Monday, December 28, 2015

2015 Christmas Gifts

Christmas is over.  Again.  The presents are opened and enjoyed, the Big Dinners are eaten and the good china and sterling silver are washed and put away, and thoughts of dieting, exercise and sobriety reclaim serious real estate in our holiday-ized brains.  Did we get everything we wanted?  Or at least some things we needed?  I'm sure we all did.  And we, as Americans, got some interesting things this year, too.  Let's take a look at a few of these gifts:

The Occurrence of Eradicated Disease
This is the gift that keeps on giving.  Just think:  diseases that were wiped out decades ago are now being diagnosed all across the fruited plain.  E. coli infested Chipotle restaurants all over the country; Tuberculosis found in the east; Leprosy in the northeast; Dengue Fever in the southwest.  That's just a few.  According to the CDC, all of these outbreaks are attributable to illegal aliens from Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Philippines, Vietnam and elsewhere.  Many of these diseases came from the children that were allowed into the US unaccompanied.  Why haven't we heard more about this?  Here's why:  To protect the Kenyan's insane immigration policies.  If you think the truth about illegal alien crime is suppressed from public awareness, just try to find information on the contagious diseases brought across our borders by illegal aliens.  Looking at official government data of the past fifteen years, it's clear we are still being invaded daily by dangerous diseases.  There is good reason to believe the government is minimizing this risk as part of its disinformation campaign to sanitize illegal immigration and to portray all critics as anti-immigrant. And although the U.S. Border Patrol publishes frequent reports on the number of individuals apprehended crossing the border, no government agency publishes reports on the diseases they bring with them.  And no, the 700,000 illegals that came across in 2015 were not - and are not now - screened for infectious diseases.  

The Demise of the Republican Party
As this government of both parties continue to govern against the will of the people, it's no surprise that the political outsider candidates are blowing up the polls.  Our political structure is based on the two party system: one party is in control, and the other party acts as the "loyal opposition."  Opposition to political policy, not to the nation's constitution.  But that's all upside down now as the Republican party more and more resembles the Democrats in policy and ideology.  That poses a problem.  Americans are sick and tired of being lied to, condescended to, and having their wishes and fears ignored in favor of the policies of some obscure global oligarchy.  The revolution of the grass roots conservative base versus the entrenched Yankee Republican establishment will render the Republican Party unrecognizable in the near term, as conservatives, finally having had enough, take over the party from the neocons.  But this is just the beginning.  This revolution will spread outward, and if successful, will return the nation to a two party constitutional republic again, leaving the totalitarians to with and die.  Make no mistake:  there will be a revolution, be it at the ballot box or in the streets.  The establishment knows this, and that's why they have been trying so very hard to disarm Americans since 1968.

The Privatization of Space
Long the province of well funded governments, space exploration and technology is now being picked up by private enterprise.  SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin are currently the most visible, but there are others; as many as a dozen at this writing.  Remember all those science fiction movies in which corporations are the owners and operators of deep space mining, exploration and colonization projects?  Well, that's soon to be science fact. Already private space companies are making deliveries to the International Space Station, and this will continue as governments find more Earth-bound projects to fund. NASA is still the patriarch in space research and technology of course, but I see investment in space oriented companies as a far better bet than any of these current silly "green energy" nonsensical boondoggles.  Humans are explorers by nature, and space is right out there to discover.  The new and advanced technologies needed for deep space exploration will have a trickle down benefit to everyone on Earth.  Hopefully we can focus on exploring and expanding humankind, rather than regressing to a 7th century mindset.   Maybe my grandkids will have the opportunity to honeymoon on Luna or perhaps visit friends on Mars.  And if I get a chance, I'm going!

Hope and Change Fraud Exposed
Even the die hard, goofy, can't-we-all-just-get-along hippy types are beginning to see what their breathless endorsement and worship of the Kenyan has wrought over these last 8 years.  We're less free, less wealthy, and more controlled, and these present day Benedict Arnolds must now take responsibility for their unicorn chasing hunger for utopia.  They now are coming to recognize that all that "hope and change" rhetoric has hidden a very sinister outcome.  Think of the divisiveness we've seen in the last seven years:  distrust of whites, blacks, and Hispanics; distrust of cops and government; spying on everyone; gender bending that has now become completely absurd.  What about us versus them in the government?  Well, white people and men in particular, Christians, Southerners, cops, and conservatives are all targets of the Kenyan's well oiled hate machine.  The weaponization of government bureaucracies like the EPA, IRS and NSA are good examples of government control.  And even the media's epic failures in covering for this regime are evidence of the press's loss of  influence and prestige with much of the public.  Do you believe the New York Times or the Washington Post?  Me either.  The media, whether aware of it or not, will continue to lose face as the Kenyan's deceit and their complicity in it are fully exposed.  Evil will shrink back and wither and die when exposed to the direct light of day, and it's dawn in America, folks.

The True Face of Islam
News, photos and videos this year alone from France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Greece, north Africa, Hungary, and elsewhere have shown to the world the true face of Islam.  Far from the peaceful and homey images their propaganda and public relations campaigns spew, Muslims continue to conquer with a medieval ferocity not seen in a very long time. As the killings here in the US by Muslims - at Fort Hood, Garland Texas, Chattanooga and San Bernadino - clearly show, Islam wants to kill you or convert you.  In every county they invade, they aggressively seek to convert endemic cultures to sharia law.  They have been a terror organization for centuries, and even Thomas Aquinas wrote of his distrust of Muslims eight centuries ago.  Despite attempts by CAIR and the DC media to whitewash Islam's intents, history proves otherwise.  Now we have ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and countless other terrorist groups killing, beheading, stoning, drowning, hanging and raping across the world.  And many of these extremists are in high level positions within the US government.  If you study history of the world's never-ending conflict with Islam, you'll recognize that this is their last big push for dominance, culminating in a WW III and the Apocalypse. And as facts continue to leak out, it'll be publicly known that the Kenyan has been, and still is, instrumental in aiding, abetting and arming this Muslim insurgency.

