Onward, Christian Soldiers
While the debate last night centered on all things economic as it should have, there's an elephant in the room that was only pointed out once. And that observation was made by Dr. Ben Carson. For those who may think he's, well, too timid to be president, Dr. Ben voiced in no uncertain terms what most civilized people already know. And that is the greatest danger facing the United States - and all Western cultures and countries - is the barbaric, uneducated, 7th century primitive tribal struggle Islam is waging to conquer the world. Dr. Carson is right in that the caliphate must be destroyed wherever it is found. These moon-god worshipers are cultist fanatics, and they cannot be placated, reasoned with, nor negotiated with. They want to destroy us. To survive, we must destroy them.
United Assyrian Christian Soldiers |
The irony is that so many westerners don't remember, or are not taught, their country's history. Islam has been trying to conquer Europe and destroy Christianity for centuries. See Crusades, 1095 - 1291. They've invaded Europe countless times, and perhaps except for the Moorish conquest of Iberia, were always beaten back to the Bedouin desert from whence they came. This is not a new conflict, it's a continuation of a struggle between good and evil that's been characterized in scripture, history and legend for hundreds of generations. Are you shocked that I equate Islam with evil, and Christianity with good? Don't be. Read the Bible, and compare it to the teachings of the Koran. Christ taught spiritual quest and a brotherhood of man within God, while Mohammad teaches conquest and killing of non-Muslims in the name of Allah, the ancient Moon God. Don't be deceived that the two are the same God. They most certainly are not. But Christians need not be cannon fodder for the savage Muslims. They have fought and beaten these heathens before, and can and will do so again. The Assyrian Army is doing so now, holding the front line against ISIS in Iraq’s Assyrian Nineveh plains, their ancient homeland, since last August when the barbaric cult overran the area. They've asked for US help, which so far has not been forthcoming. The Kenyan instead is choosing to arm Syrian "rebels" who ultimately turn and join ISIS. But the Kenyan's a Muslim, and like his brothers in arms, gives no relief to Christian fighters.
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Onward, Christian Soldiers |
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
So, yes, again it's onward Christian soldiers, marching and fighting against the Satanic foe that seems to never go away.
Crusades 3.5 version...do you know what side YOUR leader is, comrade?