Thursday, March 19, 2020

Keep Calm & Carry On

SARS CoV-2 protein spikes
By now everyone in the world is shaking in fear over the Corona Virus 2019, also known as SARS-CoV-2, Chinese Coronavirus, Wuhan Coronavirus, kung flu, and CoV19 among others. Although this virus is really just a naturally mutated strain of Corona viruses, which are the culprits for the common cold and influenza, the media driven hype has stopped the world.  Literally.  And there is no reason under the sun for that dramatic overreaction.  It's just all media-driven hype.

But it's the very nature of commercial consumer news gathering to be the first, the loudest, and the most dramatic entity to "break" a news story.  Fame and fortune and potential advertising dollars are the goal, and that's fanned by the DNC's relentless drive to destroy America.  Validity and collateral damage be damned. Remember the press's mantra:  If it bleeds, it leads.  And so, whether it's an unverified leak from some anonymous government source, or a scoop of a existential eminent danger, the news people shoot first, and ask questions later.  And they've done it again.

In its never-ending campaign to destroy this president, the DNC/national media pulled out all the stops on this one.  They remember 2015, when they won back the House because of the way they were able to twist the events surrounding the terrible damage to New Orleans done by Hurricane Katrina into a political weapon and use it against George W. Bush.  Hey, if it worked then, why wouldn't it work now?  "Trump's Katrina" has already been floated about as a meme.

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But this flu virus ain't no hurricane.  Further, it's not the threat that it's being portrayed to be for at least two reasons.  First, it's not a pandemic; less so than is the normal seasonal flu, in terms of the ratio of deaths-to-infection.  And second, it's easily and permanently defeated.  One study in Australia shows that a person's normal immune system can beat the virus.  And yet another study by three independent researchers - and peer reviewed, by the way - shows that a cheap and readily available antimalarial drug, Hydroxychloroquine, not only cures Coronavirus, but prevents it as well, and has been prescribed for over fifty years to folks like soldiers, doctors and peace corps volunteers who venture into malarial areas.  It works.

But by no means should one not take this outbreak seriously - be vigilant and aware as one would be with any virus or pathogen outbreak.  But draconian governmental overreactions to this situation are beyond logic, and do nothing but prompt fears of impending martial law.  Shutting down entire industries - cruise lines, theme parks, bars, restaurants - over irrational fears of the flu is unnecessary at best and terrifying at worst.  Releasing prisoners, as is being done in Ohio, Illinois and California, is foolish, and is more of a public danger than this flu. Refusing to arrest burglary and theft suspects, as in Philadelphia, is also absurd.  And banning firearm and ammo sales at any time is unconstitutional on its face, especially in a national emergency.

So once again, we have a classic example of Rahm Emanuel's famous dictum, "Never let a crisis go to waste."  The DNC/MSM cabal has done a magnificent job of creating a global panic, and it's all for naught.  If you get this flu, you can and will be cured of it.  If you don't get it, you don't.  So ignore the left and its DNC/MSM propaganda machine, and go about your life.  Help those whose lives have been unnecessarily destroyed as best you can.  And learn from this experience how vile and utterly destructive the left can be as they "not let a perfectly good crisis go to waste."

Ignore them, keep calm and carry on.

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