So with all these great gifts received during 2015, I can't wait for next Christmas, when we, as a Christian conservation nation, can reciprocate in kind with our own gifts back to our current gift giving benefactors.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

RINOs Want A New Party?

This is just rich!  The Republican Party's anointed insiders have publicly stated that if Donald Trump is nominated as the Republican candidate for president, they may have to start a new party, so distasteful to them is a Trump candidacy.  Never mind that it was they who demanded a statement of support from Trump forcing his commitment to loyalty to the party.  A typically unilateral agreement, it would seem.  At that time the party elders probably thought their heirs apparent Jeb! Bush and Marco Rubio would be overwhelmingly embraced by we, the great unwashed.  But something unforeseen happened on the way to the lectern.  It seems we, the great unwashed, actually would prefer an outsider candidate to lead our nation back to prosperity, rather than the entrenched, tenured and disconnected candidate selected for us by the party bosses. And for good reason, not the least of which is the ominous $1.1 trillion omnibus bill Christmas present that Paul Ryan and the Republican controlled congress gave the Kenyan just last week. That bill was a slap in the face to the American voters, who for the last two midterm elections have sent Republican after Republican to both the Senate and the House to stop the Kenyan's disastrous totalitarian policies.  But somehow these freshmen Republicans have "grown" in office - to use a democrat term - and despite their campaign promises to the contrary, now support the big government, big spending policies in Washington DC.  Democrats gloat, dance, and can't believe their good fortune.  Who says you can't buy me love?

And They Are Frighteningly Close!
So the American electorate is acutely aware that the left,  lead by the Dear Leader himself, is intent on destroying American culture.  White privilege, black lives matter, global climate change, erasing the Confederacy from history, promoting morally repugnant ideas such as homosexual lifestyle and the selling of human baby parts, and worst of all, embracing the Islamic invasion and its inevitable sharia law, are all  leftist constructs designed to overwhelm Americans into accepting this transformation into a totalitarian regime, and as such rejecting their libertarian foundation.  So far the electorate has resisted this transformation by speaking loudly at the ballot box.  So far.  As elected Republicans, along with kindred spirits across the isle, continue to govern against the will of the people, it should come as no surprise when outsiders, defying both political correctness and the media, surge overwhelmingly in the polls.  

So let the neoconservatives and big government RINOs whine about starting a new party.  They really don't have to go to the trouble, because after all, they've been democrats all along.  

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

If You're In A Fight, Fight To Win.

Yesterday I posed the question why aren't we winning the war against Islam?  After all, against the greatest military in the world, they have no chance in an all-out confrontation.  Today that question is answered by way of a brilliant article in Breitbart by Steven Bannon and Alexander Marlow titled A Stark Choice:  Ted Cruz's Jacksonian Americanism vs.Marco Rubio's Wilsonian Internationalism. 

Wilsonian Internationalism
The answer to why we don't win can be answered in this way:  because we don't fight to win.  The current administration and ruling class are adherents of a political viewpoint - a philosophy - of Woodrow Wilson's brand of progressivism.  It calls for doing the right thing without regard to any other concern, especially patriotic nationalism.  Of course, defining what is "right" is highly subjective. So in the Wilsonian view, wars are conducted to improve the world, and actually winning them, or concern for national interest or pride is secondary.  Rather than just completely wiping out an enemy, Wilsonianism requires that we must change their hearts and minds so that they are better able to work harmoniously in the international community. In the last seven years we've seen the fallacy in that.  Wilsonians feel they are intellectually superior, and they eschew such low-brow concepts as national pride, preferring instead to be considered citizens of the world. Rubio is a Wilsonian.

Jacksonian Nationalism
The opposing view, Jackonianism, is a form of nationalism found in Andrew Jackson's attitude toward his enemies.  As president, he beat the Indians, defeated the British and expanded United States territories which was the foundation of the US eventually becoming a world super power.  With respect to war, the view is that we simply vanquish the enemy, because it's in the United States' best interests to do so.  We saw this philosophy to war fighting in WWII, especially in the final days of the conflict in both the European and Pacific Theaters, and again decades later with the famous Powell Doctrine that General Norman Schwarzkopf administered in the liberation of Kuwait.  The devastation was complete and overwhelming. Jackonianism is less an intellectual or political movement than an expression of the social, cultural and religious values of the majority of the American public.  To Jacksonians, the bond to and protection of kith and kin and nation, is primary to other considerations.  And they fight to win.  Cruz is a Jacksonian.

No wonder so many Americans are confused by seemingly conservative candidates so stridently in favor of such non conservative issues as immigration and foreign interventionism.  The matter can be summed up in this way.  American politics has transcended from simply a Republican vs Democrat, or liberal vs conservative, or even a left vs right narrative.   Policies and issues are now woven into the fabric of global concerns. One side asks, "Is it the right thing to do?"  The other side asks, "Is it the best thing for us to do?"

In history and human events, the pendulum always swings from one side to the other.  Even though they may not understand the nuances of the prevailing philosophies, Americans know they're tired of neoconservatives of both parties involving us in costly policies and unwinnable wars.  And it's why the simple and straight forward ideas put forth by both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are resounding so well with American voters.

As my daddy used to say, "Never get in a fight.  But if you're in a fight, fight to win."  Sage advice, Dad.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Why Aren't We Winning The War With Islam?

