Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Another Shooting, Another Straw Man

Dylann Roof
Dylann Storm Roof
The looney left is at it again, trotting out the latest straw man for us to focus our hate upon. Given the perfectly good crisis presented by a 21 year old who is the suspected shooter in a slaughter in a black church in Charleston, the left and their adherents in media, have portrayed once again that all Southerners are hate-filled racists, just waiting for an opportunity to shoot some niggers.  (Don't flinch - even our mulatto president has unflinchingly used the word this week, and a comedian in his presence used it as well.  So it's now officially okay to say nigger even if you're white).  And who - or what - is that straw man?  None other than the Confederate battle flag.  That flag, to the uninformed, politically correct, over educated castrati represents racial hate and incites white on black crime.  In reality it doesn't, but I can't educate those who have no tolerance for the truth. 

Black Crime Increase
This story, while tragic on every level, will get more ink and more broad band time than the thousands of instances of black on white crime, or black on black crime, which is rampant in this country.  Think Baltimore, Ferguson, Atlanta, New Orleans, New York, even Sanford Florida again.  These are black crimes committed by black criminal thugs.  But what gets the media's attention?  A white man shooting black people.  So where does the Confederate flag come in?  Oh, right, the suspect is a white Southerner.  That's a non sequitur, of course, but in their narrative the media and the left don't care that it isn't logical, only that it inflames passions on both sides of the issue.  

Image result for images drugs
Far Deadlier Than Guns
All Americans are enraged by this lawlessness by such a small segment of our society.  And who wouldn't be?  Nevertheless one cannot in any way condone the acts that happened in that church, but one may, given recent racial violence in this country, understand how a young impressionable lad who was on anti-psychotic drugs, may feel about blacks.  He's not the first shooter who was on anti-psychotic drugs.  In fact most mass shooters are on those kinds of drugs, and nearly all are very young - in their twenties or teens.  This is a period in life when one's brain hasn't yet fully developed, and the mismatch between the limbic system and the pre-frontal cortex is at its highest. It's just part of growing up and maturing, but psychiatrists want to medicate it, resulting many times in a disastrous end.  But sadly nobody is screaming for the removal of those violence and suicide inducing chemicals from the market, nor for the prosecution of the doctors who prescribe them at ever increasing frequency.  Nope.  It's gotta be the Confederate flag that's responsible for all this hate, and it's gotta be taken down.

Image result for images confederate flag
Yep, no other issue right now is more important in our national discourse than taking down that piece of cloth everywhere and anywhere it may fly.  Not the $17 trillion national debt that will make paupers of all of us and collapse the financial system as well; not the not the millions of illegals pouring into the US bringing disease, crime and overwhelming society's systems; not the global monetary fund managers who for the first time ever have advised us to keep our money under the mattress; not the treat of "sudden nuclear jihad" from the insane rabid Islamofacists who have sworn to kill us all; not the sovereignty killing trade deals the Kenyan is pushing down our throats; not the overwhelming heavy-handed  tyranny of the federal government; and not even the betrayal of our elected officials who are sworn to uphold the Constitution but only vote to enrich themselves and their cronies.  None of this matters except the Confederate flag.  Insane.  That's why I say long may she wave as a symbol of what she has always stood for:  the freedom of the people and of the states from the ever tyrannical federal government.  It isn't now, and wasn't then, ever about race.

Friday, June 19, 2015

More Praise For Extinction

Extinction Symbol
Okay, I'll stipulate that these are certainly trying times.  You know, liberty on the wane, chaos in the body politic, immigration problems in every country, the threat of a financial collapse, doomsayers everywhere, warmongering by both cults and nations, and of course the idiots who still hawk wealth redistribution disguised as global warming or whatever label they've slapped on it now.  And which, as you all know, the genesis of which I lay squarely at the feet of the Destructor, The Kenyan.  As the great Sage Wei Li once said, "Enthusiasm is contagious; it is spread by casual contact."  Unfortunately, the corollary is true, pessimism and negativity is also contagious, and is spread in the same way.  And that is what we have today: a global scourge of pessimism and cynicism and all-out negativity, which opens the gates to self defeating prophecy.  You know, we are as we think. Think evil and destruction, get evil and destruction.  I've had to clear my house of unwanted malevolent extra-dimensional entities several times this year alone.  Even the Catholic Church is taking notice as Satan, laughing, spreads his wings, to steal a great line from Black Sabbath's War Pigs.  Notice the upswing in exorcisms lately, for example?

