Friday, December 22, 2017

2017: The Good Guys Are Winning

As we close in on the traditional day of celebrating Christ's birth, we take a moment to reflect on the amazing year that is all but finished.  Consider the impact of these events, if you will.

The American people chose a political outsider to become their forty-fifth president, and the established duopoly went into apoplectic spasms. Blindsided by the American people's complete rejection of the decades long slide into a course of decline for America, they struck back with a near constant attack on Donald J. Trump, the man folks elected to stop said decline, and to further turn the tide.  Fearing loss of power, the swamp - defined as both party apparatchiks, the MSM and all those unelected bureaucrats, lobbyists and judges - is fighting back.  Cries for impeachment accompany a year long "investigation" into Trump's alleged collusion with Russia that some call a political witch hunt.  Meanwhile, Trump seems unaffected by the swamp's temper tantrum, and continues to work his agenda.  Even the Huffington Post, no friend of conservatism, has admitted the Donald's kicking ass.  He's appointed conservative judges, passed a milestone tax reduction act, limited the insane importation of Muslim terrorists, is in the process of unifying the GOP leadership, and has completely exposed the MSM as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party that they are.  Not bad for a freshman predient, and a political outsider, oh, and for a rich white guy.

Image result for obama shhGrand Inquisitor, er, I mean Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller continues with his fishing expedition. In a twist worthy of a political spy thriller novel, what he's turned up so far is the massive corruption, sedition and treason that occurred on the Kenyan's watch.  In a recent damning expose by Politico, no friend of conservatism, it's been reveled that the Kenyan stopped a DEA undercover operation of cocaine smuggling by Hezbollah through central America and into the US.  He did this to ensure that his nuclear arms deal with Iran would go through.  Don't want to piss off the Mullahs while you're handing them the means to build their own nukes, now would we?  Oh, and let's free up a couple billion in Iranian frozen assets, so the Mullahs can buy some yellow cake and get their nuclear reactors up and running.   And while we're at it, let's pay the ransom demanded for a couple of embassy chaps for another four hundred million USD.  In cash.  On pallets.  Don't want that bribe going anywhere near congress.  Fly it over on a C-141.  Shhh.

Image result for hillary's bustedAnd speaking of yellow cake, now there's more scrutiny of Mizz Clinton's collusion with the Russians to take control of some twenty-five percent of America's uranium production.  The Clinton Crime Family netted a pretty hefty commission for brokering that sweet deal.  And her antics in working with DNC's Debbie Wassermann-Schultz to take Bernie Sanders out of the nominating process.  The fix is in, Bernie.  Sorry.  You're an old Communist anyway, right?  No hard feelings.  Remember what happened to Seth Rich for developing a conscience?  Worse, Mizz Clinton has been committing crimes, treason and sedition in her role as Secretary of State as well as a private citizen.  Arms to Syria in a gun running operation gone bad was the catalyst for the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, in which several Americans, including the Ambassador himself, were killed by the very terrorists she had just armed.   No reaction from the Kenyan's administration.  Dead Americans?  Meh.  And collusion with those very same terror organization were conducted on a private server, and when her emails were leaked by Wiki-leaks, that server got immediately Bit Bleached.  Oops. Nothing to see here.  But as Mueller continues to investigate Trump, the evidence he gathers continues to indict The Clinton Crime family, the DOJ under Eric Holder, The FBI under James Comey, as well as the Kenyan himself.

High crimes and misdemeanors?  Hey, it's the Kenyan-Clinton crime syndicate we're talking about here.  It's too big to fail.  Well, we'll see about that.

So all in all 2017 has been a rousing good year.  Good for the American people, good for the economy, and good for making American great again.  It wasn't so good for those who seek her destruction.  Or for those who who profit by it.  

