Friday, April 08, 2016

Hoaxes And Cons

I know I missed the requisite post on April Fool's Day, the day we pull pranks on one another.  But as I am ever vigilant, I thought it'd be a good time now to examine some of the recent pranks and cons being perpetrated upon the country as a whole.  Individually, there is a cause for alarm due to the seriousness of each of these, certainly, but taken together a clear pattern emerges.  And that pattern is a fundamental change of this country from a constitutional republic into a totalitarian state.

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Your Future Tenants
The most recent, and perhaps least obvious, is the behind-the-scenes joke our Dear Leader the Kenyan is pulling on us.  We all are well aware that the magician's art is the use of the slight of hand maneuver while distracting us with the other hand. While we're aware of the art, we usually don't see the move.  Barry's pretty good at this distraction.  So while the fawning media keeps us distracted with the the election follies, making sure our emotional and political outrage is at the highest level, he slides in some more of his "social justice" in the form of his dictatorial leadership style. I refer to the new "law" that requires - yes requires - landlords to rent their units to Negro convicted felons.  The Fair Housing Act doesn’t include criminals as a protected class, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) says refusing to rent based on a criminal record is a form of racial discrimination, due to "racial imbalances" in the U.S. justice system.  Unreal.  Like most insane retaliatory edicts issued by dictators, this one tramples upon a host of personal and property rights.  The fallout will be immense when, say, an institutional landlord with thousands of units, starts putting low life, black convicts into middle and upper class housing units.  Not only will the rights of the housing providers be violated, but the neighborhoods will suffer as well.  And I'm willing to bet they won't go down quietly. But the Kenyan demands his pound of flesh to punish America in order to assuage the perceived indignities suffered at the hands of the greatest, freest, most advanced nation and society on Earth.  This presidency is, and has been, the greatest hoax ever put upon a nation.  And after falling for it twice, many voters still don't see the joke. 

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And AG Lynch Will Back Me Up!
Another hoax being laid on us is the criminalization of opinion.  You think Soviet Russia was bad in imposing forced thought control?  Look no further than right here in River City, my friends.  Now our clueless Attorney General, given her marching orders directly from the Oval office, will criminalize "deniers" of global climate change (GCC), using RICO statutes, no less.  Notice the language being used here.  If we say "deny" we imply a truth.  Yet no such truth exists.  As we have been shown for years, there are no observable facts indicating the planet is warming.  What we have instead is computer modelling.  Any computer user knows the axiom of coding is garbage in, garbage out.  And several scientists involved in the GCC scheme have come right out and said that GCC is merely a scheme to denigrate capitalism, establish greater world poverty, and redistribute wealth.  And it is.  As it applies to wealth distribution, Margret Thatcher once observed, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."  Well said, but now it's a crime to see the magician's other hand.

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Guns and Health:  It's All About Control
There have been other cons, to be sure, all of which are designed to create an emotional public resolve in order to "cure" some perceived social injustice. Take gun confiscation from private citizens as an example.  Totalitarians can't have an armed populace, and they simply can't just pass an unpopular law to rid the country of guns.  So they have to create scenarios that evoke compassion and outrage to ensure support of disarmament.  Sandy Hook is a prime example of a con badly done; it merely served to promote an anti-gun agenda.  Fast and Furious was another, wherein the BTAFE under Eric Holder actually armed violent and lawless Mexican cartels, who used those arms to kill a lot of people, up to and including today.  Even worse than the anti-gun mentality is the nanny state mentality, ever evident in applied totalitarianism.  The hideous Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is a 2,700-page con of epic proportions.  It limits personal freedom and enhances government oversight,  increases the cost of health care while at the same time limits its availability.  So incremental was it that even now ramifications are still being felt, such as doctor shortages and higher prescription drug costs. 

And There'll Be More, A Lot More.
And the biggest and best con this administration has perpetrated is the invasion scam.  By importing diseased and crime prone illegal aliens into the country, the Kenyan has done his legacy proud.  He's lowered the standard of living, virtually eliminated the middle class, watered down the gene pool, changed American culture for the worse, exacerbated racial tensions, rendered the Constitution impotent, implemented an ever-increasing Muslim theocracy,  lowered the collective IQ, added a boat load of uneducated and non-English speaking Democrat voters, and increased third world diseases here significantly.  He's the only force in history able to successfully invade the United States on its own soil.  For that con alone, he should be proud. 

Yet for the Americans who will have to live with this man's evil treachery for decades to come, we've been punked:  Happy April Fool's Day!

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