Are Humans a Virus in a Petri Dish?
Today yet another human comes along and opines that humanity will be extinct in 100 years time.  You may recall just recently one Les U Knight, a Portland substitute teacher, came out with a plea for us humans to self-extinct through his Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.  "Thank you for not breeding," I believe is their slogan.  How droll.  Yet that's some serious nihilistic self-hate this cat's wrapped up in, and I commented on it here.

But today, Australian scientist Frank Fenner predicts that humanity will be wiped out in 100 years time due to over population, diminishing resources, and of course, global warming  Wow. We better start partying, right?  No, because doomsayers are prolific - they have been crying "The end is near," for centuries.  And they're always wrong.  They are wrong because their recipe for annihilation never takes place, whether it's the fear of nuclear war in the 1950s and 1960s, or whether it was the new ice age scare in the 1970s.  Those things never happened.  The end didn't come in 1929 when the stock markets collapsed the banks, and it didn't come in 1980 and in 2000 when the markets crashed, either.  So even if you can buy into the over-population theory of self annihilation, and liken the human race to a virus culture grown in a Petri dish, you still have the thorny problem of "life will find a way." as Dr. Ian Malcolm's character tells us in Jurassic Park.

As a further example, astrophysicists, usually a very upbeat group, tell us that we haven't met ET because civilizations evolve only to a certain point in advanced technological development, before they sputter and devolve or become extinct. Like what will happen to us, they warn.  Right.  Like Atlantis?  And notwithstanding the Drake Equation, which predicts the existence of literally billions of habitable planets in our galaxy alone that may - or should - have life, they continue to espouse this nihilistic prophecy of self extinction.  There's a plethora of compelling physical evidence right here on terra firma to support the notion that not only have we met ET, but were actually are ET.  But that's a subject for another post.

So you needn't worry, we are all going to be here a good while longer.  The Earth will nourish and support us awhile longer.  One should question why all this self annihilation prophecy is being spewed out there.  Cui bono? We may come to grips with the over population issue, and that would be a good thing.  But for today, go out and enjoy your magnificent, God-given life, ignore the self hate crowd and the hidden agenda evil doers, and plant a tree to suck up some of that atmospheric CO2 those green-on-the-outside-red-on-the-inside communists are always whining about.  And by all means, live your life as the metaphysical Zen warrior in all your endeavors.

Life always will find a way.
Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner, who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2010-06-humans-extinct-years-eminent-scientist.html#jCpEminent Austril
Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner, who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2010-06-humans-extinct-years-eminent-scientist.html#jCp
Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner, who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2010-06-humans-extinct-years-eminent-scientist.html#jCp
Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner, who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2010-06-humans-extinct-years-eminent-scientist.html#jCp

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Goodbye Colt?

AP Photo/George Frey
The M1911 45 Caliber Colt Pistol
My. My.  Colt Firearms files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  My reaction?  Halleluiah and Damn! simultaneously. I had a familial connection to Colt, but I despair at Colt's bad management decisions.  Years ago back in the 70s, my uncle in law, then a Colt vice president, took me on a tour of the Python manufacturing plant in Connecticut. It was a typical American manufacturing facility, and it was a joy to watch those iconic wheel guns being created.  The Python's a huge, heavy revolver, by the way, and is not intended for concealed carry, which is what drives the civilian handgun market today.  More about that later.  The list of Colt owners reads like Who's Who in America.  And many people don't know that President Ronald Reagan carried his Colt .38 revolver every single day in his briefcase.  But Colt did some stupid things in its corporate lifetime, and one of them was to rely too heavily on military contracts, which they lost 2014, and subsequently led to their fiscal failures. Other stupid things Colt's management did were to get on the anti-gun bandwagon in the 80s and 90s, which alienated much of their intended civilian market, and the other was to pretend that manufacturing was still conducted the way it was in the 30s.  That is, their facility was located in a northern state with one of the highest confiscatory tax rates in the nation, bleeding profits.  The other was employing union members, who simply weren't engaged in the company's success, but simply punched a time card.  Oh, well.  Lesson learned.  Maybe an enterprising group will take it over, keep the name and retool with modern production capability, and produce a weapon that is consistent with today's needs, and in keeping with competitive pricing.

Colt SAA Peacemaker
Now that Texas has enacted an open carry law, civilians can carry their sidearms in full view.  I'm a supporter of those laws, because an armed society is a polite society, and we need some civility in society right now.  And yes, open carry gives some market appeal back to those heavy wheel guns that Colt loves to make.  And as to pricing, it was Samuel Colt who made the reliable, effective and low cost firearms for the common man.  Hopefully that vision returns to the Colt management.  It was later said of the Colt single action army revolver of the late 1800s - the iconic gun that won the West -  that "God made all men, but Samuel Colt made all men equal." 