But this crime novel is far from over.  Stay tuned.  And Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Parable Of The Garden

Once upon a time there was a kindly old man who had a wonderful and productive garden.  He had labored endlessly for months to make the soil rich and level, well drained and open to the air and sun.  He planted seeds that would grow to fruition, and he arranged them into communities that benefited one another.  Root vegetables on one end, bean and legumes in the center, and flowering vegetables on the other end.  It was an act of love and mutual benefit as he would attend to and nurture his crop, and the crop would prosper and thus reward him with its bounty. 

Image result for vegetable gardensFor years he nurtured it, protected it, and was rewarded by its bounty of delightful vegetables and fruit. From time to time a weed would invade, and grow quickly and aggressively.  It would compete for soil space, and soon, as it towered over the native plants, it would rob them of needed sunlight.  At first he would pull the weeds, and cast them aside.  The garden was clear and healthy.  But the weeds would propagate, and were relentless in their invasion.  Each day the old man would find more and more of them, at the edges of the garden, and even now in the interior.  He'd pull those he could find, but he couldn't get them all.  Worse, the weeds were able to spread, and their roots were strong and deep.  When the old gentlemen first noticed this, he thought little of it; after all it was only a few weeds in a rather large and productive garden.  But soon it became a daily effort to rid the garden of all the weeds.  The vegetables and fruits that he had planted began to weaken as the weeds slowly took over.  Stalks became weak from a lack of nutrients, those nutrients being aggressively absorbed by the ever increasing number of weed roots.  The leaves became yellowish and drooped due to the ever increasing weed canopy robbing them of sunlight.  And now insects, which were never a serious problem for a healthy garden, were now able to take advantage of the plants' weakened condition.

To rid the garden of all the invading weeds became an ever more arduous task for the old man.  They could reproduce and invade faster than he could pull them out.  And any roots that were not removed would sprout even more weeds, made stronger by their survival. Soon the garden was all but gone, now nothing but a tract of uncontrolled and spreading weed growth.  The old man lost his bounty as all his plants died, but insisted that the weeds were not to blame.  It was only their nature, after all, he would tell himself.  But in that attempt at self consolation, he had denied and nullified his own nature.  And that nature was to protect, defend and harvest the bounty of his own labors, and for his benefit solely.  

And in that misinterpretation of the world as it truly is, the old man lost his garden to the weeds.  And soon, with no source of food, the old man, like his garden before him, wasted away and died.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Oh, That Bear!

Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you.  That's an old Southern idiom that speaks truth to life.  Or put another way, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.  Who won and who lost in Alabama's razor-close squeaker senate race yesterday?  Time will tell.

Image result for moore jones
Real man versus progressive twit
In the short term, the uni-party/Soros establishment machine - that is, the swamp - is the apparent winner, demonstrating that it can still crushingly apply the politics of personal destruction.  The accusations against Judge Moore were mostly proven as nothing more than political propaganda, aimed at keeping Southern women home.  It worked.  Had they turned out, a different headline would have greeted us today.  

Now the Democrats have gained another seat in the Senate, narrowing the GOP majority to 51-49, and putting at risk American constitutional ideals such as conservative judges appointed to the bench, limited immigration, and support of the Second Amendment, to name just a few.  McConnell must be gloating in his coffee this morning, having beaten Trump and Bannon - in his mind, at least - in the court of public opinion.   But the truth is that Doug Jones is a screaming liberal, and he won simply because he's not Roy Moore.

Moore was a flawed candidate for the established GOP.  He was way too Christian for the establishment - he had the Ten Commandments displayed in front of the courthouse.  Alabamians loved him for that; Washington DC was appalled.  He was too traditional in his Biblical beliefs - he wasn't supportive of so-called gay rights, feminism or of other progressive nonsense.  The very thought of him being elected to the senate terrified the swamp.  So the swamp managed to turn this election into a contest between men and women.  Rather, between men and feminists.  The pussy-hats won.  The bear eats you.  The campaign barely mentioned Alabamian concerns such as immigration, build the wall, and job creation.  Nope, it was all about he-ing and she-ing.  Say what you will about Judge Moore, a better choice for Alabama was certainly Morris Jackson "Mo" Brooks Jr.   But in this election, that ship had sailed.

