Thursday, December 03, 2015

OK, Can We Start Killing Them Now?

Not again.  Another mass killing.  Another Muslim behind the triggerAnd another quest to find a motive.  A motive, really?

It seems that the powers that be in the western world just can't grasp the fact that there's a war going on.  It's been going on for 1,400 years, and had a kinda, sorta cease fire for a century or two, but now it's back with a vengeance.  Europe's being invaded.  The United States is being invaded.  But the Kenyan's entire administration, along with many in the DC beltway and even low information citizens, can't seem to understand that radical Islam is out to kill or convert us.  Every. Single. One of us. This campaign for this dominance is outlined in their "holy" book, the Koran, and it's there for all to read.  What's not to understand?  But no.  To show our compassion, western leaders fall all over themselves to import the very savages who will, sooner or later, kill us. Or die trying.

We can't coexist.  Just kill them all.
For reasons embedded deeply in the base rock of their ideology - er, make that cult - Islam and its adherents have been at war with everybody for millennia.  Christians, Jews, Shiites, other Muslims of all stripes were then and are now all targets of this insane death cult.  But every time we survive another slaughter at the hands of these animals, the apologists never fail to ooze out of the woodwork to weep and wring their hands and wail that if we could only understand them, everything would just be peachy.  Coexist, you know.  The Islamists, on the other hand, seemed to not have gotten the can't-we-all-get-along message of the apologist cowards and their fellow travelers.  Nope, they just continue to kill, behead, stone, burn, drown and mutilate anyone not like them, all in the name of their "god."  And what's worse is that the next shooter could be the nice neighbor next door to you, trying so hard to look and act "American."  And all the while just waiting for a chance to come to your school, your church, your mall.

So let's review:  We (the entire civilized world) don't want to be killed by Islamists; we don't want to convert to the moon god cult; and they have no interest in functioning in a civilized 21st century world with us, preferring instead their 7th century caliphates.  Sounds like an impasse.  A Mexican standoff.  An insurmountable problem leading up to an inevitable clash from which only one will survive.  OK, that sounds like a plan.  

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