Saturday, November 27, 2021

Leave Them Kids Alone

Yes, it is in fact another brick in the wall.

We have all watched - horrified, I'm sure - as the present occupant of the White House continues his unconstitutional diktats. His list of tyrannical anti-American executive orders come directly from the despicable Kenyan who is obviously pulling Joe's strings, and is both long and mind boggling to most free thinking Americans.  Consider inflaming race relations, open borders, mask mandates, vaxx mandates, closing off energy supplies, enabling supply chain disruptions, legitimizing crime, enabling WHO and NIH to fund Chinese adventurism with developing bio-weapons, destroying the economy with run away inflation, castrating our fine military with woke-ism, weaponizing the DOJ and the IRS to harass and intimidate the working class, and so much more.  And that's just what he's managed to do in just eleven months.  But what he's done for us lately is beyond the pale, and should enrage every American parent: he's inserting the federal government between a child and his parents, and using force to do so.

Jeremy Story forcibly removed from RRISD school board meeting by police. (Jeremy Story / Facebook) 

In Austin Texas, two fathers who spoke out publicly against the corrupt local school board were arrested in their own homes by armed school district agents and taken to jail.  You read that right.  School board agents, whatever they are, have arrest powers in Austin.  And in Austin first amendment rights apparently don't exist. Parents there oppose the school board's insistence that Critical Race Theory be taught to their kids, and they are paying the price for their wrong-think.  The heavy jackboot of government totalitarianism comes down hard in uber-left Austin.

In Loudoun County Virginia, the father of a girl who was sexually assaulted in a Virginia school bathroom should be treated as a domestic terrorist, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) suggested in a pointed letter to the White House — after the distraught dad stormed a local school board meeting and demanded officials take responsibility.  Attorney General Merrick Garland - the man who was too far hard left for even his own party to vote for his nomination to the US Supreme Court yet who is now the US Attorney General - announced that the FBI would take the lead on stomping out what Garland called “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence school board administrators, board members, teachers, and staff."  Disturbing?  I'll say.  So the heavy jackboot of government totalitarianism comes down hard in uber-left in Virginia.

Remember the old saying, "never get between a momma bear and her cubs"?  I think that could very well apply to the parental outrage over the government's attempt to control the thoughts, actions and behaviors of our kids.  You can see the damage done to this generation just by interviewing virtually any college student.  They are vessels of Marxist-thought.  The Borg.

So this is getting serious.  The attacks on free will, free thought and freedom in general is occurring at an alarming rate all over the world. And as always, it's up to the American to stop it.  To change course.  To save the world from this elitist global cabal who is intent on enslaving every single soul on the planet to enrich only themselves.

This evil cancer has metastasized from politics to parenting. And enough is enough.  As Robert Kennedy recently said,

I will go even further than you just went. I think this is historical jeopardy to humanity than we’ve ever seen before. We’ve seen the Black Plague and World War II, arguably rivals for it. I would argue that this is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity because the essential ambition of the totalitarian state is to control not just conduct but self-expression and thought. And for the first time in history because of the technological revolution, the capacity for totalitarian forces to literally control every aspect of human expression and even human thought is now unprecedented… This is Armageddon… This is the final battle. We need to win this one.

No kidding.  This is serious, and it's got to stop.  One way or another.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Why Would They Do That?

It seems there's a consensus among free thinking, constitutionalist intellectuals out there that all this nonsense of which we've had to endure for the last eleven months is not only not coincidental, but painstakingly planned. Let's see if we can don our tin foil hats for a moment and work out some conspiratorial reasons for all the calamity we're seeing, and determine just why they would do that.

1. Invasion. The southern border is wide open and thousands of illegals are allowed to just walk right into the USA without vetting of any kind, and are then being shipped to all parts of the country.  That's not immigration, it's an invasion.  Oh, right.  Because we need more ignorant democrat voters.

