Friday, April 29, 2016

Hate Versus Truth

Image result for orwell tyrannyHave you ever seen so much hate being spewed by the political elites and their panting, compliant lapdog press?  You'd think we were being invaded by aliens.  Oh, wait.  We are.  The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in 2015 decided not to deport but release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted of murder, over 900 convicted of sex crimes and 12,307 of drunk driving, according to new government numbers.  But the hate machine cranks out vitriol that is singularly focused on those who would to repel the invaders. But as with everything political in the second decade of the twenty-first century, things are upside down and backward. Although George Orwell foresaw such a world a half century ago, it was Our Dear Leader The Kenyan who was able to enact it.  Truth today is the ultimate evil.

What - or who - is the hate machine targeting?  None other than those who stand on truth, common sense and who seek an end to the tyrannical madness that passes for governance by both political parties, the mainstream media, and the cozy oligarchy that is bleeding the country dry, that's who.  The political outsiders.

The government thinks it's perfectly OK to import uneducated, unwashed, disease-ridden, illiterate, anti-democracy cult-driven subhumans from several third world areas into this country to live among civilized, educated Americans.  The government thinks it's perfectly OK to use established government agencies to harass, kill, torment and subdue the American people (think IRS, BLM, EPA, ICE, TSA).  Now who other than the far left unicorn chasers thinks those are exceedingly good ideas?  I'll tell you who thinks they're insane ideas:  Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and about 70% of the American voters.  So far. 

Because the elites don't think like normal Americans, they simply cannot wrap their heads around the overwhelming support the outsiders are getting.  Trump, with his America First campaign, will likely wind up winning the most primary votes of any GOP presidential candidate in modern history.  That sends the elites into confusion; they simply cannot see why.  Having ridiculed the tea party years ago, and having been able to counter the midterm elections of 2010 and 2014, they still think they have a grip on things.  But the movement is far from dead.  And Cruz, with his campaign to repeal ObamaCare and to abolish the IRS, finds succor with many American voters.

Yet, in the face of this grass roots supported revolution, the elites resort to their last and only weapon.  Roll out the hate machine funded by George Soros and his many globalist organizations.  Trump and Cruz are vilified for their collective audacity to espouse American values:  Faith.  Truth.  Strength.  America.   Can you imagine?  Patriotism in this day and age?  How quaint.  We can't have that:  shout them down, shut them up, crucify them in the press. But with every attack, Trump's numbers soar.  Not limited to just Trump and Cruz, the hate machine aims at their supporters as well.  Ignorant white trash, middle class white bigots, isolationists and preppers.  We know who you are.  Rubes.  Unsophisticated folks just don't know what's good for them.  Nor how to act toward their betters.

The founders of this great nation knew that this day would come.  And they not only planned for it, they left instructions on how to defeat domestic tyranny and return the country to a constitutional republic.  The elites know this as well.  If they try to thwart the will of the people by some arcane manipulation, it's clear that this time We The People are serious.  After all, the American people outnumber and out-gun the one dimensional thinkers in Washington by significant numbers.  And as far as refreshing the Tree of Liberty, the people have the will and the means, and elites know better than to give them the opportunity.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Told You So

Well. It certainly didn't take long for our Dear Leader the Kenyan to prove that ol' Lightfoot has him pegged.  Again.  Yesterday I posted that the Boy God suffers not only from acute narcissism, but is a psychopath as well.  On cue, yesterday this delusional megalomaniac boasted of his legacy during a town hall in Britain, asserting that he single-handedly saved the world during his presidency.  I quote:

Obama and Cameron Getty
Boy God With PM David Cameron
"For us to be able to mobilize the world’s community, to take rapid action, to stabilize the financial markets, and then in the United States to pass Wall Streets reforms that make it much less likely that a crisis like that can happen again, I’m proud of that.”

World Community?  When did that happen? Who knew?  I guess American conservative patriot bloggers like me can take the day off, what with the world saved and all.  Lost on his ego is the irony that his threats of trade wars with Britain should it exit the EU, and even with Germany should it repel Muslim invaders make him the global simian joke that he is.  Yes, you read that right.

With nine more months until January 2017, Western culture's survival is questionable.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Poke In The Eye

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A Diseased Mind
Psychopathic minds have a common characteristic.  Based on the need for sadistic control over others, they want to hurt and antagonize. To see others in distress from their actions is their primary motivation. Disenfranchisement, injustice, revenge, retribution, humiliation and other motives are all there as well, but at the end of the day, it's how badly they can make their victims feel that gets them off.  Case in point is the Kenyan's edicts of late. Nearing the end of his over-extended fifteen minutes of fame, he's doing all he can to indulge his narcissism by hurting and antagonizing the American public.  It gets him off, and many in media and politics think that's just swell.  

