Friday, June 07, 2019

Arkancide Reactivated?

It's probably just a coincidence.  Just some random occurrences.  But two former Republican state senators have been found dead in their homes.  As in deceased.  According to police investigators, both cases are being treated as homicides.  That means they were murdered, and within two days of each other.  One in Arkansas, one in Oklahoma.  But this is eerily similar to the rash of deaths in the Midwest and elsewhere during the Clinton years, when folks who knew the Clintons, and knew of their various nefarious criminal dealings, suddenly and inexplicably were found in a state bereft of life.  That means not breathing.  Dead.

First, former Arkansas Sen. Linda Collins-Smith was found in her Pocahontas residence, some 145 miles northeast of Little Rock.  That's in Clinton's backyard.  Her body must have been there for a while, because the condition of the body prevented an immediate positive identification. It has since been sent for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.  But it's being treated as a homicide.

Then former Oklahoma state senator Jonathan Nichols has been found dead of a gunshot wound at his home in Norman, Oklahoma.  Norman is about 350 miles from Little Rock, straight along I-40.  It's a half day drive.  A gun was found on a table across the room from his body.  The case is being investigated as a homicide.

Interesting.  As Attorney General Barr's investigations into the dirty, treasonous activities of the Deep State widens, it becomes ever more obvious that our gal Hil had everything to do with the attempted silent coup d'état against a duly elected sitting president.  She initiated it, she paid for it, and she ran it through cutouts in the legal profession and in the upper echelons of the intelligence community.

So is the blood of these Republican state senators on her hands?  If so, what did they know?  Is desperation closing in on the Hillary Crime Syndicate, and because of that,  is she enforcing the silence of those in the know in the tried-and-true method of simply snuffing them out?  If that's the case, the Clinton body count continues to grow.  We'll soon see.

Leave no witnesses.  That's how Arkancide is played.

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