2.  Vaxx Mandates.  Thousands of employees are being fired and businesses are having to shut down for refusing the Covid so-called vaccine.  This knee-jerk reaction comes in spite of dozens of studies that have shown that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than the vaccines.    Okay, it's not about safety; it's all about how much governmental control the populace is willing to accept.

3. Gas Prices.  According to the government, 52% of the retail price of gasoline is based on how much wholesale crude oil costs. The rest of the cost comes from refining the oil, distribution and marketing.  Oh yeah, there's also state and federal taxes assessed per gallon.  Crude oil prices are high because OPEC+ — the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, consisting of Saudi Arabia and 12 other oil-production nations, plus their allies — have decided to keep output limited. Worse, the Biden administration stopped - as in stopped - all domestic oil production which just last year had us energy independent. Yet the keystone pipeline was stopped and the Russian pipeline to Germany was approved.  The reasons for high gas prices are not pandemic price gouging as Uncle Joe would have us believe, nor is it supply chain disruptions.  It is simply this administration and its puppet masters' intent to destroy the economy and impoverish the middle class through hyper inflation.  I get it - poor people can easily be manipulated and controlled.  

4.  Education indoctrination.    Nonsense philosophies and ideologies such as pornography and critical race theory are being indoctrinated into school aged kids' minds so that the perverse community of homosexuals, pedophiles and the sexually confused mentally ill can feel better about themselves.  It's just so hard to live one's life in the dark, so we'll have to simply define deviancy down to be inclusive.  Right.  Woke-ism is the face of evil and it is in direct contravention to Christian-Judaeo morals and values.  That's why it's important to pollute the kids when they're young and impressionable.  Destroy the American culture.

5.  National security.  The national embarrassment arising from our Afghanistan surrender has emboldened our adversaries into flat out enemies as they begin to act out their ambitions ever more aggressively.  China flew warplanes over Taiwan's airspace, and is running joint exercises with the Russian Navy in the South China Sea.  Iran has stated its intention to develop a nuke or two, and wipe Israel off the map.  Russia is eyeing Ukraine again, and the persistent threat of radial Islam is raising its ugly head again all over the world. The US military itself is rotten with wok-ism, and that begs the question can the US successfully fight a war anymore?   That's the plan: destroy the US as the sole world power.  

6. Tyranny.  Domestically, parents are now terrorists, and peaceful Washington DC protesters of the stolen 2020 election are still in jail without cause, and further denied their basic rights.  Miranda, what Miranda?  Normal Americans are being surveilled by both the government and Big Tech - I'm being redundant - through social media, and many are being targeted for cancellation for "wrong think," or conservatism.  In the media, propaganda passes for news, and anything less than complete acceptance of the "narrative" is met with brute force.  For the Borg, resistance is futile.  More intense population control though vaxx and mask mandates.

7.  Doing without.   Consumer prices jump astoundingly, and just regular stuff like groceries are in short supply.  We're told the supply chain is broken, yet government policies - make that edicts - have given us a shortage of some 80,000 truck drivers, and at last count 160 unloaded container ships anchored offshore.  A shining example of the Reagan-ism of "government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem" in action in full and in full view.

Reviewing these few examples of the Charlie-Foxtrot that embodies this administration, all of which are unconstitutional and exemplify federal governmental overreach, we really can't blame ourselves for simply asking aloud: Why would they do that?  

And in doing so, the question answers itself.

Saving America: Why Americans Don't Trust Our Government?

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Pussification of America

THE FEMINIZATION OF THE AMERICAN MALE - The Burning PlatformI have touched on this topic from time to time in these pages, here and here, but it's time to say the quiet part out loud.  The once great American spirit has been emasculated, castrated and pussified to an unrecognizable extent. Yes, it's that bad.  Our national psyche today demands that we take no risks, go along, have a nice day, be safe.  It used to be - and still should be - live life, be discriminating, stay aware, live long and prosper.  But it's not, and the country and the culture suffers for it: We are Borg; resistance is futile.  But is it?