To wit: Adult men being allowed in girl's bathrooms is one very obvious psychopathic poke in the American collective eye.  But wait.  Advanced by the LGBT lobby, one shrill, vicious and vocal lobby that always seems to be able to get their way, this insane nonsense is being blindly embraced as tolerant and inclusive.  Yet "transgendered" people make up only .03% of the population.  That's three out of a thousand.  But in the Kenyan's mind it's perfectly fair to penalize and antagonize the other 99.97% of the population just to make restitution for all that discrimination these poor souls have suffered low these many years.  Notwithstanding whatever perverted fantasies some may play in their minds, biological males go to men's rooms, biological females go to ladies rooms.  Poor Curt Schilling said just that this week, and was summarily fired from ESPN.  But hey - truth is the first victim of psychopathic minds who hide their insanity behind political correctness.  And the fully brainwashed and compliant fall easily into line.  An assault on American values, just to poke us in the eye. 

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This Represents America??
Another outrageous example of a poke in the eye is the replacement of the image of Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with someone named Harriet Tubman.  Tubman, born Araminta Ross, was a Negro radial extremist of the mid 1800s, and was an abolitionist terrorist who is now lauded for her actions during the War for Southern Independence, and afterward for her involvement with the women's suffrage movement.  OK, I'll stipulate that the North had their heroes, and the South had theirs.  But at a time when the nation was going through some serious self evaluation, is it proper to use a personage of that era to grace our currency, when we should instead being focusing on what created the nation in the first place? Few I know support this, and by the time it actually reaches circulation in 2029, we'll be on a digital system anyway.  But it's the Kenyan's way of inserting race into everything. Poking us in the eye, just because he can.

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This Is The Stuff Of Real Heroines
I personally think it's nonsense, but for the sake of argument let's say that it's time we had a woman's image on the currency.  What about Molly Pitcher, a brave American woman heroine who fought the British during the Revolution, carrying water to the American soldiers in battle, and even manning an artillery battery, taking over for her fallen cannoneer husband.  Brave, capable, resourceful, fearless, and adaptive.  The stuff of heroics and legends, right?  Perfect.  Wait. Not so fast.   She's, well, white.  Fail.  The Kenyan hates white heroes, especially those who fought and died to create this marvelous country he's so bent on destroying.  Changing history as promised, and another poke in the eye.

Do you fear for the future of American culture?  You should. This mulatto lunatic has more orgasms planned, and miles to go before he sleeps. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

So What's The Problem?

Image result for political electionsWe've all been inundated with the hype, distortions, misdirection and outright lies by and from each of the Republican candidates.  That's part of the election process, so we endure it.  But in this election cycle, when the GOP candidates are up against the presumptive Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, there really shouldn't be much of a deliberation.  After all, Hillary promises us another term of policies enacted by the Dear Leader The Kenyan himself, along with a trillion dollar tax increase to fund it all.  And Bernie is no better with his big spending everything-is-free-with-me policies, even though he hasn't yet ascribed an actual number to his socialist agenda.  

Come now the Republicans, two of whom are Washington outsiders, who promise voters the return of law and order, elimination of both the ominous ObamaCare and the despicable IRS, managing the alien jihad and cultural invasion, and finally fixing the economy.  Both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have their plans to affect this of course, and John Kasich plans to continue to let unvetted savages into the country and basically go along with the policies of the Kenyan and Paul Ryan. 

Because of the desire in both parties for the untainted, un-bought Washington outsider candidate, it follows that most Americans are sick and tired of the status quo as has been imposed on us over the last seven years.  Clinton and Sanders are campaigning on a platform of more of the same, contrasting glaringly with Cruz and Trump campaigning on the we're-not-taking-it-anymore platform.  And that is resonating with most Americans.

So what's the problem?  The problem is not that there's a clear choice of candidates for the future of the country, the choice couldn't be more stark. Either Cruz or Trump will move mountains to not only stop the country's slide into totalitarian statism, but to begin to reverse and repair the damage already done.  Clinton and Sanders seek to maintain the future and the status quo.   The problem is the elites and donors in both parties aren't giving up their grip on their power over the electorate by endorsing these outsiders.  So steadfast are they on holding onto their petty power and elite status, the seriousness of the country's plight ad future hardly concerns them.  They threaten to anoint a candidate they support - one who may not even be running - who may have zero popular support of the American voter.  But no matter.  They are intent on muddying up the water and nullifying the popular vote.

But for that shortsightedness, we'd have a landslide victory for a pair of Republican Washington outsiders.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Hoaxes And Cons

I know I missed the requisite post on April Fool's Day, the day we pull pranks on one another.  But as I am ever vigilant, I thought it'd be a good time now to examine some of the recent pranks and cons being perpetrated upon the country as a whole.  Individually, there is a cause for alarm due to the seriousness of each of these, certainly, but taken together a clear pattern emerges.  And that pattern is a fundamental change of this country from a constitutional republic into a totalitarian state.