OK, now we've had our meditative pause to clear our collective minds and refresh our souls.  Now let's open our eyes and look again at the world:  Has it changed for the better?  Nope.  Savages are still killing and maiming innocents on every continent.  But we're now clear of any bigotry and bias, and we see exactly what it is we see.  So.  Why aren't we winning the war with Islam?  Let's look to our Dear Leader to enlighten us in his own words (links open original source):

The Kenyan's Comments on Islam
Creator and Defender of Islamic State
#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”
#3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”
#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
#5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
#6 “Islam has always been part of America”
#7 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”
#8 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”
#9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
#10 “I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”
#11 “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”
#12 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”
#13 “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”
#14 “throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
#15 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”
#16 “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.'”
#17 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”
#18 “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”
#19 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
#20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

The Kenyan's Comments of Christianity
The Antichrist?
#1 “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation”
#2 “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.”
#3 “Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy?  Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an abomination?  Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith?”
#4 “Even those who claim the Bible’s inerrancy make distinctions between Scriptural edicts, sensing that some passages – the Ten Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ’s divinity – are central to Christian faith, while others are more culturally specific and may be modified to accommodate modern life.”
#5 “The American people intuitively understand this, which is why the majority of Catholics practice birth control and some of those opposed to gay marriage nevertheless are opposed to a Constitutional amendment to ban it. Religious leadership need not accept such wisdom in counseling their flocks, but they should recognize this wisdom in their politics.”
#6 From Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope: “I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex—nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.”
#7 Obama’s response when asked what his definition of sin is: “Being out of alignment with my values.”
#8 “If all it took was someone proclaiming I believe Jesus Christ and that he died for my sins, and that was all there was to it, people wouldn’t have to keep coming to church, would they.”
#9 “This is something that I’m sure I’d have serious debates with my fellow Christians about. I think that the difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and prostelytize. There’s the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they’re going to hell.”
#10 “I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell.  I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity.  That’s just not part of my religious makeup.”
#11 “I don’t presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing.”
#12 “I’ve said this before, and I know this raises questions in the minds of some evangelicals. I do not believe that my mother, who never formally embraced Christianity as far as I know … I do not believe she went to hell.”
#13 “Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God’s will–they have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths.”
#14 On his support for civil unions for gay couples: “If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount.”
#15 “You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
#16 “In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology”
#17 “On Easter or Christmas Day, my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.”
#18 “we have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own”
#19 “All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of the three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra — (applause) — as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them, joined in prayer.  (Applause.)”
#20 “I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”

That's News To Americans!
Well, that pretty much sums it up for me as to whose side he's on.  The Kenyan withdrew US stabilization from Iraq, promoted the Arab Spring,  hired Muslim Brotherhood members into his administration, abetted and armed ISIS, and committed many other illegal and unconstitutional crimes and misdemeanors.   Yet, there is no doubt that, given the might of the United States' military, and with the proper will, commitment and resolve from the command leadership, this "war" could be over in a few months.  And there wouldn't be any discussion of importing any more of these savages into our country.  But we won't.  We won't do that because this administration will not make war on its own ideology. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Necessity Of Staying In Control

Ever notice how the news of the day can adversely affect you, your mood and even the outcome of your day?  Do you ever get aggravated or literally pissed off at the insanity and nonsense you see on the news shows or read on the internet?  Do you sometimes want to reach out apply physical retribution to those purveyors of chaos?  Do you feel as though there's a concerted effort by "them" to control you, your outlook and your well-being?  If you're a news junkie, or if you simply have a good deal of understanding about current political, environmental and financial events and how they impact you, you're probably nodding "yes" to these questions.  And you're not alone.  The sad fact is that the incessant electronic interference you're experiencing is actually there; a deliberate unseen force that seeks to control your life in how you think and how you act.  So what is it that you do to maintain balance and harmony in your life, and to counteract this intrusion? 

The Zen of Being
No, I'm not going all tin-foil-hat on you, dear readers.  I speak of a very real phenomenon known as cognitive overload.  You're constantly being bombarded with too much information, and most of it is inconsequential on its face, but it affects your psyche in unwanted ways.  I can cite innumerable studies which reference this: Facebook addicts are less happy; cell phone users have developed a hunched posture; video gaming causes poor eyesight; and social media makes users less social.  These can be verified, and are widely acknowledged.  My point, in first accepting the notion that modern life is chaotic, is how to counteract all that unwanted garbage, and how to maintain your sanity when you cannot turn it off.

The answer is you must take control of your mental process. It's not as esoteric or as hard as it sounds, in fact it's quite easy to turn off the mental noise.  For instance, take a quiet walk in the woods, but consider your thought process - know what's going on in your mind.  Listen to the wind in the trees or the singing of birds.  Notice the sky and be aware of the weather patterns.  Walk quietly and seek signs of the life all around you, squirrels darting, deer tracks, or smaller things like lizards, perhaps, or even types of mushrooms.    Do this consciously in place of your normal internal dialogue.  Quiet your mind.  Leave you phone at home or in the car.  Or at least turn it off if you need to take it with you.  Be concerned with each step you take, your posture, and most importantly be aware of your breathing.  Yes, breathing.  Consciously inhale deeply, hold for a moment, then consciously exhale fully.  In yoga, this practice of controlled breathing is called pranayama

This process of turning off the noise, and paying attention only to the self, is beneficial in many ways.  These benefits include achieving mental clarity, physical health, and an internal self control and peacefulness.  It can be done anywhere, anytime; there are no props, no rituals, just the will to practice self meditation.  At work, just lean back in your chair, close your eyes, relax, and take just 5 minutes to clear your mind, and focus only on your breathing.  You will notice results almost immediately as you enter into a state of deep relaxation.  As you recognize this alpha state of deep relaxation, you'll want to "go there" more often.  The benefits to body and mind will be obvious to you.  And when you gain the discipline to do this for just 15 minutes, three times a day, you'll be amazed at the new you. And, oh by the way, so will your friends and family.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Waiting For November

I can't wait for November.  As the months slide by until we the people can rid the nation of the Kenyan tyrant currently holding the United States hostage, he becomes ever more brazen, and less and less concerned with the will of the people and the rule of law.  His has but 12 months left to complete what he considers to be the ultimate social justice, and that is the destruction of the American culture and way of life.  That's a bold statement, but its veracity is borne out by a reasonable and direct observation of the policies pushed by his regime, er, administration.  Some examples.

