Tuesday, August 31, 2021

It's All Going As Planned

Charles Hurt — Biden’s War: Image of President in Fetal Position Has Enemies Quaking 

Penitent Joe. That's what this photo attempts to portray; that Joe realizes he's screwed the pooch and is sorry for all his bad decisions.  Joe, having made the worst foreign relations blunder in US history, is sorry for his call.  He armed the Taliban to a degree equal to most Western nations.  That in itself guarantees another 9/11-level attack on US soil.  He left US citizens behind to face certain torture and death at the hands of the religion of peace.  He imported thousands of illiterate Muslims into swing states here at home, just to ensure that the Democrats have enough voters. He abandoned Afghanistan so that the Chinese Communist Party can move in and further their Belt and Road ambitions.  Joe lied, and Americans died.

But that's just how the American people see this fiasco.  In reality, Ol' Joe is a brilliant actor.  He knows that his role is to be the King's jester, the palace clown, and to deflect scrutiny away from those who are really in charge.  And he's done that masterfully.  For those folks actually running things, the goal is the destruction of the American way of life and US influence on world affairs.  That reality is to be brought to a screeching and humiliating end.

And those folks - the Kenyan, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret, et al - are America's true enemies at war with Americans.  Their proxies however, are three:  The importation to support the rise of the Islamic threat, the tyranny of the Covid-19 hoax, and the blatant rigging of elections throughout the US.  They're in our face.  And they are winning.

So as Joe and his puppet masters arm Islamic terror, they go all out to disarm Americans, and make ammunition prohibitively expensive or banned altogether. A gun without ammo is just a paperweight.

They create a political vacuum in Afghanistan so that the Chinese can suck right in. Afghanistan is an integral piece of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which is Xi Jinping's 21st century remake of the trade routes of the Silk Road 2,000 years ago. It's China's attempt to spread influence and money throughout Asia, Africa and Europe.

At home, Biden's administration sacrifices national security on the alters of "climate change" and "critical race theory." I guess when the next terror attack comes, we can blame Americans for not being "woke" enough.  

So shed no tears for ol' Joe.  He's got his place in history cemented, and he's done his job for his globalist masters. Well done, Joe.  And when you see the inevitable terrorist aftermath in Afghanistan; the domestic mandates for experimental gene therapy; the door-to-door searches for guns and subversives; and the boundless tyranny exerted by nameless, faceless bureaucrats, well, you will know.

It's all going as planned.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Afghanistan's Fall and Its Silver Lining?

Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.  Last weekend the Taliban captured Afghanistan's capital city of Kabul, trapping thousands of Americans and others who work there, and essentially completing the takeover of the country.
  Jen Psaki Takes a Week of Vacation as Taliban Seizes Afghanistan 
As the bearded Taliban elders sat around the Prime Minister's office for the requisite victory photo, declaring the occupied provinces to be now known as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, jihadi forces besieged the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, where US Army Chinook helicopters were evacuating Americans from the embassy rooftop.  Just like in Saigon in 1975.  Russian and Chinese embassies stayed open in Kabul, of course.
  Reports: President Ashraf Ghani Flees Afghanistan
Interestingly, the Taliban are Sunni Muslims, and differ significantly with their neighbors to the immediate west, the Shia Muslims of Iran. Whatever bitter fruit the fall of Afghanistan brings us, the silver lining could be these two disparate factions of Islam are now right next door to each other.  Neighbors, if you will.

Back here in the States, the hapless Pretender in Chief takes a nap as Afghanistan falls.  His white house spokesperson, Jan "Circle Back" Psaki is also missing in action - on vacation, we're told.  It seems nobody wants to get near this colossal cluster fuck, a humiliation on an order of magnitude for the United States.   Yet another silver lining in this mess, however, is that this will be the wooden stake  driven through the dead black heart of the Godless Kenyan's Third Term.  Joe and Kamala will take the fall for the team, of course, but everyone knows this is the end for this administration.  Meanwhile, the heroin trade will once again flourish, poppy fields will bloom, and the Taliban will become rich from Westerners who have so much stress in their civilized lives that they must get high.  The cartel mentality reemerges in the region and with it comes the crime and corruption that always accompanies drug production. 
Afghanistan Map And Surrounding CountriesSo now Islam has a forward base of operations from which to strike terror into the Western world, and fat with American payoff money and weapons seized, the Taliban is a formidable foe.  And this fiasco can be laid at the feet of the Never Trump deep state, who screwed this policy pooch just because President Trump had it all under control a year ago.  

This administration, beginning with the Kenyan, has been the most inept and corrupt in United States history.  The entire foreign and domestic policy of this illegitimate crime cadre is based on whimsical - make that psychotic - fantasies, rather than on real life issues. 
Where is the administration's focus?  Well, it's on transgenderism, whatever that is, global climate change, whatever that is, Covid-19 and its Greek-letter variants, whatever they are, and woke-ism and critical race theory, whatever they are.  
But is the focus on China's criminal influence in the US?  Nope.  Well, how about the medical fascism arising from Fauci, Gates, Soros, Big Pharm and other depopulationists?  Nyet.  Maybe it's on the deep state big brother alliance with tech giants and their concerted eradication of American privacy?  Not there either.  The border crisis and the importation of thousands of diseased criminals and welfare seekers?  Nay.

We know where this administration wants to go.  Eliminate white people. Eliminate educated free thinkers.  Import dumbed down compliant sheep. Nullify the curious brains in our kids. Instill group think, while killing rational critical thinking.  It's been done before.

So while the fall of Afghanistan was a disaster, it may have been the thunder that awakens the sleeping American giant to the absurdity and insanity of this administration's domestic policy.
Joe sits alone while America fails.  And the silver lining is that folks now recognize the sham.