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Your Future Tenants
The most recent, and perhaps least obvious, is the behind-the-scenes joke our Dear Leader the Kenyan is pulling on us.  We all are well aware that the magician's art is the use of the slight of hand maneuver while distracting us with the other hand. While we're aware of the art, we usually don't see the move.  Barry's pretty good at this distraction.  So while the fawning media keeps us distracted with the the election follies, making sure our emotional and political outrage is at the highest level, he slides in some more of his "social justice" in the form of his dictatorial leadership style. I refer to the new "law" that requires - yes requires - landlords to rent their units to Negro convicted felons.  The Fair Housing Act doesn’t include criminals as a protected class, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) says refusing to rent based on a criminal record is a form of racial discrimination, due to "racial imbalances" in the U.S. justice system.  Unreal.  Like most insane retaliatory edicts issued by dictators, this one tramples upon a host of personal and property rights.  The fallout will be immense when, say, an institutional landlord with thousands of units, starts putting low life, black convicts into middle and upper class housing units.  Not only will the rights of the housing providers be violated, but the neighborhoods will suffer as well.  And I'm willing to bet they won't go down quietly. But the Kenyan demands his pound of flesh to punish America in order to assuage the perceived indignities suffered at the hands of the greatest, freest, most advanced nation and society on Earth.  This presidency is, and has been, the greatest hoax ever put upon a nation.  And after falling for it twice, many voters still don't see the joke. 

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And AG Lynch Will Back Me Up!
Another hoax being laid on us is the criminalization of opinion.  You think Soviet Russia was bad in imposing forced thought control?  Look no further than right here in River City, my friends.  Now our clueless Attorney General, given her marching orders directly from the Oval office, will criminalize "deniers" of global climate change (GCC), using RICO statutes, no less.  Notice the language being used here.  If we say "deny" we imply a truth.  Yet no such truth exists.  As we have been shown for years, there are no observable facts indicating the planet is warming.  What we have instead is computer modelling.  Any computer user knows the axiom of coding is garbage in, garbage out.  And several scientists involved in the GCC scheme have come right out and said that GCC is merely a scheme to denigrate capitalism, establish greater world poverty, and redistribute wealth.  And it is.  As it applies to wealth distribution, Margret Thatcher once observed, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."  Well said, but now it's a crime to see the magician's other hand.

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Guns and Health:  It's All About Control
There have been other cons, to be sure, all of which are designed to create an emotional public resolve in order to "cure" some perceived social injustice. Take gun confiscation from private citizens as an example.  Totalitarians can't have an armed populace, and they simply can't just pass an unpopular law to rid the country of guns.  So they have to create scenarios that evoke compassion and outrage to ensure support of disarmament.  Sandy Hook is a prime example of a con badly done; it merely served to promote an anti-gun agenda.  Fast and Furious was another, wherein the BTAFE under Eric Holder actually armed violent and lawless Mexican cartels, who used those arms to kill a lot of people, up to and including today.  Even worse than the anti-gun mentality is the nanny state mentality, ever evident in applied totalitarianism.  The hideous Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is a 2,700-page con of epic proportions.  It limits personal freedom and enhances government oversight,  increases the cost of health care while at the same time limits its availability.  So incremental was it that even now ramifications are still being felt, such as doctor shortages and higher prescription drug costs. 

And There'll Be More, A Lot More.
And the biggest and best con this administration has perpetrated is the invasion scam.  By importing diseased and crime prone illegal aliens into the country, the Kenyan has done his legacy proud.  He's lowered the standard of living, virtually eliminated the middle class, watered down the gene pool, changed American culture for the worse, exacerbated racial tensions, rendered the Constitution impotent, implemented an ever-increasing Muslim theocracy,  lowered the collective IQ, added a boat load of uneducated and non-English speaking Democrat voters, and increased third world diseases here significantly.  He's the only force in history able to successfully invade the United States on its own soil.  For that con alone, he should be proud. 

Yet for the Americans who will have to live with this man's evil treachery for decades to come, we've been punked:  Happy April Fool's Day!

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Cross and the Crescent

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Incompatible Ideologies
It's not surprising.  It's almost expected, now that we've become so desensitized to it.  I'm referring, of course, to yet another horrendous slaughter by Muslims. On Easter, no less.   By Islam's followers.  By whatever name they call themselves, they are Islam.  On Easter Sunday, a terror group associated with the Pakistani Taliban attacked a group celebrating Easter festivities in Lahore, Pakistan. At least 72 people, mostly women and children, were killed and more than 300 were wounded after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives.  This time, a spokesman for the terror group openly admitted that the target was specifically Christians.  The same group claimed responsibility for last year’s March 15 double suicide attacks on Christian churches in Lahore that killed 17 people. This year's Easter Sunday bombing is the fifth attack by this group since December 2015.  Not being satisfied with the slaughter of Christian women and children, ISIS terrorists kidnapped a Catholic priest in Yemen in early March during a raid on a nursing home run by Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, and killed 16 Christian nuns, nurses and patients.  The message is clear:  Islam is a religion of peace.

The Pope condemned the attacks, yet had harsh words for those who would deny or limit these terror fighters seeking access into civilized countries.  A weapon of love, says the Pope, is needed to combat terror.  With all due respect, I beg to differ.  The longest war in human history has lasted at least 1,400 years, and there seems to be no end in sight.  A lack of willful resolve, and I think, a lack of proper perspective prevents a quick and decisive end to this ongoing impasse.   The West, for whatever its reason or motivation, takes in hundreds of thousands of these wretched Muslim savages, and in every case, the result is the same.  They complain, they take over communities and create no-go zones, they riot, they rape, they stab, they murder and they never, ever assimilate. They come to invade and conquer and transform the native culture, but never to assimilate.