I still want one.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Cyber War's Pearl Harbor, 2015

AP Photo/Andy Wong
While the Kenyan and his useful idiots in the White House assure us that, well, digital information on the Internet just isn't, well, safe, the importance of last week's presumed Chinese hacking of the Office of Personnel Management is a testament to understatement.  Let's ponder that a bit.  Personnel records of every single United States government employee, as well as perhaps a million or so former employees, are now in the hands of the Chinese.  These records include pre-employment background checks and data on employees' family and friends, as well.   Yet the White House maintains that this is not news, and that this kind of sensitive information cannot be kept safe in this digital age because of the evolving nature of protecting digital information? So it would seem, especially from this bunch of saboteurs.  The Kenyan claims his team found out about this hack right away, but that's yet another bold faced lie. It  it was “actually discovered during a mid-April sales demonstration at OPM by a Virginia company called CyTech Services, which has a networks forensics platform called CyFIR.” according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.  Yep, it took a private company - during a sales demonstration, no less - to discover the malware that was embedded in the OPM's website.  I bet CyTech closed that sale!  But wait, there's more.  Now that the Chi-Coms know each and every US government employee, the Chinese invaders pulled off yet a second massive military and intelligence security breach that may have given them access to “sensitive background information submitted by intelligence and military personnel for security clearances,” according to an AP report.  What the Chinese now have is a database containing Standard Form 86, which contains a great deal of in-depth personal data about the applicants for security clearances. As described by the AP, these forms discuss “mental illnesses, drug and alcohol use, past arrests and bankruptcies,” as well as important personal data, such as Social Security Numbers.  So that means anyone who has or seeks security clearance for employment as military or intelligence operatives is now "blown" by Chinese intelligence.  Peachy.

So the trend continues:  this administration simply cannot create a secure, functioning website, nor can it secure sensitive data under its responsibility.  Or, perhaps it can, it just doesn't want to do so for so many reasons.  Nevertheless, the damage is done.  Think ObamaCare, as well as the 1,246 other government security areas that have been breached.  So the excuse for all this exposure is that, well, we just can't guard everything, according to White House spokesman Josh less-than-Earnest.  Are you kidding me?  Giant private companies exchange sensitive data all day long with thousands - make that millions - of users, and nary a breach occurs.  Wall street stock trading sites like eTrade and Scottrade, and online banking and payment intermediaries like PayPal and Visa do business 24/7.  But the United States government can't get its digital poop in a group?  No chance. I can't be deluded for one minute into thinking this administration is simply incompetent; I think they're anything but.  I do think, however, that they have a not-so-hidden agenda, and they've got just seventeen more months to complete it. 

Couldn't Have Said It Better


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In Praise of Extinction

dinosaurs pictures, pictures of dinosaurs, dinosaurs, diplodocus, dinosaur pictures, pterosaur, dinosaur, flying dinosaur, quetzacoatlus, long neck dinosaur, dinosaur images, best dinosaur pictures, best dinosaurs, picture, pic, dino,RxMkfaHITw-best_dinosaur_picures-images-Zallinger_mural.jpgExtinction.  Dinosaurs.  Carrier pigeons.  Polio virus.  Well, OK, I got two out of three.  But how about a discussion about human extinction?  Seriously.  According to some, it's all humans' fault that certain species go extinct, and as such we as a species should voluntarily make ourselves extinct as well in order to make the world pure and safe.  Comes now the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, led by one Les U Knight, a substitute teacher in Portland, Oregon, said that the extinction of humanity would be a good thing for the planet and that humans need to reduce their numbers before they run out of resources.  Talk about a nihilist. You first, Les.   Maybe the extinction of humanity is already under way.  Clearly, there are factions - other than the insane, looney left like our thoughtful Mr Knight - who want to help with human extinction.   See my last post.  But the vast majority of spiritual, happy and sane humans want very much to live, and for their children and grand children to live, as well.  But not the mortally insane.  They want to die, and they want you to die, too.  For me, I say you go ahead and fade away, Les. You're just wasting space and sucking up my air.

Boom Goes New York!

