As we close in on the traditional day of celebrating Christ's birth, we take a moment to reflect on the amazing year that is all but finished. Consider the impact of these events, if you will.
The American people chose a political outsider to become their forty-fifth president, and the established duopoly went into apoplectic spasms. Blindsided by the American people's complete rejection of the decades long slide into a course of decline for America, they struck back with a near constant attack on Donald J. Trump, the man folks elected to stop said decline, and to further turn the tide. Fearing loss of power, the swamp - defined as both party apparatchiks, the MSM and all those unelected bureaucrats, lobbyists and judges - is fighting back. Cries for impeachment accompany a year long "investigation" into Trump's alleged collusion with Russia that some call a political witch hunt. Meanwhile, Trump seems unaffected by the swamp's temper tantrum, and continues to work his agenda. Even the Huffington Post, no friend of conservatism, has admitted the Donald's kicking ass. He's appointed conservative judges, passed a milestone tax reduction act, limited the insane importation of Muslim terrorists, is in the process of unifying the GOP leadership, and has completely exposed the MSM as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party that they are. Not bad for a freshman predient, and a political outsider, oh, and for a rich white guy.

Grand Inquisitor, er, I mean Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller continues with his fishing expedition. In a twist worthy of a political spy thriller novel, what he's turned up so far is the massive corruption, sedition and treason that occurred on the Kenyan's watch. In a recent damning expose by Politico, no friend of conservatism, it's been reveled that the Kenyan stopped a DEA undercover operation of cocaine smuggling by Hezbollah through central America and into the US. He did this to ensure that his nuclear arms deal with Iran would go through. Don't want to piss off the Mullahs while you're handing them the means to build their own nukes, now would we? Oh, and let's free up a couple billion in Iranian frozen assets, so the Mullahs can buy some yellow cake and get their nuclear reactors up and running. And while we're at it, let's pay the ransom demanded for a couple of embassy chaps for another four hundred million USD. In cash. On pallets. Don't want that bribe going anywhere near congress. Fly it over on a C-141. Shhh.

And speaking of yellow cake, now there's more scrutiny of Mizz Clinton's collusion with the Russians to take control of some twenty-five percent of America's uranium production. The Clinton Crime Family netted a pretty hefty commission for brokering that sweet deal. And her antics in working with DNC's Debbie Wassermann-Schultz to take Bernie Sanders out of the nominating process. The fix is in, Bernie. Sorry. You're an old Communist anyway, right? No hard feelings. Remember what happened to Seth Rich for developing a conscience? Worse, Mizz Clinton has been committing crimes, treason and sedition in her role as Secretary of State as well as a private citizen. Arms to Syria in a gun running operation gone bad was the catalyst for the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, in which several Americans, including the Ambassador himself, were killed by the very terrorists she had just armed. No reaction from the Kenyan's administration. Dead Americans? Meh. And collusion with those very same terror organization were conducted on a private server, and when her emails were leaked by Wiki-leaks, that server got immediately Bit Bleached. Oops. Nothing to see here. But as Mueller continues to investigate Trump, the
evidence he gathers continues to indict The Clinton Crime family, the DOJ under Eric Holder, The FBI under James Comey, as well as the Kenyan himself.
High crimes and misdemeanors? Hey, it's the Kenyan-Clinton crime syndicate we're talking about here. It's too big to fail. Well, we'll see about that.
So all in all 2017 has been a rousing good year. Good for the American people, good for the economy, and good for making American great again. It wasn't so good for those who seek her destruction. Or for those who who profit by it.
But this crime novel is far from over. Stay tuned. And Merry Christmas to all!
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