The Return of Testosterone
There has been a noticeable trend lately that men are not as, well, masculine, as they have been in the past. Several books have come out about this dismal state of affairs over the recent years. Examples of the discussion of dying manhood are The End of Men, Angry White Men: American Masculinity At the End of An Era, and The End of Men: A Novel. Worldwide, recent studies have indicated that sperm count has been notably lower. The cause of lower male fertility has not - as of yet - been determined.
Might I offer a possible cause of this untenable situation? Consider the affects on male behavior as dictated by the radical, shrill, misandrist feminists. They hate men. What man hasn't known a shrew at one time in his life? A high maintenance girlfriend? A psychopathic wife? Or a vicious and relationship destroying mother in law? How do encounters with personalities such as these make a man feel? Masculine? Or emasculated to the point of cuckold? Undeniably the latter.
For decades, we men - especially if we happen to be Caucasian - have been told by these feminists that we are the sole cause of all that's horrible and wrong with the world. Baby boomers have let that accusation impact their own lives, and in many cases that false guilt has trickled down to our sons. Further, the constant harpy drumbeat that men are bad has infected subsequent generations of men as well. It's been relentless, and has been so for decades. Now, however, the vicious finger pointing is falling upon men and boys who have fewer and fewer manly influences on their lives.
But look what happened with a the occurrence of a just single event. The unlikely election of a real man to the presidency of the United States has been - and will continue to be - a game changer. Compare a manly man with his drop dead gorgeous wife to the outgoing homosexual wimp with his transsexual man for a wife. The sigh of relief was clearly audible throughout the land. But the feminists, who hate anything with testicles, have shown their true colors in the recent profanity-laced protest of this heralded event.
We have but to look at the state of the nation under the limp-wristed hand of the Kenyan. In eight years, he all but destroyed and vilified the American way. But the limp wrist and leading from behind is what one would expect form a man who is not quite a man. His policies were deified by the chattering class, but was abhorrent to most real Americans. And the backlash came last November. In spades.
So we have the feminists and their cuckold boy toys all in utter shock at the realization that there's a man at the helm again. A man who says what he means, and means what he says. Horrors! The snowflake generations and their enablers are about to get their first lesson in adulthood: Suck it up, buttercup. You lost. Grin and bear it.
So let those unattractive, over weight, vicious and negative misandrists march with their pussy hats, and their vagina themed costumes. Let them rant and rave and spew their vulgar nonsense. They have nothing positive to say; it's all just a tirade against men. They hate the same men who find them physically and spiritually unattractive - hell, repulsive - and who don't want anything to do with them. Hence their attitudes, no doubt. That's not the way to a man's heart, I can assure you. There's nothing attractive in androgyny, either.
So to the boys in the world, it's a new day. A day for men and men doing manly things. Ignore these ugly vicious harpies, me boy-o, they've brought us to pussified and cuckold status, all the while destroying chivalry. And for God's sake, and for the sake of your sons, stand up and grow a pair.
You'll find your sperm count will go up. Way up.
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What the world needs more of |
For decades, we men - especially if we happen to be Caucasian - have been told by these feminists that we are the sole cause of all that's horrible and wrong with the world. Baby boomers have let that accusation impact their own lives, and in many cases that false guilt has trickled down to our sons. Further, the constant harpy drumbeat that men are bad has infected subsequent generations of men as well. It's been relentless, and has been so for decades. Now, however, the vicious finger pointing is falling upon men and boys who have fewer and fewer manly influences on their lives.
But look what happened with a the occurrence of a just single event. The unlikely election of a real man to the presidency of the United States has been - and will continue to be - a game changer. Compare a manly man with his drop dead gorgeous wife to the outgoing homosexual wimp with his transsexual man for a wife. The sigh of relief was clearly audible throughout the land. But the feminists, who hate anything with testicles, have shown their true colors in the recent profanity-laced protest of this heralded event.
We have but to look at the state of the nation under the limp-wristed hand of the Kenyan. In eight years, he all but destroyed and vilified the American way. But the limp wrist and leading from behind is what one would expect form a man who is not quite a man. His policies were deified by the chattering class, but was abhorrent to most real Americans. And the backlash came last November. In spades.
So we have the feminists and their cuckold boy toys all in utter shock at the realization that there's a man at the helm again. A man who says what he means, and means what he says. Horrors! The snowflake generations and their enablers are about to get their first lesson in adulthood: Suck it up, buttercup. You lost. Grin and bear it.
What the world needs less of |
So to the boys in the world, it's a new day. A day for men and men doing manly things. Ignore these ugly vicious harpies, me boy-o, they've brought us to pussified and cuckold status, all the while destroying chivalry. And for God's sake, and for the sake of your sons, stand up and grow a pair.
You'll find your sperm count will go up. Way up.
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