Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Sad Case of Charlie Gard

From the descendants of the freedom seeking peoples who overthrew a mighty king and gave us the Manga Carta, to that same fearless spawn who escaped a different tyrannical king and settled upon a new continent to subsequently establish a libertine form of government, to those cowardly authoritarian socialists who inhabit the country today, we can only recoil in horror at the dystopian news coming from the once great English courts.

Image result for Baby Charlie Gard
RIP Charlie, a victim of socialism's war on the innocent
I refer, of course, to the infant Charlie Gard, who was born with a rare disease that the state-run medical community decreed to be hopeless, and was allowed to die despite the fact that his parents had fought a five-month legal battle to keep him alive.  In the end, however, the British nationalized health service decided his life couldn’t be prolonged and that his life support should be turned off.

The argument is not whether the American or Italian teams of specialists who volunteered to intercede could have saved him.  Nor is it the cost of any experimental or otherwise unorthodox treatment that may have been considered; the parents had raised over a million pounds themselves absent any state sponsored funding. Nor is the argument that any treatment may or may not have had any effect on his condition at all.  Those are just hypothetical debates that have no resolution. The argument is simply this.  It is up to the parents alone to decide what is the best course of action for their son.  Period.

But the nationalized, socialized death panels made a decision that should have been left to the parents.  The Death Panel had final say over this boy's life.  It's simply a matter of economics, they explained.  He can't be saved, so why spend the money? Chilling.

But death panels are exactly what we have here in the Land of the Free in Kenyan Care, which is a carbon copy of the "health care" system in the UK.  Its architects have admitted so, despite the spin put out by our state run media.  So if you're old, or suffering from a rare and heretofore untreatable malady, be prepared to die if your fate lies with the government's own Death Panels.

So perhaps this case can be viewed as an indication of we Americans can look forward to under this illegal and ill begotten law that the Kenyan forced upon us.  But even so, as heartbreaking as the evidence clearly is, some lawmakers - who are exempt from Kenyan Care, I hasten to add - couldn't find it in American's best interest to repeal that insidious and hateful law.

And in so doing, widen the gap between the governed and those who represent them.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green

Home at last from a Caribbean cruise.  Lotsa fun, lotsa sun!  Oddly enough, after a week or more of me being incommunicado, it seems nothing has changed in the mainstream legacy media. The war upon the people of the United States by the entrenched power elites continues.  And intensifies.

I'm being to think that the only solution left in winning this war is through force of arms.  Radical?  Perhaps.  But the election results of 2016 was a wake up call for the swamp.  The denizens of that putrid place did take notice of the displeasure the voters had with their ruling betters.  The swamp was stunned, and even to this day operates in a fog of disbelief that they could be not only outed, but vilified as well.  But rather than acquiesce to the demand of the electorate, they pushed back even harder, trying to silence the populace and marginalize and nullify Mr. Trump's administration.

Good luck with that.

Back in the 1960s a cultural revolution against the establishment occurred. That movement was hijacked by Jewish radicals, Soviet collaborators, and hippy doper college dropouts, some of whom even created a textbook on how to resist, overcome and defeat established power structures.  Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals - which he dedicated to Lucifer, by the way - became the Bible for those radicals who now fifty years later are the very entrenched establishment that they once reviled.

Today a new cultural force has awaken and taken hold, and it is annoying the elites for several reasons.  First, the ruling class doesn't understand it.  And as such can't label it and therefore cannot defeat it.  Second, the movement has no leaders, so there's no one to destroy.  Third, it's organic. If Jung was right, and many philosophers including this one think he is, it means that this movement is a natural recognition of the current evil in politics.  

Enter the Alt-Right.  

Image result for pepe the frog alt rightWhat's the Alt-Right?  Ask ten people and you'll get ten different answers.  But the general idea is a cultural and political movement that's neither liberal nor conservative, but most probably a blend of the ideas of Libertarians, Socialists and Conservatives who have been left behind.  Educated, disillusioned and disenfranchised, these folks are primarily young white alpha males.  And they love Trump.   I expect that this movement will become the prevailing force in politics over the next generations, much like the leftward slide we've had to endure over the last fifty years.  That socialistic mudslide is what gave us the destruction of the American family, the rise of deviancy in all its forms, and the war on the Caucasian race.   Oh, yeah, and the Kenyan.

So, here's to Pepe, the icon meme of the Alt-Right.  Long may he live.