Gun Control
No guns sign Royalty Free Stock Image
You Mean NO Gun Control!
Always the darling issue of the tyrannical left, gun control is far more about control than it is about guns.  All - yes all - credible surveys and studies prove that individuals who are armed are much less likely to be victimized by criminals.  The take away is that armed citizens prevent and/or reduce crime.  But wait.  If armed citizens deter crime, would it not follow that armed citizens also deter governmental attempts to subjugate its citizens?  Historically, unarmed citizens were decimated in Germany, Russia, China and Cambodia. Even today unarmed people are massacred in Rwanda, Syria, Mexico, Iraq and dozens of other hell holes around the world.  But the Kenyan wants to quell private sales of guns without the approval of congress, through "closing" what is euphemistically referred to as the "gun show loophole."  The over-educated, low-intelligent American left wants guns totally banned - banned and confiscated - so that we will be safe.  Not safe from criminals.  Not safe from terrorists.  Nope.  The real reason for complete gun control is that the government wants to be safe from us, so it can impose its imperial will.  Ironically, this is the very reason that open carry laws are sweeping the nation, and gaining support from law enforcement.

The Spread of Islam
As I've posted here many times, there's a compelling argument to be made that no moderate Islam ideology exists, and that the more than two billion followers of Islam pose a clear and present danger to any and all cultures and nation states that do not adhere to sharia law.  That's the rest of the world.  But because the Kenyan's sympathies lie with Islam, and  it's now no secret that his administration is rife with Muslim Brotherhood members, we must pretend that Muslims are no different from us.  Nonsense.  America first engaged this enemy - yes, enemy - in the earliest days of our nation.  Thomas Jefferson, and later James Madison, fought Muslim barbarism over 200 years ago with the campaign against the Barbary pirates. That conflict is even embodied in the Marine Hymn, "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli."  Have we forgotten?  Ironically, the Kenyan may have been right when he proclaimed recently that Islam played a role in the founding of America.  Yes, it certainly did, but not in the way the Kenyan wants you to believe.  Last night I attended the 11th annual CENTCOM Coalition International Night held at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, as I do every year.  It's invitation only so it doesn't get a lot of press.  But it is a way for civilians to interact with officers of the other sixty-odd nations fighting Islam.  It's a wonderful event, as each nation sets out food and drink specific to its culture and traditions.  And many of the officers' wives and family dress in traditional dress. It's held in a huge hanger on the base, and one is free to wander around sampling, interacting and learning about the who and why of these nations joining us in the fight against Islam.  So as the Kenyan along with the American media seek to  minimize - or nullify in many cases - the negative impact Islamic ideology has on our values, one can clearly see that the other seven billion people living on this planet do not want to live under sharia law.  Islam is a very real threat to the world, and has been so for 1,400 years.  Its goal is a global caliphate arising from World War III.  Apart from simply completely and utterly annihilating it, both physically and philosophically, I do not see how it can peacefully co-exist with freedom loving people all over the world.   

Climate Change
Pure Political Nonsense
Now that the cat is out of the bag on this colossal hoax, and China has literally laughed out loud at it, it has been exposed as yet one more discredited scheme to transfer wealth from those create it to those who didn't.  Marvelous.  In the 1970s, the "science was settled" that the world was cooling, and we'd be in an ice age by the 21st century.  When that did not happen, the globalists tried using cut and paste to rekindle (no pun intended) the same old nonsense as global warming.  Cut "cooling,"  paste "warming."  Ah. done.  Now to sell it. The ice age hype was merely misinterpreted science, but the current climate change hoax is far more nefarious.  We can study global temperatures and weather patterns all day long and arrive at certain conclusions.  That's what science is all about.  But when we try to politicize those conclusions, and attempt to lay fault at the foot of developed nations - read the United Sates - then we have a problem.  Climate is and has been determined by solar activity and magnetic fields affecting jet streams and ocean temperatures, and has and will change again and again over millennia:  cooling, then warming, then cooling again.  Over and over. That climate dynamic produces weather, which is local rather than global.  As this pattern has occurred for the last 200 million years or more, it's completely ludicrous on its face to assign blame for climate change on human activity.  They even invented a world for it:  anthropogenic.   Peachy.  The hoax is blown, so the globalists now have to come up with another anthropogenic crises.   Are you ready for this?  The depletion of Earth's fresh ground water.   USAToday has been beating this drum for a while, first about polluted ground water, and now about the depletion of it.   Just wait, there will be more and more "evidence" coming out to create a yet another sense of doom. 

The Election
We're Counting on November
More and more Americans are disenfranchised with their elected government.   They feel powerless in a country founded on the principal that government is elected to serve the people, rather than the people serving the government.  They feel marginalized in recognition that the federal government acts against the will of the people, as it glorifies philosophies abhorrent to most Americans.  Homosexual unions.  Departure from Judaeo-Christian beliefs.  Importation of terror.  Justifying criminality.  Demonizing conservatism. Promoting Islam. Infringement of individual rights. Enactment of social justice over constitutional law.  Corruption of a free press.  A weaponized IRS. And lawlessness in ignoring the Constitution to promote a punitive Marxist political agenda.  Is it any wonder then that the American people have utterly and completely rejected the entrenched ruling class of both parties?  That the insider candidates can get no traction?  And the outsider candidates gain more and more support as the ruling class and their corrupt super PAC media pull out all the stops to destroy them?  I think not.  Jefferson said that the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  Metaphorically speaking, I hope November 2016 will produce that refreshment, as the political ruling class is taken to the proverbial woodshed, and a new government of, for and by the people will begin the long march back to the principals that made this country the greatest in the world.  Because if not, then that blood refreshment will be of much more of a literal sense.  And unlike the 1860 version of the states versus the overreaching federal government, this time may the good guys win.

