America's Barmaid . . . and the 10mm
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Right. Make mine a double. |
Well. At last our gal Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks of that of which she knows. Here's a clue, though, her pronouncements are not about politics or economics. Nope, it's mixology, as in the alcoholic kind. Recently she posted on Twitter several recipes for “cocktails for revolution.” How droll. At least she has some experience in this topic. As the UK Times explains,
" . . behind the bar of Flats Fix, a Mexican watering hole in downtown Manhattan, stands a trophy awarded to the restaurant’s best “margarita enabler and tequila explainer." . . ."
Alrighty then. Tequila and the ubiquitous margarita are AOC's prior claims to fame. A young, idealistic leftist Marxist barmaid, now elected to congress, who tweets recipes for cocktails for revolution, embodies exactly the kind of deep thought and observation Americans want to hear from their elected representatives. And it's about time we had a young, vibrant bar maid to tell us about the "Green Way" while recommending margaritas and other tequila mixed drinks. But AOC is not only rewriting tongue-in-cheek cocktail recipes, but pretty much everything else in the Democrat Party. Her brand of firebrand is giving the party elders a headache, and it ain't from tequila.
To move quickly onto another subject without any sense of segue, let's discuss the merits of the formidable 10mm cartridge as compared to other popular handgun loads. Because of the policies of Marxists like AOC, who have no concept of the meaning and importance of the Bill of Rights, more and more Americans are arming themselves as never before. Okay, that was a segue. But what do folks who pack heat, pack? In automatic pistols, the most popular cartridges are the .380, the 9mm, and the .45. And at the end of the day, what you carry is what you can comfortably carry, comfortably shoot, and what you have a comfortable level of confidence in stopping a threat.
The .40 Smith and Wesson made a brief entrance into popular usage, as did the 10mm some years ago, but the ten is trying for a comeback. The problem is that very few gun manufacturers make a concealable, lightweight handgun chambered in 10mm, which is essentially a redo of the 40 caliber Smith & Wesson.

The 9mm round has its adherents, as well. The .45 and 10mm are the big kids on the block, and for that reason many people choose the wildly popular 9mm in their carry choice. With modern technology in bullet design, 9mm hollow points can be a reliable self defense round. Recoil is controllable, and the cost of 9mm ammo is far less than either .45 or 10mm. And as to selection, there are literally hundreds of models of 9mm pieces available.
So while the Democrats fantasize about revolutionary cocktails, and pass bills in the house to criminalize private gun sales, and pressure legitimate gun manufacturers to be "socially aware" and demonize their own products, it may be time for you, too, to exercise your Second Amendment rights, and buy and carry a firearm daily. Be responsible and be armed.
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