Americans Save the World. Again.
Let them bitch. Let them complain, whine, denigrate and lie about us. Let them blame us for anything and everything. Let them wallow in the primordial sludge that passes for intellect that they've created for themselves. I don't care. The globalist Marxist left is taking it in the shorts all over the world. They're right about one thing, however. It's the Americans that are to blame. And we're damn proud of it.
It's the Americans' manifest destiny to rid the world of evil, no matter where it rears its ugly hydra head. We recognized that destiny in 1776 when we formed the first self government in the history of mankind. One that is of, by and for the people, just as God intended. And for two and a half centuries, in Somalia, France, Indo-China, Japan, Meso-America, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, we've been busy doing just that: Freeing the world from tyranny.
I don't use the term America because it's not America, per se, that is the world's savior; it's the American people themselves. In America we still have tyranny: Hillary Clinton and her crime syndicate, the despicable Muslim bastard Kenyan, the Soros crime family, and a host of other un-elected criminals, communists, tyrants, democrats and scoundrels of all colors and stripes.
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The American |
And speaking of British Crown Colonies, it seems our cousins across the pond have had quite enough, thank you, of that nation's insane leftward lurch into globalism. It was mistake to join the European Union in the first place, and all the Brits got out of that was a depressed economy, rising crime, Islam, and the embarrassment of a once-proud empire receding into a third world country. Thanks Mayor Kahn, and all the globalist jokers who have a power choke hold on Parliament. But this week, Boris Johnson's conservative Tories pulled off a landslide victory over the left wing Labor Party's Jeremy Corbyn. Now BoJo is the new Prime Minister, residing at 10 Downing Street. And how did the Tories manage a win over Labor reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher's victory in 1979? By appealing to the common working man, the blue collar blokes, the very stronghold of longtime Labor voters. Just like Trump did here stateside. Britons, Scots, Welsh, and Irish all had had enough of their leaders palling around with terrorists, dictators and tyrants. And they want out of the disastrous European Union, with its unfair currency, open borders, antisemitism and love affair with Islam.
What's remarkable in these stories is the sea change in political perception. People all over the world are weary - and wary - of their tyrannical governments regardless of the severity of that tyranny. Only in America are the people themselves the masters of their own destiny, and while over the last century that freedom has been slowly eroded, the American is now awaking to that fact and has taken it to the voting booth. And people around the world are taking notes. It can happen there, too, they are saying, and they know it and they want it.
But so does the globalist left notice. They won't take defeat lying down. Here in the States, for example, we've seen the coup rattle on for over three years. The left vowed to impeach Trump immediately after the presidential election results were confirmed back in November 2016. Not because of anything Trump had done or not done, but simply because they lost the election. Hillary was supposed to win; she not only rigged the democrat primary to assure her place, but she also set in motion a coup d'etat in the unlikely event she lost. That was Peter Strozk's infamous "insurance policy." But she lost anyway and the left has been throwing childish tantrums ever since.
So look for more angst and violence from the left. They won't accede their power; it must be wrest from their cold dead hands.
And that is one job that is perfect for the American.
And that is one job that is perfect for the American.
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