Image result for images crusadesSo there it is.  Western leaders welcome them to our shores for any number of misguided reasons; new labor, new voters, to replenish the native gene pool, or whatever.  I've written here before - many times - about the inherent incompatibility of Western ideas of self governance, liberty and freedom of thought, as contrasted with the brutal constraints of sharia law.  So the results of the invasions are always the same.  And the terrorists are forthright as they tell us what their goals are: Islamic domination.  But burdened with political correctness and a naive worldview, our Western leaders are blind to the evil.  So the day of reckoning looms closer as the terrorists acquire more and powerful weapons, not the least of which are nukes from Iran or North Korea.

So while the West fiddles, Rome burns.  The barbarians have breached the city gates.  Islam fights savagely for Christendom's demise.  Yet in the end, there can be only one.

Editor's Note:  Mea Culpa.  It seems I inadvertently deleted the prior post of this same name, and unfortunately there's no mechanism to retrieve it.  Therefore I've reposted the gist of it as a re-edit herewith.  Apologies to my readers who had read the original, and I hope not to screw up like that again!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Give Them What They Want

Terror Strike Locations
First the caring countries let them in, but they do not assimilate.  Instead they complain, they riot, they stab, they rape.  They take over communities.  They even attack news crews doing their jobs.   And then they blow things up and people get killed and maimed. This equation is occurring once again, this time in Brussels. Multiple targets.  Multiple innocent deaths.  For what?  The forced implementation of multiculturalism, which simply hasn't worked.  Arrogant elitists. Damn the facts, push that narrative.  After the carnage in Paris, the recent arrest of massacre suspect Salah Abdeslam in Brussels was an obvious factor in this slaughter.  It may have been intended as a retaliatory strike, or perhaps an attempt to act before Abdeslam gave up vital information on his terror network.  Which he would have done eventually.  He reportedly told authorities his cell was preparing for new attacks.  More death at the hands of the insane political correctness doctrine:  Even former Prime Minister Tony Blair has blamed liberalism for encouraging terrorists because Britain’s elite feel guilty.  Speaking before today’s attacks, Mr Blair said many politicians are now “unwilling to take people on” because they are scared of looking intolerant.  Scared of being intolerant.  Unbelievable.  People get blown up by insane, radical, cultist savages, and the Western Europeans only fear being labeled intolerant. No matter.  Islam is the religion of pieces.  What can possibly go wrong?

Add a Dose of Instant Karma
Even here in the States, our own HRC declared it's unrealistic to monitor our own borders.  But we can give the invaders free health care while they're here.  We can't be intolerant of fascist murderers, after all, that isn't politically correct.  But what to do?  Take Hillary's and the Kenyan's position?  Let them in by the tens of thousands, and hope they kill us last?  I say the West should capitulate to the Muslim demands.  Yep.  Fully and completely.  I say we should give them the war they so desperately want. In a two-pronged campaign.  If they want to use terror as a weapon, fine.  On the domestic front, let's find each and every one of them, take them to the nearest mosque and blow it up.   There aren't any innocents.  Those not in a terror cell cover for, or are sympathetic to, those who are.  Further, they do not assimilate, they disrupt host cultures.  On the international front, require those Islamic nations who have not allowed any refugees into their countries to do so immediately.  Repatriate all Muslims in Europe and the US to these countries, under force of arms.  Those not in compliance will meet the same fate that Islam has bestowed on the rest of the world.  See photo above.  Hate the West?  Who cares.  But do so on your own desolate desert; not from our lands as you enjoy our largess.

Harsh?  You bet.  But it's way past time to quit screwing around, whining about political correctness, and put an end to this nonsense.  These savages can be annihilated in a matter of days given a proper application of  international will.  And no civilized populace has to suffer their savagery any longer.  Or shall we wait until there's a strike in New York or Houston or Tampa, and it's American body parts that first responders will be stepping over?

It's way past the Alamo, or Pearl Harbor or the Lusitania.  Kill these savage bastards now.  With extreme prejudice.

But It's Harder To Shoot

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Author's Sig Sauer P232 in 9mm Kurz
As the daily threats continue to be a very real concern with many Americans, more and more are exercising their God-given rights to bear arms as further guaranteed by the Second Amendment. As they should. But now that firearm manufacturing technology has kept up with the world's greatest gun salesman, the Imperial Kenyan himself, citizens now enjoy a very wide selection of weapons in virtually any caliber, weight and configuration. That's pretty neat. When I first started carrying daily, way back in the late Eighties, there were only a few good options. Here in steamy Florida, especially during the summer, inside-the-waistband or in a pocket are just about the only carry options available in keeping the weapon "concealed." And polymer receivers hadn't been invented, so I carried either a stainless steel Walther PPKS in .380 ACP, or a Colt "lightweight" Combat Commander in .45 ACP. Both are heavy by today's standards, and as such, rather difficult to carry and conceal under lightweight clothing. A shoulder holster was sufficient under a suit jacket, but what happens when you need to take off the jacket? Thankfully today I am able to carry anything I choose, with whatever my wardrobe dictates on that particular day.  And so are you.

