Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Apocalypse Is Here!

Apocalypse!  The arrival of the end of the world.  The signs are all around us.  Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes; the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria.

Okay, that's all from Ghost Busters.  The real, first Ghost Busters movie, that is.  I've credited the source, so it's not plagiarism. Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis showed some serious prescience in that metaphoric comedic exchange of dialogue. But superimposed over today's events, one could very well assume that - with the similar advent of all those aforementioned events - the end is very near, after all.  Let's see if that's true by examining just a few popular notions.

Gender fluidity.  Wikipedia attempts to defined this term under the umbrella of something called Non-Binary Gender.  Gender fluid people, we're told,  often express a desire to remain flexible about their gender identity rather than committing to a single definition.  That presumably means that one can identify as a him or her contrary to their actual natural birth sex.  That means these folks identifying as "flexible" are sexually and emotionally confused.  But the pointy-headed PC elitists who seek to establish a new nouvelle culture ignore biological science, and bend over backwards to enable this oddly interesting aberrant mental health pathology.  And now we have these psychiatric patients running around loose, and worse, dictating changes to the English language, especially as it pertains to pronouns.

The Rise of Idiocy.  Look no further than the so-called "Squad," or as I call them, the Four Mean Girls for examples of public displays of idiocy.  I've decided to add a new member to the now Five Mean Girls:  Stacey Abrams will now join the ranks of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley.  These women - I assume that they identify as such - are all radical socialist anti-American Democrats.  Inexperienced, arrogant, and self absorbed, these harpies personify the loud and shrill demands coming from those who are over-educated with limited intellect, brainwashed by decades of Marxist propaganda, and who are ardent status quo protestors.  Yet the same pointy-headed elitists give them all the air time they need to affirmatively assure the adults in the country just how idiotic they and their demands really are.

The Culture of Death.  Babies?  Who needs 'em?  Just kill 'em.  Pre-birth, mid-birth, even after birth.  We can chop them up and sell their body parts.  Hey, it's a good market, and far more lucrative than running an auto chop-shop.  And - get this - it's legal.  In fact, the federal government actually pays us to do this!  How rich is that?  Morals?  Ethics?  Screw that, we're talking 'bout the Benjamins, baby.  And no, mass shootings and increased violence have no genesis whatsoever in this worthwhile endeavor.

Global Warming.  The truest sign of the end times.  We've destroyed the Earth by driving SUVs that like, run on gasoline and stuff, and Mother Gaia is taking her revenge upon us by heating up the planet, melting the ice caps and generally wreaking havoc.  Whew!  Like, that's so, like deep! The Five Mean girls have warned us that because Gaia's mad at us, we only have twelve years left to live.  That includes Bambi, pandas and baby elephants too.  AlGore is reportedly livid that the FMGs stole his scam, changed the name to the Green New Deal or something, and are getting airtime with it.  Oh, wait.  Hold on, an update is coming in.  Okay, NASA now admits that any climate "change" - change from what to what? -  is just a function of Earth's ever changing orbit around the sun.  Closer, hotter; further, cooler.  Man has nothing whatever to do with climate, whether it's warming, cooling or static.  So it's a hoax, you say?  Oh, okay.  Well then.  Never mind.

Censorship.  We mustn't forget to include the war on free speech in our list of Signs of the Apocalypse.  Normal people - by that I mean conservatives and others who are not wide-eyed crazed totalitarians - can't get a word in edgewise what with the masters of the universe dictating for us rubes what constitutes acceptable discourse.  And banning whatever they don't like - which is pretty much everything.  "Hate speech," whatever that is, is effectively banned, and is now defined as anything the wide-eyed crazed pointy headed elitists decide it is.  Worse, with political correctness forced upon us for the last several decades, people are bullied into self censorship.  And self censorship of course, brings us one step closer to the Borg group think the elitists want.  Tyranny begins with censorship, and we're already at that point. 

Clearly there are more indicators of the coming of the end, but they are too numerous to list here.  Suffice it is to paraphrase the late great Jim Morrison:  Nobody gets out alive.  So there's that.  And further, a wise man once asked:  Can a tree go to heaven?  But I digress.  

End times?  Apocalypse?  Maybe one day.  But not yet.  Not yet.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Told You So!

Just last week, Jonathan Carpenter, a man living in Osceola County, Florida, had his firearms confiscated simply because he had the same name as a criminal. 

The second amendment with a red flag on it
Carpenter was stripped of his Second Amendment rights simply because the police received and acted upon a court ordered Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) and served it on the wrong man. Police aren't required to differentiate a law-abiding citizen with a same-name criminal.  Read about it here.