Nuclear Explosions (88 photos)
Operation Upshot-Knothole, Nevada, 1953
Well, they've finally done it.  They got the bomb.  No warning was good enough.  No threat strong enough.  Now, reports are in that ISIS has stolen enough nuclear material from captured government facilities to build their own dirty bomb.  Great!  You remember all that right wing hand wringing and concern about the possibility of jihadists smuggling - er, causally walking - a weapon of mass destruction across what used to be the southern border, now open range land?  Crazy talk.  Paranoid delusion.  Political fear mongering.   Unfounded rumor.  Islam doesn't have a nuke.  Jihadists are just freedom fighters, like us.  That's what the left wing castrati wanted the American public to believe.  But according to Austrian Intelligence, that's exactly what has and will.happen.  Australia isn't cowed by ISIS or Muslims like the Kenyan is, who acts to encourage and embolden them, despite his lame rhetoric.  Australians take the threat seriously.  ISIS is fabulously wealthy because of all the banks they've robbed with impunity, and now they are a nuclear power.  Great work, apologists!  I can't wait for the CAIR approved excuses that pour forth when a Muslim nuke is deployed in Chicago or New York or elsewhere.  But if such a thing does happen, there will be no passivity in our retaliation.  No speeches.  No sympathy.  No understanding.  No red lines in the sand.  ISIS will be summarily annihilated here and abroad, and the Neville Chamberlains in this country responsible for this will be found and dealt with.  Count on it. 

Thursday, June 04, 2015


The news as reported by the Ministry of Truth can be, shall we say, so filtered that it becomes laughable.  It's a parody, really of what passes for journalism today. So maybe it's time for  political bloggers like me to roll up the sleeves, jump into the trusty combat boots, and arm ourselves for some real reporting - of rumors!  To be believable, rumors must be detailed enough to be plausible.  Here are some "rumors" that are probably accurate.

A Helmet, John?  Really?
It seems that America, now the neutered compliant global neighbor the Kenyan wants it to be, is doing nothing at all about the assassination attempt on John Kerry the other day. Oh well, yeah, they did circulate a story about Kerry breaking a leg in a bicycling accident in France.  But the actual story is that he was meeting secretly with a top ISIS commander. Secretary Kerry was in Geneva, Switzerland, this past weekend, where he was trying to wrap up the last details of a nuclear agreement with Iran.  But he and his entourage left for a secret meeting, supported by a French helicopter regiment, to a French air base where he would meet with Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov, commander of Tajikistan’s special forces,  But the American-trained colonel had defected to ISIS in April.  Ironically, Khalimov and his command were trained and funded by Kerry's own state department. As to the gun battle that ensued, Kerry was “gravely wounded.” Details from this point on are lacking, but Col. Khalimov was intimately familiar with US security proceeds and how to breach them.  If the lack of American follow up to the Benghazi attack is any indication, this administration will stick to the bike accident story.

hillary drunk blood clot bloodshot
Party On, Dude!
Hillary Clinton, loves to imbibe.  I mean our gal Hil really likes to imbibe. In fact she's a drunk.  A stumbling, falling, sloppy drunk.  Even the Kenyan says so.  Most in-the-know in Washington know she is a drunk, but her handlers feed the press a blood clot cover story.  Ok, a lot of politicians drink heavily.  No, really!  But Hill takes it to an art form.  First, she breaks her arm walking on a flat surface, then she falls and gets a concussion. No wonder she won't testify.  No wonder her campaign chugs along - without her.  And not only is she seen swilling everything from beer and wine to hard liquor all over the world, but she was filmed drunk - staggering carefully up the stairs on the State Department's plane in Yemen and falling flat on her face at the top of the stairs.  She has been at the bottle for a while now, and she's not above going on a nationally televised debate in New Hampshire totally smashed. We know she drinks heavily, and as president she'd be an absolute  disaster.  Hopefully we learned about candidates who lie about their past and who are of low character.  And Hillary is reminding us of that fact every day.

Jade Helm 15 Official Logo
Another rumor floating around is that the recent military exercises in public places is a precursor for martial law.  In  Flint, Michigan this week, loud explosions started the residents, and the city issued statements trying to prepare residents for the fact that the US Army would be training there for the next 10 days.  However, no specific locations were noted, and the army's spokeswoman was not available for comment.  Neat.  Many folks all over the nation are convinced that this - along with the infamous Jade Helm campaign - er, exercise - is merely a rehearsal for the imminent martial law that the Kenyan will declare.  We reported recently on Jade Helm here.  Many think that a military coup is well within the scope of this administration's ambitions, and conspiracy theories abound.  After all, lawless gun control schemes by this administration have been at the forefront for years.  Think Fast and Furious, and recently the DOJ imposing new backdoor  gun control regulations as just two examples.  Texas is having second thoughts about accepting Jade Helm maneuvers, and will have their National Guard monitor military activities.   But most activity will be covert.  Interesting.  Whatever the truth really is behind this unprecedented military muscle-flexing, people are duly concerned. 