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Today a number of gun makers produce lightweight firearms that weigh in at considerably less than a pound, are less than one inch thick, and are available in 9mm, .380 ACP (9mm kurz, or short), .40 S&W, .357 and even .45 ACP and are small enough to carry in a pocket or purse. Glock, Smith&Wesson, Ruger, Sig Sauer, Colt, Kimber, HK, and many others are producing lightweight, effective firearms designed especially for carry. There are a lot - and I mean a lot - of good choices on the market today.  Some of the more popular concealed carry guns can be found here. The internet is awash with gun writers' opinions, of course, and every gun owner has his own pet favorites as well. If you want to carry a firearm, do read up on them, and then just go to your local gun shop and handle - and shoot - a few. Carry what is most comfortable for you to both carry and shoot. And then, learn to use the weapon inside out. Shoot it - a lot. All very esoteric, isn't it? 

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Author's Ruger LC9
Many folks get wrapped around the axle when trading off caliber for size. And that's a tough decision. They want a full power 9mm, or .40 S&W or .45 in a small frame that can be easily carried all day. And with that there can be some serious trade offs involved.  A gun may be perfect for carry, but hard to shoot.  For example, Ruger makes a tiny, lightweight 9mm they call the LC9. It's striker fired (meaning there's no external hammer; it's double action only). In a pocket or purse you'd hardly notice it's there. It's got small size, light weight and full 9mm power. Perfect, huh?  Almost. As a safety feature, the trigger pull is a very long and stiff process, requiring the trigger finger to do a lot of work. And the laws of physics cannot be ignored, either. A light gun shooting a powerful load will result in considerable recoil. And these characteristics can make it harder to shoot, and that leads to diminished accuracy.  So that trade off may result in the choice of a smaller caliber in a slightly heavier frame like a Sig P232.  Put it this way: is it better to have a full power 9mm that you fire at a threat five times but only hit twice, or to have a smaller .380 that you fire at a threat five times and hit five times?

At the end of the day, owing and carrying a firearm is all about what's most comfortable - and less intimidating - for you. Not me, or your cousin, or Aunt Mae. You. So find the ones that you like, and can shoot effectively, and carry in confidence. It's not only your right to do so, it's your civic responsibility, as well.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

It's All On The Line

Afraid so, folks.  It's all on the line in November.  If either of the Democrat candidates are elected president of the United States, the constitution will be rendered impotent.  There won't be any fanfare in eliminating it, our laws will simply not be obeyed nor enforced.  On the other hand, the election of  either Trump or Cruz (or both as a ticket, as some have suggested), and barring any high-jinks during the convention, a slow but steady return to a constitutional republic form of government is possible.  Not ensured, by any means, but certainly possible. Let me share with you just a few stories that broke just today as evidence of my concerns.

Criminalizing Differing Opinion
If I Want Your Opinion I'll Give It To You
Even though the whole global-warming-climate-change fraud has been exposed as nothing more than a massive international wealth distribution scam, the Kenyan's regime clings bitterly to it.  It's even been debunked by some of its leading scientists, but no matter, truth doesn't fit the totalitarian narrative.  So Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.  Astounding.  If the Kenyan's corrupt administration can do that, and the courts actually do hear cases which will result in establishing case law, then what's next?  Will you be arrested and incarcerated for, say, being pro-life?  Or perhaps being pro-Christian heterosexual marriage?  This is not a paranoid conspiracy theory anymore, folks.  They're out in the open with their totalitarian Regressivism, so embolden they have become.  If you think, and you think for yourself, you're a threat to the State, and you must be silenced, rebuked and eliminated.

Big Brother In High School
High School: Counter Intelligence
Say what you will about the government's - and private industry's - digital surveillance of everything from your Xbox to your smart phone.  The Regressives feel that if they spy on everyone, they're not discriminating or profiling, so it's all right.  Completely normal.  Spying on US citizens has become the norm but this next story is right out of Stasi East Germany, or Stalin's secret police.  A new FBI initiative, based on Britain’s “anti-terror” mass surveillance program, instructs high schools across America to inform on students who express “anti-government” and “anarchist” political beliefs.  That safe space indoctrination is paying off.  Now immature, indealistic16-year olds can tattle on each other directly to the government for any slight, real or perceived.  And we know that parents' anti-government views trickle down to the kids, so this is a great program to bypass due process, warrants and all that other nonsense embodied in the constitution.  The FBI won't vet Muslims invaders, they won't indict career criminals like HRC, and they assassinate BLM-protesting American ranchers, but they're fine with politicizing our children.

