Friday, November 05, 2021

The Psychology Of The Left

Those who have been paying attention for the last century or so know by now that the leftist philosophy is inherently insane.  They of the left are singularly focused, and are unable to cognitively recognize flaws or inaccuracies in their thinking.  In short they have zero ability for introspection, and as such, project their own deficiencies onto those who don't hold with their insane Marxist philosophy.  You can neither debate a leftist, argue with them, nor can you convince them of the fallacies of their thought process. So what we have is a situation wherein we cannot change a leftist in his thinking nor convert him to accept the truth.  As an ideology, leftism and all its permutations - Marxism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, et al - must be defeated.  Wiped out.  Eradicated.  Rendered moot.

I've addressed this interesting and frightening truism in these pages from time to time, but a recent article by Sundance over at the Conservative Treehouse lays the problem out in cold hard fact.  Here is the take-away, but read the entire article here.

The need for control is a reaction to fear.  Anger is a very visible response from the leftists whenever their policies are rejected.  The modern political left do not view rejection as a rebuke of their ideology, instead they view rejection as a need to push harder.  From their perspective they need to reeducate their target; to force a change in thinking from incorrect thoughts to correct thoughts; and the only acceptable path is to push harder.

This approach is based on a cognitive inability to reflect or contemplate that their ideology is flawed.  Because they put the emotion of their views as the motive for their effort, they are incapable of changing direction.  From the perspective of the modern political left, if they were to change direction, they would be rejecting the foundation of their own personal value.  They cannot do that.  It’s not them that are wrong -ever- it’s you.

Those who do not adhere to the insane ideological goals of the far left, are viewed as the problem that must be overcome.  Their emotional attachment to ideology is why these avowed and ideological followers cannot be redeemed or coerced into reasonable positions with any logical argument.  Instead, you must be re-educated to see their worth, to value their ideology… you, the person or group who stands in their way, will always be viewed as the problem.

That was succinctly put, and spot on.  The left will will never concede, never capitulate, never admit wrong, never back off.  We've seen this just recently in the stolen elections around the country.  The left cannot win on its ideology, so it must cheat to win.  To them the end always justifies the means.

To the left, the enemy is anyone who disagrees with them.  That's us.  And as such, we must recognize that fact and act appropriately.  That means no negotiation, no appeasement, no compromise with or to their tyrannical dictates.  None.  Resist them, fight them, defeat them, and yes, eventually we will most likely have to kill them all.

Omnes Occidite.  

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