Monday, December 07, 2015

A Legacy That Will Live In Infamy

nypostcover_islam_640After listening to the Kenyan's speech, or address, or lamentation, or whatever the hell it was, I'm now convinced that he intends to continue to aid and abet ISIS, which he insists on calling ISIL. By doing so, he grants this savage and insane ideology more credibility and power than it actually has.  Peachy.  He refused to call the shooting an act of Islamic terrorism, instead weaseling around the issue by calling it possibly a terrorist act, but more probably merely workplace violence.  He did, however, find time to admonish us to not confer on the poor misunderstood Muslims any more of our misplaced bigotry and discrimination.  Right.  We shouldn't hate them as they are shooting and killing us.  I have a solution for that.  But his denial of the evils of Islam is no surprise, because he, and his administration is packed with Muslim Brotherhood members.  

So while he's telling us that his administration is tracking down and killing bad guys in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in order to "make Americans safe," he continues to import tens of thousands of ISIS fighters into the US disguised as Syrian refugees.  The problem is that ISIS is a global ideology, rather than a nation-state, and it needs fighting everywhere it shows up, especially within the United States.  All those windows and orphans the Kenyan asserts conservatives are afraid of are actually fighting-aged Muslim jihadists, and they're traveling without women and children.  He also demanded that we reach out to “Muslim communities” to combat terrorists, and that all those good moderate  should help us identify nail the radicals.  Like that will happen.  Even former FBI Counterterrorism Agent John Guandolo said that since 9/11, “we collectively have received nearly zero help from the Muslim Community.”  No kidding.  What a surprise.

Clearly not finished being petulant and condescending while talking down to Americans, the Kenyan then launched into one of his favorite themes:  gun confiscation - er, I mean control.  Lost on the Kenyan is the irony that California has some of the strictest and restrictive guns laws in the nation, and that no gun law - either enacted or proposed - would have stopped this carnage.  You see, Barry, criminals don't obey laws, that's why they're criminals.  No matter.  A defenseless society is a compliant society, in the Kenyan's view.  Taking Christ's advice to "sell your coat and buy a sword," Americans have set new records for each of the last two months for firearm purchases. Let's see, US citizens now need a handgun for everyday carry, and a long gun or a shotgun for home defense.  Got it.  With the Kenyan's importation of ISIS fighters, along with sleepers already here, it's a target rich environment out there.

Picture of the USS Shaw exploding during the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor. - Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.
USS Shaw Exploding
So the Kenya's Sunday lecture was just more of his same anti-American rhetoric:  Islam is good, and you American fools and your guns are the problem. And even though today is Pearl Harbor Day, not a word was uttered to honor those who have upheld the American culture and way of life, and have vanquished - that means killed - our enemies.  But with this Marxist Muslim, it's no surprise, for he is America's enemy.  

Thursday, December 03, 2015

OK, Can We Start Killing Them Now?

Not again.  Another mass killing.  Another Muslim behind the triggerAnd another quest to find a motive.  A motive, really?

It seems that the powers that be in the western world just can't grasp the fact that there's a war going on.  It's been going on for 1,400 years, and had a kinda, sorta cease fire for a century or two, but now it's back with a vengeance.  Europe's being invaded.  The United States is being invaded.  But the Kenyan's entire administration, along with many in the DC beltway and even low information citizens, can't seem to understand that radical Islam is out to kill or convert us.  Every. Single. One of us. This campaign for this dominance is outlined in their "holy" book, the Koran, and it's there for all to read.  What's not to understand?  But no.  To show our compassion, western leaders fall all over themselves to import the very savages who will, sooner or later, kill us. Or die trying.

We can't coexist.  Just kill them all.
For reasons embedded deeply in the base rock of their ideology - er, make that cult - Islam and its adherents have been at war with everybody for millennia.  Christians, Jews, Shiites, other Muslims of all stripes were then and are now all targets of this insane death cult.  But every time we survive another slaughter at the hands of these animals, the apologists never fail to ooze out of the woodwork to weep and wring their hands and wail that if we could only understand them, everything would just be peachy.  Coexist, you know.  The Islamists, on the other hand, seemed to not have gotten the can't-we-all-get-along message of the apologist cowards and their fellow travelers.  Nope, they just continue to kill, behead, stone, burn, drown and mutilate anyone not like them, all in the name of their "god."  And what's worse is that the next shooter could be the nice neighbor next door to you, trying so hard to look and act "American."  And all the while just waiting for a chance to come to your school, your church, your mall.

So let's review:  We (the entire civilized world) don't want to be killed by Islamists; we don't want to convert to the moon god cult; and they have no interest in functioning in a civilized 21st century world with us, preferring instead their 7th century caliphates.  Sounds like an impasse.  A Mexican standoff.  An insurmountable problem leading up to an inevitable clash from which only one will survive.  OK, that sounds like a plan.  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

When Will Useful Idiots Learn?

