Another Muslim attack. I dunno. It seems to me that effective and applied solutions are being overlooked - or deliberately ignored - concerning this ongoing and ever present Muslim problem. It's worldwide and growing. Because of a seditious United States government and overtly politically correct European governments, the wanton slaughter of innocents by radical Islamofacists continues unabated. They had a good day yesterday. Over eighty people were mowed down by a box truck in Nice, France. Oh, yeah, killed by a radical Muslim. One guy. Eighty dead. In military terms it was not a bad use of expendable personnel.
Spokesmen from both CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood immediately went on world television to denounce the use of jihad to murder helpless and defenseless innocent people in an effort further Islam's goals. Right. Of course they didn't. They actually celebrated the carnage.
Solutions, anyone? Over coffee this morning I asked the wifey, who is a trial attorney by the way, what would be her solution to this nonsense. We debated several possible solutions, some radical, some ineffectual, and a few so meaningless as to be worthless. How about walls? Her, nope. Me, hell yes. Walls won't be effective, she says, as we're not dealing with barbarians at the gate. Au contraire. Walls work, says I, and are being constructed now in Israel and Hungary specifically to stop the invading Muslim hordes. And centuries ago the Romans built them, as did the Chinese. And those walls are still there.
Well, what about screening? Dear God! You mean profiling? Yes, I do. Stop all Muslims from entering the country. All of them. On this we agree. Profiling is a logical, practical and effective way to identify and stop one's enemy. Only political correctness can erode its effectiveness. And we've all agreed that political correctness is censorship, and in and of itself is a major obstacle to the truth.
Enforce the law. Now there's a novel approach. We agreed we could simply enforce existing immigration laws, which require a specified process for entering the Untied States. Those laws are, and have been, on the books for years, but have been "vacated" by this traitorous administration. Border agents and ICE agents have been told directly by the White House to stand down and allow any and all to cross the southern border unimpeded. So we get all kinds of nice folks coming into the country, most carrying disease, some carrying weapons, some carrying drugs. And the best and the brightest flowing into the US are generally uneducated - illiterate even in their own language - and without marketable skills. And many in poor health. And this border issue is separate and apart from the Kenyan's willful importation and resettlement of Muslim third world savages into respectable communities across the nation. The solution is to simply stop the lawlessness conducted by this administration, and enforce the laws already in place.
But now comes the real meat of solving this problem. The goal is to win and end this 1,400 year long war with Islam. There are three recognizable steps to putting an end to this war.

First, recognize and identify the enemy. The enemy is Islam, and its adherents from countries in the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere have declared war on us. Completely stop any more incoming Muslim or other invaders by closing the border, Enforce that closing with Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop issuing any and all visas.
Second, profile those already here to determine if they are simply a Chinese medical student, or a Syrian Muslim studying "air traffic safety." Believe in sharia law? You're deported immediately and without further reservation. Newt is right. Vet everyone, one at a time. Limit their mobility. They are not yet American citizens, so this can be done without violating any constitutional protections. Enforce the existing immigration laws and deport those who don't comply, and those who obviously seek to do us harm.
And thirdly, do what the US government will not do. The Constitutions requires the people to wrest control away from a tyrannical and unresponsive oppressive federal government, so this is our civic duty. Form community militias to screen for and identify the enemy. In every city, town and village in this country. Fight this psychological war with like kind psychology: terror with terror. Let them know we are after them, and will kill them with impunity. They love to tell us who they are though Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Easy. Identify terror cells, radical mosques, belligerent mullahs who incite jihad. And arrest them. Detain them. And if they resist, kill them.
A point lost on many Americans is that this is a real war. To the enemy, it's deadly serious. Many Americans, on the other hand, don't realize this is a fight for their very survival, and they tend to get squishy and wobbly when they read things like the paragraph above. But make no mistake, this is a world war, and the enforcement of the fascist tenets of Islam and sharia law on all peoples and all nations is the enemy's goal.
And that, dear readers, is something Americans will resist with extreme prejudice.