Emergence of "White Privilege"
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The New Army: PVT Bradley "Chelsea" Manning
The insidious indoctrination continues anywhere there's a captive audience, like schools or the military.  I kid you not.  In April 2015, soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion based in Fort Gordon, Georgia, were forced to attend a “white privilege” briefing, designed to coach them on how they have systemic privilege for being straight, white men.  In the PowerPoint presentation, the troops were instructed that “race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans,” primarily because of the invisible “powerful forces” that conspire to keep hard working black Americans down and stop them from being valued by the rest of society. According to the presentation, it is in fact white privilege alone that creates a “yawning divide” in income and general prosperity.  A "fact" like climate change, I guess. Soldiers aren't given the option to opt out, or to disagree; there's no free discussion.  Judicial Watch has been on this forced indoctrination of US soldiers for a while, and not long ago, it was learned that the Pentagon defined conservative groups as "hate groups."   The culture of trigger warnings, white privilege, and microagressions that have started online are now accepted as reality and pushed onto our soldiers.  Where will be the hard men trained to do hard things when we need them?  Quivering in a huddle in some "safe space?"  This is not your daddy's army.  Anymore.

Image result for images political correctness"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."  Remember Voltaire's classic statement?  Have you heard it recently, or have your heard quite the opposite?  As political correctness continues, day by day, to erode our ability to engage in free speech, to exchange ideas and political positions with each other civilly, without being afraid of criminalization or incarceration, we see our liberties disappear one by one before our very eyes.  Who's doing this?  Over the last seven plus years the Kenyan and his obedient Department of Justice has ramped up a war against white Christian America.  So it's all on the line in November.  The choice is stark - and clear.  To save the republic we must end totalitarianism in America  - in any way possible - just as we have done in Germany, Russia, feudal Japan, Kuwait, Iraq and many other places around the world.  We just never dreamed we'd have to end it here in the United States.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Failed, But Not Failure

IS Cash Cow
I keep hearing folks talk about how the Kenyan's foreign policy in the Middle East has failed. But that is a subjective statement, and it's based on a preconceived idea of what "success" and "failure" mean.  If you mean failure from the standpoint of democracy, freedom and American ideals, then it is.  If you mean failure from the standpoint of furthering unrest, expansion of a radicalized cult and the destruction of Israel, then it isn't.  So to most freedom-loving people of non-Muslim persuasion, it's a total charlie-foxtrot, FUBAR'ed unmitigated failure.  Think of the Iran deal, for instance. The liberation of Iraq and its return to a democratic government earlier this century was undone by the feckless Kenyan in a so called effort to "bring our troops home."  Without a force on the ground, the tribal tide came back in to Iraq and then Syria and the cultists once again took over; blood and death followed.  To the cultists, this foreign policy was a success in that it created fertile ground to recruit and conduct their blood lust campaign to bring about the final apoplectic clash between Islam and everyone else.  The Kenyan himself, I'm sure, falls into the latter category.

Constitution vs Sharia (1)
There' IS NO Comparison
In America, as in Germany, UK, France, Sweden, Greece, Hungary and countries all over Europe, there is no dispute that that influx of Muslim invaders - whether sanctioned by government's policy, or present illegally -  creates serious burdens on Westerners.  For Americans especially, the lawlessness of this invasion is primary.  But once here, Muslims cause the rise in crime and disease, the impact on local school curricula, the welfare burden, and the inherent incompatibility of sharia law with our constitutional liberty.  Consider this statement from former Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson back in 1955:

In any broad sense, Islamic law offers the American lawyer a study in dramatic contrasts. Even casual acquaintance and superficial knowledge – all that most of us at bench or bar will be able to acquire – reveal that its striking features relative to our law are not likenesses but inconsistencies, not similarities but contrarieties. In its source, its scope and its sanctions, the law of the Middle East is the antithesis of Western law.
Right Back Atacha, Barry
Antithesis. Contrary to.  Dramatic contrast.  In short, sharia law is not harmonious to Western concepts of individual liberty.  To Americans, importing any Muslim into the United States is an affront to the American way of life and constitutional law.  But the Kenyan and the GOP-DEM-MEDIA oligarchy does it anyway.  To them, this anti-American policy is a success.  To Americans, it is an abject failure of American policy.

And they wonder why Donald Trump is soaring in the primaries. 

Monday, March 07, 2016

The Revolution Has Come

There's an interesting phenomenon - hell, a revolution - in American politics, as we have all seen, ad nauseum, for the past year or so.  But the ruling class simply cannot - or will not - acknowledge the cause of this schism.  And it's easy to see why they're in denial.  They can't imagine not being in total manipulative control of the political process.  And it's all the fault of a couple of men who are running for office of the presidency.  I'm speaking of the insider elites and donor class - along with their compliant lap dogs in the establishment media - of the two political parties, each of whom face existential threats, or at the very least a revamping of their traditional party platforms as political outsiders take over the debate. 

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton walk off stage during a break in the CNN Democratic Presidential Primary Debate at the Whiting Auditorium at the Cultural Center Campus on March 6, 2016 in Flint, Michigan. (credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images)Bernie Sanders is a self avowed socialist, and the very fact that that moniker doesn't scream "communist" anymore is evidence of the Democrat party's long slide into pure Marxism. Still high from the seven years of damage done to the constitution by the Kenyan, and abandoning all pretense of what was once a democratic American political party, the Dems are now all out statist in their bigger government, more taxation, nanny state totalitarianism.  Hillary Clinton, never one to be confused with the political right, has, in this campaign, even tried to out-Bern Bernie Sanders' everything-will-be-free-with-me message.  Make no mistake:  both of these aging hippies are big government totalitarians, and the United States Constitution is viewed by both of them as something to be overcome, if not completely abandoned.  These are the candidates that the Democrat Party is putting forth for president, and that in itself is testament to the party's full-on transition way, way, way left.

