A Coke And A Smile: Lies And Damned Lies
Meanwhile, in the real world, another Muslim terrorist blew himself up - and his dick off - at the bus terminal in New York City. So while Trump trolls the idiot talking heads in the MSM, they miss another real news story while trying to besmirch the President. Funny thing, though. The joke is on the MSM because real people in the real world aren't buying the propaganda any more. Oh, and by the way, they're also fed up with it.
Most recent dickless Muslim |
Speaking of terrorists, Russian President Vlad Putin has withdrawn Russian troops from Syria, presumably because ISIS has been defeated there. I'm not so sure about that. Says who? The MSM? They lie to serve their own agenda; nothing they put out is unbiased "news." The supposition that the enemy is defeated, and we can go home now is what the United States thought when the Kenyan withdrew US forces from Iraq. How'd that work out? But, you say, ISIS is so badly diminished they can't recover. They're toast. Don't kid yourself. They always get back up and continue on. Here's why.
What the Western governments either don't understand, or refuse to acknowledge is that unlike campaigns the US and its allies have waged in the last century against Italy, Japan, and Germany, in which unconditional surrender and total and complete cessation of hostilities was was the result, the fight with Islam isn't with a nation state that has an interest in self preservation. Islam is still fighting the Crusades, and has been engaged in that conquest for the entirety of its existence. Since Mohammad claimed to be the messenger of Allah fourteen hundred years ago, Islam has had but one goal. And that is to die for Allah in eradicating or subjugating every human being in the world who isn't Muslim. There's no political issue involved; there's no gain for their side, and there's no negotiated peace to be had. Islam can't be simply defeated; it must be eradicated from the face of the Earth. Harsh? So be it. We're at war, folks, whether you want to believe it or not. There are no moderate Muslims; there are only Islamists in any and all forms: ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Quada, Boko Harem, Hamas, Palestine, and CAIR. And, dear readers, their stated aim is to bring the fight to a to-the-death conclusion. Its us or them. I vote for us.
They're serious - we're not |
So while CNN and other idiots debate the effects of diet soda, thinking they have manipulated public opinion of the president, as they continue to lie about Islam's intentions, the real news is that the enemy continues to attack, kill, maim, and engage in civilization jihad. They are here, and when they have the numbers to vote themselves into positions of power (note London's troubles and its Muslim mayor), then the liberty-based country we know as the US will be gone, turned into a Sharia tyranny.
So you can buy a gun and fight for America, or buy a goat and a camel. Because the third world is where we're headed if we lose this fight.
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