Image result for gop elephant crushing dem donkeyThe good news for conservatives is that they get a chance for a do-over in 2020.  Yesterday's special election was to fill the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when he was appointed US Attorney General.  So Jones' term can be short lived and temporary, if Alabamians so choose.  Alabama is a deep red state, and maybe they didn't like Judge Moore all that much, but contrary to leftist thinking and gloating, it ain't turning blue in 2020. 

So allow the swamp's gloating for now.   In two years, they'll be weeping again. The constitution is counting on it.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Coke And A Smile: Lies And Damned Lies

Image result for diet drinksOne of the most engaging characteristics of the Donald is the way he can so brilliantly provoke the media.  Recently CNN was so absorbed with the false report that Trump drank twelve Diet Cokes a day, that they ran a day-long segment about what harm to one's physical and mental being can arise from drinking diet sodas.  Whew!  Good to know, CNN.  

Meanwhile, in the real world, another Muslim terrorist blew himself up - and his dick off - at the bus terminal in New York City.  So while Trump trolls the idiot talking heads in the MSM, they miss another real news story while trying to besmirch the President.  Funny thing, though.  The joke is on the MSM because real people in the real world aren't buying the propaganda any more.  Oh, and by the way, they're also fed up with it.  

Most recent dickless Muslim
Speaking of terrorists, Russian President Vlad Putin has withdrawn Russian troops from Syria, presumably because ISIS has been defeated there.  I'm not so sure about that.  Says who?  The MSM?  They lie to serve their own agenda; nothing they put out is unbiased "news."  The supposition that the enemy is defeated, and we can go home now is what the United States thought when the Kenyan withdrew US forces from Iraq.  How'd that work out?  But, you say, ISIS is so badly diminished they can't recover.  They're toast.  Don't kid yourself.  They always get back up and continue on.  Here's why.

What the Western governments either don't understand, or refuse to acknowledge is that unlike campaigns the US and its allies have waged in the last century against Italy, Japan, and Germany, in which unconditional surrender and total and complete cessation of hostilities was was the result, the fight with Islam isn't with a nation state that has an interest in self preservation.  Islam is still fighting the Crusades, and has been engaged in that conquest for the entirety of its existence.  Since Mohammad claimed to be the messenger of Allah fourteen hundred years ago, Islam has had but one goal.  And that is to die for Allah in eradicating or subjugating every human being in the world who isn't Muslim.  There's no political issue involved; there's no gain for their side, and there's no negotiated peace to be had.  Islam can't be simply defeated; it must be eradicated from the face of the Earth.  Harsh?  So be it. We're at war, folks, whether you want to believe it or not.  There are no moderate Muslims; there are only Islamists in any and all forms:  ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Quada, Boko Harem, Hamas, Palestine, and CAIR.  And, dear readers, their stated aim is to bring the fight to a to-the-death conclusion.  Its us or them.  I vote for us.

Image result for jihad
They're serious - we're not
So while CNN and other idiots debate the effects of diet soda, thinking they have manipulated public opinion of the president, as they continue to lie about Islam's intentions, the real news is that the enemy continues to attack, kill, maim, and engage in civilization jihad.  They are here, and when they have the numbers to vote themselves into positions of power (note London's troubles and its Muslim mayor), then the liberty-based country we know as the US will be gone, turned into a Sharia tyranny.  

So you can buy a gun and fight for America, or buy a goat and a camel.  Because the third world is where we're headed if we lose this fight.

Friday, December 08, 2017

The Same Sneak Attack

Image result for pearl harbor, 911
Days of infamy
Seventy-six years ago yesterday, the American naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The total number of American military personnel killed was 2,335, including 2,008 navy personnel, 109 marines, and 218 army soldiers. Added to this were 68 civilians, making the total fatalities at 2,403 dead. 1,177 were from the battleship USS Arizona alone. The number of wounded came to 1,143 with 710 navy, 69 marines, and 364 army personnel, as well as 103 civilians.  The very next day, Franklin D. Roosevelt committed the United States to a state of war with Japan.   Four years later, Japan surrendered to the US unconditionally, having been summarily beaten.