The Negro Solution
Dear self hating, guilt-ridden white liberals:  I told you so.  When you embrace insane radical ideologies, those ideologies will sense your weakness, and you will be threatened, harmed and ultimately killed by that which you champion. Let me say that in a shorter sentence for you.  They will bite the hand that feeds.  When will you learn?  Lenin's famous description of "useful idiots" for people like you, mindless people in the Western democracies who always appeased the Soviet Union applies here as well.  Those folks like you who make excuses for radical Negroes and their insanity are reaping rewards arising from the Ferguson Effect, spawned by liberal political policies. Negro gangs spread wanton violence all over the country; see the Knockout Game.  Displaying symbols of heritage is a capital offense.  When they get mad, they riot and burn down their own cities.  Poor things.  So misunderstood.  On the Mizzou campus at this writing, plays are being cancelled because the actors are white, whites are being banned from "black healing spaces," and the first amendment will no longer apply to anyone and everyone, but only to those who espouse the Negro narrative of the evil of "white privilege," whatever that is.  So now you've got a war on whites, a war on cops, a war on Christians, and it all happened in the last fifty years under your bleeding heart liberal victimization empowering policies.  When will you learn?

The Muslim Solution
Not content with a fifty-year plan to destroy the Negro family unit in favor of a government controlled, fatherless victim class, you lefty, love and peace hippy liberal types now turn your tender mercies to the death cult of Islam.  Muslims, despite your contention that it's a religion of peace, have killed more human beings than all tyrannical despots in history combined.  For a thousand years this cult has been conducting brutal terror strikes on people in virtually every country in the world.  Even against other Muslims.  Sunni?  Shi'ite?  Wahhabi?  Who cares, there's little or no  difference.   Yet you useful idiots make any lame excuse imaginable to justify the unjustifiable.  Today Paris cleans up.  Hundreds are dead or wounded.  In Germany, Merkel's pussified open border policies are being strongly reviewed for their destructiveness.  Berlin and London, too, will be as Paris; it's just a matter of when.  Hungary, Slovenia, Austria and other countries built walls to keep out these invading vermin.  The walls work.  But those Western liberal societies with open borders will be attacked, and attacked again for their weakness.  Stateside, the Muslim Kenyan assures us that ISIS is contained.  Really? And I can keep my doctor?  He even further seeks to increase and accelerate the influx of Syrian "refugees" and jihadists alike who come to the US hiding in plain sight.  Even the idiot Al Gore is censored in his climate rants from the Eiffel Tower, as his live televised feed is cut.  Do you really think they won't come for you, as well?  Just because you're a liberal and embrace fanaticism doesn't mean you are safe from it.  

So thanks, Merkel, Hollande and the Kenyan for endorsing and enacting George Soros' globalist open border mandates. Your compassion is so overwhelming.  Blindly destroy your culture and society by bringing in millions of uneducated, radical Muslim rapists and killers into our midst.  But as Mark Levin said recently, Thank God for the Second Amendment.  Thank God indeed!  It's true Americans are heavily armed, highly trained, and devoutly committed to defending the homeland despite what destructive policies our leaders impose upon us.  So go ahead, Negro or Muslim radicals, bring it on.  Make my day.  If you dare.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Onward, Christian Soldiers

While the debate last night centered on all things economic as it should have, there's an elephant in the room that was only pointed out once.  And that observation was made by Dr. Ben Carson.  For those who may think he's, well, too timid to be president, Dr. Ben voiced in no uncertain terms what most civilized people already know.  And that is the greatest danger facing the United States - and all Western cultures and countries - is the barbaric, uneducated, 7th century primitive tribal struggle Islam is waging to conquer the world.  Dr. Carson is right in that the caliphate must be destroyed wherever it is found.  These moon-god worshipers are cultist fanatics, and they cannot be placated, reasoned with, nor negotiated with.  They want to destroy us.  To survive, we must destroy them.

United Assyrian Christian Soldiers
The irony is that so many westerners don't remember, or are not taught, their country's history.  Islam has been trying to conquer Europe and destroy Christianity for centuries.  See Crusades, 1095 - 1291.  They've invaded Europe countless times, and perhaps except for the Moorish conquest of Iberia, were always beaten back to the Bedouin desert from whence they came. This is not a new conflict, it's a continuation of a struggle between good and evil that's been characterized in scripture, history and legend for hundreds of generations.  Are you shocked that I equate Islam with evil, and Christianity with good?  Don't be.  Read the Bible, and compare it to the teachings of the Koran. Christ taught spiritual quest and a brotherhood of man within God, while Mohammad teaches conquest and killing of non-Muslims in the name of Allah, the ancient Moon God.  Don't be deceived that the two are the same God.  They most certainly are not.  But Christians need not be cannon fodder for the savage Muslims.  They have fought and beaten these heathens before, and can and will do so again.  The Assyrian  Army is doing so now, holding the front line against ISIS in Iraq’s Assyrian Nineveh plains, their ancient homeland, since last August when the barbaric cult overran the area.  They've asked for US help, which so far has not been forthcoming.  The Kenyan instead is choosing to arm Syrian "rebels" who ultimately turn and join ISIS.  But the Kenyan's a Muslim, and like his brothers in arms, gives no relief to Christian fighters.
Onward, Christian Soldiers
This Veteran's Day we may reflect how a certain song became a popular Christian Hymn in the mid 1800s, as it describes the struggle that was ancient even then, yet continues today.   Let me share the familiar first verse with you:

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.

So, yes, again it's onward Christian soldiers, marching and fighting against the Satanic foe that seems to never go away.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

White Is Right

Be Proud of Your Race But Don't Impugn Mine
OK, it's now fair game to not only tout one's race, but to revel in it.  About time.  I'm white and proud.  That doesn't make me a racist, it just means I'm white.  Others however, may think otherwise.  Good for them; I don't care.  I'm white and proud.  If all you've got to defend your race is the fact that at one time you were slaves, let me enlighten you.  That's not much of a legacy, is it?  Know why?  Because at some point in history, every ethic group was a slave to some other ethnic group.  So why should Occidentals and Orientals be made to feel guilty because we're not black?  Peddle that racist nonsense elsewhere because I'm not interested.  Let me be even more frank.  Racist and hate groups like BLM, its members and supporters are worthless.  They have no positive ideas, they just hate white people, and oh, yeah, cops.  They only want to tear down, because they have nothing with which to build up. No ideas, no ambition, no self worth, and no guts.  And you know what?  It's not my fault.  It's theirs.  So they destroy property, kill other people, protest the very institutions that try to help them, and basically cause chaos, simply because they have nothing, and they are nothing.  I'll get flamed for that statement, as it's not politically correct and thus not in the BLM narrative.  So what?  It's factually correct, and that's what destroyers on the left always fear. The truth.

