Thursday, January 17, 2019

Toxic Masculine White Boy Blues

If I were a conspiracy theorist, or if I were to read too much into the cause and effects of current events, I might just dig a hole, climb into it, and cover it up, such are the distressing trends in culture today. I mean, here we have an onslaught on American values, culture and the Constitution itself, unprecedented in American history, by self described enemies of the state. These enemies are a Borg collective of malcontents and include under-informed leftists, full-on Marxists, radical Salafists and other insane vicious Islamists, Never Trumpers, and the ever present radical shrill misandrist feminazis.  Whew!  What's a normal Christian Southern fully toxic masculine white boy to make of all this?  

I can tell you with some degree of certitude that it's getting tiresome.

Islam has not only permeated the American culture, invaded school curriculum and dictated to us Christians that there can be no offense made to its false religion, but now some brainless, mind controlled sheeple have actually elected a couple of female Salafists to the vaunted halls of the United States congress. Who, I might add, refused to take the oath of office on the Bible, instead placing their left hands - reserved for poop wiping - on the  Koran.  Ironically, no major power in recent history has gone out of its way as has the United States to help, respect, please and appease Islam. An yet, no other nation has been a victim of vilification, demonization, and violence on the part of the Islamists as has the U.S.  Worse, we pay for them to kill us.  Many Muslim nations have been annually receiving large checks from the U.S. for decades, among them Egypt, which gets $2 billion, and Pakistan, the homeland of San Bernardino killer Syed Farook, which gets $1 billion.  Further, it is well known by border patrol that among the invading horde on the southern border are many radical jihadists, whose only goal in coming to - er, invading- the US is to kill us, the Great Satan. And in response, the Democratic party shuts down the very government that seeks to build a physical barrier to keep our enemies out.  And Americans inside safe.
There's so much more.  Not content with attacking America herself along with her Constitution and libertarian freedom-loving culture, the left - now in the form of the nauseating social justice warriors and their allies in the so called feminist movement - has now declared war on men.  Especially white men.  We're too masculine, we're told.  Too apt to rape some disgusting fat, ugly and perpetually-offended shrill harpy, we're told.  Too predisposed to apply violence to any given situation and escalate toxic conflict, we're told.  Too eager to hide behind the "boys will be boys" excuse, we're told.  Oh, yeah, and Gillette wants us to shave our beards, or legs or something to show "solidarity" with the pussification of the culture. But only white men.  The real men in the rest of the world are laughing at American men - we're pussy-boys to radical feminist dictates.

Let's take a moment to be clear here.  I don't care what anyone believes or says.  That's what freedom is all about.  But to my Muslim and Marxist readers I say this:  You can believe the Earth is flat, that Allah is the only true god, that Marx had it all figured out, or that the Kenyan was a great president.  I don't care.  That's all you. But I won't be forced to "accept" or "tolerate" your delusions or any other nonsense being forced down my throat, especially if it contradicts my established values and  morality.  Want to be a jihadist?  Want to force socialism or some other tyranny on us? Want to rail against Christianity?  Fine.  Knock yourself out.  But when you raise your hand against me or mine, I will do you grave bodily harm.  Then I'll dig you up and kill you again.  Is that  masculinity toxic enough for you?  Good.  I just wanted y'all to be clear on that.

That said, I try to stay optimistic as I'm sure most folks do, too.  I've lived long enough to see the pendulum of political winds swing from side to side. As it will, and as it always does.  So within the last decade or so - consistent with the despicable Kenyan's reign, I hasten to add - we've seen the advent of extreme Islam, extreme Marxism, and extreme social upheaval.  But these movements are pushing too hard, with too many shrill voices trying to take too much ground too quickly.  Their reach exceeds their grasp, and it will all backfire on them, and they will wither and die in the cleansing light of truth.

Hopefully this nonsense will putter out, and that pendulum will swing back the other way.  Back to normal.  If it doesn't, well, we may have to just go ahead and kill them all.

Meanwhile, there's not a lot to do but to bear those toxic masculine white boy blues.

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