Friday, January 21, 2022

What To Do

So what do we do when we learn - learn, not just suspect - that every established value we know and cherish is corrupt and rotten?  When we find out in no uncertain terms that we have been used, abused and marginalized? When we find out our leaders care little if anything about our lives, liberties and happiness, but are concerned only with attaining personal wealth and power for only themselves?  When we learn that our federal and state governments themselves are the source of all this malfeasance?  And what do we do when the erosion of trust in government is so complete, and no spin or propaganda can revive it?

What do we do when the Pretender in Chief himself goes on national television and declares that the upcoming midterm elects will most likely be stolen?

"I’m not going to say it’s going to be legit,” Biden said Wednesday about the election. “It’s — the increase and the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these — these reforms passed.”

So.  It's pass our election theft bill, or else we'll steal every election! His comments are also a tacit admission that the 2020 presidential election was in fact stolen from Trump's historic landslide.  But what message - apart from the obvious - can we take from this?  That is wise to doubt the integrity of our electoral system?  Is that what he's actually telling us? Perhaps. Maybe there's a revelation coming that confirms the fraud of last November, and Sleepy Joe just wants to get ahead of it. Right. That must be it.

Or how about the nonsense concerning that virus?  Attorneys general in 27 states sent a letter to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on Wednesday, asking the agency to withdraw its coronavirus vaccine mandate for large employers.  How did the journey from "14 days to flatten the curve" to - two years later - "14 days to get the killer jabs or you're out of a job" become an official governmental edict?  Congress drafts laws, the president enacts them.  Government agencies don't.  Yet mandatory mask use and killer injections remain in force, and people willingly abide by these unlawful impositions even as the CDC backpedals. Natural immunity is now better than "vaxx" alone, CDC now tells us.  Wow, who would have thunk it?

But my favorite is the behind-the-scenes work of the Spooky Dude to undermine the rule of law.  If you've got billions, well, you get to play God.  This yesterday from Breitbart:

Left-wing billionaire and Democrat donor George Soros has turned his attention in recent years to local races for prosecutor, using his money to elect “progressives” who push “criminal justice reform” and support the Black Lives Matter movement.

The rise of these Soros-backed prosecutors has coincided with a massive surge in murder and crime in many Democrat-run cities, including many where these prosecutors have implemented radical policies toward policing and incarceration.

Soros, directly or indirectly, funds campaigns for the most anti-law, open border, progressive candidates for state level Attorney General positions.  He's been very successful at it, too.  The results have been significant: felonious crime increased in these areas has skyrocketed.  Yet there is a traceable cause and effect. And Spooky Dude has no downside for his evil.

There's an ancient Chinese saying, "May you live in interesting times."  It's actually a backhanded insult.  But for the citizens of Planet Earth, it's a daily reality.  We live in interesting times, indeed. 

What to do, what to do?

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