Sunday, March 17, 2019

About Goddamn Time

The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.  Even the established leftist global thought police is struggling to figure out how to spin this one.  But the fact remains that 89 Muslims were shot or killed in assaults on a couple of mosques in New Zealand.  And it's about Goddamn time.

Before you accuse me of being insensitive or a monster, let me refresh your memory.  It is Islam that has been conducting terror on civilization in general and Christianity in particular for over one thousand four hundred years.  After Mohammed's - the self appointed prophet - death in 632 AD, Abu Bakr, the new Muslim caliph, launched the newly established cult of  Islam into fourteen centuries of continual bloody conquest and subjugation through invasion, terror and war.  And it's a role Islam continues to this very day.  When their vicious, savage and primitive onslaught becomes too much, civilization reacts; it defeats them and knocks them back into their seventh century desert hives.  Or Afghan caves.

This is one of those times.

It happened before on September 11, 1683 (that's a familiar date, isn't it?) at the siege of Vienna, when the Islamic Ottoman Empire was crushed by Christian Europe.  Saxon, Pole and Austrian allies turned back the Muslim attack on Vienna, then seen as the gateway to Europe.  They ultimately defeated the the vicious Turk "Black" Mustafa, whose goal was to conquer all of Christian Europe and fold it into the caliphate.  

And perhaps it happened again Friday in Christchurch, New Zealand with attacks on two mosques, perpetrated by as many as four people - facts are changing on an hourly basis at this time - resulting in forty-nine Muslims killed and some thirty-nine wounded.  For those individuals harmed, my sympathies.  For their ideology, my condemnation. 

What if, in the face of the abject failure of national leaders to effectively rid civilization of this insane cult, individuals took matters into their own hands, and applied vigilante justice to the problem?  Would that action "raise awareness" of Islam's vicious methods?  Of its incessant aggression?  Of its stated cultural jihad?  Not in this case, because New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's initial response to this reaction is to further tighten New Zealand's already extremely strict gun laws.  Further, the globalized media has already condemned the shooter(s) as being white supremacists, whatever that is, ignoring completely one shooter's manifesto praising communist China - which is neither white nor Christian - as his preferred master.  But no fault whatsoever may be lain at the feet of Islam.  No questions ever arise as to the inherent incompatibility of Western and Islamic cultures.  Nope, it's always bad white guys with guns.

However, one brave voice, Sen. Fraser Anning of Queensland, has uttered the dismal truth. "Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?"  Of course not.  Ask that of Sweden.  Or of London.  Or of Minneapolis.   He also noted, " . . . the real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place." 

Well now.  Speaking of speaking truth to power.  He's right and we can't have that. Watch now as the "woke" Islam apologists, fascists that they are, begin their inevitable destruction this man's career, life and family. 

But what if there's a new view, a new tactic, in dealing with Muslim atrocities? One that brings the battle to ground level, fought by individuals?  One on one.  Mano a mano.  What do you call a citizen-non-soldier?  The lone wolf?  The patriot?  The minuteman?  We may now have a new paradigm that is willing to fight fire with fire.

Terrorize the terrorists.  Random.  Unexpected.  Brutal. 

Even John Miller, New York Police Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counter-terrorism, sees it in this way, too.  He recently said the New Zealand attack was further evidence that, "in terms of tactics, the neo-fascist groups, the white supremacists, are borrowing from the ISIS playbook."  By using those labels I'm sure he's referring to civilized, informed and responsible citizens.

But if he's right, and it would appear that he is, it's about Goddamn time.

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