November 2016 is a long way off yet, and the field of candidates willing to take on the job of running the country is impressive - and large. The Democrats are trying their hardest to rally around the clueless, corrupt, seditious and drunken Hillary, gagging as they do so, but with insider luminaries like Biden and O'Malley and Dean in the wings, she's all they've got. Oh, wait. There is the committed avowed socialist Bernie Sanders, and he's tearing up New Hampshire and Iowa. But to be a democrat is to be a socialist, so that's not a hindrance anymore. The Republicans have trotted out their favorite RINOs, and the field is full with some dozen or more candidates running under the GOP banner. Both parties' leaders hope to continue the Clinton-Bush dynasties, and there's a spate of candidates running against the party line like Cruz and Walker. But the voters have had enough of candidates who seek higher office to do good as long as they can do well, and there's a surge of non-politician outsiders in the race: Fiorina, Carson and Trump. None of these folks have held public office, but are titans in their fields in the private sector. To the voters, that's a badge of honor worthy of endorsement.

But nobody can promote like The Donald. He's rich, so he can't be bought (tough luck, George Soros). He's rich so he doesn't give a damn if you've been offended. And he's rich so he couldn't care less about political correctness. And the voters love him: he says exactly what they want to say, not simply what they want to hear. There's a difference. And he's
surging ahead in polls, today besting Jeb by 3 percentage points, and beating all other republican candidates combined. The RINOs and the media have wet themselves over this unprecedented commanding lead, and are conducting an all out war on Trump. As I've often said in these pages, they will tell you what they fear. And what they fear is a populist who talks the talk and walks the walk: one who refuses to be politically correct, tells the truth about the criminality of the Kenyan's corrupt and seditious administration, exposes the fallacy of open borders, dissects the disastrous Iranian deal, rebuts the lies about unemployment and the general health of the economy, and much more. In short, he's got balls, and that's something that's completely lacking in the feminist, misandrist, castrated culture in Washington DC. And the more the establishment bashes him and tries to discredit him, the more intense the backlash.
Thanks Jeb, Hillary and Bernie, for helping Trump define the race for the next president.
The folks' anger at this administration is embodied in what Trump says. Let the RINOs hear!