Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Further Apart

It would seem that in the last two years, the disloyal opposition in this country has lost its collective mind.  Our structure of republican government is deliberately designed to work perfectly and harmoniously with disagreement and discord.   But the caveat is that, at the end of the day, both parties - despite their political differences - will be united in their loyalty to the United States.

Not so anymore.

The Democrat Party, now unrecognizable to democrats of only twenty years ago, has moved so far left that it's no longer the party of John Kennedy or even Bill Clinton.  It more resembles something one might find in Stalin's regime.  It has become a full-on communist revolution, and its tyranny is out in the open for all to see.

And the trigger for all this insanity is the popular election of Donald J. Trump as president.  Imagine the audacity of the American people to elect a man like Trump, who promised to make America once again that "shining city on the hill" that Ronald Reagan envisioned.  Worse, the several states agreed, and the electoral college sent Trump to Washington DC in a landslide.

The American form of self government is the single best and greatest system of government ever devised by man.  But that in of itself is reason enough for the insane left to seek its destruction.  And add to that the contagion of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), and these maladies have fueled the left's hate and ideological vapidity to uncontrollable levels.

The MSM, no longer an unbiased news apparatus, is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. And their goal is to destroy the swamp-usurper DJT, his successes, his popularity, and his legacy.  How dare the rubes in flyover country choose DJT and his populist MAGA message in favor of the swamp's designated successor to the Kenyan, the corrupt and criminal Hillary Clinton.

But Americans did. And the left never got over it.

So the prevailing attitude in Washington is "Trump gets nuthin!' So there!"  How very mature of them.  When hundreds of thousands of foreigners amass on a country's border, that by definition is an invasion.  But the entrenched democrat disloyal opposition obstructs any attempt to enforce American law or construct a barrier, instead they welcome the invaders, and reward them in the process.  When Trump turns the economy around and adds millions of new, high wage jobs, we get crickets from the swamp and its pet dog media.  When Trump backs down America's existential  enemies - namely Iran, North Korea and Islam - the left goes insane and does everything in its power to sabotage his efforts. 

But he prevails in spite of all their subterfuge, and that drives the left even further left, and further apart from real Americans.  

The real reason for the left becoming so emboldened, so radical, and so anti-American is the carnage wrought by the disastrous eight-year reign of the  despicable Kenyan and his apparatchik. He promised to "transform America," and in blindsiding an unsuspecting electorate, was wildly successful in doing just that.  He expanded and amplified the notion of identity politics to include all kinds of sexually confused people, social justice warriors, perpetually offended snowflakes, illegal alien invaders, anyone non-white and non-Christian, and of course the criminally insane.  These poor folks were elevated to the status of valid voting blocks, joining the ranks of traditional democrat voters such as non-citizens, multiple-voters and dead people.

But as the left and its media lapdog drive Americans further apart, not only politically but ideologically, an opportunity for positive change arises.  Despite the constant negative barrage of anti-Trumpism in the media and in Hollywood, more and more real Americans are beginning to recognize what the left really is. And that is pure evil.  True Americans will never tolerate embracing evil.

We can expect the left to up its game, especially because they know they're losing the ideological battle with conservative Americans.  So in the near future we'll see more impeachment attempts, legal challenges, gun confiscation, censorship of conservative voices, hate hoaxes, and more unsubstantiated allegations against Trump.

But the irony is that all that divisiveness will eventually re-unite us.  The political winds are changing.  Reunification may only occur after a full throated American resistance to the swamp - perhaps under force of arms - further decides the matter.  And then the left will be driven back underground - back into Hell - where it always has resided.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Dancing Lying Masters
Click here for pronunciation
With apologies to Gary Zukav for my paraphrasing the title of his book on quantum physics, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, I can't help but notice that his tongue-in-cheek metaphor applies so well to today's leftist political culture.  In his book, Kukav uses interesting Chinese metaphors to describe the nature of quantum physics and how physics itself is inextricably mated to philosophy. He uses the Chinese phrase Wu Li to describe the science and study of physics. It is usually used to  mean "patterns of organic energy," but it also means "nonsense," "my way," "I clutch my ideas," and "enlightenment."

Three of the last four definitions can readily be descriptive of the policies of the New Far Left Democrat Party.  The prevailing ideology of the left is liberalism, and as such their world view is strictly emotional rather than intellectual.  So for them, it's "my way," and "I clutch my ideas," which for most normal people, translate as "nonsense," and a far cry from "enlightened."

