Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Good Man Died

Bundy, pictured with fellow leader Lavoy Finicum (left), walked out of talks with the FBI because they wouldn't let him record the conversation
Lavoy Finium Killed, Ammon Bundy Wounded
Last night some federal agents killed some folks.  Well, they got one, anyway.  Yawn.  No worries, it was just some back woods, white, gun-loving, sovereign citizen type, militia member crazy ranchers who got whacked.  Er, killed.  Resisting arrest, you know.  Anytime you're caught in an FBI staged ambush on a dark and narrow rural highway late at night and get yourself killed, well, you were resisting arrest.  The dash cam video will verify that, your honor.  No, we guarantee the public will never see it. You can just trust our word on it, we're the government, and you're not. That is and will be the narrative of this story of yet more Americans being killed and imprisoned by the all-mighty federal government.  There's compelling arguments for both sides of this story, but you will have to dig deep to ferret them out, and the misrepresentations and outright lies will be stacked up higher than an Iowan grain silo.  On that you can bet.

And all of this has come about because of cows.  A battle between those who raise them and those who regulate them.  Specifically it's all about grazing rights.  Last summer there was a standoff in the southwest between some ranchers, the Bundy clan, and the Bureau of Land Management, who disagreed on whether the Bundy cattle could graze on BLM land, which is "protected" from the ecological damage supposedly done by heavy cattle hooves.  The Bundys, for generations, have paid a federal fee for that privilege, and at some point decided it wasn't constitutional for the BLM to extort - I mean extract - a fee for the right to graze cattle on public lands.  There was a standoff, as both sides made their case in the No Fees For Grass debate, and at the end of the day, some Bundys went to prison.

Much earlier, in 2001 and again in 2006, some ranchers in the northeast, the Hammond clan, did a controlled burn on BLM land upon which they paid the grazing fee, to clear it of underbrush and invasive plant species, so grass could again flourish.  Now this type of controlled burn occurs every day in parks and forests all over the US.  It's beneficial to overall land management for a number of reasons.  But because of this, the Hammonds were charged with arson on federal lands, and after lengthy legal proceedings, got minimal prison time: four months for Dad, a year for the son. But in October, a liberal environmentalist wacko judge decided that that the court's sentence was too light, and sentenced both to four years each.  For the unimaginable crime of managing land in order to feed the nation.

Well, ranchers everywhere were left in disbelief about how the BLM could just arbitrarily execute or imprison folks who had a legitimate beef  (pun intended. sorry) with the feds.  Cattle grazing and environmental protection need not be mutually exclusive, lest the government makes it so.  And in certain pockets of western states where land is considered ueber alles, ranchers and government officials regularly clash over land usage rights and restrictions.  So Bundy's son Ammon and some others occupied an abandoned building in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon to support the Bundys and Hammnds and other ranchers, and to protest the irrational and selective BLM enforcement of public lands policy.

Sgt. Tom Hutchison stands in front of an Oregon State Police roadblock on Highway 395 between John Day and Burns by Oregon State police officers Tuesday after LaVoy Finicum and Ryan Bundy were shot
Heavy Handed and Armed Feds
When leftist totalitarians like Muslims, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Students for Democratic Society, Black Panthers and other lunatic fringe left wing groups occupy public or federal buildings, all we see is compassion and support for their "concerns".  When white males who feed the country, please note (and liberal environmental wackos love their free-range, grass fed beef), want to air their grievances in the same way, what you get is dead white men. The last time America had a wacko Attorney General, one Janet Reno, we got dead white people all over the country. See Ruby Ridge, Idaho and Waco, Texas. Now with this panting lap dog Attorney General Loretta Lynch, we are back to the same mindset.  But there's never been any disagreement of the hypocrisy and double standard when it comes to the fed's selective enforcement.

So last night a good man died, but with the strength of his convictions. Some will vilify him, to others he's a martyr.  And sadly, we're one step closer to the inevitable confrontation with a hateful, totalitarian, tyrannical government.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Return of Nibiru

Once again it seems, everything old is new again.  How true.  As the 21st century unfolds, new discoveries seem to give credence to old myths and campaigns.  Take Islam, for example.  Its war with civilization has been going on for over 1,400 years, but it's only in the last 15 that it's become a full blown world wide jihad again, reigniting the respondent and inevitable crusade against its vicious global undertakings.  Hey, Mohammad.  Blown up any ancient archaeological sites recently? Yeah, I thought so.