Mark Schierbecker/YouTube
Dr. Melissa A. Click - The Lunatic Fringe
So the pussies who run the insane asylum known as the University of Missouri are getting their just rewards. They are now reaping all the hate and vilification that they've sown for years.  Ain't karma a bitch?  Well, good riddance.   Cowards that they are, they were forced to resign over a student crafted, grammatically challenged manifesto demanding they repent their white privilege.  Say what?!  Here's a factoid for ya.  The white race built this 21st century culture and virtually all the advancements you enjoy - for free - in today's world.  But Tim Wolf and others in academe are bullied into decrying their whiteness.  Simply amazing.  If you want to cite accomplishments - or lack thereof - of individuals of any race, that's fine.  Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, and even Colion Noir are all black men of accomplishment one can admire and emulate.  But BLM, the Kenyan himself, Black Panthers, professional race baiters or any other destructive gangs of any race (including the ridiculous La Kookoo Raza) can go ahead and kiss my white ass.  You're worthless and your "revolution" is lame and tired and fruitless.  And if you and your inane slogans and bullhorns come my way, be advised:  I ain't no university president.

I'm white and I'm proud,  Get over it.

Friday, November 06, 2015


Why Even Go There?
It's always fun to assess threat of Muslim terror to civilized peoples, and to see the impact on commerce - like tourism.  Anyone want to travel to any countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea for instance?  Barcelona, Paris, Cairo, or any of those quaint sandy African Saharan cities are certainly off my travel list.  Not the least concern is that one may find it difficult to get back home.  Of course we know this whole terror issue is all just a right wing hoax - a hate mongering fear campaign designed to insult the Prophet and harm Muslims.  Muslims are the real victims of this phobic thought processes, you know, as they are bullied by Jews and Christians, and well, any civilized people.  That's what the Kenyan tells us, after all.  See, we can't be sure of the motivations of these victimized Muslims, as they stab, behead, bomb and torture their tormentors.  

The Russian airliner that was blown out of the sky killed well over two hundred passengers and crew.  British and US intelligence all but confirms that it was a bomb on board.   ISIS claims responsibility, but we really can't be sure of their motives. 

A young Muslim terrorist in California stabs several people on a California campus, and is finally shot to death by police, and despite the manifesto on his person, it's uncertain what his motives have have been.  Collegiate anti-bullying campaign, perhaps?  Concealed carry supporters abound at the news, contradicting the gov's ban on campus carry.  Good move, Jerry. But the local sheriff is unsure of the stabber's motives.

The clock boy, who staged a well televised bomb hoax in his school in Texas has now been spirited off to live in Qatar with presidential blessings.  His motivation?  Couldn't tell ya. 

Getting Ahead Muslim Style
So we struggle to comprehend the motivation behind these acts, and we search our souls to find the reason so many of our friendly Muslims feel the need to act out in this violent ways.  What can their motive possibly be?  What did we do wrong? 

Not a thing.  Maybe they just want to take over the world through jihad, in accordance with their radical, bigoted and destructive ideology, and  incite their apocalyptic vision of the end times:  the ultimate conflict between Islam and the civilized world.  

Could motivation be any more clear?

Monday, November 02, 2015

The News Media Lies To Us

Not Spoken Here
The movie Truth has been released, with the decaying Robert Redford portraying Dan Rather, all the while struggling to regain the glory of the Watergate days, basking as he did with All The President's Men in which he played Bob Woodward.  All the hippie lefty Hollywood elites like Redford sure would like to see a return to the simpler days of media control, where Rather and Cronkite set not only policy, but the political mood for the nation.  I will never forget seeing Cronkite on the evening news declaring ". . . the war is all but lost . . . " when reporting on our winning the Vietnam struggle.  Traitorous bastard.   Even our ol' pal Mitt Romney piled on last week in an interview with David Axelrod, yet another traitorous bastard, also bemoaning the widespread conservative viewpoint created by all these right wing, patriot internet news portals that just, well, confuse voters with facts.  Tolerant to a fault, the left just can't allow other views to permeate the political landscape, especially as they've held that ground for so long.  

They're NOT Refugees but Millions of Muslim Invaders
ABC, CNN, MSNBC and the other Democrat super-PAC networks flounder in both revenue and viewership, other voices thrive.  Why?  Because they tell the truth about current events.  Want an example?  Just consider the invasion.  What invasion, you ask?  Checkmate!  You proved my point.  In the mainstream media in the US, this invasion is disguised and presented as "amnesty."  It's an act of love, Jeb! reminds us, that we should give citizenship - yes give, not earn citizenship - to those would would cause us harm.  Breitbart, Drudge, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Levin are a few of the voices warning us of the confrontation that surely will ensure from these misguided policies.  We're at war, and the front lines are your neighborhood.  South and Central American drug cartels, hardened violent Latin criminals, Muslim rapist extremists (there's no other kind)  who seek to eradicate Western cultures, especially America's version.  They consider us the Great Satan.  Yet our ruling class elite want them in the US, because they work cheaper than American workers, and if there's a social conflict of cultures leading to chaos, so much the better.  Short sighted?  Destructive?  Of course, and all according to globalist billionaires' plans.  You won't find out the real and painful ramifications of Muslim invasive jihad until you can access the European media.  The US MSM won't report the ungodly results of this cultural influx that Europe is now experiencing fully.  The bleeding heart liberals in those countries now have to face the reality of their blind refusal to face the threat for what it is.  And they're paying the political price.   I've reported on the clear and present danger that Islamification of the West has wrought numerous times in this blog.  But by far the most comprehensive and thorough web portal to get the facts concerning the Muslim jihad is Bare Naked Islam, as it cites news from all over Europe.