Even though adherents of the left consider themselves enlightened, or as they describe it, "woke," folks of normal mental ability consider that to be nonsense, and anything but enlightened.  After all, the Buddha himself opined that if you think you're enlightened, you're not.

Some recent events exemplify this notion.  Take the case of the hoax perpetrated by Jussie Smollett, who is kind of black, and who fabricated a racially motivated attack upon his person.  He claimed that two MAGA hat-wearing white racists threw bleach on him, beat him up, and put a rope around his neck, presumably in an attempt to lynch him.  But now Chicago police have investigated the matter thoroughly and have determined that the whole thing was a fabricated hoax.  That means it never happened.  But the subterfuge did have a purpose, and that was to continue the lying false narrative that white people routinely hate, harass, kill and/or lynch black people. And further, that Negro-phobia is organic in white people, and President Trump is somehow exacerbating all that hate goin' on. In this case, bearing false witness is in itself a hate crime.  And the homo Smollett should be prosecuted for his dancing lie.

Or how about Nancy Pelosi's intransigence regarding the building of a wall our our southern border? Only a few years ago, she was all for a physical barrier on the Mexican border, but now won't hear of it.  Why the change of policy?  Solely because Trump wants it, and the New Far Left Democrat Party absolutely, emphatically will not allow Trump any success, especially when it will serve to fulfill his primary campaign promise to build a wall.  Childish and immature of Pelosi?  Absolutely.  But even though unfettered immigration, by definition, is a invasion, if Trump wants it she's not going to allow it.  Period.  Clutching her ideas of Resist-Trump, Pelosi demonstrates the concept of  "my way."  Again to rest of the country, and who voted for Trump to specifically build that wall, her nonsense is not only counter productive, it's aiding and abetting an enemy.  Another dancing lyin' master.

Speaking of the anti-Trump narrative, the soft coup d'etat perpetrated by the cadre of un-elected bureaucrats that run the country, also known as the deep state or swamp, is finally becoming undone.  Mueller's two-year witch hunt hasn't turned up anything regarding Trump's collusion with Russia to steal the election from our gal Hillary, primarily because it never happened.  It has now come to light that the entire Russia collusion narrative was invented by the Hillary campaign, and the upper echelon of the FBI and Department of Justice were more than willing to take it and run with it.  Two false narratives were presented to the state-run media.  The first was to frame Trump and drive him from a duly elected office, and the second was to provide cover for Hillary's long list of crimes, treason and felonies.  The Kenyan, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and others have been exposed as the dancing lying masters they are.  Only time will tell if there's a single tier of justice in the US, or if the elite, once again, will walk away Scot free.

The Dancing Lying Masters have been successful, however.  They've managed to further polarize the electorate, to use identity politics to define and divide us, and to perpetuate the hoaxes and outright lies that the water carriers in the state run media are more than eager and thrilled to feed us.

More and more Americans have become more and more fed up with all this wu li "nonsense,"  and at some point, that sleeping American giant will awaken.  And when he does, the wu li "pattern of organic energy" will overcome the lies being perpetrated by Dancing Lying Masters.

And then we'll dig them up and kill them again.  Just to be sure.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Free of Free Speech

Okay, I've had enough of this so-called debate about free speech, especially as it applies to so-called hate speech.  A prime example of that is that yesterday Republicans moved an amendment through the United States House of Representatives that opposes antisemitism.  It passed 424 to 0.  At first blush, one may think that this is a wonderful thing, this attempt to quell people bad-mouthing or openly hating Jews.  And I'm sure that's what each of those representatives had in mind when they voted on this self censorship.  But let's look at this intellectually, without the nonsensical emotional political baggage.

First, what exactly is a Semite?  Ask anyone and they will probably answer, "a Jew".  Nope, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, dating back several hundred years, a Semite is anyone who speaks a derivative of the Semitic language which evolved around 2500 BC, and is named for Shem, the eldest son of Noah.  These peoples include Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain speakers of ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.  

But modern political hacks have bastardized the term to apply only to Jews.  Here's how Urban Dictionary propagandizes the definition:

"Anti-Semite" is the English version of a Victorian era German phrase used in polite company in place of "Juden haas" or "Jew hatred. "Anti-Semite" does not mean "one who is opposed to all speakers of Semitic languages. That is a recent construct, crafted for propaganda purposes.

