Dumb And Dumber
And this right on the heels of Florida Democrat Congresswoman Corrine Brown's indictment
earlier this month on multiple fraud charges and other federal offenses
regrading her bogus charity slush fund. Mzz Brown, apparently realizing Mzz Clinton gets away with lawlessness, bribery and charitable slush funds, tries to elicit sympathy by playing the race card. Clinton escapes indictment because she's white, you see, but Brown is black and therefore gets indicted for pretty much the same crimes. So goes the democrat thinking, as it were.
This week Democrat Debbie Wasserman-Schultz allows discussing the details and plans of DNC's most nefarious activities to discredit both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in email exchanges. Not learning from Mzz Clinton's woes regarding errant emails, the DNC servers nevertheless get hacked, and WikiLeaks makes them public for all to see. Exposed is not only the dirty tricks campaign, but the blatantly corrupt unholy alliance between the DNC and media giants New York Times and the Washington Post, as well. This verifies what conservatives have known all along, and that's that media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. There's no denying it now. Brilliant.
So with the revelations of the DNC's stupid dirty tricks, Bernie Sanders supporters are now aware that the fix is in, and their guy never had a chance to be nominated. And they're letting their feelings show.
The fix is in. Mzz Clinton escapes; Bernie feels the burn; Debbie is castrated; media is outed; Bernie supporters riot against Kaine and Unable; and more. And yet, the theme of this year's convention is "United Together". They must mean the Democratic Party united, because the nation certainly isn't, and the dems aren't concerned about that. In 61 speeches given on the first day of the convention, not one word of the nation's enemy ISIS, was mentioned. And the news of more Muslim attacks continue. Even more unsettling is that while a Palestinian flag and a Soviet Russian flag were displayed, not a single American flag could be found. Not one in the entire arena. Astounding.
As the Democrats eat their own, America watches. We see not a scintilla of American pride, nor nationalism, nor of American exceptionalism in this convention. None. What we do see in this raucous corrupt spectacle is petty infighting over party political power, and absolute blatant corruption.
And in an election year with barbarians literally at the city gates, even for democrats, that's pretty dumb.
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