News or rumors?  To quote Hillary, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"  We're still in a world of hurt.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Who Cares If You're Offended

Image result for pictures oppressive government

Thinking in terms of sound business decisions, let's say I owned a men's upscale clothing store, and needed counter sales employees.  In my search I placed an ad, and interviewed several candidates who willingly came to me in response, seeking employment at my business. 

The first, a young black man, came into my office and wanted the job I was offering.  He had dreadlocks down to his mid back, a teardrop tattoo on his left upper cheek, spoke in the slang parlance of the street, and all his front teeth were solid gold.  I tell him I'd hire him if he cut his hair, dressed appropriately and spoke in proper English.   The tats and the grill I was willing to accept, yet he declines, as doing so would be a sellout for him.

The second candidate was a relatively attractive young woman, reasonably educated and well groomed.  She was a Muslim, and wore a headscarf.   I told her if she were to dress in a conventional manner to reflect the culture and expectations of my customer base, I'd hire her.  She refuses to remove the hajib, and declines.

Supreme Court Hears Case Involving Abercrombie & Fitch And Religious Wardrobe Discrimination
Ah, Yes.  Our Dear Friends CAIR At It Again
As a business owner, taking the economic and market risks to provide a high demand service to the public at large, am I not the sole arbiter of whom I hire?  The answer is no. Abercrombie and Fitch faced this exact scenario some years ago, when they declined to hire a Muslim candidate for a modeling job who refused to remove her hajib.  Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of this woman who sued for discrimination after being denied a modelling job at age 17 at an Abercrombie & Fitch clothing store in Oklahoma because she wore a head scarf.  She initially won a $20,000 judgment against Abercrombie in federal district court. On appeal, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver reversed, ruling in favor of Abercrombie.  Now SCOTUS reverses again in Monday's 8-1 decision, ruling in her favor after the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) took the case.  I disagree with that ruling.  A company has the right to set its own minimum standards for any given position.  The plaintiff in this case was not harmed, there was no dispute of facts, and she was certainly free to pursue other opportunities.  But when the oppressive EEOC (i. e. the US government) got involved, suddenly it became a religious issue, which it never was.

Screen Shot 2015-05-31 at 11.30.58 PM
Terrorist Imam Suhaib Webb (left),
Why do we even care about this?  Because as evidenced by this case and thousands of others, the creeping governmental usurpation of individual liberties in favor of idiotic perceived individual "rights" continues unabated.  In EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch, Plaintiff has no "right" to flaunt her cultism.   "Offended" isn't a valid cause of action.  Yet as to religious freedoms, this administration bends over backward to accommodate Muslims in any capacity.  But not Christians; they're pursued and harassed.  Another "offended" Muslim incident blown out of proportion, and culminating in yet another American company begging for forgiveness, is the infamous Muslim Coke can matter.  But wait.  This Muslim woman who claimed in a social media post that United Airlines discriminated against her because of her faith, has a history rife with deep connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Imams.  Ya think?   In Minnesota, already a Muslim nation, a majority of Muslims want sharia law to replace freedom of speech and other constitutional freedoms. There's an aggressive agenda here, folks, and woe be to those who won't recognize the enormity of  it.  But you won't find the Department of Justice or Homeland Security investigating these militant Muslim factions who are openly engaging in overt sedition.  Not one.  Anywhere.

What you will see is vigorous investigations of the conservative, Christian political right in this country.  What you will see is the DOJ investigating movie theaters for God only knows what.  Loretta Lynch can be counted on to do the Kenyan's bidding by appearing diligent, all the while making smoke screens as cover for this corrupt administration's Machiavellian machinations.  Case in point: you will find DOJ again illegally making law by circumventing congress and implementing a dozen or more new gun control regulations.

Molon Labe!
So while we have to contend with - make that defend against - covert Muslim sedition; a new crime wave and rioting by black thugs; illegal Hispanic and Asian gangs crossing the porous southern to rape and rob at will; ISIS declaring a terror war on us individually; and a heavy handed and oppressive government involved in micromanaging every aspect of our personal and business lives, we see DOJ intent on just one thing.

Disarming America.