There's an interesting phenomenon - hell, a revolution - in American politics, as we have all seen, ad nauseum, for the past year or so. But the ruling class simply cannot - or will not - acknowledge the cause of this schism. And it's easy to see why they're in denial. They can't imagine not being in total manipulative control of the political process. And it's all the fault of a couple of men who are running for office of the presidency. I'm speaking of the insider elites and donor class - along with their compliant lap dogs in the establishment media - of the two political parties, each of whom face existential threats, or at the very least a revamping of their traditional party platforms as political outsiders take over the debate.

Bernie Sanders is a self avowed socialist, and the very fact that that moniker doesn't scream "communist" anymore is evidence of the Democrat party's long slide into pure Marxism. Still high from the seven years of damage done to the constitution by the Kenyan, and abandoning all pretense of what was once a democratic American political party, the Dems are now all out statist in their bigger government, more taxation, nanny state totalitarianism. Hillary Clinton, never one to be confused with the political right, has, in this campaign, even tried to out-Bern Bernie Sanders' everything-will-be-free-with-me message. Make no mistake: both of these aging hippies are big government totalitarians, and the United States Constitution is viewed by both of them as something to be overcome, if not completely abandoned. These are the candidates that the Democrat Party is putting forth for president, and that in itself is testament to the party's full-on transition way, way, way left.

It gets better on the Republican side. What the political Illuminati in either party or the MSM can't grasp is that Donald Trump is merely an
idea. They continue to attack, degrade, smear and marginalize the
man. And a vast number of American voters - Trumpinistas, if you will - embrace the idea that Trump is espousing. And what idea might that be, you ask? Simple: "We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!" The idea that we can once again be a self governing nation, free of an over bearing, over reaching government interfering in our lives, is desirable, attainable and in keeping with the concepts of a free people. That scares the elites. And it should. The strongest man is the one who stands alone.
So the revolution has finally come. We can see it manifest itself in both Democrat and Republican parties. For most of the last five decades the American voter has been ignored, demeaned, castigated, and more importantly ignored. The Democrats, Republicans and the so called watch-dog press have become a single, self serving oligarchy. Us versus them. Considered by the establishment as "flyover country," Middle America and the rubes who inhabit it can't be trusted with self governance. But then along comes Trump, and even to an extent Sanders, espousing angry solutions to issues that are burrs under the blanket for most Americans. Especially issues that have been perpetrated by the very elites who ignore the voters and impose this nonsense. These issues are many:
unprecedented, unchecked illegal immigration; cost of the
rise in crime and disease from illegals; expanse of the social welfare state at the expense of the tax paying citizen;
loss of jobs to illegals; erosion of person liberty:
weaponization of federal agencies like IRS and EPA; in-your-face destruction of established Christian cultural mores in favor of such abominations as transsexualism and homosexualism; the Islamic propaganda spewed by Common Core; the unending stoking of adversarial race relations by the Kenyan's race pimps; the demise of civility in real life and on social media; the end of free speech; and the pussyfication of college students with the oh-so-intolerant "
micro-aggression safe space." And there are many more.
So Trump isn't a conservative. So what. So Cruz is supposedly hated. So what. There would be complaints and gripes about policy if Jesus Christ, the Lord Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi themselves came back to run for president. The crucial first step in November is for voters to restore political power to the electorate. To get government smaller, more accountable and off our backs. This election is about the people versus big government, and the only opposing force against ever bigger government is whomever the Republicans nominate. There are only maybe two candidates who say they'll do just that if elected. If, of course, the GOP gets its act together and doesn't try to pull a brokered convention by nominating Mittens Romney or some other Northeastern Yankee liberal RINO. If they do that, then this little ol' revolution will be of quite another kind. Again. Remember the last time the federal government got uppity and dictatorial? Six hundred thousand Americans died. And most of those were on the federal government's side.
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