Wednesday, March 31, 2021

RIP G. Gordon Liddy

An American icon, George Gordon Battle Liddy, AKA G. Gordon Liddy, has passed away at the tender age of 90.  He was an outspoken man's man, and never missed an opportunity to challenge authority and his arch enemy, the political left.

The oligarchy will paint him as a villain for his role in the Watergate scandal that ultimately brought down the Nixon Presidency.  He was all that of course, but he was much more as well.

I, like ten million other Americans in the mid-1990s, never missed his syndicated radio show, which was carried by some 270 stations, and I especially loved his Review and Commentary on the news portion.  His formal education allowed him to formulate observations with a decided self reliant slant to the mostly leftist sanitized reporting.  His views were always straight up, and right to the point.  No wobbly, weak kneed consensus-born commentary here.  It was all over the top testosterone fueled commentary, like when he told gun-toting radio listeners to aim for the head when encountered by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents. “Head shots, head shots,” he stressed, explaining that most agents wear bullet-resistant vests under their jackets. He said later he wasn’t encouraging people to hunt agents, but added that if an agent comes at someone with deadly force, “you should defend yourself and your rights with deadly force.”  

Further, he stuck it to the emerging force of feminazi harpies when he released his infamous "Stacked and Packed" calendar, which featured voluptuous ladies heavily armed.  The perfect man cave addition, and a fitting salute to the WWII pin up girl posters. 

The Washington Post includes this perfect description of Liddy:

With his intense stare, cannonball head, bristling mustache and machine-gun style of speaking, Mr. Liddy looked like the archetypal bad guys he later depicted in television shows including “Miami Vice.” His friend and fellow Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt described him as “a wired, wisecracking extrovert who seemed as if he might be a candidate for decaffeinated coffee.”

Hunt, by the way, is rumored to have made a startling deathbed confession that he was "one of the shooters in Dallas" but that controversy continues to this day, absent any hard evidence coming to light.

Say what you will about the Vietnam era in Washington, the Nixon administration and all that that period in our history revealed, but one thing is certain.  Love him or hate him, they don't make steely men like G. Gordon Liddy anymore.

Damn shame.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The More Things Change . . .

In 1849, French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose “, or in English, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  That bit of wisdom and observation was made a hundred and seventy some odd years ago, in a more subtle and perhaps simpler age.  But it is apt, even - well, especially - today.

Politically for example, we are living with a stolen election that put in power a corrupt system that appears to be merely an extension of the Kenyan's Reign of Terror Tour 2008-2016.  It's clear to everyone on the planet that Joe Biden can't manage the job by himself.  And most folks also believe that Camel-toe Harris isn't up to the task either.  That means someone else is at the controls at 1600 Pennsylvania, and that someone is the Divider-in-Chief from a prior administration: the despicable Kenyan himself.  You know, the same guy who publicly wished he could have a third term, so successful and well-loved was his administration.  

But in reality, it was neither well loved nor successful to anyone other than the adoring media groupies, and a few white self hating liberals.  But no matter, with George Soro's  and the ChiCom's uncounted billions, this current clown show oozed its way into the halls of power. And as such, we have the Kenyan's third term for which he wished so passionately.  

Even after the country's welcomed Trump revolution, which redefined populism as a valid self-reliant and Constitutionally grounded movement, we again witness the truth of the old proverb: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

White Terror Again! Ban Guns!

Oh boy.  Right on cue there's another mass shooting.  This time it's by a white, Trump-supporting Republican NRA member domestic terrorist.  This time the scene is a shopping center in Boulder Colorado, where many privileged white people, including some of my old-friends-and-now-liberals live.  I know this to be true because I saw it on Twitter, and well, because it fits the media's white-domestic-terrorist-threat-needs-immediate-gun-control narrative.

But wait.  There's a problem.  It seems the shooter was a actually a 21 year old mentally disturbed Syrian Muslim (but I'm being redundant), one Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa (Al Issa), who had just days before the massacre purchased Ruger AR-556 pistol and appropriate ammunition.  In Colorado.  Odd.   Nobody I know can find hardy any ammo of any caliber anywhere in the US.  But Al Issa apparently manged to do so.  Oddly enough, this type of weapon - with a shorter barrel than a standard AR-15 - was actually banned in Boulder until March 12 if this year, when a federal judge blocked the ban.  So now we have a recently legalized weapon, available for sale to a crazy white person (Syrians are white, aren't they?), just in time to "create awareness" for the dire need for draconian government imposed gun bans.   And confiscation.   The body count of the ten people, including a police officer, who are now dead is merely cannon fodder for the left's tyrannical push to disarm Americans.

By the way, this photo of the "suspect" being detained in this shot doesn't remotely look like a 21 year old.  And it's not even similar to the other published photographs of Al Issa.  So there will be more fun facts and spin added to this event as the "Biden-Harris" illegitimate administration continues its Soviet style fascist propaganda throughout the media

So here we have another shooting by another Muslim.  Americans are dead.  The Muslim is alive.  And the illegitimate leadership in Washington wants gun control.  Not border control.  Not terrorist control. Not immigration screening control.  None of that. 