I call BS.  Clearly we see that the Urban Dictionary not only has it all wrong, it's the modern version that has been propagandized.  But UD even goes a step further to politicize it, going out of its way to smear Germans.    But unfortunately that re-definition is now in the vernacular, and as such has to be reckoned with.  But like most of the bastardization of the English language, it's utter crap.

But aside from the etymology of the term "anti-Semite," let's ask why speaking about Jews - or Arabs, or redneck crackers or anyone else - is such a big deal.  Consider:

I'm not anti-Jew any more than I'm anti-homo, or anti-Negro, or anti-French or whatever.  But if I were, why should anyone go to any trouble to stifle whatever opinions or utterances I may have about a race, or a peoples, or a choice, or a cult or whatever?  They may have similar dim attitudes about me as I have about them.  So what?  Because they may be offended at my assessment of them?  Because in the ancient past someone of this description may have been a slave?  Go back far enough and every race was at one time a slaver or slave or both.  That argument is nullified.

But we don't have intellectual analysis anymore.  We worship at the alter of emotionism, of victimism, of offendedism.   If one is offended, another must be silenced.  It's the intellectual equivalent of putting blinders on a horse; what we can't hear can't hurt us.


So while I don't advocate calling people names, I can't see the reasoning behind criminalizing them if people  do.  Grow a thicker skin.  Don't waste precious energy being offended.  And let the better part of valor be your guide.  Be discreet and circumspect.  Be kind and polite.  Shakespeare, through Hamlet, said, "Assume a virtue if you have it not."  Sage advice.  These traits are all admirable, but must be acquired and exercised voluntarily.

A wise man once observed that one cannot legislate a moral code of behavior.  Neither can one legislate ethics nor gentility.  But perhaps we can, by choice of our individual actions, endeavor to be more genteel and noble in our behavior.   As an alternative to passing more resolutions, amendments, laws, and edicts, perhaps it's time to return to a code of behavior once known as chivalry.
And doing so doesn't infringe upon our God-given right to speak freely.

Monday, February 11, 2019

America's Barmaid . . . and the 10mm

Image result for alexandria ocasio-cortez
Right.  Make mine a double.
Well.  At last our gal Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks of that of which she knows.  Here's a clue, though, her pronouncements are not about politics or economics.  Nope, it's mixology, as in the alcoholic kind.  Recently she posted on Twitter several recipes for “cocktails for revolution.”  How droll.  At least she has some experience in this topic.  As the UK Times explains,

" . . behind the bar of Flats Fix, a Mexican watering hole in downtown Manhattan, stands a trophy awarded to the restaurant’s best “margarita enabler and tequila explainer."  . . ." 
Alrighty then.  Tequila and the ubiquitous margarita are AOC's prior claims to fame.  A young, idealistic leftist Marxist barmaid, now elected to congress, who tweets recipes for cocktails for revolution, embodies exactly the kind of deep thought and observation Americans want to hear from their elected representatives.  And it's about time we had a young, vibrant bar maid to tell us about the "Green Way" while recommending margaritas and other tequila mixed drinks.  But AOC is not only rewriting tongue-in-cheek cocktail recipes, but pretty much everything else in the Democrat Party.  Her brand of firebrand is giving the party elders a headache, and it ain't from tequila.

To move quickly onto another subject without any sense of segue, let's discuss the merits of the formidable 10mm cartridge as compared to other popular handgun loads.  Because of the policies of Marxists like AOC, who have no concept of the meaning and importance of the Bill of Rights, more and more Americans are arming themselves as never before.  Okay, that was a segue.  But what do folks who pack heat, pack?  In automatic pistols, the most popular cartridges are the .380, the 9mm, and the .45.  And at the end of the day, what you carry is what you can comfortably carry, comfortably shoot, and what you have a comfortable level of confidence in stopping a threat.

The .40 Smith and Wesson made a brief entrance into popular usage, as did the 10mm some years ago, but the ten is trying for a comeback.  The problem is that very few gun manufacturers make a concealable, lightweight handgun chambered in 10mm, which is essentially a redo of the 40 caliber Smith & Wesson.

Image result for handgun cartridgesSo what's the difference between .45 and 10mm?  Simply put, the .45 is a heavy and relatively slow bullet, whereas the 10mm is smaller but much faster.  And the pressures needed to make it go faster create more recoil than what's felt in the .45.  The .45 has been around for over a century, and is tried and true as a threat stopper.  The 10mm debuted in the 1980s, and it's a threat stopper as well, but for many  folks who carry daily, it's a bit too much gun.  Big frame, big bang, and big recoil.  That in addition to there are few guns to choose from, as well.  Not so with the .45.  Every major manufacturer makes a version of the vaunted Model 1911, or a DA/SA version like the Heckler&Koch USP series.  For a far more detailed analysis of .45 versus 10mm, read the article here.

