Those Who Would Not Listen
The vote is in, and the Republican party has officially nominated Donald J. Trump as the party's candidate for president. Unsurprising. It was a long and arduous journey to get here, and the established elite, both candidates and pundits, showing their wisdom and maturity, haven't stopped whining and crying. The anointed ones, namely Romney, Bush (all three), Kasich, Rubio, Bill Kristol and others are still in full pout mode and refused to attend their party's convention. Standing on what they call principal, they merely demonstrated what poor losers they have become. Earlier this week Jeb! submits his op-ed piece to the St, Petersburg Times, one of the most far left newspaper rags still in publishing, wherein he admonishes Trumpsters. Poor baby. Still pissed at being denied the oval office? Your legacy won't be like brother's and dad's?
Yet the train gained speed. The Republican elites didn't listen. They didn't oppose the Kenyan. They continued to sign off on his unconstitutional edicts and divisive lawlessness. They didn't listen to the Tea Party six years ago, they didn't listen to the Boehner recall, and they didn't listen to the rise of the Outsiders. So secure were they in their little single party fiefdom, that the people storming the city walls were ignored. A voter tantrum, they said. Not to worry, they'll get over it. Status quo.
But who's laughing now? The Republican base has disavowed the established entrenched insiders, and have thrown their support to a polar opposite of elitist thinking. Trump is a fighter. Fearless. Not beholden to special interests. Not cowed by political correctness. A man who expresses himself in street vernacular. A man who seeks the reestablishment of the greatness of the American idea. A man won't doesn't bow down and apologize to maniacal third world despots who are screwing up the world in the first place. And - not to put too fine a point on it - a man who has a trophy wife, and knows the difference between a beautiful woman and a man in drag. Finally, after eight rough years, we'll have a First Lady again.
So Donald Trump strongly appeals to the people who are in the trenches every day, trying to preserve what little they have left, and trying to make the economy work. The tax payers. The people whose efforts are redistributed to others. And they at last have a candidate who speaks their language; who talks the talk and walks the walk. An Everyman. Mr. Smith goes to Washington.
And that's the way it should be.
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