Friday, July 08, 2016

The Kenyan's Legacy: Chaos

It just gets better and better.  

AP: State Department Reopens Clinton Emails Probe
Can't Touch ME!
Yesterday Democrats lionized their presumptive leader, and are thrilled she won't face FBI charges for her treason as Secretary of State.  They didn't even place her under oath, so that the charge of perjury couldn't be made.  The fix is in.  The fate of the country doesn't matter to Democrats, as long as they can continue to maintain their stranglehold on political power, selling influence, and getting their thirty pieces of silver as well, even while in the minority.  Or maybe, they're fine folks at heart, but just don't want to wind up dead as some five dozen others who have gotten sideways with the Clintons have found themselves.  Including, perhaps, our mulatto Dear Leader, who found it expedient to fly HRC to her North Carolina campaign stop aboard Air Force One. Now that takes a heaping helping of chutzpah, my friends.

Today we Americans wake up to the news that cops have been killed and critically wounded in a massacred in Dallas.  As of this writing, 6 dead, 12 wounded.  By snipers.  This attack was orchestrated, planned and executed with paramilitary precision.  And timed to a "peaceful" Black Lives Matter Protest.  Our Dear Leader takes a few seconds from his NATO speech in Poland to condemn . . .  guns.   So far, Dallas police have not yet identified the shooters, but I'll go out on a limb here:  They will be shown to be black extremists:  Black Panthers or other Muslim jihadists with an allegiance to ISIS.  The Kenyan will lay blame on Trump, guns, cops and white America in general. 

Meanwhile, we learn that censorship is alive and well in social media.  Facebook, notorious for assuming it has become the world's sole arbiter of fairness, morality and justice, is blocking stories from Breitbart News. Amazon's Fire browser, Silk, also blocks Breitbart from inclusion in viewers' "Most Viewed" page.  Silk tried that with the Drudge Report as well, but finally relented.  Reddit censors all Muslim rape and crime news stories.  And American media simply won't report the overwhelming disaster forced Muslim migration has been, both here and abroad.  In Germany, you will be arrested for criticizing the Muslim invasion - on Facebook.   To witness the truth about the global Muslim invasion fiasco for yourself, only one site carries it all: Bare Naked Islam.

Of Course He's A Muslim
From whence does this chaos come?  There's an answer to that.  It comes from the deliberate actions of this President.  The suppression of freedoms.  The enactment of censorship.  The total corruption of government.  The aiding and abetting of Muslim jihad, both foreign and domestic.  The incitement and fueling of racial tensions.  The undermining of law and order.  The forced denial of Christian morality.  And there's no one who will stop him as he goes about destroying America.  The intimidation is complete: because he hides behind his race - half of it, anyway - people are afraid to be called racist, or a Islamophobe or a homophobe if they criticize him.  And with good reason.  Because given the in-your-face corruption exhibited by both the Clintons and this regime, any criticism could lead to one's untimely and uninvestigated demise.

Yep, in the final days and weeks of this corrupt and ungodly administration, the chaos just gets better and better.

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