Which Way Truth?
So last week during the GOP debate when Ted Cruz challenged the morons posing as journalists, a crack was opened in their facade, in living color and during prime time.  The Ministry of Truth will never bring in all voices - they present only those who espouse their socialist narrative.  It's up to you, the informed voter, to ferret out the real story, and turn off the mainstream lying media.  Start with these pages.  You'll be glad you did, because there are many other Americans out there who think right as do you. 

Now you know the news.  Good Day!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Just Say The Words

Andrew Burton/Getty Images
5/7ths of the GOP Presidential Field
As the hoopla continues from Wednesday's GOP debate, some interesting things can be noted.  The first, and probably most important item of note, is that the world saw first hand and in living color the vicious left-wing media - called by some as the mainstream media, or better yet, the Ministry of Truth - trying its best to vilify the Republican candidates.  The CNBC moderators' questions ranged from the openly insulting and antagonistic, to long orations of left wing talking points, to out-and-out inane.  If the mission was to embarrass or "take out" any given candidate, if failed miserably.  In  fact, the exact opposite occurred:  the moderators themselves were booed for their condescension and conceit.  Ted Cruz launched his "Cruz missile" at the unenlightened, deer-in-the-headlights morons posing as journalists, and was rewarded with the entire audience cheering and applauding, all but drowning out the weak protestations of the talking heads. This campaign season has shown that the GOP candidates, at long last, are refusing to be bullied, harried and manipulated by people who are less intelligent, less educated, and less interested in solving America's problems than they are in getting enough face time.  I call this the Trump Effect.  You hit me, I hit back - harder. Trump's been doing this since day one, and now it's catching on.  Good.  And it's about bloody time Republicans stopped letting the leftist media dictate the terms of the debate.  Bravo!

Get Government Out Of The Boardroom
The other interesting thing I noticed in watching this marathon was that virtually all the candidates stated they wanted to reduce the size - and reach - of the federal government.  Some cited the growth of the welfare state, some high taxes, some crony capitalism, and some spoke of overreaching regulations.  All spoke of the debt the government is taking on to finance all this.  OK, I know this in itself is a Republican platform plank, but there's a term for it that can be easily articulated.  That term?  Laissez-faire.  From the French, it means to leave alone or to allow to do.  It is an economic and political doctrine that holds that economies function most efficiently when unencumbered by government regulation. Laissez faire advocates favor individual self-interest and competition, and oppose the taxation and regulation of commerce.  For most of our country's history laissez faire was the established official economic policy, and has only recently - in the last half century or less - been pushed aside in favor of socialism, nannyism and Big Government.  And how's that worked out for us?  Well, gee, it hasn't.  It's created a ruling class that considers individual citizens untrustworthy, and as such must be reigned in - that is, controlled - by a omnipotent and omnipresent government.  Well, you get what you vote for.

If the candidates who espouse smaller, less intrusive government would simply begin using the term, and explain what it means and how it was once our driving policy when the US was healthy and wealthy, they would not get the glazed over reactions when attempting to define complex and confusing economic policy to low information voters.  

So make my day, candidates.  Say the words.  Laissez-faire.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Seeing The Light On The Muslim Occupation

Ahmed Mohamed - aka the infamous "clock boy" - is well on his way in accomplishing his goal of making a political statement that Muslims are victims in the US.  His science project of a disassembled digital clock that he brought to school was perceived to be suspect, and as you will recall, he was summarily arrested as school officials determined the extent - if any - of the threat.  Comments about a child being arrested were vicious, and lost in the emotion was the fact that it was a test run on how to effectively bomb a school.
Terrorist, Terrorist-in-Training, Terrorist

Later we learn the Kenyan invited little Ahmed to the White House, and that his father is a Islamic cultist with delusions of being elected president of the Sudan.  Now we learn that Ahmed flies to Sudan to meet with Omer Hassan al-Bashir, who happens to be none other than the genocidal, brutal dictator of Sudan. And in another video, we learn that Ahmed's family is aligned with another terrorist organization, CAIR.  All this seems to be much to do about nothing if it were only about a clock.  But it's not, is it?  The little terrorist-in-training is luckier in his role as public relations jihadist  than many of his fellow Muslims his age and younger who are assigned to wear the explosive vests.  And his orders come directly from the Muslim in Chief. But while the Kenyan dotes on terrorist children, and gives them awards for whatever psychopathic reason, other countries are beginning to see the light.  They're becoming aware of the irreversible damage done to their culture by admitting these rabid animals into their countries.

For example, Switzerland is leading the European Union in the right direction as anti-Muslim party wins big in Parliament.  Watching the Muslim immigrants' destruction of - and biting the hand that feeds - Sweden, France and especially Germany, and seeing the effective results of border security in Hungary, Slovenia and now Croatia, has apparently given the Swiss pause in this insane European rush to roll over in the face of a massive Islamic occupation.  Islam is a plague, and like all diseases, it must be contained, and then eliminated.

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 10.54.44 PM
Terrorist Awards Night
In the US, however, it's still far too much to hope that the Muslim in the White House recognizes that Islam, Muslim culture and sharia law are wholly incompatible with the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, even as Chicago itself begins to become fed up with Muslim cultists.  He won't.  

It's simple to understand, really, because he's one of them.