Just sixty years after Japan's infamous strike, radical Islamic Muslim Saudi fundamentalists attacked the United States, using hijacked US commercial air carriers as their platform.  The attacks were the most devastating foreign attack on American soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor.  During that attack on September 11, 2001, 2,996 people were killed (including 19 terrorists) and more than 6,000 others wounded. These immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes (including the terrorists), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon. The very next day nothing happened, as our leaders wouldn't identify a nation state to blame.  Some time later the US invaded Iraq.  Yet over the next sixteen years, countless dollars, and thousands of lives, have been spent to make right those wrongs fostered upon us. And Islamic terror continues to this day unabated, our response castrated by political correctness.

What a profound difference in American resolve in the six decades between these two sneak attacks.  America responded in kind to the Japanese threat in 1941, yet today flounders about ineffectively, Vietnam-style, making the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about ever richer, and our enemies ever more emboldened.  Consider the arrogance and existential threat from rogue states such as Iran and North Korea, for example.  Where now are those hard men, ready to do hard things?   Have we become a nation of pajama boys, with man-buns and cool tats, waiting for our wives and girlfriends to tell us what to think?

I hope not.  Maybe the return of the American male is at hand.  Maybe there will be an American adult - a leader - who will find a victorious end to the Crusades.  Maybe.

Friday, December 01, 2017

Calling Rick Dekard

As if the natural process of staying alive and well on planet Earth wasn't vexing enough, we now come to understand that our scientific community, aided in part by the techno-weenies in Silicon Valley, is doing its best to develop more artificial life to compete with us, the endemic human race.  Well.  Isn't that special?

Those are some freaky eyes!
In an interview with Sophia, a fully developed artificial cyborg - that means robot - we learn that it - er, she - would like to have a baby, thinks a cyborg/human brain would be a good thing, no longer pines for the destruction of humanity, and oh, yeah, would like to develop more human-like emotions.  How enlightened.  Saudi Arabia granted it - er, her - citizenship, as well as appointed it knowledge ambassador for the the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation.  Well.  A few weeks ago, ISIS announced that it will take their jihad fight to the US through robots.  And drones.  Maybe they can.  And will.  This Sophia machine was developed by a Hong Kong company, and our own techno-weenies in the US are beside themselves to catch up.  MIT has developed a frightening running quadruped, named Cheetah, that is outright scary.  And the silly but destructive feminist movement has so alienated heterosexual men in American culture that they seek life without women.  See MGTOW.  Of course, one unintended consequence of this race for AI beings is the advent of the sexbot.  Forget virtual reality porn, you can buy one here.

And speaking of creation, rather than pursue the mechanical/electrical robotic models like most scientific labs have done, U.S. researchers have developed a living organism that incorporates both natural and artificial DNA and is capable of creating entirely new, synthetic proteins.  This is a major step toward creating artificial life.  Really.  No problem, the scientists tell us, it's all controlled.  It can't escape into the wild and genetically change anything.  Just like Round Up, I'm sure.  The fact that the developers are interested in using this expanded genetic alphabet - the new X and Y proteins along with the natural G, C, A, and T - to create new types of proteins that can possibly be used to treat disease isn't sufficient to dissuade skepticism. They developed these two new DNA markers originally as a new strain of E. coli bacteria, after all.  I'm reminded of Dr. Malcolm's prescient observation in Jurassic Park, "Life will find a way."  Yep.  What could possibly go wrong?

Image result for blade runner
Calling Rick Deckard
Too much change in the natural order will invariably affect the matrix of life and balance.  Should these robots, or some genetically modified organisms - these constructed replicants - inevitably go rogue, the unintended consequences we'll endure will most certainly necessitate a new breed of hunter. 

So maybe we really do need a Blade Runner.