Artillery? Or Infantry?

Our fathers and grandfathers are rolling over in their graves.
What are we really dealing with here? Does anyone know? A virus? A simple bug? That's the obvious focus at this point, of course. But arguing about where it came from, or who may have developed it, or if it was released accidentally or deliberately is like debating who to fear most from an invading army: the artillery or the infantry. Pointless.
Let's say that China did in fact develop and release this bug. They did.
And let's say that a good number of members of the entire Congress - Feinstein, Pelosi, Biden and even McConnell to name just a few - have personal and/or business interests in China. They do.
And let's say that there exists a proven, effective, readily available and inexpensive drug that not only prevents, but cures this contagion. There is.
And let's say it's true that rather than calmly administer this drug to folks who may have contacted this virus, the Axis - the powers that be - deny this simple and effective solution and instead create a nationwide panic. It is.
And let's say that another agenda exists, one that ignores the cure and prevention of this pitifully weak virus, and instead uses the fear and hysteria artificially created to further two goals: the total destruction of one of the most vibrant economies ever seen; and the total and complete control of the entire world's population, including ours. One does.
And why would all of this occur? Here's why: because Trump's policy of implementing economic nationalism over Marxist globalism has been undeniably successful. It's happening all over the world. Think of UK's Brexit, Hungary and Poland, and the US throwing off the tyranny imposed by the Islamist Kenyan's disastrous policies as success stories. And the entrenched global Marxists around the world - and in the US congress, too - cannot let that happen.
So in this election year, the inevitable "October Surprise" came early. The left's goal is to destroy Trump and all his successes. The despicable Pelosi and her pet attack dog Schiff are already threatening yet another impeachment over Trump's "handling" of their made-to-order pandemic. The evidence is clear, and the arrogance of these evil people allows them to flaunt it openly right in our faces. Hey, never let a crisis go to waste, right?
But to those who can keep calm and carry on, we recognize this for what it is. It's just stage two of the deep state's coup d'etat and continued assault on America. And God willing, we will grow some backbone and resolve to save the country and ourselves, and we won't take it lying down anymore.
Artillery or infantry indeed.
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