Known facts about the suspected planet.
NASA's Case For Nibiru:  A Ninth Planet
Or take for example, the new revelations regarding Planet X, or as the ancient Sumerian texts referred to it, Nibiru.  And after some dozen millennia, how does this mythological planet enter into our contemporary discourse?  Gravitational anomalies.  To many of the universe-is-more-than-science-or-theology-can-explain persuasion, the recent news of a possible undiscovered planet in our solar system is proof that the ancients knew more about the universe and its workings than we do today.  In ancient Sumerian texts, there's a description that the creators of the human race came from a yet undiscovered planet that enters our solar system every couple of thousand years.  These texts indicate that aliens from this planet were known as the Nephilim, and that they colonized Earth over 400,000 years ago. The bible in Genesis and elsewhere also mentions this race, and calls them the “sons of God.”  OK,  I can buy into some of that, because there's a case to be made that there were certainly very sophisticated civilizations here on Earth in antiquity with advanced knowledge of astronomy and masonry construction that is now lost to us.  (An aside here:  ancient knowledge lost possibly due to the Muslim burning of the library at Alexandria, destroying forever all that ancient knowledge that was stored there.  And now the crazies are at it again, purifying the world.  Just sayin').

But the recent consideration of an unknown force in the solar system has been floating around for years, as astrophysicists study the anomalous gravitational forces occurring out near the Kuiper Belt, a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune, which is made up of vast numbers of comets, asteroids, and other small bodies.  Computer models suggest that a ninth planet roughly ten times the size of Earth could be affecting these small bodies in unpredictable ways.  It's being called the ninth planet because Pluto - the original ninth planet - has been downgraded to a planetoid due to its small size.  And we haven't actually observed said planet because its orbit is not keeping with the orbital planes of the known planets, being extremely elliptical and at a significant angle, taking it far out into space before looping back through the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune.  One orbit around the sun would take Nibiru approximately 16,000 years, compared to Neptune's orbit, which takes around 768 years to complete. 

So how can the existence of a huge ninth planet, so large as to exert gravitational affect on small astral bodies billions of miles from Earth, be known to and accounted for by the ancients?  And how is it that we, with all our contemporary technology, still cannot verify what we have been told with what we can observe?  Perhaps we've come to a point in our evolution where we will be able to determine with certainty from whence we came, and to know who we are. And in the answer antiquity, mythology and theology need not clash, for they are not, after all, mutually exclusive. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Immigration? Or Segregation?

You Mean Invasion AND Infestation!
Whenever the far left, Democrat super PAC, propaganda machine known as the mainstream media squeals and decries an utterance from thinking people, you know that person has assuredly hit a nerve.  I refer, of course, to Donald Trump's comment that an obvious solution to Muslim invaders is to stop the Muslim invasion.  How dare he besmirch the noble Muslim!  Muslims can do no wrong; it's only we sovereignty-ist, nationalist Neanderthals who react to Islam in fear and hate.  Right.  But the problem is that Trump is absolutely right.  It's not blind bigotry, for Pete's sake, it's direct observation that defines Islam. Actions speak louder than words.  What the American press will absolutely not report is the Muslim invasion of Europe, and the resulting abysmal failure of Sweden's and Germany's foray into embracing Muslim immigrants.  Muslims do not assimilate.  Ever.  Sweden is now the rape capital of the world, and it's Muslim immigrants raping Swedish white girls that has driven that statistic.  But that doesn't fit the Western Regressive narrative, so they simply ignore that fact.  The fact is that Islam is an evil, oppressive cult, and has no place whatsoever in civilized western society.  

If Muslims want to occupy the sands of the Middle East, so be it.  But they should be forcibly compelled to be contained there, raise their asses to their God, and conduct whatever savagery that pleases them there - and there alone.  The rest of the world - both occidental and oriental - may go about its business unencumbered by the existential threat Islam assures.  Failing segregating and isolating Islam to its desert homeland, it must be eradicated with extreme prejudice.  Think I'm extreme?  I may not be extreme enough.  If readers would like to pursue this threat, there's an aggregate web site that reports on the world wide Islamic threat exclusively.  I encourage readers to visit Bare Naked Islam often because the atrocities committed by Muslims occur on an hourly basis.

