Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: The Deep State's Revenge

Lt. Gen. Flynn:  First KIA?
True to his word, the vicious community organizer and past president, the Kenyan himself, has made good on his threats made while still in office.  The first political assassination - and scalp taken by the Kenyan's OFA organization - is the distinguished patriot, Lieutenant General (Ret.) Michael Flynn.  Flynn allegedly failed to disclose to VP Pence certain parts of a conversation he had had with a Russian ambassador back in January.  How this inconsequential lapse became known, however, is of a much larger issue that what Flynn may have said, or not said, to the Russian.  And at the heart of Flynn's political assassination is the source and manner of leaks within the intelligence community first and foremost.  Detailed revelation of surveillance of that type is not for public consumption, yet here it is.  So someone in the intelligence community - many are still holdover appointees from the Kenyan's reign of tyranny - breached national security rules and oaths and leaked the details of Flynn's phone conversations to the press.  That's sedition and treason right there. But even worse is that there was, and is, no reason for Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador or anyone else to be monitored and recorded in the first place.  Shall we now assume that all government employees are under constant and deep surveillance?  Are all American citizens so monitored?  Presumably, yes.  By whom and for what reason?  I think we know the answer to both.  We're told by the Alinskyite left that Kellyanne Conway, Reinse Priebus and Sean Spicer are next on the hit list.  That in of itself should be not only frightening to any American, but a wake up call as to what are the near term plans for the radical progressive left.

The Kenyan has said repeatedly that he would not follow protocol of other past presidents and maintain silence and a lower profile regarding any new administration. In fact quite the opposite.  His 2008 campaign organization simply morphed into Organizing For America, a well funded, well staffed and well organized "progressive" subversive group dedicated to the sabotaging of President Trump's administration, as well continuing its campaign of destroying the American culture and way of life.  

Image result for obama deep state
Shadow Government roots run deep
But what is even more terrifying than the Kenyan's dogged dedication to the destruction of America is the permanent status of the "deep state," that anonymous, unelected, politically homogeneous bureaucratic shadow government that seems to be always at the helm.  Behind the scenes, in the shadows, as it were. Americans have long known of - or more accurately intuitively suspected - the existence of this shadow government and are keenly aware of its impact on their lives.  And in November, they voted resoundingly for a change to a president not beholden to political donors and lobbyists, and who would "drain the swamp" of this evil, lurking and unaccountable influence.

Nonetheless, in less than five weeks into President Trump's administration, the left already has taken its first scalp.  It has promised to take more, many more.  Are we to meekly accept their threats to bring down this duly elected administration by using dirty deeds and seditious and traitorous acts?  Or are we, at long last, going to stand and demand an end to the deep state and its treacherous and dangerous manipulations?

The civil war is on again.  It will take patience, resolve and fortitude to win in the political arena, in bringing American government back into the harsh yet purifying light of day.  Should the progressive left and their globalist allies win, however, we may very well find ourselves in yet another shooting war.  Americans have had enough of the Machiavellian nonsense, they want their country back, and they elected Donald Trump to do just that.  It seems to have come down to us versus them; and the left isn't aware of exactly who they're dealing with.  They just might find out.  it's as simple as that.

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