Image result for images of trumpIt gets better on the Republican side.  What the political Illuminati in either party or the MSM can't grasp is that Donald Trump is merely an idea.  They continue to attack, degrade, smear and marginalize the man.  And a vast number of American voters - Trumpinistas, if you will - embrace the idea that Trump is espousing.  And what idea might that be, you ask?  Simple: "We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!" The idea that we can once again be a self governing nation, free of an over bearing, over reaching government interfering in our lives, is desirable, attainable and in keeping with the concepts of a free people.  That scares the elites.  And it should.  The strongest man is the one who stands alone.

So the revolution has finally come.  We can see it manifest itself in both Democrat and Republican parties.  For most of the last five decades the American voter has been ignored, demeaned, castigated, and more importantly ignored.  The Democrats, Republicans and the so called watch-dog press have become a single, self serving oligarchy.  Us versus them.  Considered by the establishment as  "flyover country," Middle America and the rubes who inhabit it can't be trusted with self governance.  But then along comes Trump, and even to an extent Sanders, espousing angry solutions to issues that are burrs under the blanket for most Americans. Especially issues that have been perpetrated by the very elites who ignore the voters and impose this nonsense.  These issues are many: unprecedented, unchecked illegal immigration; cost of the rise in crime and disease from illegals; expanse of the social welfare state at the expense of the tax paying citizen; loss of jobs to illegals; erosion of person liberty: weaponization of federal agencies like IRS and EPA; in-your-face destruction of established Christian cultural mores in favor of such abominations as transsexualism and homosexualism; the Islamic propaganda spewed by Common Core; the unending stoking of adversarial race relations by the Kenyan's race pimps; the demise of civility in real life and on social media; the end of free speech; and the pussyfication of college students with the oh-so-intolerant "micro-aggression safe space."  And there are many more.

The Forgotten Man, by Jon McNaughton
So Trump isn't a conservative.  So what.  So Cruz is supposedly hated.  So what.  There would be complaints and gripes about policy if Jesus Christ, the Lord Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi themselves came back to run for president. The crucial first step in November is for voters  to restore political power to the electorate.  To get government smaller, more accountable and off our backs.   This election is about the people versus big government, and the only opposing force against ever bigger government is whomever the Republicans nominate. There are only maybe two candidates who say they'll do just that if elected. If, of course, the GOP gets its act together and doesn't try to pull a brokered convention by nominating Mittens Romney or some other Northeastern Yankee liberal RINO.  If they do that, then this little ol' revolution will be of quite another kind.  Again.  Remember the last time the federal government got uppity and dictatorial?  Six hundred thousand Americans died.  And most of those were on the federal government's side.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

When The Whip Comes Down

Captain Clay Higgins In Action
Ain't it funny?  Well, not so much funny as aggravating, enraging and annoying.  I'm talking about how speakers of truth seem to always have some higher authority bring the whip down on them. For speaking truth. Damn, son!  We can't have that!  That higher authority always is cloaked in moral and righteous indignation. That's what they call it.  But it's just censorship cloaked in insidious political correctness.  The most recent example of this is the forced resignation of Captain Clay Higgins of the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office in Louisiana.  

An Army veteran and hardened street cop who rarely cracks a smile, Higgins is the star of weekly Crime Stoppers segments that garnered a cult following and are quickly becoming viral thanks to his back-country Cajun drawl, hard one-liners and brutal honesty.  His videos have been, shall we say, without concern for the delicate sensitivities of the perpetual criminals there.  So gung ho against crime and dumb criminals was he that he's been referred to as the "Cajun John Wayne."  Admiringly so.  Like Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Cap'n Clay is loved by all but the limp-wristed, pearl-clutching cupcakes on the left.  But after making headlines - and inroads to serious crime reduction - with his tough talking over-the-top Crime Stoppers videos, Sheriff Bobby Guidroz ordered him to tone it down.  We can't demean or offend low life, vicious animals like the Gremlin Gang.  The ACLU may come in and complain.  And the ACLU, along with some other "community advocates" did just that.  So instead of standing up for the law abiding citizens of St. Landry Parrish, and supporting the obvious truths spoken by Captain Clay Higgins, Sheriff Guidroz caved, and came down on the side of political correctness, bully appeasement and cowardice.  

In his resignation news conference, Higgins said, “I would die rather than sacrifice my principles.  I would give my life. I’d leave my wife without a husband, my children without a daddy rather than kneel to the very forces of evil that I have so long stood against.”