Kyle Rittenhouse exemplified this innate courage last year during the BLM incited Kenosha Wisconsin riots when at only 17 years old he defended himself from at least three adult armed criminals who were intend on killing him.  He shot all three before they could kill him. The score?  Two dead, one wounded. He's now on trial, and it looks at this writing as if justice and Constitutional law will prevail.

Andrew Gorlin writes of this feminization of the flower of American manhood recently in The American Thinker wherein he notes that we have sacrificed manliness and heroics on the false alter of safety.  Read the whole essay here.  Consider this:

How did we end up here? As very often happens the course happened first gradually, then suddenly. The worship of safety began long ago and now it's everywhere. Everything we buy and use, from lawn mowers to toasters to toothbrushes, undergoes the elaborate safety checks and is accompanied by instructions for safe operation. And not only is it a legal requirement, but for many people safety became the most important feature of any device. There is a commercial on TV promoting gutter guards.  A woman asks her husband: 'Do you climb ladder to clean the gutter?" "Yes." "But it's unsafe!" -- enough said, everybody needs to get the damn thing.

When has life ever been safe?  When have we ever been so obsessed with the notion of feeling personal safety?  Not just merely aware of being safe, but completely consumed by the fear of feeling unsafe?  That fear is pathological, yet it consumes the national psyche.  Here's another gem from Gorlin:

We were told that we are at war [with CoVid-19]. Very good, but doesn't fighting a war requires some bravery? Maybe it's time to abandon the survivor mentality and start living life? People who shy away from each other cannot advance civilization -- which is essentially what we, proud human beings, are on this planet for. You can celebrate that restaurants, stadiums and concert halls are finally open, and you may call this new reality a 'new normal', but there is nothing normal about performing classical music in masks, or about faceless zombies in a fine art museum staring at Renaissance masterpieces depicting the most beautiful thing in the world -- human face.

Well said.  A brash New Yorker came onto the political scene a few years ago and showed us what a real man - replete with a dash of narcissism and a heaping dose of bravado - should be: Fearless, patriotic and competent.  And just like with Rittenhouse, the media and the powers-that-be sought to bring Donald Trump down for the inexcusable sin of telling the truth.   But the left's false narrative will wither and fade when all American men become once again American men.

Man up, America.  Today is Veterans Day.  Defend your genes.  Grow some courage.  Stand up.  Take back what's yours.  Make your sons - and your fathers and grandfathers - proud. 

And do it now.

Friday, November 05, 2021

The Psychology Of The Left

Those who have been paying attention for the last century or so know by now that the leftist philosophy is inherently insane.  They of the left are singularly focused, and are unable to cognitively recognize flaws or inaccuracies in their thinking.  In short they have zero ability for introspection, and as such, project their own deficiencies onto those who don't hold with their insane Marxist philosophy.  You can neither debate a leftist, argue with them, nor can you convince them of the fallacies of their thought process. So what we have is a situation wherein we cannot change a leftist in his thinking nor convert him to accept the truth.  As an ideology, leftism and all its permutations - Marxism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, et al - must be defeated.  Wiped out.  Eradicated.  Rendered moot.

I've addressed this interesting and frightening truism in these pages from time to time, but a recent article by Sundance over at the Conservative Treehouse lays the problem out in cold hard fact.  Here is the take-away, but read the entire article here.

The need for control is a reaction to fear.  Anger is a very visible response from the leftists whenever their policies are rejected.  The modern political left do not view rejection as a rebuke of their ideology, instead they view rejection as a need to push harder.  From their perspective they need to reeducate their target; to force a change in thinking from incorrect thoughts to correct thoughts; and the only acceptable path is to push harder.