Even though it was evident they had the wrong man - simply by virtue of the discrepancies in his physical description - Carpenter nevertheless was forced to surrender his firearms. There was no hearing or any kind of court proceeding.  The Sheriff simply told Carpenter that he needed to surrender his guns before any due process would be applied.

Then things got worse.

Carpenter's firearms have to remain in police custody until the complainant (the plaintiff) verifies in court that Carpenter is not the man that the plaintiff filed a complaint against.  Then Carpenter would have to petition the court to get his firearms back, and if successful, he would have to bear the costs. While Carpenter will get his day in court later this month, it's still clear that several of his constitutional rights - specifically to keep and bear arms, due process, and innocent until proven guilty - have been violated.

So here is the heads up regarding so-called Red Flag laws.  What's happening to this man is the very  situation Second Amendment supporters have warned us about.  What if Carpenter needs to defend himself and his family between now and his court date? He wouldn't be able to, because the government disarmed him. 

Over a century ago, Lord Acton warned us about government over-reach, and his observation applies to any government policy:  "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."  

Red Flags laws are unconstitutional on their face, and serve only to further empower an already corrupt and out of control government.  

This man's tragic story is undeniable proof of that.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Muslims On The Loose!

Those rascally Muslims are at it again.  Never happy with anything, they just seek to stir up more trouble and controversy by injecting their infantile demands into things that have no relevance to anything remotely Islam.  They think doing so will advance their agenda - which is to instill sharia law everywhere on the planet - and win the hearts and minds of those enjoying the fruits of Western Civilization.  And they have been trying to conquer the world for over fourteen hundred years.

Let's review a few instances.  

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)
First, The despicable Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and her hijab-bosom buddy Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) wanted to go to Israel.  Israel, familiar with the characteristics of radical, murderous Palestinian terrorists, politely said no thanks, knowing full well that they only wanted to go there to promote their signature anti-Israel boycott and fan Palestinian passions.  Tlaib threw a fit, stomped her feet and held her breath until she turned blue, whining that she wanted to see her grandmother before the old gal passed on into Allah's loving arms.  So Israel said, okay, come on over and see your granny.  Tlaib threw a fit, stomped her feet and held her breath until she turned blue, whining that she could never come to Israel - even to see old granny - because a trip like that would now humiliate her, and Israel was so, like, evil and stuff. President Trump, being Trump, trolled the younger Tlaib by claiming her grandmother was better off without her visiting.  Now that right there is funny, I don't care who you are.  But Muftia Tlaib, the 99-year-old grandmother had some strong words for President Trump after he claimed the elder Tlaib was a "winner" because her granddaughter decided not to visit her after all.  “Trump tells me I should be happy Rashida is not coming,” Reuters reported her saying. “May God ruin him." What a loving and inspirational retort.  Radical Muslims just can't help themselves; they're just vicious and negative by nature.

Hell, yeah!
Speaking of vicious and negative, now comes the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Hamas-backed political arm of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, weighing in on the Confederate flag controversy by calling for the banning of sales of the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia at the Lorain County Fair in Wellington, Ohio. Well, now.  Who hell are you to tell Americans what flags they can or cannot buy?  CAIR’s notoriously anti-American National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper spewed his usual garbage by saying, “Symbols glorifying and honoring white supremacy, slavery and treason should be repudiated by all Americans, not put on display at mainstream venues. Those who reject white supremacy and racism can best demonstrate that rejection by avoiding any enterprise that seeks to profit from hate.” Holy smoke!  The arrogance and hypocrisy is unending with these people.  Symbols of hate?  How about the star and crescent?  Or the black ISS flag?  White supremacy?  How about the Muslim view that non-believers of all races are inferior to Arabs?  Slavery?  Tell that to sub-Sarah Africa, where Boko Haram still trades in black African slaves to to his very day.  

As the political propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR is the last organization on Earth to school Americans on issues like symbols of slavery, treason and supremacy.  Islam flat out owns those.  Several Mid-Eastern nations including Egypt, have designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, and President Trump is considering doing so here stateside as well.  I hope he does, because they are.  The Brotherhood has a stated plan for the cultural conquest of North America, and I wrote about it in these pages last year.  Reread it here.  

Muslim Brotherhood Organizational Chart
As the accompanying organizational chart shows, the Brotherhood has tentacles on its tentacles, and as a force within the United States, its philosophy is not in keeping with the values of a constitutional republic.  In knowing who the Brotherhood really is, and understanding its goals, we must ask ourselves two questions:  Would it be better to simply ignore them for the sake of multicultural etiquette and political correctness?  Or should Americans reserve their right to challenge Islamic ideology and doctrine as well as its fundamental incompatibility with Western values, by force if necessary?  The last 1,400 years of historical conflict with Islam should answer that question definitively.  They have told us they want to destroy America, Western values and culture, and under sharia law, to enslave every single human being on the planet.  

