Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mental Health As A Weapon

America Imagine a World Without Her.jpgOne of my favorite contemporary thinkers is Dinesh D'Souza. D'Souza has always been very candid and outspoken about liberalism, and has identified the American "progressive" left for what is really is, and that is an enemy at home.  The left's determination to transform the values Americans hold dear into merely quaint unsophisticated emotions, and its propensity for appeasement to our enemies, has emboldened America's enemies to ever more aggressive attacks.  His commentary on American exceptionalism was spot on, if perhaps, his position on Islam - at least some years ago - was not.  However, his latest book, America:  Image  A World Without Her put the liberals into such a panic because he offers a passionate and sharply reasoned defense of America, rebutting every lame accusation made by progressives against the U.S.  Well, we certainly can't have that muddying up the scripted national discourse.  So the left does what is always does when faced with positions not of their liking.  They crush opposition.  The political persecution of Dinesh D'Souza has reach its zenith.  Hillary calls it the politics of personal destruction.  Stalin employed it, so did Mao, and now the Kenyan finds it suitable to his ambitions.  

APSo now a federal judge has been found to order psychological counseling for D'Souza, in my view simply because of his political stance. U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman, a Clinton appointee, told D’Souza that he considers his violation of federal campaign finance laws to be evidence of a psychological problem and ordered further counseling, ignoring and overruling the judgment of two licensed psychologists who found D'Souza of sound mind and body. According to prosecutors, D'Souza directed two close associates to contribute $20,000 to a political campaign, and then reimbursed them, a violation of federal election laws.  Never mind the Clinton Foundation's egregious whoring, or the Kenyan's illegal millions from foreigners like Soros and other globalists.  Nope, it's D'Souza who must be punished.  

OK, political retribution happens every day.  I get it.  However, this persecution is noteworthy, not only because D'Souza is high profile and on the political right, but because it's the first time that the DSM-5 manual has been put to a political use.  Mental Health is now a weapon, and can and will be used at the government's whim to ensnare any political dissident.  In fact, any physical illness can be classified as a mental health issue. It's called Somatic Symptom Disorder, and if you're White, a Southerner, a Christian, own a gun, or write in a conservative blog, you can be diagnosed with SSD, and whisked away to a re-education camp - to get your head right, you understand.  

If you think this is merely tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory, just ask Dinesh D'Souza.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Is It Time For The Donald?

Image result for political icons picturesNovember 2016 is a long way off yet, and the field of candidates willing to take on the job of running the country is impressive - and large.  The Democrats are trying their hardest to rally around the clueless, corrupt, seditious and drunken Hillary, gagging as they do so, but with insider luminaries like Biden and O'Malley and Dean in the wings, she's all they've got.  Oh, wait.  There is the committed avowed socialist Bernie Sanders, and he's tearing up New Hampshire and Iowa.  But to be a democrat is to be a socialist, so that's not a hindrance anymore. The Republicans have trotted out their favorite RINOs, and the field is full with some dozen or more candidates running under the GOP banner.  Both parties' leaders hope to continue the Clinton-Bush dynasties, and there's a spate of candidates running against the party line like Cruz and Walker.  But the voters have had enough of candidates who seek higher office to do good as long as they can do well, and there's a surge of non-politician outsiders in the race: Fiorina, Carson and Trump.  None of these folks have held public office, but are titans in their fields in the private sector.  To the voters, that's a badge of honor worthy of endorsement.  

GettyBut nobody can promote like The Donald.  He's rich, so he can't be bought (tough luck, George Soros).  He's rich so he doesn't give a damn if you've been offended. And he's rich so he couldn't care less about political correctness.  And the voters love him:  he says exactly what they want to say, not simply what they want to hear.  There's a difference.  And he's surging ahead in polls, today besting Jeb by 3 percentage points, and beating all other republican candidates combined.  The RINOs and the media have wet themselves over this unprecedented commanding lead, and are conducting an all out war on Trump.  As I've often said in these pages, they will tell you what they fear.  And what they fear is a populist who talks the talk and walks the walk: one who refuses to be politically correct, tells the truth about the criminality of the Kenyan's corrupt and seditious administration, exposes the fallacy of open borders, dissects the disastrous Iranian deal, rebuts the lies about unemployment and the general health of the economy, and much more.  In short, he's got balls, and that's something that's completely lacking in the feminist, misandrist, castrated culture in Washington DC.  And the more the establishment bashes him and tries to discredit him, the more intense the backlash.