This approach is based on a cognitive inability to reflect or contemplate that their ideology is flawed.  Because they put the emotion of their views as the motive for their effort, they are incapable of changing direction.  From the perspective of the modern political left, if they were to change direction, they would be rejecting the foundation of their own personal value.  They cannot do that.  It’s not them that are wrong -ever- it’s you.

Those who do not adhere to the insane ideological goals of the far left, are viewed as the problem that must be overcome.  Their emotional attachment to ideology is why these avowed and ideological followers cannot be redeemed or coerced into reasonable positions with any logical argument.  Instead, you must be re-educated to see their worth, to value their ideology… you, the person or group who stands in their way, will always be viewed as the problem.

That was succinctly put, and spot on.  The left will will never concede, never capitulate, never admit wrong, never back off.  We've seen this just recently in the stolen elections around the country.  The left cannot win on its ideology, so it must cheat to win.  To them the end always justifies the means.

To the left, the enemy is anyone who disagrees with them.  That's us.  And as such, we must recognize that fact and act appropriately.  That means no negotiation, no appeasement, no compromise with or to their tyrannical dictates.  None.  Resist them, fight them, defeat them, and yes, eventually we will most likely have to kill them all.

Omnes Occidite.  

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Tyrannis Mortem, Omnes Occidite

Tyrannis mortem, omnes occidite: Death to tyrants, kill them all.  That's what we're beginning to see now, especially after Tuesday's elections.  Not literally of course, at least not yet, but the American electorate has seen the enemy, and they are voting them out of office.  That enemy is tyranny, however it may manifest itself.  Here are some examples arising from Tuesday's elections.

The Virginia gubernatorial race was all about parents taking back power over their kids' education after hearing McAuliffe tell them that they as parents have no right to determine their kids' educational curriculum, and in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland's labeling those same parents as "domestic terrorists" and asking the FBI to investigate them as such.  That would piss me off, and I would beat feet to the polling booth to ensure that that kind of tyranny would be emasculated.  In Virginia, they were and they did.  Not only did Glenn Youngkin defeat Terry Mculiffe for Governor, but a naturalized black Jamaican woman, Winsome Sears, won handily the race for Lieutenant Governor.  Virginians also elected a Republican for both of the offices of Attorney General and Sate House. 

In New Jersey a self-proclaimed blue collar truck driver with no prior political experience, Edward Durr, won the senate race against a long serving democrat incumbent. And that was in New Jersey, a long time democrat stronghold.  However, Democrat Phil Murphy and Republican Jack Ciattarelli are locked in an unexpectedly close race for New Jersey governor.  Voters still are expecting a razor thin Murphy victory, but indications of democrat vote tampering are already coming in.

In Rochester, New Hampshire voters elected a new mayor, Paul Callaghan, a lieutenant with the Strafford County sheriff’s office who formerly served in the Rochester Police Department.  No previous political experience, and a cop, as well.

Ilhan Omar will not be happy. The Democrat U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota, who pushed for abolishing police got bad news as Minneapolis voters rejected proposal to replace the city’s police department.  Law and order wins, chaos loses.

Even in Idaho, a radical anti-white leftist loses a Nampa school board seat to a Christian mom, Tracey Pearson,  fed up with the never ending negativity of "woke" racists.  Once again the winner by a 2-to-1 margin, has no prior political experience.

We've been shown, up close and very personal, what tyranny looks like.  It started long ago, but was amplified with the deceit of the Kenyan's regime, and continues now with the illegitimate Biden-Harris administration.  Unconstitutional diktats like lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, radical repressive cultural edicts demanding gender-bending identities, enforced "woke" nomenclature, and even the Attorney General labeling concerned parents domestic terrorists are simply tyrannical strong arm tactics meant to intimidate people and suppress liberty.  But this will not stand.

The rise of citizen representatives and the return of self government began with Donald Trump, and seems to be spreading, killing - or at least de-powering - the tyrants.  And that's as it should be; it's how the founders envisioned a self  governing representative republic.

As for me, I'd omnes occidite.  Just to be sure.