No Muslim Assimilation In Germany, Will Be None In US
So if you're inclined to disregard warnings of the existential threat that Islam presents to the civilized western world, think again.  Educate yourself, and don't be shamed into accepting the "Islam is a religion of peace" lie that's being perpetrated this election year.  In Germany, even Chancellor Angela Merkel has seen the light after welcoming millions of these savages with open arms, as three North African countries refuse to repatriate "refugees" originally from these countries who have been deported from Germany because of their criminal activity and terrorist ties.  Muslims do not assimilate.  Ever.  They conquer and take over.  And when these atrocities begin to occur in earnest within the US, just remember that I told you so.

Monday, January 11, 2016

A Well Regulated Militia Is A Good Thing

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads in its entirety:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  

So It Would Seem
Twenty-seven words.  No ambiguity.  It's pretty clear that the framers' intent was to ensure that the citizenry could resist a tyrannical government, and most people, including the Supreme Court, agree that that is exactly the fear that the framers had when drafting the Constitution - an overbearing government. According to constitutional scholars, as well as the Supreme Court, a militia is the citizenry, duly armed and ready to defend the security of the free state.  Every state has citizens who are the militia, and in some cases these militias are well armed, well trained, and well organized.  And several state militias are doing their job: protecting and defending the free state.  An Arizona militia for example, known as the Arizona Border Recon, has been doing the job this administration just won't do - patrolling the US-Mexican border.  They've done a good job, too.  They have identified and turned back drug smugglers, human traffickers, illegals, and more.  And even in Ferguson Missouri a few months ago, militias have taken to patrolling the streets due to the obvious absence of police presence in certain neighborhoods.  Unfortunately, the intellectually-challenged, over-educated "journalists" in the mainstream media outlets generally demonize these groups, claiming that they are far right, anti-government extremists and racists.  Apparently they don't understand - or perhaps blatantly disregard - the 2nd Amendment.  However, you won't see any criticisms of "racist" or "extremist" or "far left" journalists exercising their 1st Amendment rights.  Not a peep.

Liberty Counsel is actually on SPLC's Hate Watch
So why does the MSM get their knickers in a twist every time news of  some militias get in the news?  Well, because absolutely nothing can stand in the way of complete and total government control of we the people, of course.  For example, the pro-totalitarian, far, far left, extremist regressive newspaper in St. Petersburg Florida, the Tampa Bay Times (nee St. Petersburg Times), ran an article about Florida militias today.  Front page, above the fold, local section, headline  "In Florida, armed militias are waiting for a cause.''   Wait.  None of the militias here in Florida have done anything, no spokesman has said anything, but the Times knows they're out there just lurking and waiting for an opportunity to rise up and show off their guns.  Better get that headline printed in order to raise awareness of these loony groups out west and in the northwest. So how many Florida militia members did the St. Pete Times interview for this piece of journalistic tripe?  Well, none.  OK, how many 2nd amendment advocates were interviewed?  Ah, that would be none.  Well certainly concealed carry permits holders were interviewed, right?  Um, nope, nary a one. Who was interviewed, then?  None other than one Ryan Lenz, editor of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch blog.  Yep, American militias in every state are on SPLC's hate watch.   But CAIR isn't, nor is BLM.  SPLC even identifies the American College of Pediatricians as a hate group!  Baby doctors are a hate group?  But I digress.  The Times did interview some professor at University of Hartford and a police sergeant in a nearby county.  But the FBI spokesman, on the other hand, said anything that would catch the eye of the FBI simply isn't happening in Florida.  Peachy.  But that's what passes for journalism these days. 

Are constitutionally protected citizen militias worthy of hate group status?  Or are the politically correct purveyors of hate more deserving of  that distinction?  Maybe the answer to those questions is precisely why political correctness is on the wane, and nationalism is on the rise.  It's past time to become free again.

Friday, January 08, 2016

Thoughts On Current Events

The fun continues as we get some interesting news feeds from the week that was. If you're sane and well adjusted, reading the world news regularly may result in incredulity.  Or paranoia.

