So What's The Problem?
Come now the Republicans, two of whom are Washington outsiders, who promise voters the return of law and order, elimination of both the ominous ObamaCare and the despicable IRS, managing the alien jihad and cultural invasion, and finally fixing the economy. Both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have their plans to affect this of course, and John Kasich plans to continue to let unvetted savages into the country and basically go along with the policies of the Kenyan and Paul Ryan.
Because of the desire in both parties for the untainted, un-bought Washington outsider candidate, it follows that most Americans are sick and tired of the status quo as has been imposed on us over the last seven years. Clinton and Sanders are campaigning on a platform of more of the same, contrasting glaringly with Cruz and Trump campaigning on the we're-not-taking-it-anymore platform. And that is resonating with most Americans.
So what's the problem? The problem is not that there's a clear choice of candidates for the future of the country, the choice couldn't be more stark. Either Cruz or Trump will move mountains to not only stop the country's slide into totalitarian statism, but to begin to reverse and repair the damage already done. Clinton and Sanders seek to maintain the future and the status quo. The problem is the elites and donors in both parties aren't giving up their grip on their power over the electorate by endorsing these outsiders. So steadfast are they on holding onto their petty power and elite status, the seriousness of the country's plight ad future hardly concerns them. They threaten to anoint a candidate they support - one who may not even be running - who may have zero popular support of the American voter. But no matter. They are intent on muddying up the water and nullifying the popular vote.
But for that shortsightedness, we'd have a landslide victory for a pair of Republican Washington outsiders.
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