Thursday, July 07, 2016

Corruption Is A Scorpion

Image result for frog and scorpion parable meaning
It's Just The Nature Of The Beast
There's an old parable that goes like this:  A frog and a scorpion are on a river bank, each seeking to get to the other side.  The scorpion begs the frog to carry him on his back across, but the frog declines, telling the scorpion that he fears the scorpion would sting him to death once across.  The scorpion assures the frog that no such thing would happen, that if he did that, he would die too.  Further,  he'd be grateful  and indebted to the frog for carrying him across the river.  Finally the frog is persuaded to carry the scorpion across.  Once on the other bank, however, the scorpion stings the frog fatally and jumps off onto dry land.  The frog, betrayed and dismayed, asks the scorpion in his dying breath why he would so blatantly lie to him and fatally sting him after assuring him he would not do so.  The scorpion shrugged and told the frog, "You knew I'm a scorpion.  It is my nature.  What else did you expect?"

So it is with corruption.  We know it when we see it, yet it assures us we'll all be fine.  And every time, we buy into that lie.  And every time, corruption immediately taints, and then destroys, whatever it touches.  The Chinese have an epithet, "May you live in interesting times."  On its face it sounds like a wish for good fortune.  But in reality it's a wish for toil and trouble.  A curse.  Interesting times, indeed.  

That's what we have today in a perfect storm of political corruption.  It's a meeting of two seemingly unstoppable corrupt influences:  One from Arkansas, the other from Chicago.  This corruption is embodied by two perfect psychopaths, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barry Soetoro, a.k.a Barrack Hussein Obama.  Because they are clinically psychopathic, their evil is unhidden, it's on full public display.  How is it these two reprobates came onto the public scene?   The answer is they've always been there, groomed and guided by puppet masters whose hands are unseen.  But now that they're in power, we have to deal with their destructive perversions, and it seems nothing can be done to rid us of these perfect manifestations of corruption and evil.  So who will rid us of this corrupt beast?

Not the Congress of the United States; which has been blackmailed, extorted, coerced, arm twisted and bribed into submission to the corrupt god of plutocratic globalism. 

Not the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; a once honorable man who tramped on justice to rewrite a clearly unconstitutional, and illegal, forced dictate from our Dear Leader.

Not the Attorney General, the nation's top cop; who personally met with a private citizen and subsequently found no inclination to prosecute nefarious Hillary's high crimes and treason.

Not the FBI; who, like the Chief Justice, rewrote current criminal law to facilitate and excuse the wrongdoings of the Secretary of State.

Not the United States military; whose patriotic top generals have been "retired" in favor of bureaucratic sycophants to the corrupt administration.

Not the watch dog media; which has replaced its apolitical reporting with biased "journalists" who are ideologically in league with the powerful and corrupt.

Not the alternative media; the so called conservative patriot pajama media who recognize the threat, and blog to the high heavens, and whose voices are censored and silenced by the Scorpion.

Not the voters; half of whom were blinded by the promises being made, by the utopia that was guaranteed, and who lacked the sophistication to see through the lies being told.

And not the people themselves; who have been harassed and oppressed into submission by the manipulated and imposed economic depression, and who are compelled to meekly go along with the Scorpion just to keep their families fed and sheltered.

So why are we surprised when the FBI can't find evidence to convict HRC of treason in selling US influence as Secretary of State?  Why are we surprised that private citizen Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to "work things out" with Hillary?  And why are we surprised that no charges are brought as the Kenyan, working together with HRC's active direction, result from the Benghazi murders of four United States citizens? And why are we surprised that jihadist Muslims by the tens of thousands are being imported into the US, and then trained and abetted rather than deported with extreme prejudice?

The answer is simple, and painfully obvious.  We live in interesting times, and we knew corruption was a Scorpion all along.  But we voted it in anyway.  

This is just its nature.  What else did we expect?

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