than any other nationality in the world.  But when progressives seek to level the playing field - which is pretty level already, given the structure of our constitutional republic - they do far more harm than good.  A conservative may see a man in a hole, and he offers his hand to pull the man out.  But a liberal sees that man in a hole, and wants all of us to climb down in there with him, to ensure that he's comforted in his misery.  Insane.  And completely ass backwards.  So now in the last sixty years we have lawmakers who have been elected to provide folks with stuff that they neither earned nor deserve.  Think LBJ's Great Society, a government program that sought to end poverty.  What's the end result of that program after sixty years?  Billions of dollars thrown away and yet even more poverty, as well as the creation of generations of people who know not self reliance, but only guaranteed government assistance.  What does that do to instill initiative and a sense of self worth?  Does it feed the economy?   Create jobs?  

Then we had the notion of political correctness, where the truth was muted so as to not offend anyone.  Perfected by Germany's Goebbels, it has developed now beyond ludicrous, it even eclipses Orwellian repression.  Forget about the truth - it's a casualty of that ill begotten need to share the misery.  We can't state the facts about crime and its source - we must blame guns.  We can't call a Muslim jihadist a terrorist, he's a freedom fighter or an enemy combatant.  We can't celebrate competence - we dictate that high school football teams can't win by more than a certain number of points.  And for some reason black people refuse to be called by their race - Negro - instead opting for African American.  I'm Caucasian of Scot and Irish heritage - am I a Scot American?  I'm proud of my heritage, to be sure, but I consider myself to be an American.  Period.  Why do Blacks want to continue to be segregated?  Why not just be an American? But we know the answer.  LBJ once said that through his policies he'd have "them niggers voting Democrat for a hundred years."   And they are.  You can look it up.

We wonder why there's such an attitude among certain segments of the population.  Track crime thorughout the US and you'll find that it's those who most rely on government who perpetrate most of the crime.  They kill and rob with impunity because they have no moral fiber, no self worth.  And consequently they see no worth in others, their victims, either.  You can look that up, too.

And so the demise continues as we slouch toward society's lowest common denominator as our new baseline of behavior. Schools seek to indoctrinate, not educate.  Gangs kill and rob and maim at an unprecedented rate.  The government becomes more oppressive than most dictatorships around the world, playing on our fears of terror or rampant crime.  The victim is charged; the perpetrators are forgiven.  Self defense is a crime.  TV promotes only negative societal messages.  And worse, Americans of faith are not only ridiculed in the media, they are reviled.

Huxley and Orwell couldn't even imagine it being this bad.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Genius of Terrorism

I hate terrorists. I mean all terrorists - the ones that kill and the ones that manipulate, as well. In 2001, one insane jihadist and a couple dozen adherents brought the world's greatest nation to its knees. Al Qaida could never defeat the US militarily, but they have certainly fundamentally altered each of our lives. The fallout of that single day - which future historians may regard as World War III, and being only one day long - continues to impact us even a decade or more later. What an ingenious campaign. We blamed Iraq and defeated that nation. We chased our tails hunting bin Laden all over the world at a phenomenal cost of treasure, effort and blood. Oh, yes, we won - he's dead, but our culture of individual liberty is gone, perhaps forever. He won, too, because willing accomplices in media and the government rushed to take advantage of the nation's fear that we'd be attacked again.

Now comes Big Brother and the Police State. Nothing is held back, all liberties are lost. Make a call? You're on talk radio. Send an email? Published news. Whisper outdoors? Drones above. And it's getting worse. Four of the nine supreme court justices are hard core lefties. Individual liberties, they ask? That's for us in government to bestow upon you as we see fit. Guns? We have them, but you won't. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution - you know, our basic government framework that acknowldeges that each man is born free, with the right to pursue his own happiness absent any governmental interference - are to them merely "dead documents" with little if any relevance to today's modern and complicated world. Government says these suspensions of liberty are neceaasy to keep us safe. If we stand down, they tell us, nukes will go off in our cities, and chaos will reign. Really.

Is this current adminsitration not a terror organization, as well? After five years, are you more circumspect in your thoughts and actions? Do you begin to fear the NSA, the TSA and the IRS as adversaries that are controlled by others than "we the people?"

We have until late in 2014, I believe, to take the country back. If we fail, the concept of a free people will be subjugated by opressive governments, both here and globally, for a very, very long time.