Hate Versus Truth
What - or who - is the hate machine targeting? None other than those who stand on truth, common sense and who seek an end to the tyrannical madness that passes for governance by both political parties, the mainstream media, and the cozy oligarchy that is bleeding the country dry, that's who. The political outsiders.
The government thinks it's perfectly OK to import uneducated, unwashed, disease-ridden, illiterate, anti-democracy cult-driven subhumans from several third world areas into this country to live among civilized, educated Americans. The government thinks it's perfectly OK to use established government agencies to harass, kill, torment and subdue the American people (think IRS, BLM, EPA, ICE, TSA). Now who other than the far left unicorn chasers thinks those are exceedingly good ideas? I'll tell you who thinks they're insane ideas: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and about 70% of the American voters. So far.
Because the elites don't think like normal Americans, they simply cannot wrap their heads around the overwhelming support the outsiders are getting. Trump, with his America First campaign, will likely wind up winning the most primary votes of any GOP presidential candidate in modern history. That sends the elites into confusion; they simply cannot see why. Having ridiculed the tea party years ago, and having been able to counter the midterm elections of 2010 and 2014, they still think they have a grip on things. But the movement is far from dead. And Cruz, with his campaign to repeal ObamaCare and to abolish the IRS, finds succor with many American voters.
Yet, in the face of this grass roots supported revolution, the elites resort to their last and only weapon. Roll out the hate machine funded by George Soros and his many globalist organizations. Trump and Cruz are vilified for their collective audacity to espouse American values: Faith. Truth. Strength. America. Can you imagine? Patriotism in this day and age? How quaint. We can't have that: shout them down, shut them up, crucify them in the press. But with every attack, Trump's numbers soar. Not limited to just Trump and Cruz, the hate machine aims at their supporters as well. Ignorant white trash, middle class white bigots, isolationists and preppers. We know who you are. Rubes. Unsophisticated folks just don't know what's good for them. Nor how to act toward their betters.
The founders of this great nation knew that this day would come. And they not only planned for it, they left instructions on how to defeat domestic tyranny and return the country to a constitutional republic. The elites know this as well. If they try to thwart the will of the people by some arcane manipulation, it's clear that this time We The People are serious. After all, the American people outnumber and out-gun the one dimensional thinkers in Washington by significant numbers. And as far as refreshing the Tree of Liberty, the people have the will and the means, and elites know better than to give them the opportunity.
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