It's insane.  But it's just who they are.  And they're on the loose again.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Red Flag Red Flag

The House of Representatives passed House Resolution 8 back in February as part of the left's never-ending attack on gun owners and the Second Amendment.  Now, in the wake of two recent shootings, the emotional wailing of snowflakes everywhere, and the requisite legislative "need to do something" is deafening and overwhelming to politicians.  Even Mitch McConnell is now making noises about having the Senate take up HR 8, which is just more gun control in the form of expanding so-called background checks, and President Trump is eager to show the left that he "cares."

And it's all for show.  It's all about more rigid government infringements on a free people.  And it's unconstitutional.  Let's review what the Founders said about the God-given right of the people to keep and bear arms. 

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Well, that's short and sweet and to the point.  But that doesn't deter politicians at all, because every single gun law now on the books - and there are currently some 20,000 state and federal restrictions on the Second Amendment alone - is clearly unconstitutional.  So the ever expanding and tyrannical federal government seeks now to restrict gun ownership even more.  

HR 8 criminalizes private sales of firearms absent that sale going "through" a FFL dealer.  It would force almost all informal, private transfers of firearms to first pass a federal background check initiated by an FFL.  Each and every time.  Give a gun to a friend or relative for a birthday or Christmas present?  Swap that old revolver to a friend in exchange for a skeet gun?  Nope.  Not without a background check and the sale, transfer or exchange administered by a Federal Firearm Licensee.  For a fee, of course.  Worse, to enforce that ridiculous law, firearms would have to registered, a long sought after goal of the insane tyrannical left.  And registration will create a database of all firearms - and their owners - and that will without question lead to confiscation.

Yet the existing 20,000 gun control laws did noting to stop the most recent shootings.  In each case, the guns used by the shooters were obtained legally.  Apparently the logic in the law-making circles is, "Well, that didn't work, so let's draft even more restrictive laws.  That should do it."  But when we analyze the shooting and the shooter's mindset, we find some instability in their cognitive thinking.

And then it gets even worse for gun owners.  Enter the so-called Red Flag laws.  That's a euphemism for the government deciding if someone is "fit" to own a gun.  Red flag laws - also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) or Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) - empower law enforcement, and sometimes family members and other concerned parties, to petition a judge to remove guns from individuals who may pose a threat to themselves or others.  Great.  Your girlfriend gets mad at you, and whines to a judge or sheriff or a cop, and bingo - you're now "a threat" to someone, and your guns are confiscated.  No due process is involved at all, despite being another God-given right of an accused.  They just come and get them.  Twelve states now have such laws, including Florida, and the insane tyrannical left wants it to become a federal law.  In reality, it's just a quasi-legal way to circumvent the Second Amendment, and have government seize guns from citizens without due process.

But we can rest easier, because our duly elected representatives will have "done something."

Consider all this gun control hysteria within the context of the left's hatred of white, conservative Americans.  They are out in the open now, with calls for the killing of white people, the killing of Trump supporters (think of the movie The Hunt), the actual shooting up of ICE offices, doxxing of conservatives, the intimidation of elected officials, and other insanely violent threats.  

So there you have it.  As the anti-American, tyrannical left continues to make war on white conservatives,  our elected representatives want to continue disarming us.  That pretty much sums up their intent, and it seems to me that an appropriate and measured response is needed.

If it's a civil war they want, they'll have to disarm us first.  And that's because white conservative Americans have way more guns than the insane lefty snowflakes. 

So bring it on.  It's your move, cupcake.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Fourth Reich?

Seventy-four years ago, during the final days of WWII, as the last gasps of the Third Reich were being heard, the Nazi elite were seriously concerned about their immediate future.  Impending trials for war crimes caused them real concern and anxiety, and some engineers, scientists and others took advantage of the opportunity to trade their military and scientific knowledge in exchange for freedom and protection from prosecution in Nuremberg. Operation Overcast, later called Operation Paperclip, was the US intelligence services plan to gain as much Nazi engineering, military, scientific and espionage intelligence they could before the Russians could offer them a similar deal.  It worked.  The US gained superiority in nuclear sciences, space exploration, computers, and many other advanced science and engineering aspects.  It a pretty good deal all around:  the Germans were way, way ahead of Britain, United States and the Soviet Union, and all that specialized Teutonic brainpower was saved and we were able to utilize and capitalize upon it. now, as we Americans have been introduced recently to an entirely new aspect of our government - the one we can't see and don't control - some are wondering if some of that good old Nazi heavy fisted tyranny didn't come ashore with all those big brains.  Not from those scientists like Wernher von Braun and others, but a new version of totalitarianism that one could argue has its genesis in the philosophy and operational techniques of the feared Gestapo.  That word is a shortened contraction of Geheime Staatspolizei, which was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe.  It ruthlessly silenced any opposition to the party line, and worked with the Sicherheitsdienst, the Nazi Security Service.

