Friday, November 18, 2022

Objective Reality

Why is it that we as a people and as a culture, have given in to believing and accepting whatever the current narrative demands of us?  Why is it that we deny our intrinsic knowledge - that body of observable fact relating to the essential nature of a given thing - simply because the powers that be have told us to do so?  What happened to our common sense, our observed objective reality? 

We have been brainwashed.  Literally.  We've endured decades of unending narrative that has up being down, right being wrong, and of course, "we know what's best for you."

Those of us who saw this coming years ago were deemed conspiracy theorists, or worse.  Yet now we're inundated with ESG, CRT, and LGBTXYZ on a daily basis, and folks are just buying into it.  Never mind that this nonsense destroys not only the culture, but the very fiber of civilization, it is patently false in its assumptions.  I wrote about this in these pages some time ago, which now seem rather prophetic.

So while the self serving concept of social justice has now bled over into political implementation by way of ESG, and half the US population is condemned as racist by none other than our Pretender in Chief, and we "discover" that there are multiple genders, those of us who still have eyes to see reality are targeted for our wrong think.

But is it, really?  When someone pisses on my leg and tells me it's raining, I know that's just bovine excreta.  Look at Rachael Levine and tell me that's a woman.  Look at the American people who voted for a black homosexual Muslim for president - twice - and tell me we're racist. And tell me that being "woke" is the best way to do business - but first ask Amazon, CNN, Disney, FTX and a host of others how their stock is doing today.

Is reality objective or subjective? - The Future of Reality ... 

Objective Reality can be defined as truth.  And yes, there really is an objective truth.  Albert Einstein once said, "God does not play dice with the universe." He was right.

Disregard this nonsense and trust your inate common sense.  It was given to you for a reason. Objective reality is how we truthfully define our existence and our surroundings.  Pretending otherwise is playing a dangerous game.

And our civilization may not survive it.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Votes And Ballots

As the internal skirmish now begins in earnest as the RINOs and their allies in the country club wing of the Republican party attempt to destroy and eradicate the Trump America First and the MAGA wing, a "re-imagining" of the GOP seems unlikely. Mitch McConnell has been reelected as Senate minority leader, and Kevin McCarthy has been elected as Speaker of the House.  Of course, we're still waiting for the Marxists in some states to finish counting ballots, which as we have come to learn, really means manufacturing enough ballots to win.  But a razor thin Republican majority in the House and a tie in the Senate seems assured, and already we're seeing the inevitable backbiting between Trump and DeSantis as we head into 2024.  It's clear who McConnell and McCarthy support. 

How absentee ballots and voter fraud stopped Texans from voting by mail  

But the election systems in some states don't count votes; they count ballots.  And ballots continue to appear even weeks after election day.  Election manipulation shows us that where votes were the focus, the Biden administration lost; where ballots were the focus, the Biden administration won.  And it's legal.  Sort of.  Yet now it seems the establishment GOP has wrongly interpreted the mid term election as a repudiation of Trump and his America First proposals, and a support of Biden's free lunch policies. The media want us to believe that the choice was crime/immigration/inflation versus "democracy"/"abortion rights". 

It wasn't.

It was about slamming the brakes on an all powerful Democrat runaway federal government beholdened to tyrannical global interests wholly at odds with the Constitution. And it seems now that this global cabal, along with their RINO allies, will continue with the status quo.

But the work ahead of us now is to ensure that all states vote in a one vote, one ballot election system, which is both transparent and verifiable.  

If not, then no non-democrat candidate will ever win an election again.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

And Then, Just Like That, It Didn't Happen

As the smoke and fog of battle begins to clear, we can now see the field and can assess the damage.  It ain't good, but it could have been a whole lot worse.

On Monday night, every poll predicted with some degree of certainty that there would be a red wave; that the GOP would retake the House and Senate both.  That the GOP would acquire several new Republican governors, and that this election would constitute a mandate from the American people to stop - and reverse - Biden's disastrous policies.

And then, just like that, it didn't happen.

Could the pollsters, nearly to a man, as well as the professional gamblers who had all predicted a Republican blow out, be that wrong?  Even Schumer and Pelosi were making excuses about their impending loss on Monday night, and the Pretender in Chief himself warned that the ballot counting could take days, even weeks to certify.  Everyone in both camps was certain that the Red Wave would be a electoral tsunami.

And then, just like that, it didn't happen.

Why?  The answer is obvious.  What worked in 2020 worked again in 2022.  But this time, the outcome was more subtle.  This time we didn't see on live TV the Democrat vote rigging as the vote tally for Trump morphed into a vote tally for Biden.  Nope, it was far more subtle this time.  The cheating this time is embedded in the algorithm tabulations; a vote for R is counted as some percentage less than 1, but a vote for D is counted as in the inverse percentage greater than one. It's still a total of two votes, but they are not of equal value.  Further, due to the Plandemic many states made illegal changes to their election systems during Covid that made it much easier to vote while also making it much easier to cheat.  And they then kept those changes in place for the 2022 cycle.  Things like early and late voting, mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, proxy voting, electioneering, and voting by non-citizens are now common in blue states. How else could have John Fetterman won?

Historically midterm elections favor the party out of power.  The good news is that this year's results will ultimately align with that pattern. But just not in the way most folks though it would.

It's my opinion that this election was all about the people's rebellion against the Biden's administration's full throated and head long dash into total and irreversible authoritarian corruption and tyranny. But with the rigged election results, the Deep State will spin it to be all about a "defense of democracy" from the evil and dangerous and terrorist MAGA voters, all in keeping with the Democrat lust for continued - and total - power.

Yet the democrat deep state were truly afraid - for just a brief moment - that We The People would come to our senses and demand they return to a constitutional republic form of government. So they cheated.

And then, just like that, it didn't happen.

As More Vote by Mail, Faulty Ballots Could Impact Elections - The New ...