Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Why People Get Shot

Everyone knows why people get shot.  Everyone.  Some deny it.  Some spin it.  Some ignore it.  Some even exploit it.  But everyone knows the real reason people get shot.  Spoiler alert:  it's not really about guns.  It's not about mental health. 

This week some poor unfortunate souls have died at the hands of a couple of evil murderers, so now we'll - that is, all of us -  have to endure hours of proselytizing, preaching, nagging, and threatening diatribes from our betters on the extreme left.  They'll tell us something must be done.  That we can't be trusted with or allowed to have guns.  They'll tell us it's our outmoded ideology - or worse, our outmoded theology - that causes these easily manipulated, isolated and angry useful idiots to go out and randomly kill complete and innocent strangers. 

But what's really happening is far more dark, more sinister, more evil, more Orwellian than most folks are ready to believe.  Yet Hollywood has teased us with this story line in countless dystopian science fiction movies for years.  They have literally told us straight up what they are doing.  So has Orwell.  So has Huxley.  And so has Ayn Rand.  And now they're doing it.  These patsies don't just go out to kill; they are sent out.

Do we listen?  Do we pay attention?  Nope.  That's all fiction; this is real, they'll say.  Even Dan Crenshaw has fallen for it.  It's like a paraphrased scene in The Godfather:  Leave the culture, take the guns.

So that's what they want to do.  They have already destroyed the culture.  Now it's time take the guns.  They're more than halfway home to their stated goals of total domination and complete control, and the only thing that stands in their way is a hundred million or so armed Americans.  

So that's the truth.  They have been using false flag shootings to disarm the population since the Kennedy assassination, while at the same time destroying the culture by defining deviancy down.  They normalize gross perversion, glorify abnormal behavior, embrace death, then vilify American Judaeo-Christian values.  Define everyone as either a victim or an oppressor.  It's working, right on schedule.

So in the end, why people get shot is all about the loss of our fundamental cultural idea of the sanctity of life.  If you can do that, you can destroy the culture, then you can take the guns.

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