Thanks Jeb, Hillary and Bernie, for helping Trump define the race for the next president.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Let the Book Burning Begin

View of Thomas Ridge, Appalachian Trail, 6,000 Elev.
Returning from my week-long respite from the nonsense that passes for current events, I return to find that the idiocy has not abated.  Shame. Following my commune with the Spirits of the Mountains, this re-immersion into man's reality is truly wearisome.  For a week I shed the trials and tribulations of modern day life in exchange for the serenity and true reality - the zen - of the mountainous forests, the trails, and the rivers and waterfalls as I do on an annual basis.  I hiked several dozen miles, and for while, was freed of the 21st century angst that curses most of us.  But, as with any pleasant dream, one must always awake.

The good news is the threat of an ISIS attack during the Independence Day weekend didn't occur.  But the threat itself is disruptive, so the terrorists had their minor victory just in that.  The weather stepped in to either cancel or delay many fireworks displays, at least here in Florida. But we didn't get bombed.

The bad news is that the distraction concerning the Confederate flag seems to have backfired, in the South, at least.  I toured through several southern states last week, and in every town, city, village or wide spot in the road, American patriots defiantly flew the Stars and Bars.  Good.  The Confederate national flags and the battle flag itself are as much a positive influence on the American experience as are the flags of Spain, France, Britain and Portugal, all of which represent countries with their own historical blemishes.  Look, everyone in history gets screwed at one point or another:  the Indians, the Negros, the Southerns (during and after Reconstruction), ad infinitum.  It's just the nature of human beings, so get over your victimhood.  Yet in glaring contrast to the left's fainting spells over all things Confederate, the Rainbow flag of the homosexual movement is as offensive to some as the Confederate battle flag is to others.  But no calls are made to ban it.  Ditto for the black ISIS flag, which can be seen in every violent Islamic snuff video.  We are allowed to see those icons of repression shoved in our face as evidence of our tolerance.  That's free speech, you know, but the Confederate flag must come down - no free speech there.  In today's FUBARed worldview, free speech exists only for the self righteous, who, despite their rhetoric, have no tolerance for any ideas, beliefs or opinions  not their own, especially those opposed to their own.  To further the cultural not-so-metaphorical book burning, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, that politically left, anti-American Negro group, is calling for the sandblasting of Stone Mountain.  Already Gone With The Wind is banned, and even the new novel by Harper Lee, Go Set A Watchman, written a half-century ago but recently published, is decried by mostly Yankee reviewers as nothing more than a Southern bigot writing about a Southern bigot.  Yet millions of middle schoolers were required to read To Kill A Mockingbird as an example of proper racial social justice. But the revisionists have now decided that the book's antagonist, Atticus Finch, was a racist bigot after all. These are works of fiction, of course, but they seem to serve the left's book-burning revisionist ambitions. The political rewriting of history is underway again as the left tries to eradicate the South and its culture and heritage, and their outrage over fiction novels present just such an opportunity.  They've been at it for years, of course, but with this homosexual mulatto oddity currently occupying the Oval office, their efforts have been sanctified at the highest levels.  That doesn't mean they will be successful, however.
Southerners Serve In The US Military In Highest Numbers
It's time to take our American culture back from the perpetually offended in Washington DC, and clean house on that corrupt den of iniquity.  I am a solid proponent of the re-establishment of the militia of the several states, as outlined in the constitution.  That original definition is that the militia consists of, and is, the citizenry itself, with its own private arms, apart from the national guard.  Ever hear of the Minutemen?  The militia is a legal and viable entity whose purposes include, along with defense of state and nation, the instilling of fear - and respect - in those elected officials tasked with our governance.  Thomas Jefferson once said, "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed  from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."  I for one hope the tree gets more tyrant blood than patriot.  The censorship continues, and the American people are increasingly wary of the consequences - the frog is in hot water already, and is just now aware of it.  And, to the consternation of the politically correct castrati on the left, it's the South that will produce the patriots who are the militia, as always, and that scares the hell out of them.

Heavyweight Nylon Gadsden Flag
The Gadsden Flag
Many people have openly stated that the philosophy Molon Labe ("come and take it") should be today's battle cry against this intrusive and tyrannical federal government.  I agree in part, but my tactic here is more of an offense than defense.  I say we retake Washington DC, by recall optimally but by arms if necessary, and remove every single federal government official, whether elected or appointed, including all of congress and the supreme court.  That is not sedition; it's required by the constitution to reclaim government from sedition or tyranny as redress by a free people.  A curious departure here:  the constitution has no provision for removal or recall of corrupt supreme justices, because the Framers never imagined that a president would appoint corrupt political hacks rather than constitutional scholars to the land's highest court, or that a compliant congress would approve such an appointment. So justices are appointed for life and there's no provision for their removal.  Well, except for one.  And while that may be a radical thought to entertain, I believe the time has come to entertain the very same thoughts the Founding Fathers had in 1776 about ensuring their liberty.  And that is to take our liberty and free speech back from the book burning, politically correct, racist, homosexual Zionist culture-erasing totalitarian imbecile tyrants of today.