The 9mm round has its adherents, as well.  The .45 and 10mm are the big kids on the block, and for that reason many people choose the wildly popular 9mm in their carry choice.  With modern technology in bullet design, 9mm hollow points can be a reliable self defense round.  Recoil is controllable, and the cost of 9mm ammo is far less than either .45 or 10mm.  And as to selection, there are literally hundreds of models of 9mm pieces available.

So while the Democrats fantasize about revolutionary cocktails, and pass bills in the house to criminalize private gun sales, and pressure legitimate gun manufacturers to be "socially aware" and demonize their own products, it may be time for you, too, to exercise your Second Amendment rights, and buy and carry a firearm daily.  Be responsible and be armed.

Friday, February 08, 2019

Cat Fight!!/quality/90/?, boy, this is going  to be fun!  I'm ordering more popcorn as we speak! If you thought that Trump hit the ground running after his election, then you may see how the new fresh face of the Democrat Party, freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has done pretty much the same thing.  And not surprisingly, with the same predictable results from the party's entrenched old guard.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (for brevity's sake hereinafter referred to as simply AOC, or more accurately Occasional Cortex), must think that her district, New York's 14th Congressional, includes the entirety of the continental US as she presumes her political positions - make that delusions - are universal.  As President Trump so aptly put it in his SOTU speech, sorry, kid, the US will never be a socialist country.  No matter, AOC is undaunted and immediately outlines her Green New Deal, prompting Our Dear Miss Nancy to condescendingly dismiss it as " . . the Green Dream, or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they're for it, right?"  Ouch.  As if.  Diss, bitch!

AOC continues to get air time to push her insane program - more on that later - while fuming Nancy snubs her for a seat on the Climate Change Committee.  You've only been here two weeks sweetie; I've been here fifty years!  The old guard under Nancy will continue to "study" climate change - at taxpayers' expense, while the messianic AOC shows how her Green New Deal will solve all the problems in the known universe, eliminate racism, and bring back the unicorn.  All in a matter of ten years.  Mere mortals like myself are stunned at the wisdom his twenty-something self absorbed narcissist has acquired in so short a time.

What's in the Green New Deal, you may well ask.  It's a Marxist's masturbatory fantasy.  Eliminate jet air travel in favor of a network of high speed rail.  Eliminate the internal combustion engine in favor of electric motors, and have charging stations "everywhere."  Upgrade or replace every single building in the US to green standards, including residential and infrastructure.   Replace fossil fuel and nuclear power generated energy with  . .  I dunno, something.  Oh, and end poverty by providing "millions of high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all." It would also provide "economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work."  Unwilling?  Cool.  Where do I sign up?

Normal people and highly educated economists are only now recovering from the sidesplitting lunacy promoted here.  AOC stipulates that well, yes, it will be expensive, but costs can be covered from billionaires and their companies, and like, by public money and like, bonds, and stuff like that.  I kid you not.

So Nancy is fuming at the audacity of this little twerp coming in and in just two weeks getting all the air time and attention in the room to show off a little.  I look, like, really good in white, huh?  So the smart money is on Nancy bitch slapping this little ingĂ©nue around some, and putting her in her place as it were.  For AOC's view of world, however, she can't even see Nancy through her narcissistic lens, but considers that it's the nature of things for the old to die off and go away, and let us younger, smarter and woke folks take over. So this will be a cat fight of the first order: a struggle to determine who gets to dictate the direction of the Democrat party in the next few years.  The old guard headed by Nancy, or the extreme radical left headed by AOC.

But let's not get complacent with AOC's immature and unsophisticated policies and her lack of depth.  Think back.  The Never Trumpers and the RINOs of the Republican Party thought along the same lines two years ago about Trump.  They thought they could bounce the Bad Orange Man right out of Washington.  They haven't yet, and they won't.  But AOC is no Donald Trump.

So the danger in this cat fight is that AOC very well may win.  If she does, it'll show that everything we know about politics is wrong.  But worse, this so-called green agenda is a Trojan Horse. It's full blown communism and tyranny, and we better take these people at face value.  They are deadly serious about it, and we better be, as well.