HRC's Health
Prismatic Lenses
We learn that Hillary may be suffering from post concussion syndrome, arising from her pass-out, fall-down brain injury back in 2012.  Well.  That certainly explains her disappearing acts - like the extended bathroom break during the last Democratic debate - she has pulled  during her campaign.  Huma even emailed that HRC gets confused easily and often, and her cognition seems to wane from time to time.  And it may explain the thick, prismatic glasses she worn at the Congressional Benghazi hearings, which are used to correct double vision.  Oh, yeah, and she's hypoglycemic.  And she drinks a bit.  And she needs naps frequently to overcome her exhaustion or her imbibing.  And she's under investigation by the FBI for her traitorous national security lapses as Secretary of State.  Pure healthy presidential material, right?  

Eligibility for Presidency
Cruz Princeton Debate Teammate from Canada: Ted ‘Identified Himself as a Dual Citizen’ While Crossing Border
The constitution has this to say about presidential eligibility of natural born citizens   “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”  That's it.  No further definition of natural born citizen is found. Now it seems everyone is concerned about Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada to an American citizen mother.  OK, that passes.  John McCain was born in Panama to American citizen parents, and he ran for president.  Barry Goldwater was born in the Arizona territory before it was a state, and he ran for president.  And that man currently in the oval office was born in Kenya to an American citizen mother, and he ran for president.  And won.  Twice.  So where's the beef?  The precedent is set, so all this buzz must be that some are worried about Cruz's meteoric rise in the polls.  Well, that's politics.

Kenyan Sells His Gun Control
"No Conspiracy"
The Kenyan got his proverbial ass handed to him at the CNN town hall show as he defended his anti-gun bias this week.  A new regulation that very few favor, by the way.  Chris Kyle's window called him out, a rape victim called him out, and even CNN's Anderson Cooper would not sit still for the Kenyan's rambling, incomprehensible non-answers.  His commentary was rife with straw-man comparisons - like the gang boy who can get a gun easier than getting a book.  Making statements like that may appeal to low information, emotionally driven pacifists, but anyone who has a grasp of leftist tactics likely gagged and rolled their eyes over that whopper.  And while the Kenyan attempts to saturate media coverage with gun control, our enemies keep on keeping on.  In Philadelphia, for instance, a Muslim man ambushed a cop sitting in his cruiser, shot him multiple times, and despite being shot himself, confessed that he wanted to kill cops for Islam.  But we the people don't need guns.  The media hasn't identified him publicly, which means he's a radical Muslim.  The Islam defenders fell all over themselves to distance the perp from Islamic teaching, despite his free confession.  Even the Baltimore Sun wants a publicly available gun registry to advise folks who may have a gun.  Get a gun, son.

Rape of Civilization
“Respect us! We are not fair game, even when we are naked!”
When the rapes and violence start in the United States as they have in Europe, the apologists will find a way to defend it.  New Years celebrations were marred in several German cities by so-called refugees exercising their rights as Muslims to rape infidels and generally making mischief.  They openly raped and injured many women.  No arrests were made.  It's not Islam.  It's an isolated event.  Nothing to see here.  Once again, this is a glaring example of why savage Islam cannot exist within a civilized society.  Not in Europe.  Not in America.  But America isn't Europe.  Our women carry guns.  And if those savage Muslim rapists try to "exercise their rights" raping American women, there will be a much different outcome.  You might call it Muslim depopulation.  And even then CAIR will be there to sue each and every victim-to-be for Islamophobia. The rape so far has been cultural; now it will be sexual.

Well, Americans are now engaged as they weren't in the Kenyan's first term.  It's a new awakening and the  middle class proletariat has had enough.  They see the dangers that this administration has brought to our shores - and to our doors - and despite the propaganda, they know what they must do, both at the ballot box in November, as well as at home and on the street. 

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Time To Stand Up To Tryanny

Image result for images for resisting tyrannyYesterday I commented on the lawlessness this president is again engaging in, specifically regrading his unconstitutional executive orders.  The framers were serious when they affirmatively denied the president and congress the power to subvert the intent of the constitution, yet this congress - of both parties - and this president have done so repeatedly.  "Shall make no law,"  and "shall not be infringed," leave little conjecture as to the absolute nature of the rights defined in the First and Second amendments.  So, it follows then that every law abridging the freedom of speech, association and the possession and use of arms is prima facie unconstitutional.