This administration wants chaos. And they just might get it.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?

The last ten or twelve months in the United States of America has been surreal nightmare.  For a country that was founded on individual independence and sovereignty, it seems today that we have most assuredly lost our way. Think about the limitations in the last year have been placed upon our individual liberties, our freedom of movement and assembly, our ability to do business, and worse yet - our ability to engage in free thought or free speech.  Are you kidding me?  All this tyranny has been eking its way into our daily lives for a couple decades now, but the last year or so has seen the tidal wave of crushing tyranny writ large.  The deep state isn't even subtle about it anymore: witness the military's siege and occupation of Washington, DC as just one example.  And for what?  I'll tell you for what.  Simply to protect the deep state apparatchiks in their paranoid delusions that the "people" will be running in the streets, mad as hell and heavily armed, eager to tar and feather those who have violated their oaths of office, and trampled on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Well, perhaps they should be terrified of that, because in a sane world that is exactly what We the People should be doing.  But we're not.  And I'd like to know why.  Are we're too busy checking our bank account balances to see when we'll get our next stimulus checks?  If so, dear readers, that is absolutely frigging pathetic.

The global elites - by which I mean the oligarchical multinational cabal that has quite literally taken over the world - have come out of the dark satanic mists in which they dwell, and are now completely fine with letting us know with certainty what their agenda is.  And that agenda is not good.  Not for us, those of us seeped in individual freedom, and not good for the poor serfs who live in other countries who have never tasted individual freedom.  Are we screwed?  Well, we are unless the GenXers and Millennials of this fine blue planet get their head in the game and recognize what's in store for them.  Their grandfathers kicked ass in Europe and Asia two generations ago, and their fathers kicked Muslim ass all over the Middle East last generation.  This domestic-coup-fueled-by-Soros-Open-Society war is their game now, and this two-hundred-plus-year-old marvelous experiment in self governance is theirs to lose.  And the enemy is a hell of lot more serious about victory than is the 20-and-30-somethings of the world.

Where are today's minutemen? The patriots?  The freedom lovers?  Are they too narcissistic to care?  Too wired in, and tuned out to be bothered?  Do they feel this is nothing to them?  Or just too brainwashed to recognize the threat?

They will find out when the jack-booted, brown shirt fascists kick in their door, and haul them off to a re-education camp for crimes committed du jour against the state.  Then they'll know.  But by then of course it will be too late.

So, my young countrymen, whatcha gonna do?

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

So You Think You Know Pain?

So.  You think you know pain?  Maybe you do.  Maybe you know the pain of that nonsensical tyranny of being forced upon you as you're "required" to wear a face diaper for the last year or so.  Or maybe you know the pain of being infected with the ChiCom's latest bio weapon, a lame-ass virus that is highly contagious, but not very fatal to anyone who's not already respirtorily impaired.  Kinda like Legionnaire's Disease Lite.  Being infected with that bug is not painful, but it is certainly an inconvenience, especially when one is "required" to self quarantine for two weeks.

Maybe you know the pain of losing your job because of the tyrannical and nonsensical lockdowns imposed upon businesses by those who consider themselves our betters, and who know what's best for us.  Now that's painful.

Maybe you know the pain that's here now, and more coming ever since Dementia Joe and his fascist handlers stole the 2020 election, and appointed themselves emperor supreme.  That's painful.  Gas is at $2.90 as I write this, and there's a couple hundred thousand illegal gate crashers down on the southern border, all diseased and sexually perverted, just waiting to storm your town and start banging your wives, sisters and daughters.  Mothers, too, as no one is safe from these desperate creatures.

Pain is watching as your countrymen, dumbed down and complacent, dutifully wear their little masks in full and patriotic compliance; watching their government's Ministry of Truth "news" shows spewing the approved propaganda, and believing - yes, actually believing - they know what is going on.  That's painful to watch as most of us know the country's been hijacked, and the once mighty America is now just a joke of a third world country.

Pain is seeing your highly educated and financially savvy friends seeking dual citizenship all over the world, as your once friends and now ex patriots seek to save the fruits of their labors by getting out of the country, the United States of Tyranny.

Pain is seeing Margaret Chao, wife of Surrender Caucus leader Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and others get fat at the teat of the Chinese Communist Party, and nothing is done about their treason and sedition.  Or of those obvious traitors in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, and elsewhere embedded in the swamp. Pain is watching government corruption go unchecked, unchallenged, and unjustly ignored.

All that is annoying, yes, but I'll tell you about pain. Pain is having your life shattered in a blink of an eye.  Pain is having the love of your live show you the door.  Pain is realizing you gave up your life, your love, your business, and your very fucking soul to someone who has devoured all that you are, psychically sucked you dry and spit out the remaining bone and cartilage.  Discarded you without even a second thought.  Pain is starting over - from the very bottom, and having to claw your way back up to where you once were.  And pain is knowing that you're having to do this after becoming a septuagenarian.  That, dear readers, is pain.

And now you know where ol' Lightfoot Cruise has been for the last five months.  But I'll fight back. For myself, for my home, for my family, for my tribe, and for my culture.  Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Will you?