If you're making the comparison of that fearsome tyranny to the corrupt and politicized Deep State that watches our every move, you're not alone.  And it's not a far fetched concern anymore.  The stigma of tin hat conspiracy theory is long gone.  Just read the headlines and news stories of the last ten years.   Consider this from The Daily Bell:

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.
These are not tactics used by constitutional republics, where the rule of law and the rights of the citizenry reign supreme. Rather, they are the hallmarks of authoritarian regimes, where the only law that counts comes in the form of heavy-handed, unilateral dictates from a supreme ruler who uses a secret police to control the populace. 
That danger is now posed by the FBI, whose laundry list of crimes against the American people includes surveillance, disinformation, blackmail, entrapment, intimidation tactics, harassment and indoctrination, governmental overreach, abuse, misconduct, trespassing, enabling criminal activity, and damaging private property, and that’s just based on what we know.

So we can see that secret police, secret courts, secret government agencies, surveillance, censorship, intimidation, harassment, torture, brutality, corruption, entrapment, indoctrination, and indefinite detention continues to this day.  Just this week the one man who had the goods on the Clinton Crime Syndicate - and who could have very possibly exposed the deep state and its corrupt adherents - ends up dead.  Or maybe not.  But someone got to him:  (a)  he's either whisked away to parts unknown while a stand-in cadaver takes his place on the autopsy table, or (b) he killed himself in a high security prison while on suicide watch (a complete impossibility without outside help), or (c) he was "offed" by persons unknown.  Either way it goes, the point is Jeffery Epstein will not testify against the Clintons.  Arkancide is merely a sub-group of the available plays in the Deep State playbook.  

So it's hard to watch our Constitutional Republic degrade into a totalitarian regime, headed by unseen, unknown, and unelected globalist bureaucrats in the Deep State. And all the while the campaigning Democrats push for even more censorship, more freedom-stripping policies, more normalized deviancy and more gun confiscation. But the blame lies not with Donald Trump, although that's what the Borg media wants you to believe.  It started long before, but came to fruition with the Kenyan's reign as he politicized and corrupted every government agency.

So folks, read up on your history.  It was only nine decades ago that another deep state gained control of an entire populace and turned that country into a nightmare for the German people and most of the world as well.

The Nazi's Third Reich started with Borg group-think, then censorship of opposing ideas, and finally in gun confiscation.  In the globalist Deep State's Fourth Reich, it started with Borg group-think, then censorship of opposing ideas, then gun confiscation.

Learn history.  Ignore the media and its Borg group-think. Eschew self censorship. Become armed and stay armed.  And fight back.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Why People Get Shot

Everyone knows why people get shot.  Everyone.  Some deny it.  Some spin it.  Some ignore it.  Some even exploit it.  But everyone knows the real reason people get shot.  Spoiler alert:  it's not really about guns.  It's not about mental health. 

This week some poor unfortunate souls have died at the hands of a couple of evil murderers, so now we'll - that is, all of us -  have to endure hours of proselytizing, preaching, nagging, and threatening diatribes from our betters on the extreme left.  They'll tell us something must be done.  That we can't be trusted with or allowed to have guns.  They'll tell us it's our outmoded ideology - or worse, our outmoded theology - that causes these easily manipulated, isolated and angry useful idiots to go out and randomly kill complete and innocent strangers. 

But what's really happening is far more dark, more sinister, more evil, more Orwellian than most folks are ready to believe.  Yet Hollywood has teased us with this story line in countless dystopian science fiction movies for years.  They have literally told us straight up what they are doing.  So has Orwell.  So has Huxley.  And so has Ayn Rand.  And now they're doing it.  These patsies don't just go out to kill; they are sent out.

Do we listen?  Do we pay attention?  Nope.  That's all fiction; this is real, they'll say.  Even Dan Crenshaw has fallen for it.  It's like a paraphrased scene in The Godfather:  Leave the culture, take the guns.

So that's what they want to do.  They have already destroyed the culture.  Now it's time take the guns.  They're more than halfway home to their stated goals of total domination and complete control, and the only thing that stands in their way is a hundred million or so armed Americans.  

So that's the truth.  They have been using false flag shootings to disarm the population since the Kennedy assassination, while at the same time destroying the culture by defining deviancy down.  They normalize gross perversion, glorify abnormal behavior, embrace death, then vilify American Judaeo-Christian values.  Define everyone as either a victim or an oppressor.  It's working, right on schedule.

So in the end, why people get shot is all about the loss of our fundamental cultural idea of the sanctity of life.  If you can do that, you can destroy the culture, then you can take the guns.