Friday, December 11, 2015

Waiting For November

I can't wait for November.  As the months slide by until we the people can rid the nation of the Kenyan tyrant currently holding the United States hostage, he becomes ever more brazen, and less and less concerned with the will of the people and the rule of law.  His has but 12 months left to complete what he considers to be the ultimate social justice, and that is the destruction of the American culture and way of life.  That's a bold statement, but its veracity is borne out by a reasonable and direct observation of the policies pushed by his regime, er, administration.  Some examples.

Gun Control
No guns sign Royalty Free Stock Image
You Mean NO Gun Control!
Always the darling issue of the tyrannical left, gun control is far more about control than it is about guns.  All - yes all - credible surveys and studies prove that individuals who are armed are much less likely to be victimized by criminals.  The take away is that armed citizens prevent and/or reduce crime.  But wait.  If armed citizens deter crime, would it not follow that armed citizens also deter governmental attempts to subjugate its citizens?  Historically, unarmed citizens were decimated in Germany, Russia, China and Cambodia. Even today unarmed people are massacred in Rwanda, Syria, Mexico, Iraq and dozens of other hell holes around the world.  But the Kenyan wants to quell private sales of guns without the approval of congress, through "closing" what is euphemistically referred to as the "gun show loophole."  The over-educated, low-intelligent American left wants guns totally banned - banned and confiscated - so that we will be safe.  Not safe from criminals.  Not safe from terrorists.  Nope.  The real reason for complete gun control is that the government wants to be safe from us, so it can impose its imperial will.  Ironically, this is the very reason that open carry laws are sweeping the nation, and gaining support from law enforcement.

The Spread of Islam
As I've posted here many times, there's a compelling argument to be made that no moderate Islam ideology exists, and that the more than two billion followers of Islam pose a clear and present danger to any and all cultures and nation states that do not adhere to sharia law.  That's the rest of the world.  But because the Kenyan's sympathies lie with Islam, and  it's now no secret that his administration is rife with Muslim Brotherhood members, we must pretend that Muslims are no different from us.  Nonsense.  America first engaged this enemy - yes, enemy - in the earliest days of our nation.  Thomas Jefferson, and later James Madison, fought Muslim barbarism over 200 years ago with the campaign against the Barbary pirates. That conflict is even embodied in the Marine Hymn, "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli."  Have we forgotten?  Ironically, the Kenyan may have been right when he proclaimed recently that Islam played a role in the founding of America.  Yes, it certainly did, but not in the way the Kenyan wants you to believe.  Last night I attended the 11th annual CENTCOM Coalition International Night held at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, as I do every year.  It's invitation only so it doesn't get a lot of press.  But it is a way for civilians to interact with officers of the other sixty-odd nations fighting Islam.  It's a wonderful event, as each nation sets out food and drink specific to its culture and traditions.  And many of the officers' wives and family dress in traditional dress. It's held in a huge hanger on the base, and one is free to wander around sampling, interacting and learning about the who and why of these nations joining us in the fight against Islam.  So as the Kenyan along with the American media seek to  minimize - or nullify in many cases - the negative impact Islamic ideology has on our values, one can clearly see that the other seven billion people living on this planet do not want to live under sharia law.  Islam is a very real threat to the world, and has been so for 1,400 years.  Its goal is a global caliphate arising from World War III.  Apart from simply completely and utterly annihilating it, both physically and philosophically, I do not see how it can peacefully co-exist with freedom loving people all over the world.   

Climate Change
Pure Political Nonsense
Now that the cat is out of the bag on this colossal hoax, and China has literally laughed out loud at it, it has been exposed as yet one more discredited scheme to transfer wealth from those create it to those who didn't.  Marvelous.  In the 1970s, the "science was settled" that the world was cooling, and we'd be in an ice age by the 21st century.  When that did not happen, the globalists tried using cut and paste to rekindle (no pun intended) the same old nonsense as global warming.  Cut "cooling,"  paste "warming."  Ah. done.  Now to sell it. The ice age hype was merely misinterpreted science, but the current climate change hoax is far more nefarious.  We can study global temperatures and weather patterns all day long and arrive at certain conclusions.  That's what science is all about.  But when we try to politicize those conclusions, and attempt to lay fault at the foot of developed nations - read the United Sates - then we have a problem.  Climate is and has been determined by solar activity and magnetic fields affecting jet streams and ocean temperatures, and has and will change again and again over millennia:  cooling, then warming, then cooling again.  Over and over. That climate dynamic produces weather, which is local rather than global.  As this pattern has occurred for the last 200 million years or more, it's completely ludicrous on its face to assign blame for climate change on human activity.  They even invented a world for it:  anthropogenic.   Peachy.  The hoax is blown, so the globalists now have to come up with another anthropogenic crises.   Are you ready for this?  The depletion of Earth's fresh ground water.   USAToday has been beating this drum for a while, first about polluted ground water, and now about the depletion of it.   Just wait, there will be more and more "evidence" coming out to create a yet another sense of doom. 

The Election
We're Counting on November
More and more Americans are disenfranchised with their elected government.   They feel powerless in a country founded on the principal that government is elected to serve the people, rather than the people serving the government.  They feel marginalized in recognition that the federal government acts against the will of the people, as it glorifies philosophies abhorrent to most Americans.  Homosexual unions.  Departure from Judaeo-Christian beliefs.  Importation of terror.  Justifying criminality.  Demonizing conservatism. Promoting Islam. Infringement of individual rights. Enactment of social justice over constitutional law.  Corruption of a free press.  A weaponized IRS. And lawlessness in ignoring the Constitution to promote a punitive Marxist political agenda.  Is it any wonder then that the American people have utterly and completely rejected the entrenched ruling class of both parties?  That the insider candidates can get no traction?  And the outsider candidates gain more and more support as the ruling class and their corrupt super PAC media pull out all the stops to destroy them?  I think not.  Jefferson said that the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  Metaphorically speaking, I hope November 2016 will produce that refreshment, as the political ruling class is taken to the proverbial woodshed, and a new government of, for and by the people will begin the long march back to the principals that made this country the greatest in the world.  Because if not, then that blood refreshment will be of much more of a literal sense.  And unlike the 1860 version of the states versus the overreaching federal government, this time may the good guys win.

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