But no matter.  The current political class sees these Constitutional restrictions upon government power as roadblocks - bumps in the road, if you will - to their acquisition of total control of the American people.  And well they should.  That's why the framers put these restrictions in the constitution in the first place.  They too, distrusted government.  But what you will hear from the democrat super PAC referred to as the MSM, is that groups like the National Rifle Association stand in the way of public safety.  That is, their view of public safety, which can be translated as being disarmed.  While we the people may not literally be outgunned by the federal government, we are certainly the underdogs in this resistance to tyranny.  So apart from open revolution, what can we do about it?

While NRA gets most of the the bad press and is presented as knuckle-dragging embittered rednecks clinging to their guns, there are other gun rights groups who have serious legislative clout, too.   In the sidebar on this blog are links to four of these, and I encourage every patriot to join these groups to ensure this heavy handed government is thwarted in its drive for totalitarian control.  My money is where my mouth is, as I'm a life member of all four.  I invite you to be, too.

Image result for images for nraThe enlightened DC media likes to think this is a Southern movement, but ironically it was founded in 1871 by two Union generals who recognized the sorry state of their troops' marksmanship, and how Confederate sharpshooters managed to kill so many of them. Originally founded to teach marksmanship to citizens, it's now the 800 pound gorilla advocating for all 2nd Amendment rights.  NRA has well over 5,000,000 members.

Image result for images for gun owners of americaFounded founded in 1975 by NRA board member and California state senator H.L. Richardson, The united voice of GOA members and its intense grassroots activism has been successful in defeating restrictive legislation designed to disarm Americans, and GOA has won much praise for its work.  The GOA, unlike the NRA, has been described by Congressman Ron Paul as "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."  The group has about 300,000 members.

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
Second Amendment FoundationFounded in 1974 by Alan Gottlieb, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms. To that end, they  carry on many educational and legal action programs designed to better inform the public about the gun control debate.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is the lobbying affiliate of the Second Amendment Foundation. . The CCRKBA was founded by Alan Gottlieb in 1971, three years before he founded the SAF. The organization was formed to advocate the individualist interpretation of the Second Amendment by firearm enthusiasts who felt that the National Rifle Association (NRA) was not taking a strong enough stand on gun control and gun rightsAs of January 2015, both groups reported having over 650,000 members.

So if you value your God-given freedoms as protected by this great country, take a stand now, because this is where the fight begins. If we loose the freedom of speech, the right of assembly and the right to bear arms, all our other precious freedoms will vanish, and will be gone with the wind.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Molon Labe

It was inevitable. Here we go again.  Gun control.  And I think the Kenyan has actually been spoiling for this fight, such is his narcissistic petulance.  No matter that gun control is not a very popular issue now, given current events wherein crazed terrorists can be found shooting up people, places and things.  People are rightly aware that when seconds count in a threat, the police are only minutes away.  Better have a gun, son.  

But the Kenyan, fresh from yet another golfing vacation in Hawaii, wants to come back to DC and  - with nothing more than a pen and a phone - issue another worthless, idiotic edict of which he is so fond.  Tail wagging and tongue panting, Attorney General Loretta Lynch will do the Boy Dictator's bidding and attempt to enforce one more anti-Second Amendment executive order that Dear Leader will most certainly issue.  This time it will be to curtail private firearm sales between private citizens, euphemistically referred to as the gun show loophole.  Constitutional?  Hell, no, but who's going to stop him?   His fellow travelers in the far, far left Democratic party, along with the super-PAC Democrat press, have already attempted to stifle the First Amendment.  So what's the problem with eradicating the Second? 

No matter that in Texas, open carry is now law, and many other states are considering similar legislation allowing open carry by concealed weapon permit holders.  In the last few years gun stores all over the country are seeing people purchase firearms and ammo in ever increasing numbers.  And it's all because people see a heightened need for definitive self defense, both from bad guys, whether imported or domestic, as well as from the federal government.  My household, for instance, was one of many that added a few items to its inventory last month.

So, for Second Amendment protectors and patriots, the operative slogan is now Molon Labe (Mo' lon la' ve), the famous utterance by King Leonidas at the battle of Thermopylae, in response to the Persians' demand for the Spartans to surrender their weapons.  

Let the revolution begin.