That is exactly the kind of steel we need once more in America.  But Saturday, the whip came down on Cap'n Clay.  Damn shame.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

The Art of the Deal

Image result for images of corporate takeover
Sold Out Years Ago
Suppose you led a group of investors who were compelled to save a viable company whose management had alienated and enslaved its workers and looted the company, but the the company's message and product line were intact. And suppose the workers' dissatisfaction with management was widely known and documented.  Wouldn't you present your proposal directly to those workers, and address exactly those concerns with them?  You bet you would.  It'd be the easiest merger approval you'd ever had.  Suppose, then, that a rival group wanted to take control of this fine but badly managed company, but their leader was a vulture fund with a thirty-year history of lies, deceit, theft, scandal and even murder. Would you capitalize on that and join the workers in order to make the company great again?  I surely would.

This is exactly why Donald Trump, with all his bluster and braggadocio, has captivated so much of the American electorate.  And it's why his support is so strong and unwavering.  He's speaking directly to the workers, and addressing exactly what they're concerned about.  The management of our fictional company, of course, is the American ruling political elite class, democrat, republican and compliant media - aka the oligarchy - who have for years ignored voters' wishes, and looted the country for their own personal gain.  The people know this and are mad as hell.  And they want this ruling class humbled, defeated, destroyed and annihilated in favor of a return of the representative democracy they once had.

So it's no wonder that the vitriol spewing from these cowardly blood sucking political elite leaches, both on the left and right, to demean and discredit Messrs. Trump and Cruz is so vicious and unending.  They are scared to death of these outsiders who have come to kick ass and take names.  And they don't understand why the smear campaigns aren't working to destroy these guys, as they always have in the past. Here's why: The American electorate wants the political ruling class - as well as their compliant lapdogs in the media - exposed, destroyed and vanquished.  Forever.  This election is not so much about Republican versus Democrat as it is about the people versus government.

Image result for images of trump and cruz
That's the Ticket!
This is a war, folks, it's a slow and grinding coup d'etat - an unlawful overthrow of a legitimate government, and it's been going on for  while.  It's being waged against We the People by leftists, fascists, globalists, and loony radicals of all stripes, colors and creeds.  And it's been going on for thirty years or more.  Attacking our culture, our morality, our language, our freedoms, our families and our very way of life.  All for their benefit, not ours.  So is it any wonder that Messrs. Trump and Cruz are targeted for personal destruction, all the while gaining strong support from voters at the grassroots level?   

The people have chosen candidates before who have promised them they would reverse the destruction brought on by the left.  And for whatever reason, that reclamation has never come to pass - in fact, the assault on America continues to get worse.  But this time the voters truly  believe that Messrs. Trump and Cruz will restore the idea that is America, simply because these two can't be bent.  And that's all the voters want.

Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29th

Cool.  We get an extra day this year.  A good day to comment on the continuing nonsense out there in the real world.  Or maybe just treat the day as free time, and ignore everything.  The real world is where we the people live, which is distinct, separate and apart from the surreal reality permeating Hollywood and inside the DC beltway.  

The Oscars
Who cares?  I mean, really, who out here in fly over country really gives a rat's ass about the mutual masturbatory love fest that occurs annually in Hollywood?  Viewers took a pass.  Again.  And this year we're led to consider the racial inequity concerning the winners of these superlative awards.  Chris Rock had yet another opportunity to whine about how black artists don't get their due.  Again.  Guess what, Hollywood.  We couldn't care less about politically correct allocation of awards according to race.  In fact, I don't think there is any racial disparity.  There are some good movies being made by Blacks, Indians, and Whites.  A few.  What I do think, is that if you want a shiny golden Oscar, just make a decent film.  Maybe make a movie about something interesting and engaging, rather than relying exclusively on computer generated graphics, and other cinematic tricks like slow motion and freeze frame.  Or to promote some lame political opinion.  Movies goers want to see good movies, not a video game or a lecture.  Or then again, maybe not.

Demise of the Oligarchy
Image result for images of political oligarchyYet another love fest has hopefully come to an end with the unstoppable support of Donald Trump and the implications that populist movement has had on the political elite.  The northeastern blue bloods in the GOP just can't believe they're losing control.  They're thinking of brushing off Mitt Romney and running him should Trump get the nomination.  The democrats can't believe they really have to get behind Hillary's ample behind.  Well, you know, it's her turn, and it's Herself or Bernie Sanders, for heaven's sake.  If she's indicted for any of her many crimes, the Dems will brush off Joe Biden and run him.  Both parties want to run a wimpy candidate so that the status quo of bipartisan totalitarian government can continue as it has for the last several decades.  But the voters have figured it out, and are pissed off.  Really, really pissed off.  They have seen the country's side into totalitarianism since the late sixties, and they have been powerless to stop it.  With the exception of the Reagan administration, the rise of victimhood, welfare, the nanny state, unregulated invasion, the politicization and weaponization of government agencies and total and complete censorship has taken its toll on the rule of law and individual liberties as ensured by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The voters have had enough, and it's past time to drive a stake in the heart of this beast.

Oh, screw this.  It's a beautiful day here in Tampa Bay, and being this is an extra day in this leap year, I'm gonna go out and enjoy it!  And I encourage everyone else to do the same.