I Want What You Got, Whitey |
They even have a name for it. The Ferguson Effect. It's the reversal of over twenty years of falling crime rates across the country, and it's all part of the plan. It's abetted, if not engineered behind the scenes, by the racist-in-chief, the Kenyan, propagated by CNN, and it's working like a charm: Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time
last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over
Memorial Day weekend. May has been the most violent month the city has
seen in 15 years. In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180%. Through April, shootings in
St. Louis were up 39%, robberies 43%, and homicides 25%. Murders in Atlanta were up 32%, lootings in Chicago had increased
24% and homicides 17%. Shootings and other violent felonies in Los
Angeles had spiked by 25%; in New York, murder was up nearly 13%, and
gun violence 7%. Shooting incidents are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct compared
with last year; in a South Central Los Angeles police division, shooting
victims are up 100%.
Who are the victims? Poor inner city black folks. Who are the perps? Poor inner city black folks. What is the result? Cops afraid to arrest, young black thugs ready and willing to go wilding, civilization as a whole breaking down in the face of chaos.
Cui Bono? The radical left as they apply the Cloward-Priven strategy to overwhelm and disrupt the system. Keep ‘em down. Keep ‘em angry. Pretend you are their savior, not their
oppressor, and keep ‘em voting for the very thing destroying them: big
government and the Democrats who control it.
Gun Control: Using Both Hands |
Isn't is curious that at this exact moment in time, the Kenyan goes to
back door strategies for even more gun control. Gun control isn't working; we need more gun control. These new regulations range from new restrictions on high-powered pistols to
gun storage requirements and the issuance of new rules expanding
criteria for people who do not quality for gun ownership, like mental illness or domestic abuse. The definition of "criminal" is so fluid that anyone can be said to fit the description.
Muslim Brotherhood Government |
The Kenyan has 18 months left in office, and his plan to destroy America is being implemented by his appointed Blacks and
Muslims in his administration. That's a fact. And it's working. He hates America, and appoints those who share that sentiment. The number of enemies the Kenyan has put in Americans' face continues to grow: black thugs with a government license to kill; radical Muslims intent on mass violence; illegal Hispanic alien cartel and gang members killing and raping. Oh, and ever more gun control. That's the true Ferguson Effect.
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