Don't tread on me.

Thursday, July 02, 2015

The War Within

Yes, It's True - They Do Love Goats
On the eve of this year's Independence Day celebrations, some interesting news reports herald troubling trends.  Reacting to heavier than usual internet chat traffic from the 7th century moon god worshipers and goat lovers, ISIS, government officials are on heightened alert for terrorism in the US this weekend. According to a former Detroit FBI chief,  "Usually you got a  lot of people conspiring.  But what you've got is a group like ISIS radicalizing lone wolves. So they're not conspiring with anybody. And the other thing is they're just saying freelance it, go out there, find a target and do what you gotta do.  So that's a lot more difficult to track."  In fact it was just two months ago ISIS claimed to have trained soldiers in Michigan awaiting orders.  My advice to Americans across the fruited plain is to stay vigilant, and heavily armed, not only this weekend, but each and every day.  There are Muslim terror cells in every city and suburb in the country, and it's individual radicals for whom we should be wary, thanks to the Muslim-in-Chief, the Kenyan, who has overtly sanctioned this.

The ISIS terror threat
Coming Soon to a Town Near You
If you think that's incisive or hyperbolic, allow me to elucidate. Our allies are disgusted by the fact that the Kenyan refuses to fight ISIS.  The US and the UK, for whatever perverse reasoning, have consistently refused to arm the Peshmerga Kurds - the last group standing against ISIS.  The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, and some of America’s closest allies say the Kenyan and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest security crisis for decades.  Why?  Would the Kenyan rather fight ISIS over here on US soil?  Or perhaps he doesn't want to fight them at all.   Maybe he's fighting instead for them.  One wonders.  Here at home the Kenyan reschedules government Fourth of July celebrations in order to observe Ramadan.  Political correctness run amok, or just plain in-your-face ideology?

Two Of Six Flags Over America
This Independence Day it occurs to me that we should certainly thank the Founders for this great country.  We also should demand independence, not from England, but from the Kenyan's political "fundamental change" narrative that the white race is evil, that American culture is oppressive, and that capitalism is exploitative.  We the people - along with the very concept of American culture - are at war, and this president and his regime is not on our side.  The continual onslaught of terror threats, criminal invasion from the south (Trump is right, despite the left's attempts to deny that truth), the eradication of law in favor of political correctness, all serve to tear down the very fabric of our American culture.  And that's his plan: to destroy America.  So to obfuscate the very real threats we face, what is it that is driving the national conversation?  That's right - the Confederate battle flag. 

These seditionists have another sixteen months to continue and further the damage.  More is to come.  Keep us afraid.  Keep us divided.  Keep us distracted.  Placate us with non-issues to keep us despondent.  My advice is to stay calm and carry guns.  The threat is now one on one.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

A Nation Of Laws, RIP

The King Is Dead! Long Live The King!
John Roberts has done it again.  The chief justice of the supreme court (the use of lower case is now appropriate) and his merry band of leftist extremist elitists, have nullified one of mankind's greatest achievements. What achievement would that be, you say?  Simply that a nation based on law, not of one man's whim, is the measure of justice in the American grand experiment in self governance.  That notion is now sadly merely a chapter in history, as Roberts ignored the law and ruled in lockstep with the Kenyan's mandated political favor.  Self governance has become nothing more than a charming, quaint footnote in the history of man.  Under political pressure, or perhaps a twisted understanding of the constitution, or maybe even out right blackmail and coercion, our boy Johnnie threw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater in his rulings on the blatantly unconstitutional issues of Kenyan Care and homosexual unions.  By definition, a "marriage" is a state sanctioned by God for the purpose of procreation.  A "union" is a state created by man for the purpose of tax avoidance.  And "established by the states" doesn't mean what it says, it means what John Roberts' twisted, convoluted logic says it means.  The takeaway from these rulings is that laws have no meaning, and words have no meaning.  These tools must be "interpreted" as to the left's political narrative, rather than by what they actually mean.  The state, in the form of the supreme court, and as evidenced by these rulings, has appointed itself God, and ruler of the nation. The fallout will be devastating to the American culture in the coming years, as truth has been ruled subjective, rather than absolute.  

And that was the whole point all along, wasn't it?