Cat Fight!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (for brevity's sake hereinafter referred to as simply AOC, or more accurately Occasional Cortex), must think that her district, New York's 14th Congressional, includes the entirety of the continental US as she presumes her political positions - make that delusions - are universal. As President Trump so aptly put it in his SOTU speech, sorry, kid, the US will never be a socialist country. No matter, AOC is undaunted and immediately outlines her Green New Deal, prompting Our Dear Miss Nancy to condescendingly dismiss it as " . . the Green Dream, or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they're for it, right?" Ouch. As if. Diss, bitch!
AOC continues to get air time to push her insane program - more on that later - while fuming Nancy snubs her for a seat on the Climate Change Committee. You've only been here two weeks sweetie; I've been here fifty years! The old guard under Nancy will continue to "study" climate change - at taxpayers' expense, while the messianic AOC shows how her Green New Deal will solve all the problems in the known universe, eliminate racism, and bring back the unicorn. All in a matter of ten years. Mere mortals like myself are stunned at the wisdom his twenty-something self absorbed narcissist has acquired in so short a time.
What's in the Green New Deal, you may well ask. It's a Marxist's masturbatory fantasy. Eliminate jet air travel in favor of a network of high speed rail. Eliminate the internal combustion engine in favor of electric motors, and have charging stations "everywhere." Upgrade or replace every single building in the US to green standards, including residential and infrastructure. Replace fossil fuel and nuclear power generated energy with . . I dunno, something. Oh, and end poverty by providing "millions of high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security
for all." It would also provide "economic security for all who are
unable or unwilling to work." Unwilling? Cool. Where do I sign up?
Normal people and highly educated economists are only now recovering from the sidesplitting lunacy promoted here. AOC stipulates that well, yes, it will be expensive, but costs can be covered from billionaires and their companies, and like, by public money and like, bonds, and stuff like that. I kid you not.
But let's not get complacent with AOC's immature and unsophisticated policies and her lack of depth. Think back. The Never Trumpers and the RINOs of the Republican Party thought along the same lines two years ago about Trump. They thought they could bounce the Bad Orange Man right out of Washington. They haven't yet, and they won't. But AOC is no Donald Trump.
So the danger in this cat fight is that AOC very well may win. If she does, it'll show that everything we know about politics is wrong. But worse, this so-called green agenda is a Trojan Horse. It's full blown communism and tyranny, and we better take these people at face value. They are deadly serious about it, and we better be, as well.
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